"Who are you?"

"You don't care who I am, but you must remember that everything you have is given by others. If you are ungrateful, you will die miserably!"

Hisoka said.


Just as the two were about to speak, a voice suddenly rang out.

"What are you talking about?"

A woman wearing a black robe and holding a black scythe walked into the house.

Chapter 587: The person I just met wants to become Hisoka’s disciple

The woman wore a black hat, covering her entire face.

However, it can be vaguely seen from the position of the sleeves and toes that this person is a middle-aged beautiful woman.

The moment the old woman in black robe walked into the room, the two of them immediately stood up, saluted the old woman in black robe, and said respectfully: "See you, master!"

"What were you two discussing just now, and it took so long?"

The voice of the old woman in black robe was very hoarse.

When the two of them heard the words of the old woman in black robe, they suddenly felt their hearts pounding and their faces turned a little pale.

"Reporting to Master, my disciple was just saying..."

One of the men hesitated and never dared to say what he was discussing.

"Say it!"

"Master, please keep this matter secret!"

"You two are getting more and more daring, and you dare to deceive my eyes and ears? Do you know the consequences of deceiving me?"

The eyes of the old woman in black robe became extremely cold, and she exuded a fierce murderous aura, which made people feel chilly.

"Master, forgive me! Disciple, I didn't do it on purpose!"

"Master, please forgive us once!"

Cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and their bodies were trembling.

The old woman in black robe calmed down her momentum and said: "You two are indeed too bold. You dare to discuss someone secretly without telling me. Have you forgotten what sect we are from?"

"Disciple knows his mistake!"

"Hmph! There is nothing much that can be done to improve if you realize your mistakes!"

"Master, we rescued this person accidentally. He had no other purpose. I think..."


Before the two of them finished speaking, they were interrupted by an old woman in black robe.

"His name is Hisoka, and he is an alchemist!"

The old woman in black robe said slowly.

"What? Alchemist? Master, are you not mistaken? Doesn't that mean... he is very likely to be..."

The old woman in black robe nodded and said: "You guessed it right, I am just waiting for Hisoka to arrive. He has what I want!"

"Master, just tell us what we should do!"

"Since he has the ability to help you recover and improve your cultivation, we should seize such a good opportunity!"

The old woman in black robe said slowly.

"Master is wise!"

The old woman in black robe nodded.

Hisoka entered the inn and found that the entire inn was empty. At first glance, there was only this room. When Hisoka walked towards the room, he did not notice a person sitting on a table. That person was eating. , the corners of his mouth were covered with traces of food, but he wiped them clean without caring, and then continued to eat happily, looking like he was enjoying it very much.

Hisoka frowned and thought to himself: He is really incompetent!

"Hey! Who are you?"

Hisoka came to the table and shouted softly.


The man was startled when he heard someone talking. He looked up and saw a young man. He relaxed, but there was still a panicked expression on his face.

"I'm a businessman! What's your problem?"


Hisoka frowned slightly. Although this man was dressed simply, the embroidered patterns on his clothes and the gold thread on his wrists showed his identity. He was definitely the son of a wealthy family. How could he appear here?

"You'd better answer this question because this is the last time I ask you!"

Hisoka said calmly, his voice very calm.

When the man heard Hisoka's words, he showed a look of hesitation on his face, and finally he said: "My name is Lin Hao!"


Hisoka nodded lightly, and then turned around to leave. The moment he turned around, Lin Hao called out to Hisoka: "Wait!"

"What's the matter?" Hisoka asked.

Lin Hao looked at Hisoka's back, gritted his teeth and said, "Can you teach me the art of refining weapons? I want to become your teacher!"

"What! You want to become a disciple?"

Hisoka's eyes widened when he heard Lin Hao's words. What was going on with this person?

He actually asked to accept him as his disciple? He actually took on someone he just met as his mentor?

"I'm not crazy, nor stupid. I'm serious. I want to learn the art of weapon refining!"

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"of course I know!"

"You are a weapon refiner, and you actually took the initiative to become a disciple. Are you mentally ill?"

