"Yes! You haven't heard of this sixth-level monster, have you?" Uncle Wang said.

"I've heard that although my strength is weaker than the sixth-level monster, I have a treasure. If I encounter a sixth-order monster, use this treasure to deal with it. I will never lose to it, and there is still a chance. Kill it!" Hisoka said confidently.

"Oh? Baby! I don't know what the treasure you are talking about is? Can you tell me?" Uncle Wang said with a smile.

"A treasure that can erupt with strong flames!" Hisoka said, "As long as I use it, I am confident that I can kill a sixth-level monster in an instant!"

"Really? Well, come and participate in the registration ceremony of the City Guards! If you can really pass this test, I will give you a high-grade Qingyun grass." Uncle Wang said.

"Okay! Then I'll go there now!" Hisoka said, turning around and preparing to walk towards the city guards of West Wolf City.

The city guard of West Wolf City is in the south, and if Xisuo wants to leave, he must pass through West Wolf Town.

"Wait!" At this moment, the old man in gray robe called to Hisoka.

"Is there anything else?" Hisoka turned around and asked.

"If you want to join the city guard, you must first pay 30,000 gold coins!" the old man said.

Chapter 568: Everyone besieged by monsters

"If you don't have this gold coin, you won't be able to enter the city guard!"

"Thirty thousand gold coins? That much?" Hisoka said in surprise.

"Of course, where do you think this is? This is Xilang Town. If you want to join the City Guard, you must pay 30,000 gold coins. If you don't have 30,000 gold coins, you don't need to consider joining the City Guard!" said the old man.

"But, I really don't have that much money!" Hisoka said in embarrassment. When he was in Xihai City, he never brought any money with him, and he didn't like carrying money.

"If you don't bring any money, you can use things as collateral!" the old man said.

"I don't have anything valuable!" Hisoka said.

"I can lend it to you!" the old man said.

"No, just think of it as something I owe you, and I will pay it back to you when I have the opportunity in the future." After Hisoka said that, he turned around and left the shop. Hisoka's goal was achieved. He had already found out about the City Guards. location, and already knew where to sign up, and now he was preparing to head towards the city guard.

Hisoka didn't encounter any obstacles along the way and soon arrived at Xilang Town.

Xilang Town is a very large town, and the area where the city guard is located is just north of the town.

Coming to the outskirts of Xilang Town, there is a valley outside Xilang Town. There is a deep lake in the valley. This is a pool specially used for catching wild animals. On weekdays, there are some patrol teams around the lake. It is guarded by people and no one is allowed to enter the water pool. Unless the city lord personally speaks, no one can enter the water pool.

Hisoka stopped at the foot of the mountain. He stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at the bottom of the cliff. The pool was very deep and bottomless.

"Although my current strength is slightly worse than that of the sixth-level monster, I can't even jump into such a lake! I still don't believe in evil!" Hisoka said to himself.

"Hey, Hisoka, just wait here!" A mocking voice came from Xilang Town.

Hisoka followed the sound and saw that a group of young men and women dressed in red with colorful paint on their faces were flying towards this side. These young men and women were in excellent physical condition, and each of them had around the fourth level of strength. They held a bamboo pole in their hands, with iron chains tied to both ends of the bamboo pole, and the other end of the iron chain was tied to the tree trunk by the lake. Then these people's legs stepped hard on the lake. In an instant, these people in red clothes The young man had already arrived at the lake.

"Hisoka, you can't enter this pool. I advise you to give up! Haha..." said one of the strong young men.

"I don't believe in evil anymore!" Hisoka said.

After saying that, Hisoka jumped into the lake, pedaling hard with his legs, and like an arrow from a string, he rushed to the surface of the water in an instant.

There were many fish in the water. When these fish saw someone falling into the water, they immediately started swimming and wanted to eat these people.

"Ah! Help...help!" A teenager screamed.

"Plop..." There was a loud noise, and the young man fell into the water.

Hisoka jumped up from the water and saw that the boy had drowned. Hisoka shook his head, "Hey... I'm not very lucky. I don't know who threw him into this pool, but I still I have to thank him, otherwise, I won’t be able to find this place!”

Just as Hisoka sighed, another person jumped in.

"Ah!" With a scream, a red-tailed crocodile that was more than ten meters long emerged from the pool. It opened its mouth, revealing its sharp teeth, trying to bite the boy to death.

"Whoosh..." A vine wrapped around the red-tailed crocodile's head.

"Bang!" The boy smashed the head of the red-tailed crocodile with one punch. The red-tailed crocodile immediately turned into a puddle of mud and flowed out of the lake.

This is a thin young man, and his strength has only just reached the early stage of fifth level.

At this moment, several more red-tailed crocodiles climbed up from the lake. Their strength was also fifth-level monsters.

