Seeing this scene, Hisoka immediately stopped and looked around.

After Hisoka's voice fell, a young man's voice rang out: "Hisoka, long time no see!"

After saying that, the young man walked up to Hisoka.

"It's you!" Hisoka asked after seeing clearly who it was.

This young man is none other than Nangong Feiyu, the young master of the Nangong family.

"Long time no see, Hisoka! I heard that you went to the imperial capital?" Nangong Feiyu asked.

"Well, do you have anything to do with me? If there is nothing, I have to go back! My master is still waiting for me at home." Hisoka said.

"You mean, your master is in the imperial capital? What did you do in the imperial capital?" Nangong Feiyu asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What I can do is play with my master!" Hisoka said.

"Really? What's your master's name?" Nangong Feiyu asked.

"His name is Yao Lao." Xisuo said, "By the way, Master Nangong, do you have anything to do with me? It's nothing, I'm leaving!"

"Don't leave in a hurry!" Nangong Feiyu stretched out his hand to stop Xisuo's shoulder and said with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, let's go and talk!"

"Master Nangong, I still have very important things to do now!" Xisuo looked at Nangong Feiyu and said.

"Oh? Is there anything more important than the two of us reminiscing about old times?" Nangong Feiyu asked with a smile.

"Master Nangong, my master is still waiting for me to return. Please get out of the way. I still have very important things to do!" Hisoka said.

"In this case, I won't keep you, you go!" Nangong Feiyu let go of his hand and said, "I hope you won't let me down."

"I'll try my best!" Hisoka said.

Afterwards, Xisuo left directly, leaving Nangong Feiyu with a handsome back.

Nangong Feiyu narrowed his eyes slightly and said to himself: "Hisoka, you better not let me down! Otherwise, you will die in an ugly way."

As soon as Hisoka returned to the periphery of the master's house, he met the master. He greeted the master, but the master did not answer. He just passed him and walked into the house.

Hisoka was very dissatisfied with the master's attitude and quickly chased after him: "Master, why are you treating me like this?"

The master still ignored Hisoka.

Chapter 574: Only strength is the most important!

"Master, this time I went to the imperial capital and met the city lord." Hisoka said directly.

"Have you met the city lord?" Upon hearing this, the master stopped. He slowly turned around, looked at Hisoka and said, "Have you met the city lord? What did he talk to you about?"

Hisoka didn't answer the master's words. He said, "We didn't talk about much. We just took me to get some elixirs and talismans, saying they were for me to increase my spiritual power."

"He gave you something to improve your spiritual power?" After hearing Hisoka's words, a flash of surprise flashed across the master's face.

"Master, the city lord said that although my weapon refining talent is good, I am only good at using sword skills. I have no other special abilities, so I can only rely on the help of elixirs and talismans to increase my training speed." Hisoka He spoke.

"You said you have good talent in refining weapons?" the master asked.

"Yes, master, although I have never tried weapon refining." Hisoka replied.

"You don't need to think about these things for the time being. Leave the things the city lord gave me to you. You won't be able to use them for the time being." Yao Lao packed his things on his own.

"But, master, I want to become stronger!" Hisoka said.

"I know what you are thinking, and I also know what your goal is! However, you must listen to me. Now, give the things to me." Yao Lao said.

"Why should I give my things to you?" Hisoka said, "I don't know you, why should I give my things to you? You don't need to worry about my things!"

"Xisuo, don't make a toast and eat as a penalty. This time, you must give me what the city lord gives you. I am your master, will I harm you?" Yao Lao said in a deep voice, "You must give it to me now. Give me the stuff, I don’t want to hurt your life, I’ll give you a stick of incense to think about it.”

"I know." Hisoka handed all the things he got from the city lord to Yao Lao, "Master, these are what I got in the imperial capital these days."

"Yeah!" Yao Lao took the storage ring from Hisoka's hand and nodded.

"Get ready. I'm going to refine the medicine now. It's you who will bring back high-quality Qingyun Grass, which will help you improve." Yao Lao left after saying these words, leaving Hisoka standing there.

"Hisoka, please stay here with me for a while!" Yao Lao said as he walked out of the door.

"Okay." Hisoka nodded, and then followed Yao Lao towards his courtyard.

The residence that Yao Lao arranged for Xisuo was his secret courtyard, and there was no one else in it except Yao Lao.

Yao Lao entered the room and went straight to his refining room.

"I have sorted out these materials, you can use them!" Yao Lao said.

"Thank you, master." Hisoka said gratefully.

