But it's very warm.

Hisoka sighed, it turns out that living here is so comfortable!

Hisoka walked out of the room and looked around. This was a very ordinary house.

The house is small, but beautifully decorated. It looks warm and comfortable, making it feel like home.

Hisoka walked into the yard and found a stone bench under a big tree. On the table, there were a plate of fruit, a pot of wine, and two wine glasses.

Hisoka walked to the stone bench, sat down, picked up the wine glass on the table, filled the glass with wine, and took a sip.

The taste of the wine is not too bitter, but has a sweetness.

It's a very strange feeling.

"Huh?" Hisoka noticed that there was a jade plaque next to the table.

Xisuo picked up the jade plaque and took a closer look. He saw that it read: Yao Lao disciple Xisuo, please return to Xing Pavilion immediately when you wake up today.

Hisoka frowned, Xingge?

How come he'd never heard of it? Could it be that this Star Pavilion is not inside the Seven Stars Academy, but outside the academy?

Hisoka stood up and walked outside. He had to figure out what environment he was in and where he was going.

Just after taking a few steps, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew over. Hisoka couldn't help but shiver, and then, a cold breath attacked his body.

"Ah!" Hisoka screamed and fell to the ground, twitching in pain.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Chen Haoran, who was about to go find Xisuo, was startled when he heard Xisuo's screams and rushed in quickly.

Chen Haoran rushed in and was startled when he saw Xisuo lying on the ground twitching. He quickly picked up Xisuo and checked Xisuo's body.

"What's going on?" Chen Haoran asked anxiously: "What happened to your body? How did it become like this?"

"I don't know either." Hisoka's face turned pale, he was sweating, and he didn't dare to move.

"What about your cultivation? Why did it suddenly drop?" Chen Haoran asked anxiously.

"I...I..." Hisoka's words were stuck.

"Speak quickly, don't hesitate." Chen Haoran roared.

"Cultivation, I don't know about cultivation. It just disappeared in an instant."

Chen Haoran was stunned. Xisuo's cultivation was just gone? Hisoka is also a fighter after all! how so?

Chen Haoran quickly checked Xisuo's Dantian. He found that the inside of Xisuo's Dantian was empty and there was nothing.

Chapter 557: Master Yunxiao orders Yao Lao to treat Xisuo

Chen Haoran was a little panicked, and he hurriedly sent spiritual power to Xisuo.


Hisoka suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body slumped limply in Chen Haoran's arms.

Hisoka's face turned pale.

"Sisuo! What's wrong with you?" Chen Haoran said worriedly.

"Master...save...save me..." Hisoka said intermittently.

"Just wait, I will take you to Yao Lao right away. He can cure your disease."

Chen Haoran quickly picked up Xisuo and ran towards the medicine garden.

Hisoka's situation is more serious, and he must let Yao Lao take action as soon as possible.

Yao Lao looked at Hisoka who fell in front of him, slammed the table, and stood up angrily.

Although Hisoka, a young boy, always caused trouble everywhere, for someone to dare to touch him was simply too much.

Xisuo is Yao Lao's apprentice. Although Yao Lao has not taught him any fighting skills yet, Xisuo is a well-known figure in the world of fighters. Yao Lao has Xisuo as his apprentice. In the world of fighters, Xisuo is definitely a famous figure. The biggest boost.

Yao Lao is a person who cherishes his reputation very much. Over the years, except for an accidental opportunity where he taught Xisuo some medical skills, he has never taken the initiative to find Xisuo.

Now that Hisoka was injured, and even so seriously, why wasn't Yao Lao angry?

"Master..." Hisoka said weakly: "I...I..."

"What are you doing! Shut your mouth quickly." Yao Lao shouted angrily.

Hisoka quickly closed his mouth and lay on the ground without saying a word, letting Yao Lao diagnose his pulse.

Yaolao made a diagnosis for a long time, then shook his head and said, "You are poisoned."

"Ah? Poisoned?" Hisoka said in surprise: "Master, how could I be poisoned?"

"Don't be impatient, I'll take your pulse first." Yao Lao said, checking Hisoka's pulse again, but he found that Hisoka's pulse was abnormally disordered.

Yao Lao frowned and couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

"Hisoka, how is your physical condition?" Yao Lao asked with concern, "Are you in danger?"

"I...I" Hisoka shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Yao Lao fell silent and didn't speak for a while.

Hisoka felt happy. Could it be that his guess was right and the master didn't know what was going on?

"Master, am I really poisoned? Master, please help me find a way!" Hisoka begged.

"Well, I'll try my best!" Yaolao nodded, "I'll check your pulse again."

"Huh? This child's health is so bad? What has he experienced? That he can have such consequences?" Yao Lao sighed and began to diagnose his pulse again.

After diagnosing the pulse, a trace of shock flashed across Yaolao's face.

What has this child experienced? What this child has experienced is probably a disaster, a disaster that can change the structure of this continent!

"Hey!" Yao Lao sighed deeply. He began to think about what kind of waves it would cause if the news spread, but he finally gave up the idea.

Yao Lao didn't want to destroy Chen Haoran's apprentice because of himself.

"Master..." Hisoka couldn't help but ask when he saw Yao Lao no longer checking his pulse.

"Well, I understand. You lie down and rest for a while. I'll show you when we get there!" After Yao Lao finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving Hisoka alone in the room.

"This apprentice of mine is a good young man! Unfortunately, he encountered an unforeseen disaster." Yao Lao shook his head and left the room.

At this time, two cars were parked not far from the inn where Hisoka was.

In a car, there sat a young man in white clothes. He was very handsome, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and jade trees facing the wind. He was as handsome as jade.

He is the legitimate son of the royal family of the Yunlan Empire, the young master of Yunxiao Pavilion, and the future prince.

