As soon as Yao Lao finished speaking, a cold voice came from Hisoka's ears: "Yes, you are more relaxed now. As expected of you, you are my disciple. You will see results soon!"

"Yes, Master!" Hisoka said respectfully.

Chapter 559: The powerful pressure emanating from the monster

At this moment, Hisoka was very excited. He couldn't imagine that there would be anyone in this world who could remove the soul-eating poison.

Although Yao Lao is a medical fairy, he himself does not know how terrifying the toxin of Soul-Eating Poison is. In fact, he has never even heard of Soul-Eating Poison!

After a while, Hisoka felt that his body was a little hot and itchy. He couldn't help but want to reach out and scratch it, but he couldn't move.

"What's going on? Master, what's going on?" Hisoka's heart was full of horror. He didn't know what was going on. He was now very eager for someone to give him an explanation. No matter what, he had to tell him the truth. what happened!

"Relax, Hisoka, don't be too nervous!" Yao Lao said while using a mysterious thing on Hisoka. After it was over, Hisoka could finally move around freely.

However, he did not regain his freedom immediately, but stayed in place.

"Hisoka, how are you feeling now?" Yao Lao asked.

"Master, my whole body feels sore and numb, and my body seems to be falling apart!" Hisoka said painfully.

"Yes, this is a normal reaction. Although Soul-Eating Poison is a toxin, it is not an ordinary toxin. Its characteristics are different from other toxins. It not only has a strong aggressiveness, but also has some paralysis effects. , just like a poisoned person, if you don't pay attention, you will become comatose or paralyzed, but its side effects are very weak. Although your body will feel uncomfortable, it will not be a serious problem. In a few months at most, you will It will be fine." Yao Lao said with a smile, a proud smile on his face.

"Is this really soul-eating poison?" Hisoka couldn't believe his ears.

Since meeting the master, his luck has always been very good. This is the first time such a thing has happened to him in such a long time. This makes him very depressed and cannot believe his ears.

"Of course this is soul-eating poison!" Yao Lao said with certainty: "However, this soul-eating poison can only be used on low-level cultivators. You have lost all your spiritual power, so you can't resist it at all. But don't be too Worry, you are fine now."

"This... this is really great, thank you, master!" Hisoka said gratefully.

"You are my disciple, why are you being polite to me? However, this soul-eating poison is not only terrifying, but also extremely poisonous. Can your body bear it?" Yao Lao said worriedly.

"It's okay, my body is very strong!" Hisoka said quickly.

"Okay, then you should rest for a while." Yao Lao nodded and said.

"Yeah." Hisoka responded obediently, and then lay down on the bed.

"Hisoka, take a good rest for a while." After Yao Lao said that, he disappeared. Hisoka looked at the direction Yao Lao left and didn't move for a long time.

Just when Hisoka lay down to rest, his eyes opened, the corners of his mouth raised an evil arc, and a bloodthirsty red light flashed in his eyes, which made Hisoka's whole person become evil. Be charming.

At this time, Hisoka felt a strong pressure forcing him. He suddenly looked up and found that a black shadow was suspended in the air. This black shadow had thick black scales on its body, and its body had four limbs. Human limbs, but they look exactly like humans.

What's this?

This isn't a human, it's a monster!

At this time, Hisoka finally understood why he felt such strong discomfort. It turned out that his body seemed unable to move.

The monster stared at Hisoka, his eyes full of ferocity, like a hungry wolf.

"Roar!" The monster opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Hisoka.

At this time, Hisoka also reacted and rushed towards the monster.

The two bodies collided together, causing a loud roar.

At this time, Hisoka found that he seemed to have no power at all. This feeling was very strange, but Hisoka knew that his strength was indeed no match for the monster.

However, he will never let monsters slaughter him! He was unwilling to die like this!

"Ouch!" The monster roared angrily and pounced on Hisoka again.

