Among the two cities in the north and south, the south is the territory of the Tianlang Clan, and the west is the residence of the Dragon and Tiger Sect.

In the city in the northwest, Hisoka's goal was the Sirius City in the west. Hisoka's eyes fell on a mountain range. Above this mountain range, there was a huge black vortex suspended.

"This whirlpool is the passage to the Western Region. As long as you pass through the whirlpool, you can reach the Western Region." Hisoka murmured.

After saying that, Hisoka's body slowly flew towards the whirlpool. After flying into the vortex, Hisoka fell into a coma.

When Hisoka woke up, he found himself lying on a wooden bed with only a wooden table and a bamboo chair in the room.

Chapter 565: Hisoka was invited to join the West Wolf City team

Beside his bed sat a plainly dressed woman.

She looked at Hisoka, smiled and nodded, indicating that he could get up.

Hisoka stood up from the bed, walked to the table, poured a glass of water and drank it.

"This is the Sirius tribe's territory in the northwest region?" Hisoka asked, looking around.

"Yes, this is the territory of the Sirius clan, Sirius City." The woman nodded.

"My name is Hisoka, may I ask how I ended up here?" Hisoka asked again.

"I will explain this matter to you slowly after you enter West Wolf City, but not now." The woman said with a smile.

Hisoka nodded, said nothing, and asked no more questions.

"There is a huge mountain forest in the northwest of Tianlang City. Qingyun grass grows in it. It is said to be the first treasure of Tianyuan Continent. You can now go to a street in Xilang City to buy this herb. It only costs three thousand gold coins. Got it," the woman said.

"Can we also buy higher quality Qingyun grass?" Hisoka asked.

"Well, it depends on your luck. If some people are lucky, they can get high-quality Qingyun grass in this mountain forest. If you are not lucky, you may not be able to find it even if you have money." The woman smiled. said.

Hisoka frowned when he heard the woman's words.

"Okay, I understand. Thank you for telling me this. I'll leave first." After saying that, Hisoka turned around and left.

"Yes." The woman looked at Hisoka's back and nodded, with a smile on her lips.

After Hisoka walked out of the room, he was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he found a restaurant, ordered two bottles of wine and a few dishes of side dishes and started eating. When the food was all served, Hisoka started eating slowly.

"Where am I going!" Hisoka picked up the wine glass, took a sip of wine, and muttered.

The environment here is very beautiful, the air is fresh, and the food here is very delicious. These foods are relatively simple, but Hisoka feels delicious.

At this time, Hisoka saw a group of people approaching not far away, led by a young man.

Seeing the young man, Hisoka's heart suddenly sank, and finally decided to talk to the young man.

After thinking about it, Hisoka stood up and walked towards the young man with a humble expression on his face.

"This fighter, what are you doing!" Hisoka looked at the young man in front of him and asked softly.

"It's nothing, I just want to have a meal in the restaurant." The young man said calmly.

"So that's it. You're welcome, I'll leave first." After saying that, Hisoka planned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" the young man called to Hisoka.

"Fighter, do you have anything else to do?" Hisoka's tone became extremely respectful.

"You are very capable. I would like to invite you to join my team. I guarantee that you will not suffer any loss and may even gain a lot." The young man said.

After Hisoka listened to what the young man said, excitement suddenly surged in his heart. Anyway, it was a good thing to get some news from these people!

"Which team do you want to invite me to join? I think I'm not suitable for joining your team!" Hisoka said.

"You can think about it." The young man said, "I wonder if you are interested?"

"I'll think about it." Hisoka thought for a while and said.

"Okay, then I'll give you three days to think about it. I hope you won't disappoint me!" the young man said with a smile.

"I will." Hisoka said.

Then, the young man turned and left.

Three days is not a long time for Hisoka. Three days is enough time for him to think carefully. If he can really succeed, then he will choose to join this group of strong people. The team formed by the strong people is very good. It is safe and more convenient for him to collect information about Qingyuncao.

On the morning of the seventh day, Hisoka came to the lobby of the hotel. Many people had gathered in the lobby. Hisoka glanced around and saw that there were about forty or fifty people. The rest were ordinary people with similar strength. Around the realm of Dou Wang.

Hisoka saw an acquaintance, that person was the young man who had helped him before.

