When the old man heard Hisoka's words, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at Hisoka and asked.


Hisoka nodded.

The old man laughed and said, "Young man, are you not a foreigner?"

"No, how did senior know?"

Hisoka was stunned. He didn't know this old man, but he was very impressed by his gentle and elegant temperament.

The old man smiled slightly: "Because you are the most polite young man I have ever seen. If it were other young people, they would definitely take the opportunity to speak loudly, but you are not like this, but want to take everything into your own hands!"

"Haha, senior is so complimentary!"

"You are young, but you are so humble. Young man, I think you are a smart person, so I am willing to chat with you! What if you were an ordinary young man and the old man would not bother to talk to you?"


Hisoka was slightly startled, and a surge of pride suddenly surged in his heart.

Yes, he wants to change everything, change his situation, and change his current state.

However, he also knew that if he wanted to change all this, it was not easy. It was a difficult and dangerous road.

But Hisoka wasn't afraid.

Because, there are powerful memories in his mind, and these memories give him wisdom far beyond ordinary people.

"Senior, can you take me to visit the bamboo house first?" Hisoka looked at the old man.

Chapter 585 Blood-red tofu exuding a fishy smell

"Yes, of course! Young man, please follow me!"

"Thank you, senior!"

Hisoka stood up and followed the old man.

The bamboo house is not big, and the furnishings inside are very simple, but the overall layout is very elegant and comfortable, and Hisoka's heart is full of joy, because he feels that he has found a way to survive.

In the front yard of the Bamboo House, on a flat lawn, an old man with a white beard was sitting on the lawn basking in the sun. Several big trees next to him had huge pine needles swaying in the breeze, making rustling sounds.

"Old man, my name is Hisoka!"

Hisoka walked up to the old man, cupped his hands and said.

"Oh! Hisoka, come here, let me chat with you!"

The old man smiled slightly, stood up, and walked into the bamboo house with Hisoka.

The front hall of the bamboo house is very large. There is a long table with all kinds of fruits, tea, wine and food on it.

The old man asked Hisoka to sit down.

"Old man, you really know how to enjoy it. Did you do all this?"

"Well, I just collected this tea set. I haven't used it yet. I'll take it out for you to try today!"

As the old man spoke, he placed a set of exquisite and simple tea sets on the table, opened the teapot, and poured the tea leaves into the teacup.

"What kind of tea set is this? Why is it so beautiful!"

Hisoka asked curiously.

The old man smiled slightly and said: "This tea set is called 'Bamboo Leaf Green'. I made it using a special method. I picked this bamboo leaf green from a forest and used it to make tea." , very fragrant and mellow, take a sip, and the aftertaste is sweet, it is a rare good tea!"

Hisoka's eyes lit up and he said, "Didn't this junior take advantage and drink such a treasure?"

"That's not true. This tea set is priceless. Even if I drink it myself, I will hesitate!"

The old man shook his head and said.

"So powerful? Then I will be even more rude!"

Hisoka picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Suddenly a quiet aroma spread throughout his body. He closed his eyes and felt the aroma. He found that his soul was sublimating.

"Good tea! Good tea!"

Hisoka couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and then drank it all with a satisfied expression on his face.

When the old man saw Hisoka's appearance, the corners of his mouth curved up, with a look of relief on his face.

"Young man, you are good, you are really good. You are worthy of being someone whom I value. You can do it with confidence. I will not only give you this tea set, but also a jade pendant. Just do it with confidence, regardless of the result. No matter what, I will always stand by your side!"

The old man looked at Hisoka and said.

"Jade pendant?"

Hisoka's eyes moved, and he was secretly happy. It seemed that this old man was really generous!

Not bad!

Hisoka secretly thought in his heart that he had met a noble man, a rich noble man.

Hisoka saw that there seemed to be a faint look of exhaustion in the old man's eyes, so he took the initiative and asked: "Senior, do you have any troubles?"

Upon hearing this, the old man showed a trace of bitterness on his face and sighed: "Hey, as I get older and older, my heart becomes more and more depressed!"

Hisoka was confused, "Why? You look very healthy!"

"Young man, do you have any troubles?" the old man asked again.

Hisoka shook his head: "No!"

"Oh, that's good! Young man, your character is not stable yet, and you need to practice more. After a few years, you will understand why I am so worried about you. With a character like yours, something will happen sooner or later. !”

The old man sighed for a while.

Hisoka nodded and said nothing.

"Come on, let's continue!"

The old man poured another cup of tea for Hisoka and said, "Come, have a taste of this old tea set!"

Hisoka nodded, took the teacup in his hand, and took a sip.


Hisoka said appreciatively.

"Drink some too, I just brewed this!"

"Thank you, senior!"

