"Phew! What a danger!" When Hisoka woke up, he found himself lying on the bed.

Hisoka sat up and found that he had finished wearing his clothes, and in his storage bag was the bead he had just obtained. This bead exuded a faint light and seemed to have a divine brilliance.

Chapter 571 Hisoka was teleported to the palace

"Why has my storage bag become smaller?" Hisoka looked at his storage bag and wondered.

The moment Hisoka took out the storage bag, he found that the storage bag had actually grown in size. Moreover, the storage bag was empty with nothing in it. However, there was a layer of light protecting the storage bag.

Looking at the bead in his hand, Hisoka's eyes gradually became confused, "What on earth is this? What is the origin of this bead, and why do you need to protect it?"

Hisoka tried to figure it out, then held the bead tightly in his hand.

"Boom..." A muffled sound came.

Hisoka raised his head and found that he had returned to the door of his master's residence.

"Hey, what's going on? I'm back here?" Hisoka looked at the beads in his hand, "What's going on?"

Hisoka thought of the scene when he fainted just now, "Could it be that he was really confused by this bead?"

"No, this is definitely not confusion!" Hisoka shook his head, "This bead must have some special meaning, or it may be an advanced formation, and this formation is aimed at monks. If If it’s other monks, I’m afraid they won’t be able to resist it!”

Hisoka looked at the bead carefully.

"Boom...boom boom..." A series of explosions came, and then, a black shadow fell from the sky and hit the ground straight.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and a huge pit appeared in front of Hisoka.

Hisoka looked at the pit, "Who left this pit?"

All the soil at the bottom of the pit was blown to pieces, and a huge pit was sunken deeply. Smoke was still rising from the edge of the pit, and smoke and dust continued to rise, filling the entire cave.

"Who did this?" Hisoka murmured.

Suddenly, he discovered that several black spots appeared on the edge of the pit.

"No, no!" Hisoka shook his head, "It's impossible for black spots to appear in this place. It must be an illusion!"

Hisoka looked around again, and it was still the same place as before.

"Why am I back?" Hisoka said with a frown.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps in the distance, and he immediately hid in the corner.

"Who is this person? He dares to break into our territory!" A group of guards wearing armor rushed over.

Hisoka hid behind a stone. He carefully observed the armored warriors and then left quietly.

The next day, a young man wearing a blue robe appeared at the door of Hisoka's room. He knocked on the door and asked, "Are you Hisoka? We are the guards of the palace. We have something to do with you. Please Come with us!"

"Okay, I'll come right away!" Hisoka agreed quickly.

Hisoka changed his clothes and came here.

Along the way, Hisoka didn't say a word. He lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly.

When the young man in blue robe saw Hisoka's behavior, a look of disdain appeared on his face, then he flicked his sleeves and turned around to leave.

When Hisoka saw the blue-robed young man leaving, he turned around and was about to leave, but his eyes stayed on the blue-robed young man's shoulders.

There was a fluffy rabbit lying on the shoulder of the young man in blue robe.

"Is this a rabbit?" Hisoka looked at the white little rabbit in surprise, "How did it appear in my room, and why is it white, and why does it still have hair on its head? With two horns, could it be said that it is a monster?"

Hisoka thought to himself, he walked to the rabbit, stretched out his hand, and gently touched the rabbit's ears. The rabbit closed its eyes very obediently and allowed Hisoka to stroke it.

"It's so comfortable, so soft, so comfortable!" Hisoka touched it for a long time and sighed.

Suddenly, the white rabbit opened its eyes and stared at Hisoka, his eyes full of ferocity.

"Ah! The rabbit can talk! This rabbit can talk!" Hisoka was startled, and he quickly let go of his hand.

The rabbit stood up, dusted himself off, turned around, and ran in the other direction.

When Hisoka saw this scene, his expression changed drastically. He quickly chased after him, but the rabbit ran so fast that he couldn't catch up.

"How can this rabbit be so fast? Moreover, it is so strong that I can't catch up with it!" Hisoka watched the white rabbit run away, and then he stopped.

"Since this thing can make me sleep, then it must not be easy for me! In this case, then it belongs to me. When my cultivation reaches the bone refining realm, I will get this rabbit again! "Hisoka said to himself, and then he walked into the room in front of him.

This room is a secret room with many elixirs and charms placed in it.

When Hisoka saw these talismans, his face suddenly became overjoyed, "This is a talisman or a talisman. Moreover, the grade is not low. This is really good luck!"

Hisoka quickly sat down in front of the table, holding these charms in his hands and looking through them carefully.

"A talisman, it's actually a talisman!" After reading it, Hisoka said in surprise.

Chapter 572: The great gift prepared by the city lord for Hisoka

Hisoka picked up a piece of talisman paper and examined it carefully.

"This talisman paper and the structure of this rune are different from the talisman seals we have here!" Hisoka was shocked when he saw the patterns on it. "These patterns are fundamentally different from the talisman seal scripts we have here. Which one is this?" Is it the sect’s technique? Or is it the function of these talismans and seals?”

After watching it carefully, Hisoka found that these talismans had no effect. In the end, Hisoka gave up studying these talismans and continued to look at the talismans and talismans.

Hisoka's face showed excitement when he saw the talisman treasure and talisman seal.

"This talisman is actually a top-quality spiritual weapon. Moreover, the material of this talisman is actually the essence of Ganoderma lucidum, the essence of heaven and earth!" Hisoka looked at the talisman with a smile on his face.

Hisoka picked up the talismans and began to study them carefully. However, after reading them, Hisoka had a frustrated look on his face because he found that the talismans of these talismans did not have any effect.