Hisoka kept dodging the monster's attacks. The monster's attacks were very fast and had some corrosive effects. This corrosive effect was directed at the internal organs of the body. Hisoka's body was very strong and he was not afraid of these toxins at all.

"Boom! Boom!"

The monster's series of attacks hit Hisoka's body, but the monster's attacks were completely useless to Hisoka, who only needed to defend.

Not only could the monster's attack not harm Hisoka, it even brought some pleasant feelings to Hisoka.

This battle lasted for almost two hours. In the end, Hisoka still couldn't hold on. The monster took the opportunity, grabbed Hisoka's neck, and dragged Hisoka to the corner.

Hisoka was thrown against the wall, and he grinned in pain.

Chapter 560: Hisoka starts trying to refine medicine, aiming for the fourth-level medicine

"Ouch!" The monster roared, then opened its bloody mouth and bit Hisoka.

"Bang!" Just when Hisoka was about to struggle desperately to resist, a burst of golden light suddenly flashed, and then he felt an extra protective shield on his head. The monster's teeth hit the protective shield, making a dull sound. The sound was heard, but the monster did not stop at all and continued to rush towards Hisoka.

"Boom!" The monster took another bite.

This time, Hisoka was not knocked away. After his head was hit a few times, his head returned to normal. The monster's attack did not cause any damage to him.

After the monster bit him a few times, he turned around and left the room instead of continuing his attack.

"Hey! It's so dangerous!" After the monster left, Hisoka couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Just now, Hisoka almost lost his consciousness. If it weren't for the timely rescue by Master, I'm afraid he would be dead now. Hisoka's consciousness has recovered, and the load on his heart has been reduced a lot. He slowly got up and walked through the door. He put on his clothes and walked outside. When he saw Yao Lao outside the door, he respectfully shouted: "Master!"

"Hisuo." Yao Lao nodded slightly and said, "Your body has recovered, let's start refining the medicinal materials now!"

"Refining medicinal materials?" Hisoka was stunned for a moment.

"That's right!" Yao Lao nodded, and then walked towards the distance: "Follow me!"

Yao Lao brought Hisoka to a flat open space, and then he waved his hand and grabbed it. A pile of medicinal materials immediately condensed in the air. These medicinal materials emitted a light blue light, and pills floated among the herbs.

"Hisoka, these are the herbs you need. Each pill is five hundred years old, and each one is a top-quality elixir." Yao Lao said, pointing to the pills.

Hisoka took a look at the herbs and found that they were older than he thought. These herbs had a lifespan of more than five hundred years.

"Master, don't we have an alchemy furnace? How do we use these herbs to make potions?" Hisoka asked curiously.

Yao Lao smiled slightly and said: "The alchemy furnace can only be loaded with medicinal liquids, and it must be assisted by spiritual power. The medicinal liquids of these medicinal materials are extremely precious things. Only by relying on them can successful medicines be refined. Therefore, it must be You have to refine it yourself!"

"I know!" Hisoka nodded. After watching Yao Lao leave, he immediately started refining the medicine.

While refining the medicine, Hisoka thought of what Yao Lao had just said to him.

"Medicinal materials are very precious resources. Their value even exceeds the lives of human beings. If humans can control them, human strength will increase several times. These medicinal materials can help alchemists advance. These medicinal materials can also improve the quality of medicinal materials. The level has been raised to another level.”

"Back then, in the Holy Continent, there were countless strong men who were crazy about finding this medicinal material, even at the expense of their own lives."

Hisoka couldn't help but think in his heart that if he could really get these medicinal materials, his strength would definitely increase, and the medicinal properties of these medicinal materials would definitely improve his body and make his body stronger. In this way , even a master in the God King realm can resist it.

"Medicine!" Hisoka said secretly. He looked at the mountain of medicinal materials with a burning gaze in his eyes.

"Whoosh!" Yao Lao suddenly appeared next to Xisuo. He reached out and patted Xisuo on the shoulder: "Work hard!"

