"Okay, three thousand taels of gold, a total of five hundred taels, a total of nine thousand taels of gold, bring me nine thousand taels of gold." Boss Chen sneered and said.

"Nine thousand taels?" Hisoka was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, nine thousand taels of gold, not even a penny less."

"Okay, no problem." Without any hesitation, Hisoka took out the Qiankun bag, took out five thousand taels of gold, and handed it to Boss Chen.

At this time, when Boss Chen saw the Qiankun bag in Xisuo's hand, his face suddenly turned sideways, his eyes showed greed, and he quickly reached out to snatch it.

He wants to take Hisoka's Qiankun Bag as his own.

However, as soon as his hand touched Hisoka's Universe Bag, Hisoka's Universe Bag changed and turned into a huge python in an instant and attacked him.


As soon as he blocked it with his palm, his arm immediately felt severe pain.

"Hiss!" Boss Chen couldn't help but roar.

He quickly gave up snatching Hisoka's Qiankun Bag and retreated far away.

When Hisoka saw this, he was not in a hurry to enter the store. He continued to wait at the door of the store. He wanted to see what other tricks Boss Chen had.

After a while, Boss Chen finally couldn't bear it anymore. He quickly ran to Xisuo's side and said, "Master, do you really want to buy the meat of the Fire Spirit Tiger?"

"Of course, I want to buy the meat of the third-level monster Fire Spirit Tiger. This is my reward, please check." Hisoka said calmly.

"Okay, let me verify it for you." Boss Chen said.

Then, he took out a jade bottle from Hisoka's Qiankun bag, poured out a red pill, and looked at it carefully in his hand.

After looking at it for a long time, Boss Chen said with satisfaction: "Well, that's right, it's the elixir of the third-order monster Fire Spirit Tiger. I can provide the meat of the third-order Fire Spirit Tiger you want, but I have to I’ll pay you a deposit of three hundred taels of spirit stones first.”

"Okay." After Hisoka finished speaking, he handed Boss Chen three hundred taels of spirit stones. Then he took out a Qiankun bag and gave all the spirit stones inside to Boss Chen. Boss Chen finished counting the number of spirit stones. , put away the spirit stone, and then said: "I will send the elixir of the Fire Spirit Tiger to you, and you can come and collect it when the time comes."


Hisoka nodded and left here.

"Hmph! A country bumpkin dares to negotiate the price with me. You are still young! But you are lucky this time. I will forgive you. When you go back, see how I torture you!" Boss Chen looked at Xi coldly. Suo disappeared in the direction he said thoughtfully.

When Hisoka returned to the hotel, the things he purchased had been delivered.

"Great, I can make elixirs." Great, my strength can be increased and my strength can be restored.

Back in the room, he couldn't wait to open the jade bottle, which contained a fire bomb.

Chapter 599: Taking advantage of the situation to refine the flame bomb

As soon as the flame bomb appeared, the temperature of the entire room increased a lot, and the fire ball emitted a red light.

The power of the fire bomb is so terrifying that it can easily burn down a house.

Although it is not as good as the meat of the third-level monster Fire Spirit Tiger, it is still a very precious material.

Although it is not a panacea, it is a very rare treasure that ordinary people cannot have.

"Hey, let's refine it! By refining it, my soul power should be greatly improved. Moreover, my soul power can also be increased. By then, even if I don't use the magic talisman, I will be able to instantly kill that bullshit Qi Refining Realm. Fourth level warrior."

After finishing speaking, Hisoka began to refine the third-level fire spirit tiger elixir, and he swallowed the third-level fire spirit tiger elixir into his stomach.


He felt a violent shock in his body, and then he felt a huge energy rushing into his mind.

These energies kept swimming around in his sea of ​​consciousness, washing over his body and mind.

He felt that this energy was very strange, as if it was spiritual. He could feel how powerful this energy was. This energy was many times more powerful than the previous flame elixirs. This energy was full of violent heat. Just like lava.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, flame energy constantly rushed into his body and mind, completely submerging his body and mind.

Under the wash of the flame energy, many memory fragments appeared in Hisoka's mind. Those memory fragments were scenes of dangerous situations when he was practicing.

Hisoka felt very excited. These memory fragments were all dangerous scenes he had experienced. They were all his actual combat experiences. These scenes were all his training experiences. These would improve his martial arts, spells, etc., allowing him to His martial arts and spells are more powerful, making him more powerful in combat.

Hisoka continued to comprehend these scenes in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He kept pondering these memory fragments.

His martial arts and his spells are constantly improving, and in this case, his cultivation is getting stronger.

Soon, he understood all the memory fragments, and his strength became stronger and stronger, and he even felt the opportunity for a breakthrough.

At this time, another small black hole appeared in his Dantian. Inside the black hole, endless spiritual energy poured into the small black hole, constantly growing his body.

It was not until night that he ended his practice.

The moment he opened his eyes, a powerful soul force burst out from his body.

He felt his current soul power and felt that his strength had improved greatly.

"Haha, I feel very satisfied with this improvement in strength! It seems that I only need to refine a few more batches of elixirs to make my soul power stronger." Hisoka said excitedly.

But the next second, Hisoka's expression became serious. He felt a dull pain coming from his heart. The pain was as if a knife had been stabbed into the heart. The pain was very obvious.

This made him frown.

Could it be that the side effects of the flame bomb were showing?

Hisoka quickly opened the jade bottle and poured out the Fire Spirit Tiger elixir.

As soon as he took the Fire Spirit Tiger elixir, Hisoka suddenly felt a sharp pain. The pain made him tremble all over and almost screamed.