"No, I'm not mentally ill, I just want to learn the art of refining weapons! I want to learn more art of refining weapons because my strength is still very weak!"

"Just because you are strong, it doesn't mean you will be successful in refining it!"

"No, I am indeed a weapon refiner, no matter what my strength is?"

"so what?"

"My father is a fifth-level weapon refiner, and my mother is a fourth-level weapon refiner. They are both masters of weapon refinement in Yunling Mountain. I hope to learn their weapon refinement methods, and I will do it myself. I can learn the art of refining weapons, and I want my parents to become heroes and overlords. They are the people I admire most in my life, so I must learn to refine weapons!"

Chapter 588 Hisoka fights the patrol soldiers

"Your idea is very good, but I can't teach you anything, because I am a weapon refiner, and I am not excellent. You should find another skill."

After saying that, Hisoka turned around and left.

"Are you a weapon refiner? Which country are you from?"

"This is my private matter and has nothing to do with you."

"You mean you don't want to teach me anything? Well, then get away!"

"Oh, who do you think you are? I'll get out if you tell me to?"


"Okay! I still have things to do, so you don't have to send me off."

Hisoka didn't bother to talk nonsense to him and left directly.

He flew all the way towards the cities in the northern region.

He was very fast and flew onto the streets of the city in the blink of an eye.

"Who are you? Stop!"

Several soldiers blocked Hisoka's path.


"We're the patrol!"

"Can the patrol keep people out?"

"Do you know the rules of this city? If you don't want to cause trouble, you'd better leave quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"


Hisoka looked at the group of soldiers in front of him, smiled, and said, "Why are you so rude?"

The soldier looked at Hisoka's disdainful expression, and his heart suddenly filled with anger. Over the years, there were not many people who dared to talk to him like this, and this man in front of him actually dared to provoke them!

"We can whip you and drive you away!"


Hisoka snorted and reached out to grab the belt of a soldier. The soldier was frightened and quickly dodged.

"Bang bang..."

Hisoka grabbed the soldier and then kicked out his right leg. The soldier's body was kicked ten meters away by Hisoka. He fell to the ground and could not get up again.

Hisoka clapped his hands and said, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you. I am stronger and you are no match for me."

"you you……"

Several other soldiers were speechless for a moment when they saw Hisoka kicking their companion to death.

"Don't be afraid of him, everyone pick up weapons and fight with him!"

"Yes, he is just one person. There are so many of us, how can we not defeat him?"

Several soldiers grasped their swords and prepared to charge.

Hisoka shook his head, and then said: "You guys don't have to waste your efforts, because I have already dealt with all the soldiers around me, so none of you can leave today, so just stay and practice with me!"


Hearing Hisoka's words, the soldiers were immediately shocked. They saw a mocking smile on Hisoka's face.

Their eyes fell on the long sword in Hisoka's hand, and their hearts suddenly skipped a beat.

They all knew that the sword in Hisoka's hand must be very powerful, because the sword exuded a cold sword energy.



There was a cry of killing.

Hisoka's hand was holding a big black sword. With a movement of his body, he came to a soldier. He swung the sword out, and suddenly the sword was full of force, splitting the soldier in half, and the bright red blood splashed on Hisoka. One face.


When the remaining soldiers saw this scene, they screamed in fright, turned around and ran away.


Hisoka snorted, his figure instantly caught up with the soldiers, and with a flash, knocked them all out.

After knocking down several soldiers, Hisoka walked to one of them, squatted down, and carefully observed his body.

"This guy's strength isn't that great either."

Hisoka looked at the body lying on the ground and curled his lips.

He stretched out his hand to lift the body up, and then walked forward.

Walking near the city wall and looking at the dense guards below, Hisoka frowned and cursed in his heart. The combat effectiveness of these soldiers was too poor. They couldn't even block his attack and were able to knock him out.

He can kill a dozen of these people with one hand, they are just rubbish!

Hisoka no longer hesitated, and disappeared above the city wall in a flash, then flew into the air, fell directly into the clouds, and once again turned into a black dot and disappeared.

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