"Lin Feng, you actually cheated!"

Hisoka's eyes widened. He never expected that he would be tricked by Lin Feng.

"Haha, so what if I'm just cheating? This is a showdown, the winner takes all!"


Lin Feng punched Hisoka in the heart. Hisoka quickly dodged and kicked out at the same time.


There was a loud noise, and Lin Feng's fist hit the ground. The ground suddenly exploded, and a large crater appeared. Rubbles flew and debris filled the sky.

"damn it!"

Lin Feng secretly screamed, his fists were numb from the shock.

Hisoka's strength was indeed much stronger than Lin Feng expected. His physical strength reached its limit, and he also possessed a set of strange techniques. This was the most difficult enemy Lin Feng had ever encountered.

"No, Hisoka must be dealt with first!"

Lin Feng had a lot of thoughts in his heart. Although Xisuo was powerful, he was not afraid.

His purpose was to kill Hisoka. No matter how he did it, Hisoka could not continue to live in this world.

Chapter 541: Hisoka defeated Lin Feng and challenged the next opponent

Lin Feng retreated and attacked Xisuo again.

"Bang bang bang..."

The two were constantly fighting, one with a fierce and ferocious attack, the other with a weird and unpredictable attack, and the fight was inseparable. Both of them used their full strength.


Lin Feng punched Hisoka on the left chest, sending Hisoka flying away.

Hisoka rolled in the air and stabilized his body. He raised his right hand, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and grinned: "Haha, Lin Feng, you are indeed strong, but unfortunately, you are no match for me. No matter how powerful your body is, it can't change this reality. Your strength is still no match for me."


Lin Feng's face turned ugly. He didn't expect that Hisoka's strength was even stronger than he imagined.

His body was strong and his physical strength was extremely strong, but in front of Hisoka, his strength was still far behind.

Hisoka's physical fitness was frighteningly strong, and Lin Feng's physical fitness was not just a tiny bit different from his.

"Haha, Lin Feng, do you know? Your physical strength is very strong, but so what? In my eyes, that's just rubbish!"

"Stop dreaming, my body is not something you can compete with!"

Hisoka sneered, his voice cold and scary.

"Haha, let's give it a try? Let's see who is stronger, your body or my fist!"

Lin Feng's body rushed forward, and he raised his fist again and hit Hisoka.

Hisoka hurriedly avoided it, but at this time, he was surprised to find that his body seemed not to obey his control.

Hisoka quickly adjusted his condition, his eyes became red, and a violent aura filled his body.


A roar came out of Hisoka's mouth. His hair floated without the wind, and his skin turned dark.


Lin Feng exclaimed. He felt that Hisoka's aura was changing. His momentum was gradually increasing, and an extremely powerful coercion was emanating from Hisoka's body.

Lin Feng quickly took a few steps back and put some distance between himself and Hisoka.

He saw a yellow scale appearing on Hisoka's forehead. There were some simple patterns on the yellow scale, which looked like some kind of pattern, much like the body of a phoenix.

"This is... Phoenix bloodline!"

Lin Feng was shocked.

He didn't expect that Hisoka's background was so profound.

Lin Feng froze on the spot, not knowing whether to attack or escape.

His eyes were flickering as he considered whether to attack or escape.

This is Hisoka. His identity is unknown, his training resources are also unknown, and his strength is even more confusing. Lin Feng has to consider whether to escape.

"Lin Feng, why don't you come here and die!"


Hisoka's voice came out again.

Hearing Hisoka's words, Lin Feng's eyelids twitched slightly.

There was a flash of killing intent in his eyes.

This Hisoka is simply a madman, he is forcing himself to kill him.

"If that's the case, then go die!"


Lin Feng suddenly appeared in front of Hisoka and punched Hisoka hard.


As a result, Hisoka stood still on the spot, while Lin Feng was ejected far away and fainted on the spot.

Lin Feng passed out.

