"So, who is the first choice?"

"Snow White?"

Xiao Chen shook his head: "Although she is qualified, the risk of practicing is too great and we cannot let her take this risk."

"The second candidate, Zhao Wuji?"

"Although Zhao Wuji is the Nine-Star Fighting King, he is not related to me, so why should he help me do this?"

Xiao Chen thought hard for a long time, but couldn't think of a suitable candidate.

As he walked back and forth he bumped into the table and a piece of paper moved from the table to the floor.

"Hiss, you can hit this. It's really..." Xiao Chen looked at the paper on the ground. That piece of paper was the one he used to sign the contract with Hisoka.

"Humph." Xiao Chen smiled lightly, "Choice? Isn't there already one? Hisoka is really a good candidate."

Xiao Chen squatted down, picked up the paper, and crumpled it into a ball with one hand.

"Come here." Xiao Chen called.

Xiao Chen called out, and a man in black clothes walked in from outside. His steps were very light, and he seemed to be someone who had practiced internal skills.

"Master Xiao, what are your orders?" the visitor said respectfully.

"Go and invite Xisuo to me." Xiao Chen said.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao!" The visitor bowed and said, then turned and left.

"Wait." Xiao Chen shouted again.

"Master Xiao, please give me your instructions!" The visitor stopped and turned around and said.

"This matter will be kept secret for now." Xiao Chen looked at him and said.


Not long after, Xiao Chen heard a knock on the door, and then Yi Xisuo walked in.

"Master Xiao, are you looking for me?" Xisuo said doubtfully, wondering why Xiao Chen was looking for him.

"How about we make a deal?" Xiao Chen looked at Xisuo and said with an evil smile on his face.

Xisuo looked at Xiao Chen and had a bad feeling in his heart. He quickly said: "Young Master Xiao, you might as well say it directly if you have something to say."

"It's very simple. Do you still remember our previous contract? You brought me the Skyfire Lingyu, and I will also give you the materials and gold coins I promised you." Xiao Chen looked at Xisuo and said in a very calm tone.

Hisoka was stunned, "Isn't this natural? Why did you bring me here?"

Xiao Chen looked at Xisuo's stunned look and sneered in his heart: "This idiot."

"I want to make another deal with you. The reward will be twice that of the previous contract. No matter whether the matter is successful or not, you can take the reward." Xiao Chen said.

He knew that seducing Hisoka like this would be the most effective.

Sure enough, Hisoka's face immediately showed an expression of surprise.

"Master Xiao, will you really fulfill our previous agreement?" Hisoka looked at Xiao Chen and asked in disbelief.

"Of course, you are a smart man." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hisoka's eyes lit up: "This is really great."

"You just agreed? Didn't you ask why?" Xiao Chen thought that Xisuo would agree, but he didn't expect that things would go so smoothly.

"Huh? When did I say I agreed? I just asked you to fulfill your previous contract." Hisoka replied casually.

"I saved your life, and I will give you what you want. If I say, including this incident, there is no harm to you, are you still not willing to do things for me?" Xiao Chen began to wipe his table The sound of the knife on the knife rubbing against the iron made Hisoka shiver.

"Tell me what you want me to do."

"I need you to help me cultivate the Heavenly Fire Spirit Jade." Xiao Chen said straightforwardly.

"Skyfire Lingyu, isn't that thing already in your hands? What? Do you still need me to help you?" Hisoka looked at Xiao Chen with a puzzled look on his face and asked.

"It's with me, but I can't practice it."

"What is the Heavenly Fire Jade? You, Xiao Chen, can't even refine a stone." Hisoka asked doubtfully.

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "The Heavenly Fire Jade is not an ordinary stone, it is a heaven-level treasure. Do you think it can be compared to ordinary stones?"

Heavenly treasure? When Hisoka heard these words, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

"Are you serious? The Heavenly Fire Jade is a heaven-level treasure? What do you mean by a heaven-level treasure?" Hisoka's voice was trembling. A heaven-level treasure. This has been the highest level for mankind for many years. It is a heaven-level treasure. The value of treasures has been immeasurable. In this world, as long as there is a little money, there is basically no shortage of money, because no one dares to provoke the heaven-level powerhouse, who can destroy the entire continent.

"Why did I lie to you?"

"Where is the Fire Spirit Jade that day?" Hisoka asked.

"Here!" Xiao Chen threw the piece of paper to Xisuo.

"What do you need me to do?" Hisoka looked at the dimmed Sky Fire Jade with an ominous premonition.

"Help me pour spiritual power into its interior and temper it into a spiritual elixir. The elixir will emit a strong fire-attribute aura. When the time comes, I can absorb the power of flames in the elixir to practice. When the time comes, I will His strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds." Xiao Chen said.

Hisoka took the piece of paper in his hand and looked at the words on it.

Chapter 594: Xisuo helps Xiao Chen successfully refine the Sky Fire Jade

"Okay, I will do it! But..."

"But what?" Xiao Chen looked at him.

"Master Xiao, I need to know the reason, otherwise, how can I rest assured to refine this piece of Sky Fire Jade." Xisuo looked at Xiao Chen and said.

Xiao Chen was silent for a moment: "I know you are a fire attribute. My water attribute and the Sky Fire Jade's attributes are in conflict. You are the best candidate to refine the Sky Fire Jade."

After hearing Xiao Chen's explanation, Xisuo nodded: "So that's it. I understand, and I will definitely do it according to your method."

"Well, in that case, let's get started." Xiao Chen looked at Hisoka and said.

Hisoka nodded, then sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, activated the spiritual energy, and transferred it to the palm of his hand. Then he ran the technique, slowly placed the Sky Fire Jade on the ground, and held the top of it with his hand.

