Yao Lao was silent for a moment and asked: "How are you sure that Hisoka is the top existence?"

"I trust my judgment, and I also know that you will definitely agree to my request." The old man said.

Hearing the old man's words, Yao Lao fell into deep thought.

The old man stood there, motionless, quietly waiting for Yao Lao's answer.

"Okay! I promise you!" Yao Lao said after pondering for a long time.

"Thank you for your support, Yao Lao!" the old man said, "I hope Hisoka's performance satisfies you."

After saying that, the old man slowly left here.

"This is my job." Yao Lao looked at Hisoka and said, "Your task is very simple. Classify these herbs. Each herb requires your cooperation. Moreover, every classification requires your cooperation. The soul imprint, you must use the soul imprint to control the medicinal properties of each herb."

"Understood." Hisoka nodded. He didn't waste any time and immediately started to do what Yao Lao ordered.

An hour later, Hisoka stopped classifying because all the herbs had been classified, and each plant had the characteristics of many kinds of herbs.

"You start refining the medicine now! I'm watching from the side. If you have any questions, you can call me at any time. This is your opportunity. You have to seize it. If you can't seize it, it won't be the result today. Oh!" Yao Lao said calmly.

"Yes." Hisoka nodded, and then began to prepare the medicine.

Refining alchemy is a very complicated task. If it were anyone else, it would probably take a long time to do it well.

But for Hisoka, it was not difficult.

Hisoka first adjusted his condition, and then started refining the medicine.

Hisoka refined a total of six elixirs, all of which were flame elixirs. This was Yao Lao's main task. If the refining was successful, it would be Yao Lao's honor. If the refining failed, he would also be punished. .

Hisoka started refining the medicine, and Yao Lao kept staring at Hisoka, watching from the sidelines. If there was a problem, he would remind Hisoka.

At this time, Yao Lao felt his heart beating violently, as if he was about to burst out of his chest.

Chapter 577: Hisoka absorbs the spiritual power of the Phoenix Bracelet

He knew that he had begun to worry, because the prescription this time was very precious, and Yao Lao didn't want anything to go wrong with Hisoka.

Just when Yao Lao was worried about Hisoka's safety, Hisoka suddenly opened his eyes.

"Succeeded?" Yao Lao couldn't help blurting out.

Hisoka smiled and shook his head.

"You haven't succeeded yet? Aren't you very good at refining medicine? How could you not have succeeded?" Yao Lao asked a little eagerly. He carefully selected these pills before giving them to Xisuo. !

Hisoka said: "I succeeded, but, Yao Lao, I am not a pharmacist, so I did not refine six pills in one furnace, but sixty-three pills. This is because , I used the power of fire. My fire power can increase the speed and success rate of alchemy. However, I also have a little trouble, that is, the power of fire is too powerful. I cannot fully master this power of fire yet. I still have Not even close.”

"The improvement of the power of fire cannot be fully mastered in a short time. It needs to be practiced slowly." Yao Lao said, "Your success is also reasonable."

"But I still need Yao Lao to teach me the art of refining medicine. If I can master more fire power, I can quickly increase the probability of refining medicine." Hisoka said.

"I can teach you some basic alchemy techniques. You can improve your alchemy skills based on these basic alchemy techniques. Of course, if you encounter a bottleneck or have a bottleneck, you still need me to help you. ." Yao Lao said.

"Thank you Yao Lao." Hisoka said quickly.

Yao Lao smiled and said, "I won't disturb you anymore. You can continue refining the medicine!"

After saying that, Yao Lao turned and left. After walking a few steps, he turned around and said, "Hisoka, I can see that you are a very good genius, but you still need to work hard. Only when you reach the level of heaven Only a super alchemist can truly become a strong person, I am optimistic about you!"

Hearing Yao Lao's praise, a smile appeared on Hisoka's face, and he said, "Don't worry! Yao Lao, I will definitely practice hard and strive to be promoted to a heaven-level alchemist as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to that day. However, you should also pay attention. This time the task is more difficult. I want to see the results of your medicine refining." After saying that, Yao Lao disappeared into the house.

After Yao Lao disappeared, only Xisuo was left in the house. Xisuo sat at the table and took out a piece of jade.

The jade is a bracelet, which is a bit like ancient jade, except that the jade is carved with a lifelike phoenix.

"Phoenix! Is this the alchemist that Yao Lao said? This Yao Lao is quite good at playing. This bracelet is not only made of jade, but also made of fine jade!" Hisoka murmured to himself.

Yao Lao is right, this is indeed a fine jade, but this jade is not valuable.

Because after all, it is not a gem, it is just jade, just a jade of better quality.