Hisoka took the talisman back into the space ring, then walked out of the secret room and walked towards the door. He wanted to leave here. He wanted to find a talisman and give these talismans to him. The talisman master will verify whether these talismans are really effective.

After walking out of the door, Hisoka paused when he saw three guards standing at the door.

"What, do you want to escape?" One of the guards sneered.

"No!" Hisoka shook his head and said, "I wonder why you stopped me?"

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you, be careful when leaving our Highness's room in the future. You know, our Highness has a bad temper, and our Highness does not allow anyone to approach his bedroom!" A guard sneered. said.

"I understand!" Hisoka nodded and said, "Thanks for the reminder!"

After saying that, Hisoka left directly without looking at the three guards.

"Did you see it? I just saw the unhappy expression on his face. I really want to beat him to death!" a guard said angrily.

"Don't tell me, his expression just now was really ugly. I also want to beat him up. However, it is better for us to cause less trouble. After all, he is still useful to His Highness!" Another guard said.

"Well, but let's not be too arrogant. After all, he belongs to His Highness. If he says a few bad words in front of His Highness, we can't afford it!" Another guard also said.

"Well, let's patrol quickly!"

As he walked, Hisoka came to a garden, to be precise, a garden full of medicinal herbs.

He also discovered that the garden covered an area of ​​a hundred acres, but countless precious spiritual herbs were planted there.

Seeing this garden, Hisoka's face lit up and he quickened his pace.

Soon, Hisoka walked through the garden and came to the main hall of the palace.

At this moment, six or seven guards were guarding the door of the main hall.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" A guard looked at Hisoka and asked.

"Oh, I want to see His Highness!" Hisoka said.

"Do you have a reservation?"

"I don't have an appointment. I'm here to see our Highness. Is he there?"

"You are here to see His Highness. His Highness is resting in the room. Please wait a moment. We will inform His Highness and let Him see you!" a guard said.

"No, I'll go in by myself!"

After saying that, Hisoka opened the door and entered the main hall.

"Hey, you are Hisoka!" The city lord who was recuperating heard the sound of someone pushing the door open. He opened his eyes and saw that it was Hisoka. He was stunned for a moment, then showed a smile and said.

"You're finally here, Hisoka. I asked you to come here today to give you a big gift!"

After saying that, the city lord got off the bed and walked towards Hisoka.

"Big gift? What gift?" Hisoka said.

"Come on, follow me!" The city lord led Xisuo towards the side hall next to him.

"Big gift?" Hisoka followed.

Soon, the city lord led Hisoka to a secret room. Then, he opened the mechanism in the secret room, and a stone staircase leading to the underground immediately appeared in the secret room.

"What is this place?" Hisoka asked, but endless fear suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Come with me!" the city lord said calmly.

After saying that, the city lord took the lead and walked into the underground stone stairs.

Hisoka looked at the stone stairs and took steps to walk into the stone stairs.

Below the stone staircase was a dark cave. It was unknown how deep it went and where it led. Hisoka followed the city lord down, his heart filled with uneasiness.

"This road shouldn't lead to the dungeon!" Hisoka said.

"Of course not! What are you thinking about?" A smile appeared on the corner of the city lord's mouth: "I have stored pills and refining tools that are helpful to your cultivation. I just need you to come with me in person. Whether you can take it away depends on your ability."

Chapter 573: Xisuo meets Nangong Feiyu again

"You won't lie to me, right?" Hisoka asked.

"Do I need to lie to you? I brought you to the palace to serve as a sacrifice. Or am I going to eat you? Besides, why should I go to such trouble to kill you." The city lord looked at Hisoka and said , with a hint of arrogance in his tone.

After hearing this, Hisoka did not speak, but continued descending.

After walking down for half a cup of tea, Hisoka came to a room. There were many things in the room, all of which were very rare.

Seeing this room, Hisoka's eyes showed a hint of shock: "This...the things in this are all talismans?"

"Well, these talismans were made by some of my disciples. I think they should be able to help you improve your strength!" the city lord said.

"Thank you!" Hisoka nodded.

Hisoka picked up one of the talismans and said, "What kind of talisman is this?"

"You can choose it yourself. This is a first-level talisman. There are only the last two pieces of talisman paper left this time. After you have chosen, leave here. I still need to practice for a while, so, you You can leave here!" the city lord said.

"This is a first-class talisman, very valuable!" Hisoka said.

"What's this little money? After I recover, you can still make some money. Okay, just leave!" The city lord waved his hand, signaling Hisoka to leave.

"You really don't need my help?" Hisoka asked.

"No need, your current strength can't help me at all. If I can't even handle this little thing, how can I manage the royal family?" the city lord shook his head and said.

"Oh well!"

After hearing what the city lord said, Hisoka nodded, then turned and left the room.

Looking at Hisoka's back, the city lord had a smile on his face.

"Hisoka! Hisoka, I really look forward to how far you will grow in the future!"

After Hisoka walked out of the palace, he immediately headed towards the master's house. He could have taken the city lord's carriage back, but he thought it would be too ostentatious and refused.

He wanted to use his own legs to walk back to his master's house!

"Hoo ho ho!"

Just as Hisoka moved, he felt a strong wind coming from the air. He raised his head and saw a flying sword shooting towards him. Hisoka saw clearly that the flying sword turned out to be a sword, and the grade was not low, reaching the level of the best sword. Unfortunately, Hisoka wasn't interested in the baby, so he didn't say anything.


The flying sword landed on the ground not far in front of Hisoka, causing a violent explosion.


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