"My friend, are you willing to join our team? I promise that you will enjoy the best treatment, and I can also give you a blue cloud grass." The young man looked at Hisoka and said asked.

Looking at the young man's appearance, Hisoka shook his head.

"Sorry, I don't need it," Hisoka said.

When the man heard Hisoka's words, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "You are really arrogant. Since you don't want to join our team, we won't force you. I advise you to buy Qingyun Grass as soon as possible. , so as not to find it when the time comes.”

"You don't have to worry about this. You just need to know that I will never let myself suffer in Xilang City." Hisoka said calmly.

Chapter 566: Strange herbs in the pharmacy

"Haha, I hope you have this ability, but I still advise you not to act like a hero, so as not to ask for trouble when the time comes." The young man said lightly.

Hisoka ignored the young man and walked straight outside. He was going to the medicine shop to buy some precious medicinal materials.

"You don't know how to behave, do you really think you can walk around in Xilang City?" The young man snorted coldly and said, "I advise you, it is best not to anger me, otherwise you will die miserably."

The young man was followed by a group of people. The group of people kept looking at Hisoka, their eyes full of provocation, as if they were warning Hisoka that if you dare to provoke our boss, you will be dead.

Hisoka didn't take that group of people seriously at all, he simply ignored their provocation and strode out.

"Humph, I won't cry until I see the coffin!" The young man gritted his teeth in anger when he saw Hisoka's attitude, but he had no choice, who could make himself inferior to others!

Hisoka's speed was extremely fast, and he disappeared without a trace after a while.

"Hmph, don't blame me for not reminding you. If you dare to provoke our boss, you will be dead." A strong man said.

"Don't worry, our boss won't deal with a young boy, just wait and see!" another person said.

Just as everyone was talking about it, the young man suddenly felt a crisis.

The young man hurriedly retreated to the side. At the same time, he also looked at where he was sitting just now, but found nothing.

"Is it my misunderstanding?" the young man said doubtfully.

But soon, the young man's brows frowned, and he felt that someone was looking at him.

The young man searched hurriedly, and finally his eyes fell on a man in black.

"Who are you? How dare you peek at me?" the young man shouted sternly.

The man in the black cloak did not speak, but slowly approached the young man.

The young man looked at the man in black who was slowly approaching. He felt a slight threat, so the young man hurriedly turned around and ran out.

"Want to escape? It's too late." The man in black snorted coldly and chased after him.

Hisoka looked around and then walked towards the northwest corner. Hisoka wanted to buy an expensive medicinal plant. However, he did not act immediately. Instead, he carefully checked the surroundings and then confirmed again that no one was following him. , and then walked towards the medicine shop.

"Welcome!" The shop owner saw Hisoka coming in and hurriedly came up to say hello.

"Yeah!" Hisoka nodded, then took out a piece of paper and handed it to the pharmacist.

The pharmacist looked at it and said, "Wait a moment!"

Hisoka nodded.

After about a few minutes, the pharmacist walked up to Hisoka with a medicine list and said, "You need three thousand gold coins for this medicinal plant. Do you want it?"

"Yeah!" Hisoka nodded.

"Three thousand gold coins, please pay." The pharmacist said.

"I can pay now!" Hisoka said and took out the golden ticket.

The pharmacist took the golden ticket and began to collect it. Soon, Hisoka took the golden ticket in his hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Pharmacist, do you have higher quality Qingyun grass here?"

"Hmm... well, forget it..." The pharmacist motioned for Hisoka to come closer to him, and then said in Hisoka's ear, "The high-quality Qingyun grass in the city has been purchased by a certain family above. Do you want to It’s not that easy to find high-quality green cloud grass in the city,” the pharmacist said.

Although pharmacists are pharmacists, they do not manage the various urban areas of West Wolf City. Each city has its own power, and their power is those high-quality elixirs or treasures. For example, here, there are many people who specialize in Purchase high quality spiritual herbs.

When Hisoka heard this, he immediately frowned. He didn't expect that even the Qingyun Grass would be purchased by others.

"Do you want higher quality green cloud grass?" the pharmacist said.

"Yeah!" Hisoka nodded. If he could find high-quality Qingyun grass here, he would definitely go to other cities to look for it.

