His body kept shaking, and a wave of heat kept washing over his body.

He felt as if his body had merged with the earth.

He could clearly feel that the impurities inside his body were gradually reducing.

His physique is constantly increasing, his physical strength is increasing, the true energy in his body is also constantly increasing, his strength is improving rapidly, and his spiritual consciousness is also constantly getting stronger.

I don't know how much time passed, but Hisoka suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mind.

Then, he fainted.

His consciousness fell into darkness and he was no longer conscious.

During this time, he had become accustomed to pain. So, I wasn't surprised, but I actually enjoyed the pain.

His body seemed to be constantly being cut with a knife, or like it was being fried in a pan. Every inch of skin and every cell in his body was being torn constantly, and every muscle was in severe pain. Consciousness, sinking in pain.

His body is constantly struggling, constantly erupting, constantly erupting...

His consciousness gradually became blurred.

Chapter 580: Hisoka drinks the medicine in the stone chamber

His consciousness disappeared in an instant.

The disappearing consciousness reappeared in an instant, and it repeated back and forth.

Hisoka's consciousness gradually drifted into a strange environment. This environment was very strange. It was pitch black all around and he couldn't see his fingers.

"Is this hell?"

Hisoka thought in his heart, and he couldn't help but shudder.

At this moment, there was a wave of fluctuation under his feet, and then a black mist appeared beside his feet.

Hisoka looked at the black mist and couldn't help but trembled with fear, and his legs became slightly weak.


A gurgling sound echoed in Hisoka's ears. He looked down and saw a dark thing squirming in the black mist. It was a lump of liquid.

"What is this?"

Hisoka asked doubtfully.

His body was trembling continuously, and his eyes flashed with fear.

"What the hell is this place?"

"Why is there a squirming mass of black liquid? What are they?"

Sweat broke out on Hisoka's forehead.

"No matter what, let's escape first. As long as we leave here, everything will be solved!"

"I can't die here!"

Thinking of this, he quickly turned around and ran in the other direction.

This is a huge cave. The walls of the cave are covered with moss. The moss is an unknown green color and looks very disgusting. The air in the cave is also very humid, and there is a smell of acid in the air. There was a bad smell, Hisoka covered his nose, his face turned pale.

The air here is filled with the smell of various herbs. The smell of these herbs mixed together makes people's stomachs churn.

Hisoka's figure was moving quickly, and soon he reached the end of the cave. There was a huge stone door with the words "no entry or exit" written on it.

Hisoka stopped and his eyes fell on the stone door.

With a slight wave of his hand, the four words "no entry" on the stone door turned into powder and fell to the ground. The stone door began to open slowly, and Hisoka walked in and walked all the way to the deepest point.

This is a very spacious stone room. Inside, there are many medicinal materials, which exude a faint medicinal fragrance.

These medicinal materials are all precious materials for first-class elixirs. Although these medicinal materials are not as difficult to find as elixirs, they are not easy to find. Moreover, these medicinal materials have special medicinal effects. The value of these medicinal materials is far more than one hundred Two silver coins of rare medicinal materials.

There are more than thirty kinds of medicinal materials placed in this huge stone chamber. These medicinal materials are all precious and expensive. Moreover, these medicinal materials are very old, and they are all medicinal materials that are more than a hundred years old.

Hisoka didn't understand the art of alchemy, and he couldn't identify which of these medicinal materials was which, but he could see that there must be something he needed in it.

He began to look for those older medicinal herbs. His palms gently touched those older herbs, and then he felt that his body was getting hot, and getting hotter and hotter. Moreover, his body, There have been some wonderful changes.

This change surprised him, but he didn't have time to study this feeling.

In the stone chamber, he saw many bottles and jars. The bottles and jars contained medicinal liquid. The medicinal liquid also exuded a faint blue light and looked very beautiful.

Hisoka looked at the liquid in the bottle. He took a bottle and drank it. His body felt hot, but the burning sensation disappeared and his body became extremely comfortable.

Hisoka took out other liquid medicine again and drank it.

His body became more and more comfortable, and he felt that his strength was increasing bit by bit. This was a wonderful feeling. He could even feel that the true energy in his body was constantly surging. Entering his meridians, the power in his body was continuously getting stronger.

His strength was continuously improving, his cultivation was rising crazily, and a surging force was constantly impacting his body.


Hisoka couldn't help but look up to the sky and roar.

A powerful force was released from his body, and Hisoka's body suddenly leaped out, flew into the sky, and then fell quickly.


At this moment, Hisoka felt as if his body was about to explode, and his body was trembling violently.


From his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of blood, which sprayed on the floor of the stone chamber.

His body kept gliding backwards and falling. His body seemed to be stretched, and it kept falling. Finally, Hisoka hit the ground hard.


The ground shattered, and his body sank deep into the ground.


Hisoka's breathing was rapid, and his chest was heaving violently.

"It's terrible, it's terrible!".

Chapter 581: Finally see you, Hisoka

"How is this going?"

"How could my body become like this!"