"Take these materials and use them! Remember, don't reveal that this is what I gave you." Yao Lao said again.

"Okay." Hisoka agreed, then took the things and left Yao Lao's residence.

After returning to his residence, Hisoka couldn't wait to open the pile of materials.

He first looked at the formulas for refining the medicinal materials, then opened the refining materials for these medicinal materials, and then he began to refine them according to the above steps.

Time passed slowly, and three hours passed in the blink of an eye. At this time, Hisoka finally succeeded in refining an elixir, and this elixir was exactly what was needed to increase his strength.

"It's exactly as I expected!" Hisoka said.

He took the pill and swallowed it directly.

The effect of the medicine took effect, and a powerful spiritual power instantly filled his body. These spiritual powers ran around and around in his body until he felt that it was almost done and then stopped.

Then Hisoka began to adjust his breath and adjust his condition.

At this moment, many things appeared in his mind.

The first is the medicinal materials and the alchemy furnace. He found that the medicinal materials he had were all top-quality medicinal materials, but the alchemy furnace was a low-level alchemy furnace and could not provide much medicinal power at all. He had to buy a high-level alchemy furnace.

"This world is really wonderful. I used to be able to find high-level medicinal materials only in the small world, but on the mainland, I can find low-level medicinal materials at will, and even be able to refine low-level elixirs. I am really lucky." Hisoka said, he was very surprised by all this. At the same time, he was also very lucky that he did not follow the master's advice and chose to refine the elixir. He also understood that his talent for refining elixirs was not very good. Otherwise, with his qualifications, he must have reached the level of alchemist long ago, and he would not be just a low-level alchemist.

"It seems that my luck is pretty good!" Hisoka said.

"Nothing is perfect in this world. I have to continue to work hard and continue to seek more powerful drugs so that I can have enough strength to protect myself and the people I care about. Only strength is the most important. , everything else is just clouds!”.

Chapter 575: Report to the Alchemist Association

Hisoka recited these words silently in his heart, and then began to refine the elixir.

"Refining Qingyun Grass." Hisoka said, "The attribute of Qingyun Grass is fire. I can use the flame to temper medicinal materials and refine high-level elixirs. However, this is a continent, not a small world, so my elixirs High-quality elixirs must be refined.”

Hisoka started refining, and kept refining.

Hisoka's refining speed of elixirs was astonishing. In just half a stick of incense, he successfully refined five elixirs.

He directly took out a bottle of elixir and swallowed it, then began to refine the medicine.

The time required to temper medicine is much easier than refining elixirs.

Because he can use flames to temper medicinal materials, and this kind of elixir, even if the quality of the medicinal materials is ordinary, as long as it is tempered to the extreme, it can be refined into a high-grade elixir.

An hour later, Hisoka successfully refined five high-level elixirs, two of which were high-level healing elixirs, and the other three were cultivation-enhancing elixirs, for a total of four high-level healing elixirs.

"Hahahaha..." Hisoka laughed and got up from the ground.

"It seems that I still have a chance to reach a higher realm!" Hisoka's face showed an excited expression.

Yao Lao walked in, glanced at Xisuo and left.

"Master, where are you going, old man?" Xisuo couldn't help but ask after seeing Yao Lao leave.

Yao Lao paused for a moment and said, "Don't you want to attack the alchemists? I will take you to report to the Alchemists Guild!"

"Alchemist Guild?" Hisoka was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Aren't only the alchemists from the Alchemist Guild allowed to participate?"

"Of course." Yao Lao said, "But I am also a member of the Alchemist Guild, so I will take you to report, but don't worry, with my help, you will successfully participate in the Alchemist examination!"

"Thank you, Master!" Hisoka said.

"You're welcome, we are all members of the same family." Yao Lao said calmly.

During the time that Xisuo left, Yao Lao went to Yao Shen Valley and talked about his ideas with Yao Lao. Finally, he got Yao Lao's approval. He decided to help Xisuo reach the realm of alchemist, but After all, the Alchemist Guild cannot be compared with a behemoth like the Alchemist Guild, so he can only apply for an entry certificate for Hisoka at the Alchemist Guild and let Hisoka report to the Alchemist Guild.

During this process, Hisoka and Yao Lao went to the Alchemist Association together.

"Master Yao Lao!" A group of alchemists greeted each other.

Yao Lao nodded and said, "This is my apprentice Xisuo. I want to take him to report to you."

