
Suddenly, there was a sound in the medicine cauldron, and then the lid of the medicine cauldron was popped open, and the fragrance of medicine suddenly floated everywhere.

The smell was extremely intoxicating. Hisoka took a deep breath and felt that his spirit was lifted a little.

"Boom..." At this moment, a cloud of black smoke suddenly appeared from the top of the medicine cauldron.

"Successful?" Hisoka said in surprise.

"Click! Click..." Suddenly, the medicine cauldron made a clear cracking sound.

This scene shocked Hisoka. He immediately ran out and opened the door, only to see that the medicine cauldron had exploded.

"How is this possible?" Hisoka shouted in surprise.

There are three hundred years of rare medicinal materials stored in this medicinal cauldron, and even an intermediate-level expert may not be able to crush it.

The powder in the medicine cauldron kept falling, and the medicine cauldron was covered with dense cracks. Hisoka's heart ached.

"My medicine cauldron! The three hundred years of medicinal materials that the master gave me!" Hisoka shouted distressedly.

No matter what, his medicine cauldron was destroyed after all.

Hisoka took out an elixir and swallowed it. The elixir melted in his mouth and turned into a stream of warmth, dissolving in Hisoka's belly.

"Boom!" At this moment, a sound suddenly burst out in Hisoka's mind.

"What is this?" Hisoka was stunned for a moment, and a piece of information actually appeared in his mind.

"This is a fighting technique called "Divine Consciousness Attack."

"Divine consciousness attack: It can affect the opponent's consciousness, causing the opponent to fall into a short-term sluggish state, and will be killed by the caster in the short-term sluggish state. However, for those who are strong in the realm of Fighting Saint or above, this attack is very effective for them. The effect is not particularly great, but it can slow down their speed and make them unable to dodge. In other words, this skill is an excellent way to deal with the powerful Dou Emperor."

After Hisoka read this message, his eyes widened immediately, with a hint of ecstasy in his eyes.

Divine consciousness attack?

It can be said that Hisoka's strength has greatly increased now. His mental power is unparalleled. He can detect the surrounding space, feel the fluctuations of spiritual energy in the air, and can also see figures flying by in the distance.

If the pill just now allowed Hisoka to acquire some simple fighting skills, then Hisoka now has fighting skills, and they are also high-level fighting skills!

Hisoka's eyes flashed with excitement, Hisoka felt his chest rising and falling, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

He didn't expect that he could acquire such powerful fighting skills!

"Whoosh!" Hisoka rushed directly into the medicine garden. His foot stepped on a rock. Suddenly, dust flew everywhere, and the rock instantly turned into powder and disappeared without a trace.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

A series of laughter burst out from Hisoka's mouth, with a bright smile on his face.

Hisoka's eyes revealed incomparable perseverance, and he couldn't wait to tell Yao Lao the good news.

"Whoosh..." At this moment, a figure in white drew an arc in the air and landed opposite Hisoka.

Hisoka's eyes suddenly froze. He looked at the person in front of him, his lips opened wide, and he stared at the person in front of him in disbelief.

"You... you are actually... Emperor Dou?"

"Who are you?" Hisoka's eyes became sharp.

Chapter 563 The first meeting between Hisoka and Yunxiao

Only then did he realize that the other party was actually a Dou Emperor-level warrior!

Hisoka's eyes became solemn. He didn't know whether the strong man in front of him was the person he would look up to in the future, or whether he was his enemy.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you." The young man in white said with a smile.

Hisoka's eyes suddenly widened, and his head was buzzing.

He didn't expect that he would meet a strong man at the level of Dou Emperor!

"It seems that your fighting spirit has recovered somewhat." The man in white said with a smile.

Hearing the words of the man in white, Hisoka's heart suddenly tightened. How did this powerful Dou Emperor know his cultivation level?

Could it be that his strength has been exposed?

Thinking of this, Hisoka's body trembled slightly, and he felt a cold sweat slipping down his forehead.

"My name is Yun Xiao." The man in white looked at Xisuo and said with a smile.

"Yunxiao? Who is that?" Hisoka's eyes widened suddenly, a look of shock appeared on his face, and then the expression on his face became weird.

"I am Yun Xiao. I admire you very much. You can survive the soul-eating poison. You are worthy of being Yao Lao's disciple." Yun Xiao smiled, with a look of admiration in his eyes.

"I..." Hisoka looked confused. He really didn't understand why the other party knew his identity. He couldn't help but ask: "How do you know my name? I remember we don't know each other, right?"

"Of course I know you, because you are a very good young man." Yun Xiao looked at Hisoka with a smile and said with admiration.

"Who are you? How did you know about me?" Hisoka asked with a frown.

Yun Xiao saw this scene and laughed: "Don't worry, I am your master's friend. I came to you just to remind you a few words."

Hisoka breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. Although he didn't understand Yunxiao's identity, Hisoka was sure that the other party had no ill intentions, because Yunxiao gave Xisuo an extremely comfortable feeling, as if an elder was caring about the younger one. .

"Tell me." Hisoka nodded.

Yun Xiao smiled slightly and said: "Your current strength is still too weak. It is best to improve your strength as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will die in the hands of strong men sooner or later."

There was a solemn look in Yun Xiao's eyes: "You don't need to know my identity, but you will naturally know it one day in the future."

Having said this, Yun Xiao glanced around, and a gleam flashed in his eyes: "It seems that you are really lucky, and you have gotten so many benefits here."

"Oh? Someone is here? I should go." After saying that, Yun Xiao disappeared in front of Hisoka.

There was doubt in Hisoka's eyes. He felt that the strong man in front of him seemed a bit mysterious, but he couldn't tell what was mysterious.

