Hisoka is very powerful, incredibly powerful. If he continues to entangle, he will probably die.

After Aoki left, there was an uproar in the rest area.

Hisoka alone shocked the entire rest area.

Hisoka's face remained indifferent, as if he didn't care about anything.

Hisoka looked at the rest area again: "Who else do you want to challenge?"

Hisoka's eyes scanned the entire rest area, and finally landed on Lin Feng, with a joking look on his face.

"I come."

A cold voice sounded.

Hisoka's eyes fell on the owner of the voice.

The owner of the voice was Mr. Bai Yu, who walked up to the ring.

Mr. Bai Yu is very strong and has reached the early stage of the Five Star Realm. He is only one step away from the late stage of the Five Star Realm.

"Okay, since Mr. Bai is willing to challenge, let's wait and see!" Hisoka smiled lightly.

"I won't give you any chance."

Mr. Bai Yu's desire to kill Xisuo is no longer a matter of one or two days.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you. I hope you won't disappoint me too much!"

Hisoka smiled faintly, his eyes full of confidence.

Master Bai Yu's eyes were full of murderous intent. Lin Feng felt the same way. The pressure Hisoka put on him was too strong, which made him feel very uncomfortable. He felt like an ant standing on top of a male. The eagle's feet were as small as a grain of sand.

Young Master Bai Yu walked up to the ring and stared at Hisoka with cold eyes.

"shall we start now?"


Hisoka nodded slightly and glanced around with a cold light in his eyes: "If anyone is unconvinced, just stand up. I, Hisoka, will stay with you until the end!"

Master Bai Yu didn't speak, but Hisoka's words already showed that he had declared the winner.

Master Bai Yu's face became extremely cold, and he stared at Hisoka.

"What? You don't dare to come up?"

Hisoka mocked Mr. Bai Yu, his eyes filled with mockery.

"I won't lose to you!"

Mr. Bai Yu said through gritted teeth. He turned his palm over and a silver dagger appeared in his hand.

The silver dagger exudes a cold light, and it looks like a treasure at first glance.

"Then, let's begin!".

Chapter 543 Bai Yu and Xisuo, great disparity in strength

Hisoka waved his sleeves, and the magic circle around him suddenly lit up.

The aura on his body suddenly surged, and he turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Mr. Bai Yu at an unimaginable speed.

Master Bai Yu's expression suddenly changed. He didn't expect Hisoka to be so fast. This kind of speed was no longer something that ordinary cultivators in the late Five Star Realm could possess.

He quickly waved the silver sword in his hand and slashed at Hisoka. He wanted to block Hisoka's attack and prevent Hisoka from getting closer.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and a row of silver light blades appeared in front of him.

Hisoka's speed was so fast that his body almost merged with the space, making it impossible to capture Hisoka's whereabouts.

Young Master Bai Yu waved his silver sword and chopped the silver light blade into pieces. Then, he saw Hisoka rushing in front of him.

His face was frightened, and he hurriedly raised the silver sword in his hand and blocked it at his chest. His body fell back and hit the wall. The wall collapsed directly, and his back also collapsed. Deep cracks appeared.



"really good!"

There was a burst of cheers from the audience.

Hisoka's strength has conquered the entire rest area, and no one doubts Hisoka's strength anymore.

Hisoka's body was like a phantom, moving too fast to be seen clearly.

Hisoka's attack speed was three times faster than Hisoka himself!


Hisoka's fist suddenly hit Master Bai Yu's chest, and Master Bai Yu's body flew backwards, spurting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air.

Hisoka's strength was extremely huge. He broke Master Bai Yu's ribs with one punch.

Mr. Bai Yu's body hit the ground, and his body was directly embedded in the soil, revealing a crack.


He spat out a mouthful of blood again. The injuries on his body were extremely serious. His eyes were full of shock. He never imagined that Hisoka was so powerful!

"Master Bai Yu!"

"Master Bai Yu!"

Everyone in the rest area screamed in worry.

Hisoka was so powerful that they didn't know how to deal with him.


Hisoka snorted coldly, and his body instantly disappeared from the spot, appearing next to Mr. Bai Yu. He raised his arm and whipped Mr. Bai Yu's neck hard.

Hisoka's slap came over with a fierce momentum, and went straight to Master Bai Yu's neck. Master Bai Yu had no way to avoid it.


Seeing Hisoka about to hit Mr. Bai Yu on the neck, Mr. Bai Yu closed his eyes and looked resigned to his fate.

"no, do not want!"

Lin Feng shouted in the audience.


Mr. Bai Yu was sent flying by Hisoka's slap, drawing an arc in the air and falling to the ground.


