The attendant took the paper from Xiao Chen and bowed to leave.

The next day, Hisoka was awakened by the movement outside.

He stood up and walked to the window and looked down. The leader was a young man, leading a team of people and boxes, stopping at the door of the tavern.

Because the battle was too big, the boss was still negotiating with the young man.

The young man waved his hand, and the attendant beside him took out a bag of gold coins and handed it to the owner of the tavern.

"Whose young master is this? What a generous act." After Hisoka finished speaking, he walked back to the bed and lay down.

After a while, footsteps were heard on the stairs, and then the footsteps got closer and closer to Hisoka's door.

The sound of more than one person's footsteps made Hisoka alert. Before booking a room, he specifically booked the most remote room with his boss. After staying there for a few days, almost no one came except the waiter. Now, there was more than one person.

Hisoka stared at the door warily.

The footsteps finally stopped at the door, and two people stood at the door.

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Hisoka, are you in the room? Mr. Hisoka?" the shop owner's voice came from outside the door.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Okay, is it convenient for us to come in?"

Hearing this voice, Hisoka breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was safe and that they meant no harm.

Hisoka temporarily lowered his guard and said, "Okay, please come in."


With a creak, the door was pushed open.

"Mr. Hisoka, this distinguished guest is here to see you." The shop owner stretched out his hand to signal the young man behind him.

The young man took a step forward, linked arms and bowed, then stood up, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Hisoka.

"Hello, Mr. Xisuo. I am here to deliver something to you on the order of Young Master Xiao Chen. This is a list, please take a look."

Hisoka took the paper, opened it and read it. Every item on the list was very obvious. In addition to the originally agreed elixir materials, there are also some precious medicinal materials and fire-controlling utensils.

"Well, please." Hisoka put the list on the table.

"There is also a medicinal diet recipe here. You can take a look. If you are interested, you can buy some herbs according to the above." After the young man finished speaking, he paused.

"Is there anything else?" Hisoka looked at the young man.

"Mr. Hisoka, are you willing to change rooms? It may be difficult to put down the things that the young master has given you here." The young man asked.

"Okay, I'll excuse you, please wait here for a moment, I'll change rooms now." Hisoka said.

"No need, Mr. Hisoka. I have already booked the room." The young man smiled.

oh? Hisoka raised his head and looked at the young man, wondering what he meant.

"Mr. Xisuo, do you know that what I was ordered to escort this time are the top alchemy furnaces and alchemy cauldrons in Xiao City. My task is to ensure that they are delivered to you safely." The young man looked at Xisuo seriously. say.

"Is this also what your young master told you?"

"No, but as the young master's attendant, I should have this awareness." The young man said with a smile.

The young man led the way, and Hisoka followed him upstairs.

Hisoka came to the inn upstairs. The layout here was much more spacious than the previous inn.

Chapter 596: Xisuo accepts Xiao Chen’s gift

The decoration of the inn is also very high-end. In the middle of the inn is a huge stage, which is now filled with many shelves, with wooden boxes placed on them. Some red silk is hung on the box, and the bottom of the box is made of Tied with red rope.

"Mr. Hisoka, this is the most luxurious box." The young man pointed to the innermost box on the right side of the stage and said.

"Thank you, I'll just go there myself."

"Mr. Hisoka, this is what we should do. Just rest first! Call us if you need anything."

"No, that's fine."

Hisoka walked towards the box. The sound insulation effect here was very good, so he could rest at ease.

Xisuo sat on a chair, opened the box, took out a jade pendant from the box, looked at the lines on the jade pendant carefully, and then put the jade pendant around his waist. As soon as the jade pendant entered Xisuo's body, the jade pendant immediately shimmered with a faint light. of light.

Hisoka closed his eyes and slowly felt that the jade pendant was slowly moving inside his body. Hisoka could feel countless warm currents flowing in the jade pendant. These warm currents surged throughout his body along his meridians.

The energy of the jade pendant traveled around in his body, and then slowly gathered between his eyebrows. Hisoka could feel that the jade pendant was helping him absorb the warm current. Hisoka felt as if there were countless stars twinkling in his mind, and countless information was churning in his mind. Hisoka was gradually immersed in it.

An hour later.

Hisoka opened his eyes, his face became very solemn, and his eyes turned purple-black in an instant.

His body began to heat up.

"It's so hot, why did this heat suddenly become so strong!" Hisoka cursed secretly. He quickly mobilized the soul power in his Dantian to resist the heat in his body.

"Why did this heat suddenly increase many times? Could it be that the jade pendant was helping me dispel the heat?" Hisoka thought in his mind.

"Is it because of the bottle of elixir?" Hisoka thought in his mind.

After thinking for a while, he still shook his head.

"No matter, let's absorb this heat first." Hisoka thought in his mind.

