"call out!"

The long sword in Li Zixuan's hand shook, blocking the sword light.


There was a loud noise and the sound of metal meeting at the same time.


Chapter 553: Bloodline Awakening? Hisoka with burnt wounds

Hisoka spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

Hisoka was injured and vomited blood after being forced by Li Zixuan!

"You lost!" Li Zixuan said calmly, staring at Hisoka who was lying on the ground.

"Impossible! How could I lose!"

Hisoka struggled to stand up and said with a ferocious expression that he did not believe that Li Zixuan was more talented than him.

As soon as Hisoka finished speaking, Li Zixuan's body disappeared from the spot again.


Li Zixuan's body appeared behind Hisoka, and the long sword in his hand pierced Hisoka's body directly.

Hisoka's body trembled slightly, and his eyes became horrified. He didn't understand what was going on. Why could Li Zixuan appear behind him so quickly and penetrate his body with a sword? There is no defense at all.

"Impossible! This is impossible, this is impossible!" Hisoka murmured while shaking his head, the expression on his face changed, and his eyes were filled with fear.

"I said, I don't want to kill you now."

Li Zixuan looked at Hisoka and said calmly, his face still showed no expression.

Hisoka was stunned, and his body suddenly stopped moving.

The scene just now suddenly appeared in his mind. Li Zixuan appeared beside him like a ghost, and then pierced his body with the long sword in his hand. Then, his body shook and he fell down. Fly out.

"No! This is an illusion!"

Hisoka exclaimed, his body leaning back suddenly, trying to avoid the sword.

Hisoka's speed was extremely fast. His speed even exceeded the sound barrier. It was easy for him to dodge this sword. However, before his body fell completely to the ground, his body was suddenly hit by Li Zixuan. The long sword in his hand was nailed.


Hisoka screamed, and bright red blood flowed down from the corner of his mouth. His body fell to the ground bit by bit. His face was full of unwillingness. He wanted to resist and escape. However, his body could not move.

He was blocked by Li Zixuan.

"I admit that you are stronger than me and your talent is very high." Li Zixuan looked at Hisoka and said calmly.

"But your opponent is me." His eyes were as calm as water, and there was still no fluctuation.

"No...no...I don't believe it! There's no way I can lose!"

Hisoka roared crazily as fire erupted from his body.

The golden phoenix blood in Hisoka's body suddenly boiled. He stretched out his hands and found that golden flames were igniting in his hands.

"Has the bloodline awakened again? Can I control it?" Hisoka wondered.

"With the awakening of the bloodline, there may be a possibility of victory!" A surge of hope surged in Hisoka's heart.


Hisoka's body hit the tree trunk next to him hard. His body exuded powerful energy, and balls of blazing flames enveloped him. The hot feeling made his skin almost melt.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

Hisoka's body was burned with wounds one after another, and streams of blood spurted out from the wounds.

"I won't give in...I will never give up..." Hisoka yelled crazily. He tried his best to control his body, but he failed.



Blood left from Hisoka's wound and dripped onto the ground, staining it into a pool of blood.

Hisoka's eyes were full of unwillingness. He gritted his teeth tightly, his face was ashen, and large beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Hisoka was unwilling to give in. He wanted to stand up and break free.

However, there was simply no way he could do it.


Li Zixuan drew out the long sword, and Hisoka's body suddenly fell to the ground.


Hisoka panted violently, his body was still shaking, and the pain in his body made him almost faint. This feeling was too uncomfortable.

He has never suffered such a blow. He has been pampered since he was a child and has always had smooth sailing. Where has he ever suffered such a blow?

He can't even stand up now!

"No! I can't die!"

Hisoka's heart roared crazily.

I can't die! I must survive!

I'm not willing to die like this! I will never allow this to happen!

Hisoka shouted in his heart, the expression on his face becoming more and more distorted.

Li Zixuan looked at Xisuo, his face still as calm as water. He slowly said: "I know you won't admit defeat, but I am too lazy to talk to you anymore."