Mr. Bai Yu's body hit the guardrail of the arena, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth again.


Mr. Bai Yu roared in pain.

Hisoka's expression turned ferocious. He glanced at Mr. Bai Yu on the ground, his eyes full of anger.

He had indeed used all his strength in that attack just now, but it did not harm Mr. Bai Yu's life.

Mr. Bai Yu only suffered minor internal injuries, not serious.

"Aren't you crazy? I want to see how you can resist. Who else dares to fight me?"

Hisoka sneered.

Mr. Bai Yu's heart was full of frustration and anger. He wanted to say something, but in the end he held back. The strength shown by Hisoka was too strong. If he continued to provoke Hisoka, Hisoka would definitely do it without hesitation. He would never allow this to happen to him.

Mr. Bai Yu's eyes were full of resentment, and he looked at the referee.

Beads of sweat appeared on the referee's forehead. He looked at Mr. Bai Yu's eyes and felt a little scared.

Mr. Bai Yu's strength is indeed very strong.

However, compared with Hisoka, Master Bai Yu was really far behind, which made him very embarrassed.

"Hisoka, you are really going too far!"

Mr. Bai Yu shouted through gritted teeth.

"Haha, yes, how about I just bully you? What can you do to me? Are you not convinced? Come here if you are not convinced, I promise not to beat you to death!"

Hisoka laughed.

After hearing this, Master Bai Yu's expression became even more ugly. He gritted his teeth and looked at Hisoka.

Hisoka sneered: "What, you really want to take action? You have to know that my strength is not weaker than yours. Moreover, your strength has not reached the Qi Transformation stage, so what are you going to fight me with?"

Hisoka's strength is indeed far beyond that of Master Bai Yu. Even Lin Feng cannot achieve this. His strength is probably only equivalent to that of a warrior in the early stages of the Qi Transformation Realm.

Although Mr. Bai Yu's strength is not bad, the gap between him and Hisoka is too big. Hisoka's strength is much higher than that of a warrior in the Qi Transformation Realm.

Chapter 544: Hisoka defeats Young Master Bai Yu

"Hmph, aren't you just relying on your own special power? What's so great about it? Aren't you just more powerful? What's so great about it!"

Mr. Bai Yu scolded angrily.

"Yes, Hisoka is indeed very powerful! His strength is indeed very strong!"

"I didn't expect Hisoka to be so strong. It really surprised me!"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and their eyes looked at Hisoka with awe.

At this moment, Hisoka was like a demon god, he was the only master here.

Young Master Bai Yu's strength is enough to arrogantly surpass the others, but unfortunately, Hisoka's strength is much, much stronger. They are not Young Master Bai Yu, and they don't know Young Master Bai Yu's strength. They only know that Hisoka's strength is stronger than Young Master Bai Yu's. Much more.

Young Master Bai Yu looked at Hisoka with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Scenes flashed through his mind, and he saw the scene of Lin Feng and Hisoka fighting, and Hisoka killed him instantly with one move.

"Your strength is indeed very strong, but if you want to defeat me, you must pay the price. I will let you understand what the gap in strength is. No matter how strong you are, there are limits."

Mr. Bai Yu gritted his teeth and said.

"Oh, really? You want to defeat me? Show your true strength!"


Mr. Bai Yu snorted coldly, then took a step forward and appeared in front of Hisoka in an instant. The bronze spear in his hand suddenly thrust out. This was the skill of the Aoki Divine Needle.

Mr. Bai Yu snorted coldly, and his figure suddenly shot up. White energy rushed out of his body, condensed into long whips, and rolled towards Xisuo.

Hisoka's pupils shrank suddenly. The power of Master Baiyu's attack actually reached the level of a thousand kilograms. Moreover, the whips gathered by Master Baiyu were much thicker than the whips used by Hisoka before.

"Pa bang bang~"

The long white whip whipped towards Hisoka's body.

Hisoka's body suddenly took a few steps back, dodging Master Bai Yu's whip.


"Bang bang bang~"

Hisoka's feet stepped on the ground, his body moved quickly, and the whips struck the ground one after another, making a "crackling" sound.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Bai Yu felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. He knew that he and Hisoka were not at the same level.

His strength is no match for Hisoka.

"Pa bang bang~"


Hisoka's figure kept moving on the ring, constantly dodging Master Bai Yu's whip, and the whips hit the ring one after another.

Circles of air waves spread, blowing the surrounding audience to stagger, and they all took a few steps back.

Young Master Bai Yu looked around, feeling very depressed. He had no hope of winning in this battle.

"Your attacks are really sharp, but I have another move, watch out!"

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