"Yeah!" Hisoka had a bright smile on his face, and then he started refining the medicine.

Yao Lao saw Hisoka concentrating on refining the medicine and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "You are indeed my disciple!"

Time passed, and soon one month passed. During this month, Yao Lao would come to visit Xisuo every day and give Xisuo pointers on any doubts or difficulties he encountered in his cultivation.

A month later, Yao Lao looked at Hisoka and said: "Hisoka, your strength has reached the primary level. You can already refine the third-level potion. Although the power of the third-level potion is very weak, there is no way to compete with the fourth-level potion. It’s comparable to the potion you transferred.”

"Master, I have already thought of what you said. I plan to refine the level three potion within a month, and then refine the level four potion," Hisoka said.

"Oh?" Yao Lao raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you sure?"

"OK!" Hisoka nodded heavily.

"Okay then!" Yao Lao nodded, and then said to Hisoka: "I have prepared a set of third-level potions for you, you practice first!"

"Yes!" Hisoka nodded quickly, then followed Yao Lao and left.

Yao Lao brought Xisuo to the medicine house, then took out a bottle of elixir and handed it to Sisuo: "This is a fourth-level healing elixir. The effect is very good. You take it first!"

Hisoka looked at the fourth-level elixir and found that it contained rich energy and a faint fragrance. It was obvious that this elixir was of very high quality.

Chapter 561: Increased spiritual power by five thousand, Hisoka reaches the early stage

"Thank you, Master!" Hisoka said respectfully.

"Yes!" Yao Lao nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Hisoka: "Part of the medicinal materials for the third-level medicine you want to refine has been collected, which is enough for two days. Now, I will take all the remaining medicinal materials I leave it all to you, study it carefully.”

"Okay, Master." Hisoka agreed.

Yao Lao turned around and left the room. Hisoka also took out the medicinal materials and put them into his dantian for refining. Then he fell into deep seclusion.

During this period of time, because Hisoka was in seclusion, no one came to disturb his medicine refining room. The entire medicine house was very quiet. Even the medicinal materials around Xisuo's body no longer rushed around. These medicinal materials stayed quietly. Inside the Dantian.

In the Medicine King Cauldron, the flames were burning. The hot temperature caused the temperature of the Medicine King Cauldron to rise a lot. Waves of white mist filled the air. The water vapor inside the Medicine King Cauldron continued to rise, and the water droplets outside the Medicine King Cauldron also began to slow down. The ground solidified.

Wisps of pale golden energy began to float out from the surface of the Medicine King Cauldron, and then were absorbed by Hisoka's body. Wave after wave of extremely pure energy began to gather in Hisoka's body.

With the help of this energy, Hisoka's medicine refining speed became faster and faster, and his medicine refining skills became more and more skilled, finally reaching the highest level that he can now bear.

After all, all Hisoka's spiritual power dissipated in an instant. Although Yao Lao could cure the soul-eating poison in him, he had no clue about his inexplicable misfortune.

For something without a clue, Hisoka could only accept his fate for the time being.

"I have to gain a foothold in this world. I am only at the elementary level now. Without the protection of my master, it would be difficult for others to kill me." Hisoka thought in his heart, forgetting that he was still refining the medicine in his hand.

Suddenly, the fire of the Medicine King Cauldron began to burn out of control, and only then did Hisoka react.

He began to try to stabilize the fire. After all, he was only a few steps away from making the medicine. It would be a pity to give up.

Moreover, the quality of the medicinal materials provided by the medicine boss was also good, considered to be of the upper-middle grade among similar medicinal materials. Hisoka did not want to let down the master's wishes.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the Medicine King Cauldron suddenly made a clear and sweet chirp. Immediately, the liquid in the Medicine King Cauldron began to boil, and clouds of golden smoke began to spurt out of the Medicine King Cauldron.