The skinny boy had a look of fear in his eyes. He turned to look at Hisoka on the shore and found that Hisoka still had no reaction.

"Help me! Help me!" The skinny boy begged. This boy was not as strong as the fat boy. In this case, the skinny boy had no choice but to ask Hisoka for help.

The thin boy still didn't react when he saw Hisoka, with a look of despair in his eyes.


The thin boy punched the water, and the water splashed one meter high. The water in this pool was red, and it was filled with highly venomous snakes and lizards.

The skinny boy's body was bitten by a venomous snake, but he did not die. He was wrapped by a water snake and dragged into the pool.

At this moment, the red-tailed crocodile that jumped down first suddenly let out a sharp roar, and then jumped out of the pool. Black smoke came out of its mouth, and a strong corrosive smell emanated from its mouth. .

Chapter 569: The first encounter between Xisuo and Nangong Feiyu

The poisonous snakes and lizards sprayed by the black smoke were all corroded to the point where no bones were left. They were all fifth-level monsters.

"No, no!" The thin boy saw that the skin on his body was corroded. He struggled desperately, but it was of no use. The venom penetrated into his body like cells one by one and began to eat crazily. It touched his flesh and blood, causing him great pain.

"Ouch..." A heartbreaking howl came from the throat of the thin boy.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the head of the thin boy was smashed by a teenager. The brain mixed with blood spurted out, staining the water surface red.

All these red-tailed crocodiles pounced on the body of the emaciated boy and began to bite him.

After eating a piece of meat, the body of the thin boy turned into white powder and was swallowed into their stomachs. The red-tailed crocodiles continued to pounce on the next target, and one red-tailed crocodile was killed one after another.

Hisoka looked at this scene coldly, without any indication that he would not interfere with these people's affairs, because these people did not know Hisoka at all, and were not even friends, so he had no obligation to save these people. .

"Ah!" With a scream, another person jumped into the water and was bitten to death by a red-tailed crocodile.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and the thin boy's neck was bitten off. He stared at the sky with his eyes wide open, his eyes full of despair.

Hisoka ignored the man's body and continued to swim into the lake. These red-tailed crocodiles did not dare to approach Hisoka. They hid aside, but this did not affect Hisoka's progress.

After some time passed, Hisoka encountered several young men who were bitten to death. Some of them were three-star fighting masters, and some were five-star fighting masters.

Just when Hisoka was about to jump into the pool again, he suddenly heard footsteps and a young man walked over from a distance.

This is a young boy, about eighteen or nineteen years old, only seven feet tall and thin. He wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face, wearing a black shirt and jeans, and a pair of White sneakers.

Hisoka frowned, feeling a sense of disgust rising in his heart. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a badge on the boy's chest. The badge had the word "东" written on it. With a thought in his mind, Hisoka knew that the boy must be someone. A young man cultivated by a powerful force.

"Your name is Hisoka, right?" the young man asked.

"Well, where are you from?" Hisoka looked at the boy, who smelled a strange fragrance from Hisoka's body.

Hisoka doesn't like other people's scents.

The young man smiled and said, "I am from the Nangong family, and my name is Nangong Feiyu!"

Nangong Feiyu looked at Xisuo and said, "I know your surname is also Xisuo, my name is Nangong Feiyu!"

"Oh!" Hisoka responded lightly, "You are Nangong Feiyu. Of course I know you. How about it? I guess your strength should have reached the intermediate level. Are you from Southern Xinjiang?"

"Yes!" Nangong Feiyu nodded and said, "It's very dangerous here. It's better for you to leave here as soon as possible. Although you are stronger than these people, these monsters are not something you can handle!"

After saying that, Nangong Feiyu walked towards the other side, ignoring Xisuo.

Nangong Feiyu's strength is indeed very powerful, and he is also a very powerful person among the core disciples of the Nangong family.

He also entered southern Xinjiang three or four months ago for training. This time he came to Beisha City mainly to look for elixir.

His father is also the elder of the Nangong family in Southern Xinjiang. He has a place in Southern Xinjiang. The Nangong family also has a special treasure called the "Qiankun Bracelet", which can release a small teleportation array. This kind of treasure is only available to the core of the Nangong family in Southern Xinjiang. Only disciples can use it, and it requires a huge price.

So Nangong Feiyu has always wanted to get this Qiankun Bracelet. Not only does he need a large number of crystals to repair the Qiankun Bracelet, but he also needs spiritual herbs and medicinal materials. These are precious materials that are difficult to find for him, but here, It can be found everywhere, but every time someone snatches it, Nangong Feiyu will not be able to get it.

He has been in this place for more than two months. What exactly is this place? He had no idea what had become of his mother.

The only thing he can do now is to find his father and everyone who can help him.

"Xisuo, why haven't you left yet? Don't you plan to leave?" Nangong Feiyu's voice suddenly came over.