A ball of red flame emerged from the Heavenly Fire Jade and slowly spread around.

As soon as the flame came out, Hisoka's hand felt extremely painful. He immediately let go of his hand, threw the Sky Fire Jade to the ground, and then quickly stepped back a few steps, with a solemn look on his face.

His palms were completely swollen, like cooked shrimps, and they were still smoking. His fingers were dripping with black liquid, and he looked seriously injured.

"Hiss! The power of this Heavenly Fire Jade is so powerful!" Hisoka gritted his teeth and endured the pain, murmuring in a low voice.

The power of this piece of Sky Fire Jade was indeed stronger than he imagined. If his cultivation level were not higher than Xiao Chen's, I am afraid that his fingers would have been disabled by now and would have been burned into coke.

With his current strength, he still underestimated the power of the Skyfire Lingyu.

"How about it?"

"It's okay. I can hold on for a while and I'll be fine in a while." Hisoka said.

Xiao Chen nodded. This time, he planned to use the power of the Sky Fire Jade to temper his body first. If his body could reach the indestructible state, he could try to refine the Sky Fire Jade.

Xisuo is very strong, but his physical body is still too weak after all. Xiao Chen's physical body is many times stronger than his. As long as he can temper the power of the Skyfire Jade to the realm of indestructibility, then his His strength will increase greatly, and with the addition of the Heavenly Fire Spirit Jade, he may even reach the level of a heaven-level powerhouse.

This is why he wants to cooperate with Hisoka. The Sky Fire Jade is a dream for any warrior.

Hisoka's body shook slightly, and beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Xiao Chen saw his look and said, "How do you feel now? Can you continue?"

"It's nothing serious," Hisoka said.

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded, and then began to stretch his hand towards the piece of Skyfire Jade.

Hisoka stared at Xiao Chen unblinkingly, for fear of missing any of Xiao Chen's movements, for fear of missing something. He had never encountered this kind of situation before.

The temperature of the Heavenly Fire Lingyu was very high. After Xiao Chen put his right hand on it, he felt a biting coldness directly eroding his skin and instantly spreading throughout his body. He shivered all over.

So hot! It’s so hard! Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown.

His fingers quickly turned dark, as if they had been burned to ashes.


Xiao Chen couldn't help but let out a scream.

His left arm was also slowly being burned.

Hisoka looked at Xiao Chen's state, his brows furrowed, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

His palms were gradually numb, and black lines appeared on the back of his hands, which was the burning feeling brought by the Sky Fire Jade.

Hisoka's forehead was covered with large beads of sweat, but he did not stop. Instead, he activated his spiritual energy and lowered the temperature of his right and left hands to the lowest level.

Time passes slowly.

Xiao Chen's clothes were already soaked with sweat, but Xiao Chen still gritted his teeth and persisted, not daring to give up any chance.

There was dense sweat on Hisoka's forehead, his lips became pale, and his aura began to weaken.

His palms also became dark and the skin became wrinkled.

"Crack! Click!"

A series of small cracking sounds sounded.

Hisoka's feet began to tremble.

He endured all this with gritted teeth.


Xiao Chen let out one last scream, then released his palms and fell to the ground. His hands had been completely melted by the Sky Fire Jade.

"Huh~ It finally worked!"

Xiao Chen took a breath.

"Is this successful?" Hisoka asked doubtfully.

After a long time, Xiao Chen said, "Yes, you can leave. I will have someone deliver the things you want."

Hisoka left and returned to his hotel room.

"It's been a while since I left Master. I wonder how the old man is doing." Hisoka thought to himself, then he lay on the bed and began to close his eyes and rest.

At this time, Xiao Chen finally suppressed the fire disaster caused by the Sky Fire Jade, which already made him sweat profusely.

Chapter 595 Xiao Chen survives the fire disaster

"It's already so difficult to control the fire calamity without absorbing all of it. Fortunately, Xisuo is here, otherwise I would have been wiped out." Xiao Chen was secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, Sisuo was allowed to follow him, otherwise he would really have died. Got here.

Xiao Chen finally understood why some people would rather self-destruct than absorb the Sky Fire Jade, because they really didn't dare to absorb it.

Once they absorb the Heavenly Fire Spirit Jade, they will have to endure the pain caused by the fire disaster, and may even sleep in the sea of ​​fire forever and never wake up again.

"Huh! Fortunately, it was successful. The fire tribulation of Tianhuo Lingyu was really powerful. It was like a sharp blade. If my body hadn't been strong enough, I would have been scorched!" Xiao Chen said with a long voice. The ground breathed out.

There were also bursts of stinging pain on his body, but fortunately, the fire calamity of the Sky Fire Lingyu did not roast him.

His palms became pitch black as a result, and black lines appeared on his face, and they were still spreading, all the way to the base of his ears, like small pimples.

In this situation, he didn't dare to move, he was afraid of causing another fire disaster.

"I have absorbed so much spiritual fire, and the fire tribulation has become so aggressive, Xisuo will feel better." Xiao Chen sat on the chair and started writing.

After a while, Xiao Chen stopped writing.

"Someone is coming."

There was a knock on the door outside.

Xiao Chen responded, then opened the door and saw a young man wearing attendant clothes standing outside, holding a cup of tea in his hand and walked into the room.

"Young Master, the tea you asked for."

The attendant handed Xiao Chen tea, and Xiao Chen took it and said thank you.

"Young Master, do you have any other instructions?" The attendant stood aside, waiting for Xiao Chen's instructions.

Xiao Chen handed the paper in his hand to the attendant, "According to this list, prepare everything, including medicines, equipment and materials, and send them to Xisuo."


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