When Xiao Chen just took a few steps, the group of guards immediately surrounded him.

"What do you want to do?" Xiao Chen had an impatient expression on his face.

"Master, please forgive me! Master, please forgive us for our crimes!"

"Yes! We don't want to offend you! Please let us go!"

Hearing what everyone said, Xiao Chen frowned slightly. He didn't expect that these people actually knelt down. It seemed that these people were really scared.

"Since you know you are wrong, then go away, he is mine." Xiao Chen pointed back at Xisuo.

"Yes! Master!"

"Thank you sir, thank you sir!"

When the guards heard Xiao Chen's words, their faces suddenly showed expressions of ecstasy. They quickly got up, ran to Xisuo, and kowtowed to him.

Hisoka didn't stop them and allowed them to kowtow.

"Are you Hisoka?"

Xiao Chen looked at Xisuo and asked.

"Yes!" Hisoka said respectfully.

"Then there's nothing more to say!" Xiao Chen shook his head and waved his hand to the guards.

Seeing Xiao Chen wave his hand, the group of guards immediately stood up and left here in despair.

Xisuo looked at Xiao Chen with some doubts.

"You come with me!"

Xiao Chen said, and took the lead to walk towards the majestic hall.

"Who are you? Why should I trust you?"

Xisuo looked at Xiao Chen in front of him and asked in a deep voice.

"Why should you trust me? Why should I be your savior?" Xiao Chen turned his head and said with a smile.

"Why do you want to save me?" Hisoka wondered in his heart.

"You come with me."

With that said, Hisoka followed Xiao Chen's footsteps and walked in.

Xiao Chen's steps were very steady, and every step he took was very calm, without any ripples.

Soon, the two came to the main hall. In the center of the main hall was a stone table. The stone table was filled with all kinds of precious materials, including spiritual herbs, spiritual pills, spiritual weapons, etc. wait.

In addition to the young man, there were several other people inside. They were all wearing black outfits with swords hanging from their waists.

"Are you here to find me?"

The young man raised his head and looked at Xiao Chen.

"Yes, I want to make a deal with you."

"Business? What kind of trade?"

The young man asked doubtfully.

"I need something from you." Xiao Chen said.

"What do you need from me?" The young man frowned and asked doubtfully.

"Heavenly Fire Jade!" Xiao Chen said.

"Sky Fire Jade? I've never heard of it!" Hisoka shook his head.

"I'm sure you can find it."

I believe you will find a way!

When Xisuo heard Xiao Chen's words, a look of surprise appeared on his face. He looked Xiao Chen up and down, as if he wanted to see something in his eyes, but unfortunately, he failed.

Apart from peace, nothing else could be seen in Xiao Chen's eyes.

"Okay, I believe you, but what good does it do me?" the young man asked.

"I help you kill the monsters and improve your strength. This should be enough, right?" Xiao Chen said.

"Oh? Are you really willing to help me improve my strength?" Hisoka said in surprise.


"Okay, I agreed, and I believe you, but if you dare to cheat, then I won't let you go." Hisoka's eyes fell on Xiao Chen's chest, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.


Xiao Chen smiled coldly, looked at the young man and said, "Don't worry, I keep my word!"

"Well! Then let's sign a contract!" the young man said.

Hisoka took out a pen and paper, wrote down a few words, and then handed it to Xiao Chen.

"Sign and stamp." The young man looked at Xiao Chen and said.

Xiao Chen couldn't help but laugh when he saw this scene.

"Why are you laughing?" Hisoka raised his eyebrows.

"Nothing, I wish you good luck." Xiao Chen looked to the northeast, "Go, there is the Sky Fire Jade you are looking for. Remember to bring it back to me intact, Xisuo."

When Xisuo heard Xiao Chen's words, his expression changed, and then he snorted coldly: "Don't worry, I will bring the Sky Fire Jade back to you!"

After saying that, Hisoka left. Xiao Chen looked at his back and smiled.

Skyfire Lingyu, is it possible that you really exist?

Hisoka came to a small road in the west of the city, and met many people along the way. After seeing Hisoka, they all hid far away, as if they saw the plague.

"Am I so scary?" Hisoka touched the tip of his nose and felt that he was quite handsome!

After a while, he came to a forest on the outskirts of the city.

There is a huge boulder in the middle of the woods. There is a picture carved on the boulder, and it says in big blood-red characters: Heavenly Fire Jade! .

Chapter 592: Hisoka obtains the Heavenly Fire Jade

Hisoka walked to the boulder and looked at the pattern carefully.

