"Swish, swish, swish!" The skeletons waved their weapons and attacked Hisoka. Every attack would bring up a white mist.

"Boom!" Another violent sound came, and the skeletons fell down one after another, but soon they stood up again and rushed towards Hisoka desperately. Their only target was Hisoka. .

Hisoka's body already had a lot of wounds, and his body was already shaky, but he was still struggling to support himself. He knew that this was his last hope.

At this time, the skeletons had already rushed to Hisoka, raised their weapons one by one, and slashed at Hisoka.

"Bang bang bang..." A series of loud noises came, and huge black balls smashed towards Hisoka.

Hisoka's body was hit by these black balls, and his armor was instantly shattered. His body was blown away, blood spattered everywhere, and his entire body was completely mutilated.

Hisoka struggled to get up, gritting his teeth to prevent himself from falling, and looked at the young man.

The boy continued to fight, but he was also injured. However, looking at his appearance, it didn't seem like much was wrong.

"Your mission has been completed, you can leave." Hisoka said.

The young man glanced at Hisoka and then said, "I won't leave."

Hisoka frowned slightly and said, "I'm already like this, and you still want to stay and die?"

The young man smiled and said: "How could I leave you? Although this place is not where I should be, but now that I'm here, I must get things done. I don't want to die without knowing anything. .”

Hisoka looked at the boy and said, "We are all the same. If we have a chance, we will leave here together."

A burst of golden light erupted from the young man's body. The light slowly rotated around the young man's body, but soon, the golden light dimmed and then disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Hisoka was slightly startled. He knew what kind of move this boy was using. This move was called Body Protecting Gang Qi. This boy had actually mastered Body Protecting Gang Qi. He didn't expect this. of.

Chapter 617: Promise me, we must leave together.

However, the effect of body-protecting Gangqi is very weak, and it can only be used in special circumstances. In situations like this, it will not come in handy at all.

The young man's face was pale and he looked extremely weak. He had just used the body-protecting Gangqi, and the real energy in his body was almost exhausted. Now, it has become difficult for him to even walk.

"My strength is still far from enough." The young man murmured.

"It's true that you are not as good as me." Hisoka said, "But you still have many advantages."

"Really?" The young man looked at Hisoka.

"Yes, you are a very powerful genius."

"Hahahaha..." Hearing Hisoka's compliment, the young man couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, let's go!" Hisoka said, walking out of the cave.

"Wait a minute." The young man stopped Hisoka and said, "I want to say a few words to you, is that okay?"

Hisoka looked at the boy, then nodded and said, "You say."

The young man looked at Hisoka and then asked: "Why don't you run away? I know that with your speed and lightness, you can leave here."

Hisoka smiled bitterly and said, "Do you think I will run away?"

"I don't understand."

"You just need to know that you are trapped here now and there is no need to escape." Hisoka said.

"Really?" There was a mocking expression on the boy's lips: "I don't think I can kill these things in my current state."

"You are the only survivor here. You should thank yourself for your good luck. You met me." Hisoka said.

"Haha, are you lucky? Don't forget, if I hadn't tried my best, I would have been torn apart by these things. So, I am more lucky. I still have a lot of things to do. ?" the young man said with a smile.

"What's up?"

"You have to survive the fire disaster." The young man said, with a smile on his face, "I will help you, trust me."

Hisoka didn't speak, but stared at the boy silently.

Seeing that Hisoka didn't respond, the young man showed a trace of anxiety and said, "Why don't you speak?"

Hisoka shook his head and said, "Promise me, we must leave together."

The young man said nothing more, just looked at Hisoka in silence.

Hisoka glanced at the boy and then said, "Let's work hard together to survive."

"I understand, you should rest first!"

"Yeah." Hisoka said, then closed his eyes and rested quietly.

This break seemed to have passed for a long time.

When Hisoka opened his eyes again, he found that the boy had sat up, and he was holding a charm in his hand and was chanting something.

Hisoka looked at the boy in confusion, but the boy ignored Hisoka and just kept reciting the spell silently.

Although Hisoka was confused, he did not disturb the young man, but stood aside silently.

"Okay!" The young man patted the talisman in his hand into the ground.

Two rays of light shot out from the young man's eyes, and then a burst of light emitted from the ground.


With a roar, the ground suddenly collapsed.

Both Hisoka and the boy were buried in the ground.

"What is this for?" Hisoka asked in surprise.

"This is a barrier. Although the range of this barrier is very small, it is still enough to deal with these ordinary things."

Chapter 618: Firebird breaks through the barrier

The young man said: "Now I want to lure these things over. When they get close to the barrier, they will be pulled in by the strong suction of the barrier. At that time, you can take advantage of the chaos and escape."

"This barrier can absorb all attacks and power. We are the target of such things. However, I am confident that I will survive this danger because I have a set of secret weapons."

As he spoke, the boy took out a piece of metal.

This is a piece of metal the size of a palm. It emits bright light, like a sun, which is so dazzling that people cannot look directly at it.

"Is this your secret weapon?" Hisoka said.