This was a sign that the refining of the third-turn potion was completed. An excited smile appeared on Hisoka's face. His fingers beat rapidly, and the potion kept spinning. Soon, a pill emitting golden light was It flew out from Hisoka's hand.

"It's done!" Hisoka's face showed excitement.

This elixir is the fourth-turn potion refined by Hisoka. This fourth-turn potion can increase spiritual power by 5,000. Although it can only increase spiritual power by 5,000, it is already a very surprising ending for Hisoka now. .

"Haha, five thousand spiritual powers!" Hisoka exclaimed excitedly, and then he threw the elixir into his mouth. The elixir turned into a pure liquid and melted into his body. Soon, The medicinal liquid began to travel throughout his body along the meridians. After a month of hard suppression, his meridians became stronger. At this time, he could use the medicinal properties to temper his body and increase the body's defense. Become stronger.

"Buzz buzz..." Small sounds sounded in Hisoka's body, like the sound of metal friction, and as the sounds sounded, Hisoka's body began to change.

His originally dry skin gradually became rounded, like an inflatable toy, constantly expanding.


Hisoka felt that his bones were starting to become stronger, and his body's defense had also improved a lot.

Hisoka did not relax his vigilance because of this, because this change continued, his muscles began to deform, and his frame began to grow larger, just like a giant, constantly expanding.

A month later, when his body became stronger, Hisoka stopped expanding.

Hisoka felt that his body was filled with huge power. He felt that his power had reached a peak. If he wanted to, he could even smash a stone slab with one punch.

"My body should now be comparable to that of a strong person in the intermediate realm!" Hisoka murmured, this feeling of power is so good.

He is now able to use fighting skills. Although Hisoka is only in the early stage, at that moment, Hisoka has mastered a little bit of how the fighting spirit works. Moreover, he can now control it freely and no longer needs to be as clumsy as before. .

"This time is really a blessing in disguise!" Hisoka thought happily. Although he was rejected by a strange world, Hisoka has now received a great fortune. If you can't control a trace of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, you will always be an ant. Even if you have strong fighting power, you will only be stepped on by others.

Chapter 562 Obtaining the fighting skill "Divine Consciousness Attack"

Hisoka began to check the medicinal materials in the Medicine King Cauldron. These medicinal materials were all very precious. They were all picked by him in the Medicine King Cauldron. He was going to refine them into a fourth-grade medicine - Golden Jade Pill!

This golden jade elixir can increase the life span of monks and can also improve ordinary people's strength to a certain extent. However, this elixir requires a large amount of herbs to be refined. Not only is it extremely ineffective, but it is also extremely difficult to refine. Sisuo doesn't know that he Whether it can succeed or not depends on the doctor.

At this moment, Hisoka also bet his fate on this golden jade pill.

"Whoosh..." At this moment, a flame suddenly burst out from the medicine furnace, and a crimson elixir floated in the medicine furnace. The surface of the medicine emitted a scorching temperature, and Hisoka couldn't help but move toward it. He took two steps back.

"Huh..." The pill began to tremble violently. Hisoka quickly stretched out his hand to hold it down, but he couldn't hold it down at all. He hurriedly tightened his grip to make it stop.

The elixir began to slowly become calmer, and Hisoka breathed a sigh of relief.

Hisoka picked up a medicinal herb and put it into the medicine pot.

This herb was very ordinary, but Hisoka threw it into the alchemy furnace without any hesitation.

"Huh..." The medicinal herbs began to burn, and the flames kept jumping. Soon, the medicinal herbs turned into powder.

Then, the flames began to become more and more intense, constantly roasting the medicinal materials, and the aroma of the medicine overflowed, permeating the entire space.

Hisoka quietly looked at the flames of the medicine cauldron, praying secretly in his heart: It must succeed!

Time passed by minute by second, beads of sweat continued to appear on Hisoka's forehead, his eyes were slightly squinted, and sweat was flowing from the corners of his eyes.

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