There are only two ball-like things on this pattern, and there is nothing else. It looks ordinary.

But Hisoka knew this thing. He had seen this thing in the auction house before!

"How could it be?"

Hisoka's mind flashed back to the way he looked when he saw the ball.

This ball is like a ball of flame, exuding scorching heat, and there are countless sparks floating around the ball.

"What is this and how could it be it?"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Hisoka kept denying it in his heart, but the more he denied it, the deeper the doubt in his heart became.

"Could it be that this is really the Heavenly Fire Spirit Jade?"

Hisoka stared at the pattern for a moment, and then looked at the strange ball. Finally, he bit his finger and a drop of blood splashed onto the ball.

Immediately, the blood beads merged into the ball and disappeared, as if they had never appeared.


The ball shook violently, and then countless cracks appeared from top to bottom.

"No, this is going to explode!"

Hisoka saw that the ball began to deform, his face changed drastically, and he jumped up quickly and escaped from the woods.

He hovered in the air for a while, and finally avoided the attack of the boulder.


Hisoka landed on the ground and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He gasped for breath. He was almost killed by the explosion just now!

What exactly is that thing? Why is it so powerful?

He looked up into the woods. The strange ball was still hovering in the air, but it was completely broken.

"What a strange thing." Hisoka's face was uncertain.

"I have already obtained the Heavenly Fire Jade I want. I'd better leave as soon as possible."

Hisoka took the Heavenly Fire Lingyu back the same way, and when he walked under a tall tower, he saw a young man dressed in white.

Is this person that person?

Hisoka stared at the other person for a moment, thinking to himself that his eyes were very strange, as if he could see everything. Hisoka felt as if he was being stared at by a pair of eyes.

"Don't stare at me, I brought what you want." Hisoka walked over and said.

"Is it done now?" Xiao Chen asked lightly.

"Yes! The Heavenly Fire Jade you want! Our deal is now complete," Hisoka said bluntly.

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded, then reached out to take the Skyfire Lingyu, turned around and left.

"Where's the thing you promised me?" Hisoka looked at Xiao Chen's back and said.

"Don't worry, we'll see you soon." A faint smile hung on the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth.

Before Hisoka could react, Xiao Chen's back disappeared from his sight.

"Damn it, am I not being fooled?" Hisoka couldn't help but frown as he thought of this.

After returning to his residence, Xiao Chen began to retreat. In the room, Xiao Chen meditated and practiced.

In the training room, Xiao Chen took out the Heavenly Fire Spirit Jade and looked at it carefully.

There are some small runes on the Sky Fire Jade.

These runes are like a picture, looking extremely mysterious.

Moreover, this Heavenly Fire Spirit Jade is very large, fully two meters long and more than two meters wide.

"It looks like a treasure." Xiao Chen said while looking at the Skyfire Lingyu.

This Sky Fire Jade looks very simple and ancient, but there is a flow of flames on its surface. This color seems to be produced by the Sky Fire Jade itself, not from the Sky Fire Jade.

"I have to find a way to get rid of this strange phenomenon." Xiao Chen pondered, and then a black light suddenly appeared in his hand. It was a black dagger with a black evil aura on it.

"This is a weapon formed by the condensed evil spirit between heaven and earth." Xiao Chen looked at his right arm and muttered to himself.

He knew that he extracted this weapon from the Sky Fire Jade.

However, he did not use it because his current strength was too low to control the evil energy between heaven and earth.

The evil spirit can destroy everything, including his body and even his soul.

"This is a very strong evil spirit!" Xiao Chen stared at the sword and sighed, "But if it is subdued, it may be able to increase its combat effectiveness a lot."

"However, I don't have the ability to control it now. I'll wait until I reach the level of the God Emperor."

"Besides, this thing is of no use to me."

Xiao Chen put away the sword made of condensed evil energy, and then began to study the Sky Fire Jade.

Xiao Chen took out a small box, which was filled with elixirs. Each bottle of elixirs was of good quality, and they were all third-grade elixirs. However, their effects were far inferior to that of the black dagger. Xiao Chen Chen took out the black dagger and began to study it.

"The lines on the Sky Fire Jade are too complicated. I am not strong enough now and cannot control the secrets at all. However, I believe that one day, I will master its secrets and become the master of the Sky Fire Jade!"

Chapter 593: Who is the best candidate to refine the Sky Fire Jade?

"Now, I need to find a suitable person to cultivate the Sky Fire Jade!" Xiao Chen said in a deep voice.

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