After saying that, Li Zixuan turned around and walked towards the distance.

Hisoka's eyes were fixed on Li Zixuan's back.

Hisoka really wanted to tear Li Zixuan into pieces now, but this thought only flashed through his mind and he did not do so.

Now Li Zixuan has blocked all his escape routes.

Li Zixuan's strength was so strong that he couldn't believe it was true.

Chapter 554: In an anxious battle, who can win?

"Wait!" Hisoka said through gritted teeth.

Li Zixuan paused for a moment, then continued walking forward.


Li Zixuan punched the stone slab, causing the stones on the ground to crack.


Hisoka opened his mouth and spurted out a few mouthfuls of blood, his face becoming increasingly pale.

"I don't believe it, I can definitely defeat you!"

Hisoka's heart roared crazily, his eyes turned red, and the red light in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

"I am going to kill you!"

Hisoka shouted angrily, and jumped up from the ground. His legs drew a graceful arc in the void, and he rushed in front of Li Zixuan in an instant, swinging his right fist.

Li Zixuan did not dodge and clenched his fist with his right hand.


Hisoka's fist hit Li Zixuan's chest directly, and the huge force directly pushed Li Zixuan's body back several meters.


Li Zixuan spat out a mouthful of blood, with a look of pain on his face, and his body kept shaking.

Hisoka did not continue to attack Li Zixuan, and he only had half a life left.

Hisoka lay on the ground and gasped for air. His chest was burning with pain, and his internal organs seemed to have been displaced.

He was really weak now and he didn't dare to attack Li Zixuan again.

He was afraid of being instantly killed by Li Zixuan again. His body had been tortured to this point by Li Zixuan. If he was tortured by Li Zixuan a few more times, he might be completely disabled and his cultivation would fall to the Golden Core stage.

thump! "

Hisoka lay directly on the ground, his eyes flashing with resentment and hatred, his body trembling slightly, he was not willing to give in, he really was not willing to give in.


Hisoka exerted a sudden force, and his chest was penetrated directly.


Hisoka couldn't help but let out a scream, and blood spurted out.


Hisoka let out a maniacal laugh, his eyes widening.


Li Zixuan suddenly raised his head, his eyes were red, and two rays of red light shot out from his eyes. Li Zixuan rushed towards Hisoka, intending to tear Hisoka into powder.


Li Zixuan fell directly to the ground, and Hisoka's fist hit Li Zixuan's face.



Li Zixuan's body flew out directly.

"Cough cough cough..."

Hisoka covered his head, his head felt stabbing pains, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Hisoka's body slowly slipped to the ground, his consciousness began to fade away, and his body gradually became cold.


Hisoka looked up to the sky and roared angrily. He was unwilling to give in. His tears kept falling from the corners of his eyes, a trace of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, his cheeks were swollen, and his whole body was trembling.


Hisoka's body kept convulsing.

Li Zixuan got up from the ground, his palms clenched into fists, his bones creaking, and Li Zixuan's eyes were filled with bloodthirsty light.

thump! "

Li Zixuan knelt on the ground, his knees hitting the ground hard, his eyes flashing with madness and anger, "Hisoka, go to hell!"

Li Zixuan stood up abruptly, his figure flashed quickly, and he was at Xisuo's side in an instant, and punched Xisuo in the heart.

This punch contained Li Zixuan's last strength, and this punch was enough to kill Xisuo.

Li Zixuan's figure kept leaving afterimages on the spot. Every move he made was a fatal blow. This was his last resort. At this moment, he no longer had any worries.

Li Zixuan's fist hit Xisuo's heart hard.


Li Zixuan suddenly felt his fist collide with a ball of cotton. His body flew backwards and fell hard against a tree.


Li Zixuan's body fell heavily to the ground, leaving a deep mark on the ground.

Li Zixuan was lying on the ground, with a sad smile on his face.

"You...you're not dead?!"

Li Zixuan's eyes showed a look of horror. He tried his best to punch Hisoka just now, but it didn't hit Hisoka's heart at all.


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