"It's useless even if the medicine is successfully refined." Hisoka said helplessly. Although he didn't know how to distinguish authenticity from fake, this bracelet is definitely not genuine. It's just that the jade quality is special, so it was called "Yao Lao" by Yao Lao. For gemstones.

"No matter, since you are an alchemist, you always have to experience it, why not give it a try!" After thinking about it, Hisoka closed his eyes, circulated the true energy in his body, and integrated this piece of jade into his body.

As the jade stone melted into his body, Hisoka immediately felt a wave of heat rushing to his limbs. Hisoka felt that his body had become lighter, and every pore in his body was cheering for joy. Hisoka felt that his bones , The skin seemed to be absorbing this trace of heat. This comfortable feeling was very wonderful. Hisoka couldn't help but think of how great it would be if he changed his body into a snake, so that he could absorb this trace of heat.

"It's so comfortable!" After a while, Hisoka opened his eyes and sighed.

Although he has not absorbed much, he has been able to control his body, convert the heat flow into his own power, and control his own power. It can be said that he kills two birds with one stone.

"Yao Lao, my medicine refining level has improved a lot. I will definitely be able to make a good elixir this time." Hisoka said with a smile.

Yao Wang Valley, in Yao Lao's house.

Yaolao stood by the window and looked at a big tree in the courtyard. His eyes were a little confused and dull.

Yao Lao was thinking about what he had just said to Hisoka. Although Hisoka didn't hear what he said clearly, judging from his expression and reaction, Yao Lao also knew that what he said was correct.

He is indeed a genius alchemist, but he still has to keep working hard.

There is no doubt that Hisoka has made rapid progress. He can now control the power of fire in his body, and Hisoka also clearly feels that his alchemy skills have increased a lot.

This is where Hisoka is happiest. This is proof that he is a genius alchemist.

Chapter 578: Refining the eighth-grade elixir Phoenix Pill

"Yao Lao, what's wrong with you?" At this time, a disciple's voice came from outside the door.

Yao Lao turned his head and saw that his disciple had come over with food in his hands.

"How is his condition?" Yao Lao asked.

"Hisoka is in good condition. I estimate that in a while, Hisoka will be able to refine potions above the seventh level." The disciple said.

Yao Lao nodded with satisfaction and said: "This boy is truly worthy of being my apprentice. This perseverance is really rare. This time, I want to see him refine the eighth-grade elixir with my own eyes."

"Yao Lao, do you think Hisoka can refine an eighth-grade elixir?" The disciple couldn't help but ask.

"What do you think?" Yao Lao asked.

"Hard to say."

"Then just wait! We'll see."

The elixir that Hisoka refined this time is called Phoenix Pill. It is a seventh-grade elixir. This elixir requires extremely high soul power and cannot be refined by ordinary people, so Yao Lao gave it to Hisoka. A seventh-grade potion, let him refine this potion.

Of course, Yao Lao absolutely trusts Hisoka because he once witnessed Hisoka refining the seventh-grade elixir.

"Hisoka, you must not let down your master's expectations of you!" Yao Lao whispered, then he turned around and looked into the distance.

Alchemist Guild, in Hisoka's room.

Hisoka sat cross-legged on the bed, white mist was rising from his body, and a scent of medicine spread out from the mist. Hisoka no longer had any clothes on his body, he was naked, and all his muscles were exposed to the air.

"This time, I must prepare all the medicinal materials and then start refining the Phoenix Pill." Hisoka thought secretly in his heart.

Phoenix Pill is a very powerful healing pill, and it is also the medicine that Hisoka needs most at the moment.

Under normal circumstances, the elixirs refined by alchemists are used to cure diseases and save lives, or are some auxiliary things, such as elixirs that increase true energy, enhance soul power, etc.

The Phoenix Pill is different. The Phoenix Pill is a pill that can increase the power of the soul. The effect of this pill is more significant than increasing the true energy.

Soon after, the fog gradually dissipated, revealing Hisoka's appearance.

At this moment, the sweat on his body has dried, and his face is rosy and he looks energetic.

There were some medicinal materials on the table next to Hisoka. He picked up a medicinal plant and began to prepare it.

The medicinal material turned into ashes in his palm. This medicinal material is one of the main materials of Phoenix Pill and one of the most basic materials. However, this medicinal material is also a very precious medicinal material. If it is an ordinary medicinal material, As a human being, even if you refine a sixth-grade elixir, it would be difficult to turn it into powder.

A quarter of an hour later, Hisoka crushed the last piece of medicinal material and threw it into the stove.

Hisoka's movements were skillful and gentle, as if he were dancing.

"Hoo~" The medicine cauldron shook violently, Hisoka's face instantly turned red, and the veins on his forehead protruded.