A series of screams made him almost faint.

However, he held back.

Because, he must hold on and persist in the past.

In that kind of pain, he gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, and continued to persevere.


Finally, Hisoka couldn't bear it any longer, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. His face showed a painful expression, his body softened, and he sat on the bed.

"Ouch! It hurts me so much, it really hurts!" Hisoka couldn't help but cursed, his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Haha, I finally got over it. I finally got over it." Hisoka shouted excitedly. He took out a bottle of spiritual liquid from the storage ring and drank it.

"Gululu! Gulu!" After a bottle of spiritual liquid was poured out, his throat roared. After he drank it, he sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and began to regulate his breathing.

After a day and a night, he slowly opened his eyes, with a hint of excitement in his eyes. His soul power had increased much more than before, and his strength had also improved.

"Great, my soul power has grown again. This improvement in strength is even stronger than before. This is such an unexpected surprise!"

In his mind, that powerful energy appeared again, and he refined it again, making his strength and his soul power increase again.


Hisoka yelled again: "Haha, I have new strength again."

At this time, he took out the fire crystal core of the Fire Spirit Tiger again, and then refined it. His soul power increased again.

Chapter 600: Attendant Xiao Chen sent water beads

He got this fire crystal core from the Fire Spirit Tiger. The fire crystal core is a top-grade spiritual stone that contains a lot of fire energy. It is a very precious thing. He refined this fire crystal. The core was completely integrated into the sea of ​​consciousness, allowing his strength to be improved again.

"Yeah!" Hisoka felt the surging power in his body and felt his unparalleled power. He felt that he was now qualified to compete with mid-level people.

Unconsciously, his figure appeared outside the door.

Outside the door, he saw Hisoka.

Hisoka was standing there, looking at the moon in the distance.

"Hey! What the hell is this?" Hisoka shouted in surprise, his eyes falling on a black stone tablet at Hisoka's feet.

His eyes fell on the stone tablet.

This black stone tablet is engraved with a huge map with various geographical information marked on it.

"Terrain, route, time, and those powerful monsters."

"This information is stored in my sea of ​​consciousness. I can observe it at any time, but I cannot read it."

"I wonder what this is?" Hisoka looked at the stone tablet, puzzled.

At this time, Hisoka suddenly felt dizzy, and then he felt pain in his head as if he had been stabbed by a needle.

The severe pain almost made him collapse.

He quickly hugged his head and squatted on the ground. His face was full of pain and his body was shaking.

"How could this happen? What's wrong with me? Why do I feel so much pain? Why do I feel so painful? Why does my soul power suddenly increase? Why is this state happening? Why?"

He kept roaring, venting his inner pain.

His hands gripped his hair tightly, and his whole body became crazy.

He kept beating his chest, making a dull thumping sound. The veins in his arms were bulging and the muscles were knotted. He looked like a madman.

However, no matter what actions he took, they had no effect. His soul power was still weakening rapidly. He could not control the growth of soul power at all. He felt that his soul power was passing away rapidly, and his heart was filled with fear.

In that fear, he felt like he was going to die.

He felt that his head was no longer his.

He knew that his head would explode and his soul would completely leave his body and dissipate.

This dissipation is permanent. He will not die, but will only enter reincarnation.


A powerful force burst out from his mind, instantly knocking him away. He fell heavily to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.

His vision went dark and he fell into coma.

Before he passed out, he heard a familiar voice calling him: "Hisoka! Hisoka! Wake up, don't sleep!"

It was a very clear and sweet sound, like an oriole's.

Hisoka woke up suddenly and found himself lying on the bed. There was a person lying on the edge of the bed next to him, staring at him anxiously and calling him constantly.

"I must be dreaming! I can actually see her in my dream! I must be dreaming!"

Hisoka said in his heart.

"Hisoka, you finally woke up!" A crisp voice came into his ears and rang in his mind. The voice was very familiar.

Hisoka raised his head and looked to the opposite side. On the opposite side, there was a young man standing.

The person in front of him is Xiao Chen's attendant.

"Why are you here? Didn't you go back?" Hisoka said, leaning on the bed and holding his forehead.

"The young master asked me to come and give you something again. When I opened the door, I found you lying on the ground." Then he moved you to the bed. "The attendant said anxiously, fearing that Hisoka would misunderstand him.

"Oh! I was in a coma." Hisoka nodded and asked, "What did he ask you to bring me?"

"Oh, this is it." The attendant turned around and walked to the table and handed a red velvet box to Hisoka. "This thing is very valuable. The young master has told me that it must be handed over to you personally."

Hisoka took the box and opened it smoothly. Inside the box was a dimmed bead.

"What is this?" The attendant looked at Hisoka.

"This is the water spirit bead. He asked me to give it to you so that you can refine it." Hisoka looked at the bead in the box and raised his eyebrows.

"Refining it?" the attendant asked doubtfully, "What refining method is it?"

"Throw the beads into the pool, let it absorb the liquid in the pool, and then refine the liquid in the pool. After using it, you can increase the power of your soul and increase your strength a lot." Suo said.

"That's it." The attendant suddenly realized, and then he said: "The young master also asked you to take this elixir after refining it. This elixir is called Shuihui Dan, which can heal the injuries of the fire soul and can also restore the body. The power of the soul can also transform and increase the power of the soul.".

Chapter 601: You, you, and me?


Hisoka responded gently. He opened the box, put the water spirit bead into the box, then closed the box, put it aside, and placed it in his space ring.

At this time, his eyes moved to his palms.

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