"Hisoka is Mr. Yao Lao's apprentice? No wonder he has reached the level of an alchemist at such a young age. It turns out that Mr. Yao Lao has taught him well!" the alchemists said one after another.

Yao Lao nodded, and then said to Hisoka: "Hisoka, from now on you will be a member of the Alchemist Guild, and the specific job position will be up to you."

"Thank you, Lord Yao, for your cultivation!" Hisoka said, "I will definitely fulfill my mission."

"Okay, you guys get busy!" Yao Lao said.

After Yao Lao finished speaking, he took Xisuo away from here. He was going to take Xisuo to the post he had arranged to handle some work.

Xisuo's heart was full of doubts. He didn't know what kind of medicine the master was selling in the gourd. He followed Yao Lao to the front of a building.

"This is the headquarters of the union." Yao Lao said, pointing to the tower.

"This tower, called the 'Medicine Tower', is the treasure of the Medicine God Valley. In the Medicine God Valley, anyone who makes a slight contribution can get a set of rewards from this tower. Of course, these rewards These are all for alchemists like you, and others are not eligible to receive this reward." Yao Lao said, "I will take you to choose your job today."

"Medicine Tower?" Hisoka said, "Master, I wonder what this reward is?"

"There are three hundred rooms on each floor of this medicine tower." Yao Lao said, "There is an alchemist on each floor who is responsible for a job. The time for each job is not fixed. There is a period of time. A day becomes a week, a week becomes three days, a year becomes seven days.”

After hearing Yao Lao's explanation, Hisoka finally understood that his job should be just a job.

"Master, what is your job?" Hisoka asked.

"My job is very simple. I receive a certain amount of spiritual stones and precious medicinal materials every month, and then exchange these medicinal materials for spiritual stones to exchange for elixirs." Yao Lao said, "My job is very easy, but you must not be careless. . Because these are the foundation for you to advance to the Great Alchemist in the future."

Hisoka said: "Master, don't worry! I will definitely do everything well and I will never be careless."

Yao Lao nodded and led Hisoka to the first floor of the medicine tower.

Chapter 576 The old man wants to see Hisoka

"Master, who is in charge of the first floor?" Hisoka asked, "I feel that the first floor seems more dangerous!"

"This is the professional area for alchemists. If you are here, you can get a lot of things. In other words, you are the boss here. Anyone who dares to disobey will have their legs broken." Yao Lao said coldly, " Of course, here you can show off your weapon-refining skills to your heart’s content.”

Hisoka began to observe the environment on the first floor. The space on this floor was very small, about the size of an acre of land. There were various medicinal herbs placed inside. Some of these medicinal herbs were blue in color, and some were green in color. Some are red, some are purple, and some are black.

Hisoka walked to a herb and squatted down. He reached out and pulled out the herb, and then began to observe the herb carefully.

"Huh? This herb seems to be of fire attribute. Yes, it is the medicinal material for refining flame pills. Each of these medicinal materials is priceless." Hisoka raised his eyebrows, and then picked up several other medicinal materials to observe. After a while, he continued to take a medicinal herb and began to study it carefully.

An hour later, a smile appeared on Hisoka's face because he saw how extraordinary these herbs were.

"Fire Pill?" Hisoka muttered.

"These herbs have very extraordinary effects. If I am not wrong, they are all top-quality elixirs, and each one is not a simple product. This time I have found the right one. It will not be in vain that I have been working for you all these years." When looking for an alchemist, I know that my vision is not wrong." Yao Lao said, "You collect these herbs first, and I will come over to test them after a month."

"Well, I understand." Hisoka said, "I'm going to find these medicinal materials now."

"Yes." Yao Lao nodded slightly, and said nothing more.

Just as Yao Lao turned around and left, suddenly, he saw a person.

"Who?" Yao Lao asked.

This is an old man, wearing gray clothes, a bamboo hat on his head, and a gold mask on his face.

"Yao Lao, do you still remember me?" the old man said.

Yao Lao was stunned, and he asked: "Do you know me?"

The old man nodded indifferently.

"What do you want from me?" Yao Lao asked.

The old man said calmly: "Aren't you looking for your apprentice, named Hisoka? I want to ask you for a favor. I want to meet him."

"You want to see Hisoka?" Yao Lao asked doubtfully, "Why should I help you? I don't know Hisoka!"

The old man shook his head and said: "This is indeed the first time we have met. I don't know Hisoka. I am here for him. As long as you agree to my request, I guarantee that he will become the top in the medicine tower." existence, no one in this world is his opponent.”

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