All this is because of the effect of the elixir. The effect of this elixir is so good. The effect is so violent that it immediately hits his limbs and bones, and then wanders around in his limbs and bones. Finally, It flows into the internal organs, and then flows to the meridians of the whole body again.

During this process, every inch of skin was trembling crazily, and he could even hear the "snap, snap" sound.

This process lasted for half a stick of incense.

During the half-burning period, Hisoka felt as if his body was about to explode. The pain was unbearable. He kept gritting his teeth to endure the pain.

He felt that he could no longer hold on, because this painful torture made him almost collapse, but there was still a voice in his heart telling him that he must continue to persevere.

After enduring the constant pain for a while, the pain finally dissipated, and Hisoka also woke up from this torture.

In the half-hour of burning incense, he experienced a transformation.

This elixir helped him improve his cultivation and reach the early stage of the ninth level of Qi refining.

Such progress was something he could never have imagined before.

This elixir is simply more precious than the previous ones, and much more precious than the ones he had before.

The fact that the old man was able to obtain such a precious elixir was enough to show that he had extreme trust in Hisoka.

He knew that it was not easy for a child in the Qi Refining realm to grow to a certain level.

"Thank you, senior!"

Hisoka bowed deeply to the old man and said to the old man's back.

"You don't need to thank me, you should thank yourself. Without your efforts, I would never have been able to come up with such a good elixir!"

"No matter what, you helped me a lot with what happened today. Don't worry, I will never tell anyone about this matter. You are an ambitious person. I believe you can do better. , this time, even if you don't come, I will find an opportunity to introduce you to those strong people hidden behind the scenes, and they will be very satisfied with you!"

Hisoka listened to the old man's words, with a trace of complicated emotions in his eyes, but he did not speak.

"Okay, you rest for two days first. After two days, I will take you to meet the powerful people from the hidden forces. They will help you!"

"I see!"

Hisoka nodded.

"I'll leave first. I'll send someone to find you in two days."

The old man left, and calm returned to the room.

Hisoka sat cross-legged on the bed with his eyes slightly closed. There was a tired look on his face. The words the old man said just now were still echoing in his mind. These words were a heavy burden to him. The pressure made him wonder how to bear this heavy pressure.

He knew that if he didn't work hard to become stronger, sooner or later, he would be crushed by this pressure.

He must improve his strength as soon as possible, no matter what the cost!

He slowly opened his eyes, and the expression on his face had returned to calm. Then he stood up and walked to the old wooden box, opened it, and found two sets of clothes inside.

Hisoka looked at the two sets of clothes with a faint smile on his face.

"Although the clothes are shabby, the material and workmanship are good. They should be made by some time-honored tailors. It seems that I should find something to do during this time."

Hisoka put on these two sets of clothes and then adjusted his clothes.

"Let's go, it's time to meet those people you mentioned!"

He let out a soft breath and walked out of the courtyard.

He can now be said to be a high-level weapon refiner. Although his strength is only at the early stage of the ninth level of Qi Refining, he is still quite terrifying.

This time, he will let them see his potential and at the same time show off his talent in weapon refining! .

Chapter 583 Hisoka was taken to the bamboo house by the shop owner

Hisoka walked out of the courtyard and stood on the street.

"Hisoka, your strength has reached the early stage of the ninth level of Qi refining, but you can't learn those high-level weapon refining techniques yet because your strength is still too low!"

There was that voice in my head.

"So, what do I need to do?"

Hisoka asked.

"You can choose to practice some special weapon refining skills yourself, such as the spiritual energy fluctuations used by cultivators when refining elixirs and talismans. These things will be helpful to your future practice!"

"So what do I need to learn?"

Hisoka asked. He knew that the old man was very strict with him in the art of refining weapons, so he would also be very strict in the practice of refining weapons.

"Your first weapon refining skill is fire control. For this, you need to learn some fire control skills. These fire control skills are a very powerful weapon refining skill. Unfortunately, the level of this weapon refining skill is not the same. It’s not high, so it will take you a while to learn it!”

"Another weapon refining technique, you need to learn the fire attribute soul power!"

"Soul power?"

"Well, soul power is your important resource at this stage. You must seize this opportunity and don't waste it!"

"okay, I get it!"

"This is your storage bag. There are three Pills for Strengthening the Origin and the Origin of the Origin and four bottles of Qi Gathering Pills in it. These are for your healing. These Pills for Strengthening the Origin and the Origin of the Origin can increase the purity of the spiritual energy in your body!"

"Qi Gathering Pills can elevate your spiritual energy to the peak state of the early stage of the ninth level of Qi Gathering!"

"This bottle of Qi Gathering Pills is for you to treat some external and internal injuries!"

"In addition, I have something to give you. These are auxiliary elixirs. You can just take them in other ways. This will maximize the purity of the spiritual energy in your body!"

Hisoka collected his things and left the inn.

The moment Hisoka walked out of the inn, he felt his soul power increasing.

These soul powers were not absorbed by himself, but entered his sea of ​​consciousness through his soul. Within his sea of ​​consciousness, a black hole appeared. In the black hole, countless gray mist lingered in it. The mist Among them, countless dust, trees, etc., all kinds of strange things can be vaguely seen.

Hisoka could feel that those things were rushing towards the gray space in the sea of ​​consciousness. That space was absorbing those things, and the dust in the gray space was being swallowed up by Hisoka's sea of ​​consciousness.

Those dusts are all spiritual energy.