"Okay!" The pharmacist nodded, "Come with me, I will take you to a place."

Hisoka followed the pharmacist outside the pharmacy.

"Sir, do you want to exchange gold coins for high-grade medicinal herbs?" the pharmacist asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Hisoka nodded, "High-end medicinal herbs? I only need Qingyun grass."

"This is it!" the pharmacist smiled, "Sir, come with me. I guarantee you will like it."

The pharmacist took Hisoka to the pharmacy. In the depths of the pharmacy, there were many strange-looking herbs.

Some herbs look like a flower, but with a pair of eyes, some herbs look like snakes, but they are a person, some have many horns and are extremely ugly, and some are even more disgusting. , a bit like a toad, but the toad has two sharp fangs in its nostrils.

Chapter 567: The opportunity to encounter high-quality Qingyun grass

"Sir, you see, this is the secretly hidden high-grade Qingyun grass. This is the only one." The pharmacist said, grabbing a grass from a pile of herbs and handing it to Hisoka's hand.

Hisoka looked at the grass in his hand and was stunned.

"This is the high-grade Qingyun grass!" the pharmacist said with a smile, "How about it, sir, do you want it?"

"Of course, of course I need such a precious thing. How much does it cost?" Hisoka asked.

"I will sell you this high-grade Qingyun grass for eight thousand gold coins. Sir, do you like it?" the pharmacist said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem!" After Hisoka said, he took out 8,000 gold coins directly from the storage ring.

The pharmacist stuffed all these gold coins into his space ring.

"Sir, look, you can take this high-grade blue cloud grass away now!" the pharmacist said.

"Then you pack it for me and give it to me!" Hisoka said, pointing to the row of grass.

The pharmacist smiled, collected all the grass, and left with the eight thousand gold coins given by Hisoka.

After Hisoka left the pharmacy, he walked towards the city gate.

"Boy, do you want to go to the southern suburbs?" At this moment, a cold voice sounded from behind.

Upon hearing this, Hisoka turned around quickly and saw an old man in gray robes standing behind him.

"Yeah!" Hisoka nodded.

"Are you trying to find high-grade Qingyun grass?" the gray-robed old man asked.

"Yes! I need high-grade Qingyun grass. Do you know where to get it?" Hisoka said.

"Hahahaha..." The old man in gray robe smiled, "You probably don't know our rules. Forced buying and selling are not allowed here."

"Oh! I see, but I think you won't embarrass me, right?" Hisoka said with a smile.

"Haha..." The old man in gray robe laughed, "Our rules are very strict. If you violate the rules, you will be punished. If you don't believe it, you can go to the city guard and take a look. There are records there. Our West Wolf City's The guards are very strict. A newcomer like you who has just set foot in our city shouldn't make such a stupid mistake, right?"

"Oh! Really?" Hisoka nodded slightly, "Then who is your city lord? Which city are you the lord of?"

"Then you want to challenge the authority of our West Wolf City?" The gray-robed old man's face changed and he said, "I advise you to leave quickly! Otherwise, you will be asked to leave by the city guard. In that case, don't say I didn't warn you. !”

"Are you the city guard captain?" Hisoka said.

"Yes!" said the old man in gray robe, "You can call me 'Uncle Wang'. In West Wolf City, no one dares to offend me, and no one will make trouble on my territory. You are the first, but you also Not the last one, but don’t worry, as long as you don’t mess with me, I won’t make things difficult for you.”

"Thank you so much!" Hisoka said, "I want to ask you, is there anywhere in the city where you can find high-grade Qingyun Grass?"

"Qingyun grass is not uncommon, but high-grade Qingyun grass is a rare medicinal material. Under normal circumstances, no one will sell it, and the price is also very expensive." The old man in gray robe paused and said: "Our City Guard now has a very high-quality Qingyun Grass, but there is one thing our City Guard needs to do."

"Then what are your West Wolf City guards going to do now?" Hisoka asked.

"I'm working on a mission!" Uncle Wang said, "The goal of the mission is to go to southern Xinjiang to hunt a sixth-level monster. The reward for the mission is very generous. If you want this Qingyun grass, go to the city guard to sign up! If If you can become a member of the city guard and hunt this monster, you can get this high-quality Qingyun Grass!"

"Sixth level monster?" Hisoka said.

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