He wasn't pretending, he actually fell asleep.

His internal injuries were too serious. Hisoka's punch broke his ribs and many organs on his body were seriously injured. If Hisoka used a few more moves, it would even hurt his life, so Hisoka didn't Kill him.

"The competition is over, Hisoka wins." the referee announced.

Lin Feng was carried off the field by three doctors, while Hisoka waited for his next opponent.

Next to Hisoka was Lin Feng. He saw Lin Feng being carried off the field by three doctors, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Lin Feng, that's it for today!"

Hisoka looked at Lin Feng lying on the ground with a hint of joking in his tone.


Lin Feng snorted and ignored Xisuo.

"Who will challenge me next!" Hisoka turned and looked at the rest area.

"Hisoka, I'm coming!"

At this time, a young man in blue clothes walked out of the rest area.

There was arrogance on his face, and his eyes were also full of arrogance.

"Are you Aoki?"

Hisoka looked at Aoki and asked.


Aoki nodded.

"Since you like provocation so much, let's give it a try!"

Hisoka said lightly, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

In his eyes, Hisoka was just an ant. As long as he showed a little strength, he could kill him with a slap.

Lin Feng's expression became serious.

Hisoka's strength is more powerful than he imagined, and Aoki is probably not weak either.


Aoki agreed. He looked at Lin Feng lying on the ground and snorted coldly: "I'm here to teach you a lesson and let you know what it means that there is a world outside the sky and a world outside the world!".

Chapter 542: Hisoka, who wins successively, becomes more courageous with each battle.

Aoki punched out, bringing up a strong wind.


A golden light flashed, and Lin Feng's figure disappeared. Aoki's punch was empty.


Aoki was shocked. His fist seemed to hit a ball of cotton and had no effect at all.

Aoki quickly turned to look at Hisoka, with a hint of fear in his eyes, because he had already guessed that his attack was probably in vain.

The blow he just made was with all his strength, but it didn't hit Lin Feng. This was enough to prove how powerful Lin Feng was.

Hisoka glanced at Aoki lightly, with deep disdain in his eyes: "With this little power, do you still want to kill me? You are still far away!"

"In that case, then take my last move!"

"Buzz buzz!"

There were bursts of chirping sounds coming from Aoki's body.

Behind Aoki, a pair of huge blue wings appeared.

These two wings are two meters long.

Aoki knelt on the ground with his legs, his two arms resting on the ground, and his body was shaking, as if he was in great pain.

"What skill is this?"

"Why do I feel that the wings behind him are exactly like those of a bird?"

The surrounding audience was talking a lot. Aoki was very powerful. He actually summoned his dragon wings. This showed how powerful the trick he was going to perform was, and he was already willing to use this trick.

"I'm here to help you."

Hisoka said calmly, his right hand stretched out and gently grabbed the pair of huge wings behind Aoki.


Aoki yelled, and he tried his best to break free from Hisoka's claws, but Xisuo's grip was so tight that there was no way to break free.

Aoki was very panicked in his heart. If he didn't use Longyi, he would not be Hisoka's opponent at all.

His figure jumped up and flew onto the high platform.

He wanted to jump down, but his body spun half a circle in the air and landed on the ground.


Aoki's body fell to the ground, causing him to vomit blood.

"I can not be reconciled!"

Aoki's face was extremely pale, and tears flowed from his eyes.

He lost!

Losing to Hisoka, and losing so completely, was something he had never imagined.

"Whether you stay and be seriously injured by me, or surrender yourself, it's your choice." Hisoka looked at Aoki coldly and said.

Aoki fell silent.

This kind of battle was beyond his imagination.

He didn't expect Hisoka to be so powerful.

"Hisoka, I admit defeat, you win!"

After a long time, Aoki finally spoke.

"Then, get out!" Hisoka looked at Aoki calmly.

Aoki turned around and left. He was not a loser, and there was no need to default on his debt. He was a smart man.

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