Li Zixuan's body was shaking violently, and his eyes were full of despair. He did not expect to fail.

Hisoka sat up with difficulty, blood was pouring out of his mouth, and his body could no longer bear the punch just now.

"I am going to kill you!"

Hisoka shouted and charged forward again. He could not lose to an ant.

Li Zixuan looked at Xisuo who rushed towards him again, his eyes rolled, and a cunning look flashed in his eyes.

Hisoka's body was knocked away by Li Zixuan again.

Li Zixuan's body rolled on the ground and came to Xisuo again.

Hisoka's body was shaking violently.


Li Zixuan kicked Xisuo hard in the stomach, and Hisoka's body flew out again.

Then, Li Zixuan followed closely behind him and kicked him hard in the stomach.

Chapter 555: From the Tianyuan Sect Arena to a Strange World

"Pah! Pah!"

Li Zixuan's fist hit Xisuo's body crazily.


Hisoka screamed and struggled violently.

An evil sneer appeared at the corner of Li Zixuan's mouth, and he kicked him hard again.



Li Zixuan punched Hisoka's abdomen one after another, each punch carrying extremely powerful wind.


Hisoka's body was kicked away again, and his body hit the ground hard. He felt as if all the bones in his body were broken.

Hisoka's mouth spit out mouthfuls of blood.


"I can't lose! I must win!" Hisoka gathered all his consciousness, and his eyeballs burst into red light. There was a black hole above the eyeball, and this black hole was absorbing all of Hisoka's consciousness.

Hisoka's consciousness became more and more powerful, and his consciousness suddenly condensed, creating a strong wind around him.

A giant dragon roared and rushed towards Li Zixuan.

Li Zixuan's pupils contracted. At this moment, his eyeballs suddenly became darker, and the whites of his eyes turned into black and white.

Li Zixuan's eyes became a lot dimmer, but they did not disappear completely. They were still spinning constantly, and his eyeballs were devouring the soul power around him.

"Hoo ho!"

A terrifying devouring power emanated from Li Zixuan's body. His body seemed to burst the air, and his body became smaller and smaller and weaker.



Thunderous muffled sounds echoed around him one after another. Li Zixuan's body became smaller and smaller, but he did not collapse. Instead, he became stronger.


The two people's forces collided together, and slight cracks appeared in the space.


Another bolt of thunder exploded, hitting Li Zixuan's body, and Li Zixuan's body was trembling.


No one in the audience could clearly see the duel between the two, not even the two people they were dueling with.

There was darkness all around them.

"What kind of trick is Li Zixuan playing again?!" Hisoka looked around, trying to find some clues somewhere.

But the surroundings were too dark, so Hisoka took a few tentative steps, but nothing happened.

Just when Hisoka was about to take a few more steps forward, there were rapid footsteps running behind him. Hisoka turned around to catch this person, but it was all in vain.

He walked in the direction the man was running, and as he walked, a door appeared.

The door suddenly opened, emitting white light, as if inviting Hisoka to enter.

Just as Hisoka was hesitating to move forward, the white light behind the door suddenly appeared with a strong suction force, sucking Hisoka in.


Hisoka's body was directly sucked in.


The door closed slowly, as if nothing was abnormal.

The black cloud slowly dissipated, and most people in the audience stood up. They wanted to see through the black cloud that was about to dissipate and see who was the final winner of this duel.

As a result, the whole place was in an uproar, everyone said their own things.

Because there was no one in the ring, and even the things on the ring had disappeared.

If there weren't traces of fighting on the ground, who would have imagined that there had just been several rounds of fierce fighting here.

Who is the winner of this showdown? Nobody knows.

Where did Xisuo and Li Zixuan go? Still no one knows.

While the auditorium was noisy, the elders of the Tianyuan Sect on the second floor were also intensively discussing the countermeasures for this matter. It was a small matter to decide the outcome. It was a bigger matter that two people disappeared out of thin air in the Tianyuan Sect trial.

During the commotion, a man in black robes passed by.

"Hisoka, start your journey to a new world."

Hisoka opened his eyes and saw a strange environment. He was lying on a bed.

Where is this place? Why am I lying on the same bed?

"Hisoka, you wake up."

"Are your injuries serious?"

"We'll heal you."

"Hisoka, do you have anything to ask me?"

Hisoka looked at the people around him with a confused look on his face.

Hisoka shook his head.

What exactly is going on? He remembered that he and Li Zixuan were fighting hard in the ring, and then he didn't know anything else.

Could it be that I fainted on the ring?

Hisoka tried hard to recall. He remembered the scenes just now. He seemed to have run over with someone in black robes.

Who is this person? !

Is it a phantom? Or is it my illusion, do I actually think this is real? !

"Hisoka, are you okay?"

A young boy who was not very old sat beside the bed and handed Hisoka a glass of water.

Hisoka shook his head, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The young boy looked a little shy, not sure if it was because of shyness or excitement.

"Xiso, I am Chen Haoran."

Chen Haoran introduced himself, "Xisuo, you have been in a coma for three days."

"Oh." Hisoka responded briefly.

Chen Haoran scratched his head, he was a little embarrassed.

"Sisuo, are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere else?" Chen Haoran asked.

Chapter 556: Coming to a strange environment, Hisoka’s cultivation suddenly disappeared?

"I don't have any discomfort." Xisuo replied: "Chen Haoran, have I won this competition?"

"Ah? What kind of competition?" Chen Haoran said: "You won't fall silly, right? You didn't participate in any competition!"

"Impossible! I obviously..." Hisoka looked at his body. Except for the bandage on his forehead and some wiping, there were no other major wounds.

His injuries were obviously much better, and his energy was much stronger than before.

Hisoka looked around, there was nothing special about it!

Hisoka couldn't figure out what was going on, but it did happen, and he had to admit it.

Hisoka climbed out of bed.

"How is my injury?" Hisoka asked Chen Haoran.

"What? You just fell down from Qixing Pavilion and you want to be lazy and not train, right?" Chen Haoran replied.

"I didn't... wait, where?" Xisuo looked at Chen Haoran in confusion.

"Seven! Star! Pavilion!" Chen Haoran shouted out word by word.

Listening to this place he had never heard of before, Hisoka fell into deep thought.

"Is Seven Star Pavilion a place he doesn't know about? Or..."

"No way? I..." Hisoka's eyes widened and he opened his mouth slightly, "I can't be the one who traveled through time, right?"

Chen Haoran lifted Xisuo's chin up with his hands, "Come on, my chin is about to fall to the ground."

"No way! this okay?" Hisoka's eyes widened and he opened his mouth slightly.

"Hey!" Chen Haoran shouted: "What's the matter with you?"

"No, it's nothing." Hisoka shook his head.

This thing was really weird. Regardless of whether it was time travel or not, he had to figure out what the current situation was.

"What year is it now?"

"The seventy-seventh year of Dou Yuan."

"Where are you now?"

"Isn't this your room?"

When Xisuo asked, Chen Haoran answered. The two of them had a tacit understanding.

"Then who am I? How do we know each other?" Hisoka asked.

"Boring." Chen Haoran stood up to clean up the herbs on the table, then turned around and said, "When you have nothing to do, hurry up and get up. Master has been talking about you for a long time. It's time to go see you."

After Chen Haoran finished speaking, he turned around and left. After walking a few steps, he turned back and said: If you are not in a hurry to get up, I will ask for leave for you. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that you are injured. Just rest at home.

"Oh." Hisoka replied.

After Chen Haoran left, Xisuo got up from the bed.

Hisoka looked around. This place was neither luxurious nor low-key.

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