Suddenly, the surroundings became quiet.

The erupting and rolling magma stopped flowing, and the heat flow gradually dissipated. Time in this space seemed to have stopped.

After a long time, Hisoka's eyelids trembled and he slowly opened them.

Although his vision was still a little blurry, he still knew that he was no longer in his original world.

When he regained consciousness, Hisoka found himself back in the hotel room.

"Why did I come back? Wasn't I going through a fire disaster?" Hisoka sat up, "No, where was that man? He pushed me down into the forest, and what happened next? Why did I come back?".

Chapter 620: Cracked Water Spirit Bead

Hisoka was confused. He looked at his injured hand. The wound had disappeared, as if it had never existed at all.

Hisoka turned his head and found that the box containing the Water Spirit Pearl was opened on the table.

Hisoka stood up and walked to the table. The Water Spirit Pearl was still placed in the box, but a large black crack appeared, and the cracks were increasing rapidly.

Hisoka's heart trembled. Could it be that the water spirit bead was burned by the flames?

Hisoka stretched out his hand and carefully picked up the water spirit bead.

Just when Hisoka touched the water spirit bead, a huge spiritual power surged into Hisoka's mind. Hisoka's eyes suddenly opened wide with an expression of disbelief.

Hisoka saw the world that collapsed after he fainted. The young man took the water spirit bead and used all his spiritual power to move the water spirit bead and send himself back to this world.

And the moment he left, the boy's world slowly disappeared.

Hisoka looked at Shui Lingzhu, his eyes moist.

"Why? Why do you do this?" Hisoka said painfully.

"Why did you sacrifice yourself to save me?"

"Didn't you agree to leave together?"

"Water Spirit Pearl..."

Just as Hisoka was crying in pain, he suddenly felt his chest feel hot, as if a ball of warmth was burning inside his body.

Hisoka raised his head and looked at his chest.

The water spirit bead is releasing a trace of spiritual power, repairing his body bit by bit.

"It turns out that water spirit beads can really heal your injuries."

"It just requires a lot of spiritual energy..."

"It's his spiritual power..." Hisoka lowered his head and looked at the water spirit bead in his arms.

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted Hisoka's thoughts, and he quickly wiped away his tears.

"Please come in!"

"Shui Lingzhu is indeed the treasure of the family. It can really help you survive the fire disaster. Why don't you thank me." Xiao Chen walked into the room unhurriedly and looked at Xisuo.

"My injury is much better." Hisoka smiled.

"Yes, if it weren't for this water spirit bead, you would have been wiped out long ago." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"So you knew from the beginning that I would experience the fire disaster?" Hisoka asked angrily.

"So what, you got what you wanted, and I saved your life. This is not a good thing for both parties." Xiao Chen said.

"A good thing? You said this is a good thing? Do you know how your water spirit bead helped me survive the fire disaster?!" After hearing Xiao Chen's words, Xisuo became even more angry, "Do you know that the water spirit bead made my friend Die because of me!" Xisuo grabbed Xiao Chen's collar and waved his hand angrily.

"I really don't know what the Water Spirit Pearl does, but you shouldn't be too pushy." Xiao Chen snorted coldly and pushed Xisuo away.

"Now you value friendship. If you are really capable, why wait until he comes to save you!" Xiao Chen patted his collar and put it in order, looking at Xisuo and said.


"Don't forget, he died to save you, not to save me." Xiao Chen said, "And I have done my best to help you."

Hisoka looked at the indifferent man in front of him, and he suddenly felt that the man in front of him was so strange.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs!" Hisoka gritted his teeth.

"Why don't you bother me?" Xiao Chen smiled, very sinisterly.

"What do you mean by this is that I am nosy?"

"So what?!" Hisoka retorted.

Chapter 621: Meeting the Head of the Xiao Family for the First Time

"In this case, I have nothing more to say. Let's see who of you wins and who loses this time!"

The two stood opposite each other.

Behind Xiao Chen, two shadows suddenly appeared.

The shadows were a young man and an old man.

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at them. Xiao Chen bowed twice and said, "Father, brother."

"Yes." The old man nodded and said no more.

"Father, why are you here?" Xiao Chen looked at the old man and asked doubtfully.

"I wasn't worried about your safety, so I went here specifically to investigate. I didn't expect to encounter this incident. Fortunately, you are safe and sound." The old man looked at Xiao Chen and then at Xisuo.

"Is this the person who helped you practice?" the old man asked.

"Yes, his name is Xisuo, and he is not from our city." Xiao Chen explained.

"That's no wonder." The old man said.

"You are Xisuo, Yao Lao's disciple, right?" the old man continued to ask.

"Do you know my master?" Hisoka asked doubtfully.

"Yao Lao, of course I have heard of him. Yao Lao is one of the most powerful alchemists in Tianxuan Continent, but he has a weird temper. He doesn't like to communicate with others except for making alchemy. This is very similar to you, but he Although your temper is a bit weird, you are still genuine. I have heard about you, and I will treat this as a favor that I owe you."