"Huh...huh..." Hisoka began to take a deep breath. He is mobilizing the power of his soul.

"Buzz..." Hisoka felt that the warm current in his mind was slowly fading.

I don't know how long it took, but the warmth completely subsided, and there was some sweat on his forehead.

Hisoka wiped the sweat off his forehead. He felt that his soul power seemed to have changed a little, but this change was very subtle and vague.

"What a powerful heat! Is this the power of the alchemy furnace and the alchemy cauldron?"

Hisoka looked at the alchemy cauldron and alchemy furnace on the table and muttered to himself. He reached out to the alchemy cauldron and the alchemy furnace and picked up the two alchemy furnaces. At this time, he suddenly felt that something was struggling inside the alchemy cauldron and the alchemy furnace.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he felt a pain in his body, as if he had been pricked by a needle.

"Ah!" Hisoka screamed.

Hisoka quickly let go of the alchemy cauldron and threw the two alchemy furnaces into the box next to them. There was red silk on the box. Hisoka was afraid of damaging the alchemy furnace or soiling the red silk, so he did not touch the alchemy furnace again, but touched the red silk with his hand.

"Hey, how come this red silk is so soft and a little wet, as if it's not dry yet? How could this happen?" Hisoka asked in confusion.

"I don't know, maybe the quality of this red silk is particularly good, and it's not washed with water." Hisoka thought to himself, but he was too lazy to think about this issue now. After all, he almost destroyed the alchemy furnace and the alchemy cauldron just now. Yes, this is a treasure worth tens of millions of spiritual stones. If it was destroyed, he would definitely feel heartbroken.

Hisoka looked at the box next to him. Inside was a set of clothes made of gold and silver threads. Looking at the clothes, he felt a little excited.

"I have become rich." Hisoka thought to himself.

His goal is to become an alchemist, to become an excellent alchemist. He wants to become a real alchemist. Therefore, he must improve his strength as soon as possible. Only when you are strong enough can you protect the people you want to protect.

Hisoka took out a medicinal ingredient, threw it into the medicine cauldron, and began to refine the elixir.

While refining the elixir, he observed the two elixir furnaces in his hands.

This time, he finally understood why his alchemy cauldron looked so strange. It turned out to be because there were elixirs hidden in the alchemy cauldron.

Hisoka said in his mind: "What kind of elixir is in this box?"

"I don't know, but there must be elixirs inside. If I open this box, there must be elixirs inside. Maybe there are some high-level elixirs in it!" Hisoka thought.

"This elixir should be a high-level holy elixir!"

"If I can eat a high-level holy pill, I can attack the holy realm. The holy realm is very powerful, and the holy realm can have holy beasts. If I can eat a holy pill, that would be great!"

Chapter 597: The alchemy spirit fire is out of control

"Well, I have to swallow this elixir quickly. This holy elixir shouldn't be expensive, right? I don't know if I can eat it. If I can eat it, even if I make a profit, I won't lose anything if I can't. Anyway, It's for free," Hisoka thought.

He immediately took out the medicine cauldron. Place the elixir on the alchemy cauldron and prepare to swallow the elixir into your mouth.

Hisoka closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and swallowed the pill.


As soon as the pill entered his stomach, a burning sensation spread from his stomach to his whole body. He felt hot all over. He couldn't help but groan, but his consciousness was still awake. He knew that now He couldn't faint yet. Once he fainted, he would lose this opportunity. He could only hold on.

After this elixir entered Hisoka's belly, it quickly melted and integrated into his bones. It spread rapidly in Hisoka's bone marrow, and his bone marrow also changed in the process.

After the elixir entered his bone marrow, he felt a little exhausted. After the elixir entered his bone marrow, it began to swim in the bone marrow at a very slow speed.

Hisoka's bones also mutated during this process. His bones became stronger and stronger, and his bone marrow became stronger and stronger.

This process lasted all night before Hisoka's body stopped squirming.

The next morning, Hisoka opened his eyes.

"Hey, this pill actually formed a flame in the bones last night. My bones actually had flames? How is this possible? Has my body been sublimated again? My body is several times stronger than before. "Xisodi said to himself, all this is simply incredible, his physical body has become a lot stronger.

Hisoka looked at the box next to him. There were still three pills left in the box. These three elixirs were the elixirs he successfully refined last night.

"No, I haven't reached the limit yet, keep refining!" Hisoka said to himself, and continued to pour the elixir in the box into the furnace. Now he only needs to keep refining, waiting for the best state, and will All three elixirs were successfully refined.

Hisoka continued to be busy in the furnace. He was refining elixirs very quickly. After one night, he still had five or six elixirs left.

This time during the elixir refining, Hisoka did not throw away the elixirs. He wanted to keep them. These elixirs were of great help to him.