"Oh!" Hisoka raised his head and looked at Nangong Feiyu.

Nangong Feiyu continued: "I saw you, what are you waiting for here?"

"I need high-quality Qingyun grass..." Hisoka replied.

"High-quality Qingyun grass? Aren't you a native of Western Xinjiang? Why do you need Qingyun grass? Qingyun grass can only grow in the southern part of Southern Xinjiang. There is no such medicinal material in Beisha City! Moreover, even if it does exist, it is owned by The Qian family bought it out." Nangong Feiyu looked at Xisuo in surprise, as if he didn't understand what Xisuo said.

Chapter 570 Mysterious Glowing Bamboo

"The City Guards said they have good quality Qingyun Grass, and I can get it as long as I defeat these monsters." Hisoka responded.

"Huh, City Guards? Do you believe what they say? If there is such a good thing, how come you, an outsider, get your turn." Nangong Feiyu crossed his arms and leaned against the tree, looking at him as if he was a child. Hisoka.

"You mean, I was deceived? They don't have high-quality Qingyun Grass at all, and they just wanted me to kill World of Warcraft and then act in a show to deceive me?" Hisoka's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Nangong Feiyu sneered, looked at Xisuo and said, "You idiot, you were sold and you helped count the money. If not you are stupid, what are you?"

"What do you mean?" Hisoka asked.

"What I mean is that the people in the City Guard are lying to you. They don't have high-quality Qingyun Grass at all. You have to know that Qingyun Grass is a very precious thing. The people in the City Guard dare not offend the City Lord's Mansion easily, otherwise they will suffer. Go to the City Lord's Mansion to investigate, how could they have high-quality Qingyun grass? They are playing tricks on you. Have you lost your mind?" Nangong Feiyu continued to sarcastically say.

"City Lord's Mansion?" Hisoka frowned.

Nangong Feiyu looked at Xisuo and said, "What? You don't even know about the City Lord's Mansion?"


"Forget it, your level is not high enough and you can't know too many secrets. This is the rule. I advise you to leave here quickly and don't get into trouble!" Nangong Feiyu said.

"Why did the City Guards lie to me? What did they want?" Hisoka asked.

"Because they are interested in the jade pendant on your body. Even if they don't get your jade pendant, it will not do any harm to them if they let you clean up the monsters." Nangong Feiyu turned around and said before leaving: "Cheng Guardsmen, you'd better stay away, otherwise you will lose more." Nangong Feiyu said, and then left.

Hisoka stood there and reached out to hammer down the tree, "So that's what happened! How dare this city guard lie to me!"

Hisoka checked the green cloud grass he bought at the herbal shop and found that the herb was fine.

"Forget it, even low-quality Qingyun grass can be used to make elixirs. I will come to settle accounts with you people when I recover my spiritual power!"

Hisoka took out the indicator clock, looked carefully for the direction back to his master's residence, and then ran in that direction.

"Hurry up, hurry up, return to the master earlier, and you can refine the elixir earlier."

"Well, that's not right!" Hisoka ran a few steps and suddenly stopped. He found that there seemed to be something wrong with this road, as if it was blocked by something.

"Could it be that this is a maze?" Hisoka said secretly in his heart.

He carefully observed his surroundings. There were no traces of formations around him. Maybe it was just a common deception?

Hisoka walked up to the maze, and then realized it carefully.

After a while, Hisoka finally discovered the mystery of the maze. The maze was a pattern, and Hisoka understood something from the pattern.

Hisoka began to try to break the maze, but the patterns were too complicated. Hisoka went through a lot of hard work to break the maze.

When Hisoka entered it, he found that he was in a cave. The cave here was very wide, and the temperature inside was much higher than outside.

"Strange, why do I appear here?" Hisoka murmured.

"Hey, what is this?" Suddenly, Hisoka walked over, looked at the ground in surprise, and turned it over.

A bead that exudes lavender light lies quietly on the ground. The bead exudes a light purple halo. This halo is also wrapped in a light mist, and the mist also carries a faint scent of green grass. .

"Could this be..." Hisoka looked at the bead on the ground, his heart beating violently.

This is a treasure!

If used to refine elixirs, the effect must be very powerful.

"I want to put this bead away!" Hisoka said, then grabbed the bead on the ground in his hand.

When he was about to put the bead away, he found that it couldn't be put away at all. It was a treasure!

"What should we do?" Hisoka thought for a while, and then took out a black stone from the ring. This black stone is a top-grade spiritual stone. It was bought by Hisoka when he was collecting spiritual stones in the city. down.

"Boom..." Hisoka put the black spirit stone into the bead, and suddenly, the bead glowed dazzlingly.

A huge suction force appeared, and Hisoka felt as if he had fallen into a whirlpool, flying towards the bead uncontrollably.

Hisoka struggled hard for a while, and then his entire body disappeared on the bead.

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