Moreover, it is an extremely rich spiritual energy.

This kind of aura was something Hisoka had never seen before.

"This dust contains extremely powerful spiritual energy. Could it be that this space is absorbing this spiritual energy?"

Hisoka thought to himself.

He glanced around and found some shops.

He walked into a shop. There was an owner inside the shop. He sat at the counter, looked at Hisoka and asked, "Young man, what do you want to buy?"

Hisoka went straight to the point: "I want to buy some rare materials!"

He took out a gold coin and handed it to the boss.

The boss took the gold coin, looked at the lines on it, with a look of shock in his eyes, and then returned the gold coin to Hisoka with a respectful tone in his tone.

"plz follow me!"

The boss turned around and walked in front to lead the way, and Hisoka followed. The two walked in the market for a while and came to a bamboo forest.

"This is a bamboo house. Every winter, a lot of bamboo leaves fall here. The bamboo leaves here are the most fragrant and are what we old people like."

Hisoka walked into the bamboo house, and immediately, an elegant and deep smell hit his nostrils.

The area of ​​this bamboo house is not large, only about fifty or sixty square meters. The roof is made of bamboo, which looks very simple.

Inside the house, there are tables and chairs and a stone bed.

Next to the table and chairs, there is a bamboo tube filled with water and tea leaves.

Hisoka looked at the bamboo house and felt a little confused. He couldn't understand how these old people could live in such an ordinary bamboo house. Shouldn't these old people live in the City Lord's Mansion?

"Young man, please come with me. The materials you want to buy are already prepared!"

The old man took out pieces of jade slips from the bamboo basket on the side and handed them to Xisuo.

Xisuo put away the jade slip and followed the old man in.

This bamboo house is not as simple as ordinary bamboo houses. This bamboo house appears to be extremely spacious.

A huge table was placed in front of Hisoka, with a pot of hot wine and two plates of side dishes placed on the table.

"Young man, please sit down!"

The old man pointed to the stone bench and motioned for Hisoka to sit down.

"Thank you, senior!"

Hisoka sat down, then picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine.

The aroma of wine overflows.

A smile appeared on Hisoka's face.

"This wine tastes good!"

"Try this dish!"

The old man smiled slightly, and then pushed a dish over.

This dish is green in color and exudes a cool feeling.

Chapter 584: The old man in the bamboo house possesses rare materials

This dish is called Dried Green Bamboo Bamboo Shoots. It is a delicacy. Not only is it fresh and delicious, but the taste of this dish is comparable to the dishes in those restaurants. It is a unique delicacy.

Hisoka picked up the chopsticks, picked up a green bamboo shoot, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The dried bamboo shoots melt in your mouth, turning into a touch of sweetness, flowing down your throat and into your belly. Within this sweetness, there is also a hint of fragrance.

"The taste of this dish is comparable to the food and wine in those restaurants!"

"Young man, how do these dried bamboo shoots taste?"

The old man smiled slightly, looked at Hisoka and said.

"Not bad!"

"Since the young man likes it, I will make some for him to try!"

The old man smiled slightly and took out pieces of materials from a wooden box next to him.

"This is ice and snowflakes. Generally, snowflakes are used to make a potion! This potion requires extremely strict flame requirements in terms of the refining time. Once the flame is too strong, it may explode! "

The old man pointed to a snowflake inside the wooden box.

"This is snowflake grass. Snowflake grass is a very rare plant. Although this plant is rare, it is fully poisonous. This grass is a detoxifying grass and a spiritual substance that can help monks restore their mental power. Grass! This kind of snowflake grass needs to be combined with eighteen kinds of precious and genius treasures such as snow lotus seeds, ice silk, and snow ginseng!"

"This is crape myrtle fruit..."

"This is ten thousand years of cold iron..."

The old man pointed at the materials inside the wooden box and introduced them one by one.

Hisoka listened carefully. These materials were extremely rare. After hearing the old man's introduction, his heart moved.

The old man saw that Hisoka was interested and continued:

"Young man, whatever you want, just ask for the price. As long as we can do it, we will do our best to help you do it!"

Hisoka pondered for a long time and slowly raised his head:

"Senior, I need two treasures of heaven and earth, one is ice lotus seeds, and the other is ice cicada silk! I need all the materials you can find here. Of course, if senior can help me find a thousand-year-old ginseng, then I can give senior five spirit stones, and I will try my best to help senior complete this mission. Senior, I wonder what your wishes are?"

When the old man heard this, he smiled slightly and said:

"Five spiritual stones are not too much. This mission is just to help you find a thousand-year-old ginseng! But the materials you need are all rare materials. Although there are many precious materials in our bamboo house, There are not so many. The things in our bamboo house are all left by previous customers. If you want to buy these materials, you may need to go to other places. Look, what materials you want, just tell me, Laochan. Send someone to deliver it to you immediately!”

"No need, I want to buy it from you. I will look for these materials myself!"

"Are you doubting me?"

The old man raised his eyebrows, his eyes became extremely sharp, and he looked directly at Hisoka.

Hisoka felt this sharp gaze, and there was a strong sense of oppression in his heart. This sense of oppression was very strong, as if he was a weakling.

"Senior, please calm down. Don't get me wrong, senior. I didn't mean that! I just thought that if I want to buy some materials, I need to go to other places. This trip may take several months. Senior, you don't want me to Will it delay your business? So, for this mission, please give me these five materials for free!"

"Huh? Young man, do you really think so?"

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