"My cultivation is growing!"

"How come the true energy in my body is so huge?"

Hisoka climbed up from the ground. He stood there, feeling the changes in himself, and his heart was beating wildly.

He felt that his strength had increased many times compared to before, and his mental state had also become excellent. He could even control everything around him with his thoughts, as if there were countless winds around him.

"I feel the wind."

Hisoka's face showed an excited smile.

At that moment, Hisoka seemed to hear the call of the wind. There seemed to be something in his body calling him.


Hisoka stretched out his arm and waved it violently, and a hurricane suddenly blew around him.


Hisoka's body quickly flew out, and then he sensed the shadow of a medicine cauldron in the stone chamber.

He quickly approached the medicine cauldron. When his feet stepped on the surface of the medicine cauldron, a warm feeling spread throughout his body, and his heart also calmed down.

A lot of information also emerged in his mind, which he obtained from this medicine cauldron. His body contained the soul of the medicine cauldron.

Hisoka looked at the medicine cauldron, and he saw a white jade porcelain bowl. This porcelain bowl was filled with green medicinal juice, exuding a rich aroma. The color of these medicinal soups was very clear, and it looked very crystal clear. .

“This is supposed to be a spirit bar!”

Hisoka guessed. He looked at the porcelain bowl and saw the concoction in the bowl. His eyes lit up: "These concoctions should be medicinal liquid!"

Thinking of this, Hisoka hesitantly poured all the concoction in the porcelain bowl onto the ground.

He threw the porcelain bowl aside, and then his figure quickly disappeared into this space and appeared outside a small wooden house.

He looked at this dilapidated wooden house. The walls of this dilapidated wooden house had rotted away, and the spider webs on the walls had dried up. The whole house looked like an ancient city that had been abandoned for a long time.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly, an old voice sounded and spread throughout the room.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the room opened, and a stooped, looking very thin old man walked out of the room. His eyes looked very cloudy.

His eyes were fixed on Hisoka, with a doubtful look in his eyes.

"Old man, my name is Hisoka!"

Hisoka said.


The hunched old man murmured to himself. He looked at Hisoka carefully: "Are you Hisoka?"

"Yes!" Hisoka replied.

"I finally meet you, Hisoka. I have been waiting for you here for a long time." The old man said unhurriedly.

"Do you have anything to do with me?"

Hisoka asked.

"Hisoka, have you made another breakthrough in your cultivation?"


Hisoka nodded and said: "Just now, I felt that the power in my body became stronger. I think I am not far from a breakthrough!"


The hunched old man laughed, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Okay, that's great."

"I originally thought that Yao Lao would not agree to let me see you, but it seems that I was overly worried. You thought that this was a good young man who could be cultivated. Even if he started practicing from scratch, his talent was much higher than that of others."

After saying this, he walked into the room, sat on the chair, patted his right hand lightly a few times, and then took out a box from under the table. He opened the box and found a box inside. A red elixir, the elixir shows a light golden color, and there are countless lines on the surface of the elixir.

"The elixir I'm giving you is the elixir I've been researching for three hundred years. Eat it!"

Hisoka glanced at the elixir and reached out to grab it, but hesitated for a long time and did not take the elixir.

"This pill can help you improve your cultivation!"

"The value of this elixir is far greater than any other elixir. I think you also know how precious this elixir is!"

"If you don't want to eat, then forget it, I won't force you!"

Hisoka's eyes were fixed on the old man. Although he did not speak, the old man could understand what Hisoka was thinking.

"If you don't want to eat, I won't force you. But you have to know how many people are watching you from such a high position to the point where you even need someone to protect you when refining elixirs. Now you, don't Speaking of those strong men, even I can easily deal with you." The old man said, turning around and putting his hands behind his back.

"Under Yao Lao's blessing, you probably haven't experienced the world of the weak, where no one dares to light a lamp when it gets dark. Can you really survive? Or do you want to rely on Yao Lao for the rest of your life? , living this life being spurned and slandered by others.”

The old man added with a sneer: "If I were you, I would have committed suicide a long time ago instead of living in this world and living such a useless life."

Chapter 582: Successful breakthrough, Xisuo reaches the early stage of the ninth level of Qi refining

"Old man, I understand what you said. I think you also know what kind of person I am. Don't worry, I will never let you down!"

"That's best. I hope you live up to my expectations!"

After saying this, the old man turned around and walked into the house. Then he closed the door again, leaving Hisoka standing there.

After a long time, he sighed, and then walked towards the dilapidated table. The porcelain bowl on the table was smelling of strong medicine, but the bottle was dark, and around the bottle, there were Countless black threads were entangled, looking like earthworms.

"It seems that I have to work hard to improve my strength!"

When Hisoka thought of this, he brought the porcelain bowl over and drank the liquid inside along with the elixir.

After drinking the liquid inside, Hisoka felt a powerful force pouring into his limbs and bones in his body, and then quickly flowing throughout his body. His muscles began to swell, and his bones "clicked" , click, click" sound.

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