In the other car was Qingyun, the strongest fourth-grade alchemist in the Yunlan Empire!

Yaolao and the young master of Yunxiao Pavilion stood side by side, looking at Xisuo with worries in their eyes.

"Master Yunxiao, it's time for us to leave! The delay has been long enough. If we don't go back, His Majesty will definitely blame us!" Yao Lao said respectfully.

Young Master Yunxiao waved his hand and said, "Go back first! Take care of this person for me, and contact me again when you need me!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Yunxiao, Xisuo is my disciple, and I will save him no matter what." Yao Lao answered firmly without hesitation.

Mr. Yunxiao nodded slightly and said: "I'm leaving first. Remember what I just told you. No matter what method you use, we must ensure that he does not die!"

"Yes." Yao Lao responded, then turned around and entered the inn.

Seeing Yao Lao enter the inn, Young Master Yunxiao put away his smile and revealed a cruel look on his face.

"Dark Cavalry! You'd better not fall into my hands, otherwise... Humph, even if the King of Heaven comes, I will never give you any face!"

Young Master Yunxiao's eyes flashed with a sinister look, he flicked his sleeves and walked away with Qingyun.

Chapter 558: Yao Lao cures Xisuo of the soul-eating poison

On Hisoka's side, Hisoka was unconscious. Yao Lao could only temporarily seal the acupuncture points in Hisoka's body to temporarily save his life.

Yao Lao then prepared an antidote for Hisoka. After taking the medicine, Hisoka recovered quickly.

He opened his eyes and saw Yao Lao taking his pulse, and quickly sat up straight.

"Master, how is it? Is my disciple's condition cured?" Hisoka asked anxiously.

Yao Lao shook his head and said: "I still don't see anything wrong with your body, but there is an extremely overbearing cold air in your body. This cold air is extraordinary. I want to dispel it." , but failed. Moreover, the cold air is getting stronger and stronger. I estimate that the cold air in your body may explode at any time. I am worried that by then, not only will you die, but I will also be affected. "

"Then what should I do? Are you just going to watch me turn into an ice sculpture?" Hisoka said anxiously: "Master, do you have any idea? You are an alchemist, you can definitely cure this disease."

Yao Lao sighed and said, "Xisuo, to tell you the truth, I am helpless as a teacher!"

"What? Master, there's nothing you can do?" Hisoka was stunned.

"I don't want to see anything happen to you, but I can't do anything as a teacher!" Yao Lao shook his head and said, "This cold air is not only eroding your body, but also eroding your spirit! If it weren't for my teacher If I had stopped him in time, you would have been an ice sculpture by now."

"Then... what should we do? Master, you must find a way!" Xi was so anxious that he was really scared.

"Let me think of a way! I will develop some antidotes first." Yao Lao said.

"Antidote! Master, you mean..." Hisoka looked at Yao Lao in surprise and said, "That kind of poison you are talking about?"

"Yes!" Yao Lao nodded and said, "This poison is very strange, but its effect is also very simple."

"Master, please speak!" Hisoka said.

"This poison is a very rare toxin called soul-eating poison. Its medicinal properties are very overbearing, and there is no cure. If it is an ordinary poison, you may be able to survive for a while, but its medicinal properties are very Hegemony, you can only support it for about three days. If you don't find a medicine to restrain this poison after three days, then there is only one way to go, you must burn yourself to death!" Yao Lao said in a deep voice. .

"What? Master, no! I can't burn myself, I want to live, I want to live!" Hisoka said quickly.

"You silly boy, didn't I tell you that your life cannot be threatened? As long as your mental power is strong enough, this poison cannot do anything to you. Moreover, even if your mental power reaches the eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage, Even your body cannot bear this kind of poison." Yao Lao said.

"Then...then what can be done to remove this poison?" Hisoka asked nervously.

"I don't know either, but I will try my best. After all, this is my first time encountering such poison, so I can only take a gamble!" Yao Lao said.

"Then when will we set off?" Hisoka asked.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow morning I will send you out of the city, and then you come back to the city. Don't get caught by Master Yunxiao." Yao Lao said.

"Yes! Master, my disciple knows, and he will try his best not to expose his whereabouts!" Hisoka nodded.

Night comes.

When Hisoka woke up, he found that the surroundings were dark and he couldn't see his fingers. He was used to this situation.

He jumped out of bed and walked out of the room to get something to eat.


Just when Hisoka opened the door, he suddenly felt dizzy, then his vision went dark and his body fell limp.

"Ah! Why does my leg hurt so much? What's going on?" Hisoka cried out in pain after falling to the ground, and then struggled to stand up.

"Hisoka, how are you? Can you still move?" Yao Lao's voice sounded.

"Master, I'm fine." Hisoka replied.

He had only fallen because of the severe pain in his ankle, and he could still continue to move.

"It's fine!" Yao Lao breathed a sigh of relief and then asked: "Hisoka, do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

"I feel a warm current surging through my body." Hisoka said doubtfully, "What on earth is going on?"

"Nuan Liu, are you sure?" Yao Lao frowned.

Hisoka nodded.

"That's right!" Yao Lao said ecstatically: "Hisoka, lie down on the bed and stop moving."

After hearing what Yao Lao said, Xisuo followed Yao Lao's instructions and lay down on the bed.

"Hisoka, relax!" Yao Lao's voice reached Hisoka's ears, and then he heard a cold voice enter Hisoka's mind.

"Relax!" Yao Lao continued to shout.

"Oh, okay." After listening to Yao Lao's words, Hisoka quickly relaxed his mind and allowed himself to clear his mind and relax as much as possible.

"Okay, I feel more relaxed now!" Yao Lao shouted happily.

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