The pain of this kind of refining is self-evident, because Phoenix Pill is a very high-grade medicine and its materials are very rare, so it is not simple to refine. Moreover, the temperature of the medicine cauldron is too high. If it is Ordinary people would have been scorched long ago.


Finally, Hisoka couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his hands were burned. He used his spiritual power to suppress his blood to prevent it from seeping out.

"Hisoka, don't be nervous. Everything is ready. Take your time." Yao Lao's voice sounded, and then, the power of his soul enveloped Xisuo, and the warm soul power enveloped Xisuo. To ease his pain.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon, half a month passed. During this half month, Yao Lao had been observing Xisuo. Seeing that nothing happened to Xisuo, he felt relieved. However, , the Phoenix Pill that Xisuo refined was still a seventh-grade elixir. This was his first attempt, so Yao Lao was a little uneasy. However, the elixir that Xisuo refined was very smooth and successful. This reassured Yao Lao a lot.

A smile appeared on the corner of Yao Lao's mouth, and he immediately restrained his soul power.

At this moment, Hisoka's skin turned pale, as if it were made of paper, and a trace of fatigue appeared on his face.

"Finally done." Hisoka breathed a sigh of relief, with an expression of joy on his face.

"In the past half month, you have made great progress. Although you are only a five-star junior alchemist, your movements when refining the elixir are very skillful and without any flaws. I believe that in the near future, In the future, your realm will definitely be improved, but now is not the time. After you are promoted to a five-star peak alchemist, you can try to hit the seventh level." Yao Lao said.

"Huh~" Hisoka let out a long breath.

"Xisuo, you should rest for a while first, and then practice again!" Yao Lao said. After speaking, Yao Lao's voice disappeared.

Chapter 579 The transformation brought about by the silver needle

After hearing Yao Lao's voice disappear, Hisoka's figure also disappeared.

Immediately, he returned to his room. He sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes slightly, and fell into a deep sleep. He has not stopped practicing these days, and he has not eaten or drank water in the past few days, so He must replenish his physical strength.

That night, Hisoka was just lying on the bed when wisps of faint black air poured out from the top of his head, converging towards his mind bit by bit, and then entered his head.


Hisoka suddenly screamed.

Immediately, he opened his eyes suddenly, two purple flames flashed in his eyes, and three silver needles appeared in his hand.

"What is this?" Hisoka murmured, and then he inserted the silver needle into his eyebrow.


After three silver needles pierced his eyebrows, Hisoka immediately felt bursts of pain in his mind. His whole body trembled violently, but large beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. .


Hisoka looked up to the sky and howled, with a ferocious look on his face. He was twitching constantly, and the muscles on his face were twisted, looking a little scary, like the face of a devil.

He exuded an extremely violent aura, and even the wooden walls of his room were torn apart by his aura. His clothes were in tatters, exposing his bronzed skin, which looked unusually alluring.

I don't know how long it lasted before Hisoka's momentum gradually weakened and his eyes regained their clarity.


A sharp pain spread throughout his body, and Hisoka couldn't help but gasp.

Hisoka lowered his head and looked at his left hand. In his left hand, he was holding a silver needle. There were densely packed tiny pinholes on his left hand.

After seeing the scar on his right wrist that was as deep as the bone, Hisoka couldn't help but frown.

"What on earth is going on?" Hisoka murmured.

Hisoka felt the aura in his body. His strength had indeed improved during this period, but his strength was far from what he hoped for. After all, his alchemy skills could only be considered average. , his alchemy skills still have to be explored on his own.

"These days, I suffer from pain every day, which makes me more awake. I have to work hard. Once my alchemy skills reach the level of a primary alchemist, I will be able to master stronger alchemy skills. Even if There is no need to worry if you encounter higher-level medicinal materials. Even if you encounter six-star medicinal materials, you can still refine the elixir with confidence." Hisoka murmured.

"I must improve my strength as soon as possible. Otherwise, if someone refines these things in the future, I may not dare to refine them."

Hisoka muttered to himself, and then continued to lie down, preparing to practice for a while.

His body is in the stage of transformation, and each transformation will bring about a huge change. Just like his meridians, undergoing transformation, there will also be some changes, which will make his body more adaptable to refining medicinal materials. Moreover, his meridians are no longer ordinary meridians. They are much thicker than other people's meridians. His meridians are much wider than ordinary people. If an ordinary person's meridians are just a stream, then his meridians It is a vast ocean, much wider than ordinary people. At the same time, his meridians also contain countless impurities, and the impurities are very rich. Every time he absorbs the power of the medicine, he must eliminate the impurities from his body.

He did not dare to neglect and immediately began to practice.

In his meridians, the spiritual cores were constantly jumping, and traces of medicinal power entered his body along the spiritual cores.

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