"Huh? Someone!"

Hisoka suddenly felt a sense of danger, and he quickly hid.


A fighting emperor punched a towering tree, and suddenly the entire tree collapsed.

A smile appeared on the corner of this Fighting Emperor's mouth, and he walked forward. Seeing this scene, Hisoka couldn't help but gasp. This Fighting Emperor was probably even more powerful than himself.

Seeing Dou Huang's movements, his face turned pale.

Hisoka took a deep breath, his eyes showed a solemn look. There was a cave not far in front of him, and there were many trees beside the cave.

"Now that you've come, make peace with it." Hisoka took a deep breath, swaying slightly before entering the cave.

The cave was very narrow, and Hisoka's body shuttled through it. His speed was very fast, and he reached the end of the cave in an instant.

Hisoka stood at the entrance of the cave, looking at the world outside.


Hisoka took a deep breath and looked into the distance, a light shining in his eyes and a smile appearing on his face.

"I finally see this world! Is this the Dou Qi Continent? This is the Dou Qi Continent!"

"What a spectacle!"

Hisoka took a deep breath, his face full of excitement.

In Dou Qi Continent, everyone under Dou Zong is an ant.

He has already felt the power and ferocity of Dou Qi Continent, and the strength of those Dou Sects is simply terrifying to the extreme.

Hisoka rolled his eyes and walked towards the inside of the cave.

Inside the cave, a winding stone staircase leads deeper.

The stone steps were very long, and it took half an hour to walk before reaching the end, where a portal blocked the way.

"What is this portal?" Hisoka murmured.

"Open it."

Suddenly, a voice came from the door.

Hearing this voice, Hisoka frowned slightly.

"I don't dare!" Hisoka shook his head firmly and refused.

"Are you afraid to open this door, or are you afraid that if you open the door, your life will not be saved?" The voice from the door came out again, with a majestic aura in the voice, as if it controlled this space. It made Hisoka feel extremely heavy.

Chapter 564: The master left behind a forbidden door, Hisoka’s path to becoming stronger

"Are there any restrictions on this door?" Hisoka asked doubtfully.

"The restrictions on this door were arranged by your master." The voice inside the door said calmly.

"Is it a restriction imposed by my master?" Hisoka was a little surprised, thinking of his master.

"That's right." The voice inside the door continued, "This door is used by him to prevent you from breaking into the relics he left behind."

"It turns out it was left by my master." Hisoka nodded, "Then please tell me where the relics left by the master are. I want to visit them."

"My strength does not allow me to enter the ruins. You should find another place." The voice in the portal said calmly.

"But, I want to know what my master left behind." Hisoka insisted, "Please tell me."

The person inside the door was silent for a while, and then said: "This door was left by your master. I don't know what it is."

After hearing this, Hisoka said with an ugly face: "In this case, I will look for it myself and take my leave."

After saying that, Hisoka's figure disappeared into the cave.

"This child has great potential." Looking at Hisoka's leaving figure, the voice in the portal said lightly, "It's a pity that he has met too many people."

Having said this, the person in the portal sighed softly: "I thought I could cultivate a genius disciple, but I didn't expect that I met a loser."

"I know how terrifying your Dou Emperor's cultivation is. I am not your opponent, but that doesn't mean I can't deal with you. I want you to know that Dou Emperor is not invincible, but I still want to thank you. Help me find my disciple."

The voice inside the portal said slowly.

Hisoka recalled the words left by his master in his mind, and a look of excitement appeared on his face.

"It turns out that my master is a genius and an extremely powerful being." Hisoka murmured.

"He left such a precious inheritance to me, but I didn't explore it for various reasons. This is really something that makes me feel guilty." Hisoka murmured, his eyes full of apologies.

"I must return to the top, along with my master's share." Hisoka secretly made up his mind, and then returned to his residence to visit his master, Yaolao Lao.

"Disciple Sisuo, please meet the master." Sisuo saluted respectfully, with a faint smile on his face.

"Huh?" Looking at Hisoka, Yao Lao was slightly stunned, "Has he been promoted again so soon?"

"Well, when I was practicing outside, I improved a lot by accident."

Hisoka smiled slightly, a glimmer of light emanating from his eyes, "Master, do you have any other ways to improve your spiritual power?"

"Don't be too hasty in doing things. You have just lost your spiritual power. It is already very good to be able to recover to the initial stage in a few months." Yao Lao nodded slightly: "I do know that there is a way to improve people's spiritual power. ,but……"

"But what?" Hisoka asked eagerly.

Yao Lao looked at Hisoka and shook his head slowly.

"Is there no other way?" Hisoka said with some disappointment.

"It's not a bad thing to have a way. If you can complete this task, then you will be able to get a holy elixir, which will completely enhance your spiritual power. Then it will be just around the corner to restore your spiritual power. ”

Hearing these words, Hisoka was slightly startled, and a joyful smile suddenly appeared on his face: "What kind of mission is that?"

"Go looking for a herb. This herb is called 'Qingyuncao'. It is said that it is only found in the three major ancient cities in Tianyuan Continent. In the three major ancient cities, Qingyuncao is produced."

"Master, where is the location of Qingyun Grass?" Hisoka asked impatiently.

Yaolao smiled slightly and said slowly: "In the northwest corner of the south."

"Okay, then I'll set off now."

"Hisoka, ordinary blue cloud grass can be used to refine elixirs, but if you want better results, you still need higher quality blue cloud grass." Yao Lao told Xisuo.

"I know, master, I will come back as soon as possible!" After Hisoka finished speaking, he flew directly to the two cities in the north and south.

Xisuo secretly swore in his heart, "I will definitely bring the best Qingyun grass back."

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