Hisoka picked up the teacup and drank it all in one gulp. A scent of fragrance flowed down his throat and into his stomach. Hisoka felt that his stomach seemed to be filled to the brim. This feeling was so good, better than eating. No matter what good thing it is, it should be refreshing.


Hisoka appreciated again.

"Haha, drink more if you like, and I'll make you some tea!"

The old man stood up, left the front hall, and went to the kitchen.

When Hisoka saw the old man leaving, he quickly stood up and followed closely.

The old man walked outside a remote cabin, opened the wooden door, took out a small black bowl, carefully put a piece of reddish-brown tofu into the small bowl, and carefully stirred it.

Hisoka walked into the cabin curiously, and when he saw the tofu in the small bowl, his eyes widened.

I saw that the color of the tofu was blood red, and it exuded a fishy smell, as if it was the blood of a beast that had just died for a long time.

Chapter 586: Negative reactions to eating blood-red tofu

The old man picked up the small bowl, walked to Hisoka, and handed it to Hisoka.

"This is yours!"

Hisoka looked at the old man in surprise. He didn't know what the old man wanted to do. He asked doubtfully: "Senior, what do you want to do?"

"Haha, young man, don't be nervous. I know you have some doubts, but what I want to tell you is that you have now drank the tea brewed by me. This is your blessing, and you should cherish it!"

Hisoka stared blankly at the reddish-brown tofu in front of him. What the hell was this? He had never drunk anything like this.

"Senior, are you sure this is edible?"

"Well, of course it can be eaten. Moreover, this kind of ingredient is not available in the market. I got it accidentally. Young man, you can enjoy it with confidence!"

The old man said with a smile.

Seeing the old man's unshakable look, Hisoka had no choice but to put the reddish-brown tofu into his mouth.

A fishy smell filled the air from his mouth. This smell made Hisoka frown, but the smell was full of temptation and made him swallow continuously, swallowing the tofu in his mouth into his stomach.

However, just when Hisoka wanted to continue chewing, Hisoka suddenly felt a cramp in his abdomen.

A strange force instantly hit Hisoka's intestines and stomach. He felt like his stomach was churning, and he almost vomited out the gastric juice.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Hisoka's mouth, and he quickly ran to the side and vomited wildly.

Hisoka kept coughing, his cheeks turned red, and tears kept streaming down his face.

Seeing this, the old man quickly stepped forward and patted Hisoka's back to help Hisoka relieve the pain.

"You...what's going on with you? Why are you vomiting? It's not good for your stomach!"

The old man looked anxious.

"I...I don't know either..."

Hisoka wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face pale.

"Let me show you!"

The old man quickly grabbed Hisoka's wrist and felt Hisoka's pulse. After some exploration, the old man let go of Hisoka's wrist with a shocked expression on his face.

"What on earth is going on? How could you, a child, be like this?"

"I don't know, but I did feel an indescribable pain in my stomach!"

Hisoka's voice was trembling a little, and his face was a little uglier.

"Don't worry, this tofu won't harm you!"

Seeing Hisoka's appearance, the old man couldn't bear it.


Hisoka waved his hand, rejecting the old man's kindness and said, "Senior, I want to go back and rest first!"

"Didn't you say that this tofu can cure my disease? Why are you going back after eating it yourself? Don't you want to see a doctor? I have a case here, I can write it down for you!"

"Thank you!"

Hisoka cupped his fists and saluted.

"Okay, you're welcome, go back and rest first! I will take care of this matter tomorrow!"

The old man sent Hisoka to the gate and watched Hisoka go away.

When Hisoka saw the old man turning around and walking towards the yard, he couldn't help but wonder, why is this old man so enthusiastic? Is there something hidden here?

"Is this a conspiracy?"

Hisoka felt a little worried.

However, he thought about it and realized that his cultivation and strength were not bad. Even if he encountered danger, he could protect himself. His life was not that fragile, right?

Thinking of this, Hisoka no longer hesitated, turned around and walked towards the inn, preparing to take a bath and go to bed early, as he had to be on the road tomorrow!

When we returned to the inn, there were not many people in the inn, because few people came to travel in this small town, and there were very few hotels in this area, and the environment of the inn was also very bad, so there were not many guests in the inn. Not many, basically ordinary people. They usually walk around the village or go to the city to sell vegetables and fruits. Occasionally they go into the mountains to chop firewood and hunt some spiritual beasts in exchange for money.

When Hisoka returned to the inn, there was no one in the inn except for two tables of guests chatting.

"Alas! You said that it is getting harder and harder to catch monks these days. Even if you have the strength, it is still very difficult to find them!"

"That is, the exercises that many people practice now are broken exercises that have no effect at all. Unless they can become immortals one day, they can only be ordinary people!"

Hisoka listened to the conversation between the two with an indifferent expression on his face.

"This is an incomplete technique! Do you know who created this technique?" Hisoka said coldly.

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