"Yes." The young man said, "This is my life-saving trump card, and it is also my hope for survival."

"What is our purpose?" Hisoka asked: "This thing can absorb all power?"

"Yes, it can swallow all power, including life, including souls, including everything." The young man said with a smile: "However, it is just swallowing, it will not hurt anyone, unless it is a monk or a divine creature. Make an impact, otherwise, it won’t hurt you at all.”

After hearing the young man's words, Hisoka fell silent. After a moment, Hisoka raised his head, looked at the young man, and asked, "What about you? Will you be affected?"

"Yes, but I won't die." The boy said.

"You really won't die?" Hisoka asked in surprise.

"Yes, you won't die, and you won't be harmed in any way."

"I'm different from you." Hisoka retorted.

"Is there a difference?"

Hisoka was silent.

Violent shaking began outside the barrier. Hisoka and the boy's barrier was not close to the center of the volcano's core, but they could clearly feel the air flow.

This airflow is the hot gas of magma, mixed with various impurities. These things roll between the airflows, making crackling explosion sounds.

"Can this barrier really block such a powerful airflow?" Hisoka asked doubtfully.

"Don't worry! You'll be fine." The boy said.

At this moment, a huge thing flew in from outside the barrier.

Hisoka looked over and saw that it was a giant bird with red flames burning all over its body. It was a hundred meters long and covered with feathers. There were two sharp horns on the top of its head and eight thick thorns on its back. The legs and wings are extremely wide, with circles of flames lingering on the wings.

"That's it? Firebird!" Hisoka muttered to himself.

After the firebird entered the barrier, it rushed toward Hisoka frantically.

The young man stood in front of Hisoka and blocked Hisoka's face with both hands.

The firebird slammed into the young man's chest, and the young man groaned and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Hisoka quickly supported the boy, then turned his head and shouted angrily: "Stop!"

When the Firebird heard Hisoka's voice, it immediately became quiet. Its body was suspended in the air, and then slowly fell to the ground.

Hisoka helped the boy up and looked at the boy's chest. The boy's chest was punctured a little bit, and blood slowly dripped down the wound. However, there was no blood flowing around the wound, but there was some white smoke. Emerged from the boy's wound.

"I'm fine, I was just injured a little by it." The boy said with a smile.

"I'll take you out of here." Hisoka said, trying to pull the boy out of the barrier.

Chapter 619: Water Lingzhu appears in the hands of the young man

"You can't go out, the world outside is going to end." The young man stopped Hisoka.

"Are you saying that this barrier is about to collapse?" Hisoka asked.

"No, the world outside the barrier is about to be completely destroyed." The young man smiled, "But how long can we hold on?"

After the young man finished speaking, he stretched out his hand again and pointed at the firebird in the sky.

The firebird suddenly flapped its wings, and the fireball hit the barrier.

The young man's expression changed, and he quickly let go of Hisoka and stepped back.

The firebird hit the barrier hard. Suddenly, more and more cracks appeared on the barrier, and they continued to expand. Soon, the cracks on the barrier reached five or six meters wide, like a spider web. , the cracks are getting more and more deep.


There was a deafening sound, and the entire volcano collapsed in an instant, and the mud and gravel from the crater fell like rain.

The barrier finally couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed suddenly, with rubble flying everywhere.

"The barrier is still broken." Hisoka murmured.

The young man looked at the place where the barrier disappeared and said, "Let's go!"

Afterwards, Hisoka and the boy left the volcanic area and returned to the cave entrance.

The boy stopped and pushed Hisoka hard from behind.

Hisoka didn't expect to be pushed by the young man, and before he had time to react, he fell back and fell towards the forest outside the cave.

Hisoka stared at the boy with wide eyes, his eyes were very cold. He thought that the boy wanted to sacrifice himself to survive.

The young man looked down at Hisoka and said, "Goodbye, Hisoka." After saying that, he turned around and walked back to the cave.

Hisoka lost consciousness after falling into the forest.

In the cave.

The boy took out the water spirit bead from his pocket, and the water spirit bead that should have been in Hisoka's room appeared in the boy's hand.

"Without the Water Spirit Pearl, I wouldn't exist, but if Hisoka dies, I won't be able to live."

"But only by sacrificing me can I save Hisoka's life."

After saying that, the young man held the water spirit bead in his hand. The water spirit bead exuded a faint green light, and the luster of the water spirit bead illuminated the entire cave.

"The water spirit bead can save Hisoka's life, but it will swallow up my soul." The young man said while looking at the water spirit bead in his hand.

"I will always remember you." The young man whispered to himself.

After saying this, the boy closed his eyes.

The water spirit bead emits green light, covering the young man's body.


The young man exhaled a breath, opened his eyes, and smiled on his face.

"Hisoka, my friend, this time, I will use all my strength to help you. I hope we can meet again in the next life."

After saying that, the young man placed the water spirit bead on the ground.

The next second, a burst of white mist rose, and the white mist gradually turned into a huge mouth, swallowing the water spirit bead directly into its belly.

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