He continued to refine alchemy, and this time his alchemy speed was much slower. After all, his alchemy speed last night had exceeded the average person's one-year practice speed, so his alchemy speed this time was not very fast.

An hour passed, and Hisoka's alchemy speed was still very slow, but his alchemy efficiency was getting lower and lower.

"What's going on? Why has my alchemy speed become so low?"

Hisoka increased the spirit fire, and suddenly the flames were uncontrollable.

Hisoka thought there was something wrong with the medicine cauldron and tried hard to control the flames, but the flames were disobedient and out of control. Moreover, this time the flames seemed to be alive and did not obey his command at all. Running around.

Hisoka had no choice but to open the alchemy cauldron and use spiritual fire to control the flames. However, he did not expect that as soon as the alchemy cauldron was opened, the flames flew out again, constantly scurrying around and out of control at all.

"What's going on? When I was refining the elixir, I always used the power of my soul to control it, but why can't I control it this time? This shouldn't be the case!" Hisoka frowned, thinking in confusion. With.

However, he quickly figured out that this alchemy cauldron was no ordinary alchemy cauldron. There is a formation in this alchemy cauldron. He has no way to control the elixirs in the alchemy cauldron yet. He can only let the elixirs move around in the alchemy cauldron, and it can also affect his mind and soul.

Hisoka cursed himself inwardly, why didn't he think of the special features of this alchemy? How could he forget this thing?

However, even if he thought about it, he could not control this elixir. This elixir was a super high-end weapon for refining. However, he had no way to control this elixir, so he had to keep it in his pocket. .

Hisoka decided to take the alchemy outside to sell it first, and he put the alchemy into his storage space.

Hisoka took out a coat and put it on, then opened the door of the cabin and walked out.

He walked to the door of a small shop. The name of this shop is "Danding Store". It is a very famous store in the Southern Wilderness Continent. The owner is named Boss Chen. His Danding is very famous, and the elixirs he refines are also famous. It is very famous, but in order to keep it secret, he only sells the elixir recipe and will not tell others about the rest. This store is very famous in the Southern Wilderness Continent.

Not only that, he is also a very powerful animal trainer, with hundreds of horses in his hands. These horses are his domesticated pets and are very expensive. An ordinary horse is worth 70 million spiritual stones.

Chapter 598: The "Fire Spirit Tiger Pill" sent by Boss Chen

The price of the hundreds of horses that Boss Chen sold was at least 80 million spiritual stones, and maybe even hundreds of millions of spiritual stones.

This is also one of his incomes. He is very wealthy in the Southern Wilderness Continent.

"Hello, I want to buy some elixirs. I want to buy some elixirs." Hisoka stood outside the counter and said with a smile to Boss Chen.

"Whatever pill you want to buy, you have to pay first." Boss Chen said coldly. He is a middle-aged man with a beard, a dark complexion, and a burly figure. He looks like he has a strong fighting capacity.

"No, I want to refine the elixir."

"Refining alchemy?" Boss Chen's eyes lit up when he heard these two words, and he said, "I wonder what kind of elixir you are refining? Is it an elixir?"

"No, it's the elixir for refining the third-level monster Fire Spirit Tiger." Hisoka said calmly.

"The fire spirit tiger of the third-order monster?" Boss Chen was stunned for a moment. The fire spirit tiger of the third-order monster is worth one thousand taels of gold, and there are only three pills in his alchemy cauldron, one of which is a pill pattern. Pills, one is the Spirit Gathering Pill, and the other is the Fire Spirit Tiger Pill.

The Fire Spirit Tiger of the third-order monster is indeed a good monster. However, the value of the third-order monster is too expensive. It cannot be bought with one thousand taels of gold. Moreover, the third-order monster is a very rare species. I think It is very difficult to hunt down third-level monsters.

"If you want to buy the elixir for the third-level demonic beast Fire Spirit Tiger, you need three thousand taels of gold, and you have to use these spiritual stones to buy it. If you want to use these spiritual stones to buy the third-level demonic beast Fire Spirit Tiger, I advise you to still Save some money! The price of a third-level monster is seven thousand taels of gold per pound. These three thousand taels of gold are money that an ordinary warrior cannot earn in three lifetimes!" Boss Chen said with a sneer.

When Xisuo heard Boss Chen's words, he was slightly startled, then shook his head and said: "What I want to buy is the elixir of the third-order monster Fire Spirit Tiger, not the meat of the third-order monster, but the elixir of the third-order monster." For meat, just a piece of high-grade spiritual stone is enough, and I want to use the high-grade spiritual stone to buy the meat of the Fire Spirit Tiger."

"The meat of a third-level monster? Are you sure you can buy it?" Boss Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard that Xisuo said that he wanted to use high-grade spiritual stones to buy the meat of the Fire Spirit Tiger.

"I'm sure, I want to buy it." Hisoka said firmly.

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