"No! I don't need any favors!" Hisoka rejected the old man's kindness.

"Father, you don't have to be like this..." Xiao Chen was interrupted by his brother before he could finish his words.

"Father, when will it be your turn to interrupt?" Brother Xiao Chen finally spoke.

"I..." Xiao Chen looked at Brother Xiao Chen and did not dare to speak.

"Okay, I've also heard about your grudges. Let's just forget about it." The old man looked at the two of them and said.

"Father..." Xiao Chen still wanted to persuade his father again. After all, such an opportunity is hard to come by.

"Stop talking." The old man interrupted Xiao Chen's words, looked at Xisuo, and said, "If possible, I would like to invite you and Yao Lao to come to the house as guests."

Hisoka hesitated for a moment and replied: "It depends on my master's wishes. I can't make the decision."

"Haha, okay, wait until your master comes back and ask him to come find me." The old man said.

"I will bring a message to him." After Xisuo finished speaking, he left Xiao Chen's mansion.

Xiao Chen looked at Xisuo's retreating figure and sighed in his heart.

"Father, is there any misunderstanding between you and him?" Xiao Chen asked.

"There is no misunderstanding." The old man shook his head, "Meeting Yao Lao will only do us good and no harm."

Hisoka didn't bring much, just some necessities and set off.

"Master should be angry after being away for so long without saying goodbye. He needs to go back quickly." Hisoka thought to himself.

Hisoka passed a town on the way and entered a teahouse to rest for a night.

The next day, Hisoka embarked on his return journey to Yaowang Valley.

Yaowang Valley is very close to Beidou Sect, and it only takes a day and a half to reach Yaowang Valley.

Yaowang Valley is located in the center of a wasteland. Trees are planted all around the valley. Deep in the valley is a vast pasture filled with various precious medicinal materials.

On the grassland, there are lofts one after another.

As soon as Hisoka arrived at the pasture, he was stopped by several guards.

"Please show me your pass," one of the guards said.

"Pass? I don't have a pass." Hisoka looked confused.

Chapter 622: Hisoka returns to Yaowang Valley

"Don't have a pass? Have you gone to the wrong place? Can you come to Yaowang Valley if you want?" the guard asked.

"I am Yao Lao's apprentice, Hisoka." Hisoka replied.

"I think you are in the wrong place." A guard on the side sneered.

Hisoka's eyes swept across the guards.

"You!" The guards were shocked.

"Go away." Hisoka snorted coldly, and walked directly past the guards and towards the valley.

"Who is this kid! How dare you yell at us!"

"do not know."

"Okay, do your job and let him go." The person walking next to him said.

"Yes, boss!" The guards nodded.

After Xisuo entered Yao Wang Valley, he went straight to Yao Lao's residence and knocked on Yao Lao's door.

"Come in!" Yaolao's old voice came from the house. Hisoka opened the door and walked in.

The room was filled with a medicinal scent, making Hisoka feel comfortable all over.

"Master!" Hisoka walked to the chair in the room and shouted respectfully.

"You still know you're coming back?" Yao Lao raised his hand and pointed at the chair in front of the table. "sit down!"

Sisuoyi sat down at the table, then picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip, and then said: "Master, I came to visit you, mainly because I have a very important matter to discuss with you!"

"What's important?" Yao Lao asked.

"That's it..." Hisoka told Yao Lao what happened last night.

After hearing this, Yao Lao frowned slightly and said, "That young man is too young. He dares to give it to you without even knowing the function of the Water Spirit Pearl."

"That person died because of me." Hisoka said sadly, thinking of the boy.

"You don't have to blame yourself. The young man you saw is just a soul. He was able to appear in the world because of the Shui Lingzhu, and he couldn't stay for long." Yaolao took a sip of tea and continued: "Besides, he is just you His soul body, if you die, he will not have a way to survive."

"Master..." Hisoka was still a little unwilling.

"Hisoka, you don't have to worry. As long as you become stronger, you will meet again one day." Yao Lao said.

"I know." Hisoka sighed.

Yao Lao looked at Hisoka and asked, "How is your recovery from your injury going?"

"It's okay, just some minor injuries." Hisoka said.

"You said that the old man of the Xiao family wants to invite us to his house?" Yao Lao said.

"Master, since you want to go, I will definitely accompany you." Hisoka said.

"Haha, that's right." Yao Lao smiled and patted Hisoka on the shoulder.

Yao Lao walked around the room a few times, then took out a piece of paper and handed it to Xisuo, saying: "This is the invitation sent by the Xiao family in the past two days. Please help me return one."

Hisoka took the invitation and glanced at it, then put it away and said, "Master, I will send someone to deliver the invitation to you."

"Then I'll trouble you." Yao Lao nodded, "Besides, I have something to ask you to do."

"You said." Hisoka asked.

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