After thinking for a long time, an idea flashed in his mind and he said: "Qingxin grass can be used to refine Qingxin Powder. This herb is the main medicine of Qingxin Powder. Qingxin Powder and Qingxin Pill are both fifth grade, but These two elixirs are completely different. If combined with my elixir fire, you can refine a flawless elixir."

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Hisoka took action immediately. He took out a piece of Qingxincao and threw it into the stove.

A wave of hot air surged out, and the Qingxin Grass quickly turned into liquid and rolled inside. Soon after, the Qingxin Powder began to melt, and finally formed a ball of medicinal liquid.

This liquid contained many impurities. After Hisoka decomposed the liquid into liquid, he put it into the alchemy furnace.

Hisoka's technique was so skillful that Zhao Yufan's eyes were filled with shock.

Zhao Yufan had seen these things in some ancient books, but he had never seen how Hisoka controlled them so skillfully that even he couldn't do it. Hisoka was really too powerful.

After these impurities were dissolved by the Qingxin Liquid, they turned into crystal clear pills. These pills all had a light blue color, and you could tell they were high-grade pills at a glance.

"This time, it should be enough, right?" Hisoka murmured.

Immediately, Hisoka took out another elixir and put it into the elixir furnace. This time the elixir was a marrow-cleansing elixir. His method was exactly the same as Zhao Yufan's. He also put the liquid into the elixir furnace, and then put it into the elixir furnace. It dissolved into liquid, and this elixir also became a high-grade elixir.


Seeing how easily Hisoka dissolved the medicinal solution into liquid, and it was also a high-grade elixir, Zhao Yufan felt his vision go dark and almost fell to the ground.

He never thought that Hisoka could be so powerful and couldn't believe his eyes.

Chapter 650: Hisoka’s medicine cauldron is out of control

"A strong jealousy arose in his heart. How could this kid be so powerful? Is his luck really so good? Isn't this luck so good?"

Li Hao was also shocked by Hisoka's performance. He did not expect that this Hisoka could actually refine this kind of elixir. This kind of elixir was a fifth-grade high-level elixir. Even he could not refine it. The liquid melted so completely, how did Hisoka do it? Isn't this too perverted?


Hisoka looked at the alchemy furnace and was about to open it when the medicine cauldron suddenly began to move. The liquid in the medicine cauldron began to boil, and a wave of heat rushed out.

"Oops, I forgot this is a high-level elixir."

Hisoka's expression changed slightly. He held a few spiritual stones in his hand. He began to channel Qi, trying to stop the boiling liquid from flowing out, but the liquid became more and more hot. This medicine cauldron , actually about to explode.

Hisoka's face instantly turned pale. He gritted his teeth, poured his body into infuriating energy, and then began to resist the explosive power of the medicine cauldron.

But the medicine cauldron became more and more powerful, and Hisoka could only watch as the medicine cauldron exploded, blowing him away.

He suffered both physical and mental injuries, and his injuries were very serious.


A huge explosion sounded, and all the liquid in the medicine cauldron exploded. The entire medicine cauldron was shaking violently, and cracks appeared on the medicine cauldron.

The medicine cauldron is going to break!

"Oops! How can this medicinal cauldron be so fragile?"

Hisoka was horrified. If the medicine cauldron was broken, he would be severely injured. His cultivation level was not high enough and he would not be able to withstand such an explosion. He would definitely die from it.

Hisoka tried hard to control the medicine cauldron, but the medicine cauldron was too big. His control could not stop the medicine cauldron. Instead, it became more and more violent and seemed to collapse.

Beads of sweat appeared on Hisoka's forehead. This medicine cauldron was the first fifth-grade elixir he had refined. Was it destroyed just like that?

He is unwilling to give up! He also wanted to refine another batch of fifth-grade elixir.

His fingers kept tapping the medicine cauldron, his face became paler and paler, and his breathing became rapid.

This medicinal cauldron is indeed of the fifth grade. Both the alchemy skills and the operation have reached the fifth grade.

However, fifth-grade elixirs are not so easy to refine.

Generally speaking, the alchemy skills of fifth-grade alchemists are just beginning, and they need to accumulate them slowly.

Under Hisoka's control, the medicine cauldron gradually calmed down and stopped swinging, and the liquid inside the medicine cauldron was also slowly decreasing.

Finally, all the liquid in the medicine cauldron was consumed, but there was still a thin layer of iron on the wall outside the medicine cauldron.


Hisoka let out a breath. Although the alchemy failed this time, his gains were also huge.

"What's the problem? Is my heat setting wrong? Or am I using the wrong ingredients or missing some ingredients?" Hisoka pondered.

Hisoka looked in the direction of Zhao Yufan and Li Hao, who were still trying to control the medicine cauldron. "It seems that I am too impatient." Hisoka concluded.

After failing once, Hisoka changed the medicine cauldron and started selecting medicinal materials again.

The medicinal materials provided in the competition are not ordinary medicinal materials, but top-quality medicinal materials. These medicinal materials have extremely special properties, and he needs to use his powerful soul power to compress them.

Chapter 651: What medicinal materials can replace Seven Star Grass?

Hisoka re-refined it using the same materials and heat as before, and the medicine cauldron moved again.

"What kind of ingredient is missing? What is the recipe for the Marrow Cleansing Pill?"

Hisoka was a little anxious. In the process just now, he kept changing the medicinal materials and tried again and again, but all in vain. The feedback from the medicinal cauldron was always unsatisfactory.

"Is it because I don't understand the properties of medicinal materials? Or is it because the heat is not enough? Or is it some other reason?" Hisoka fell into deep thought.

At this time, inside the medicine cauldron, the liquid boiled again, and a terrifying energy wave spread.

"What should I do? The medicine cauldron has moved again!" Hisoka lowered the heat while thinking about countermeasures.

Suddenly, Hisoka spotted a medicinal material on the table, Mu Qing.

"Yes!" A flash of enlightenment suddenly flashed in Hisoka's heart.

"I first put this kind of medicinal material inside, then speed up the burning of the medicine cauldron to make the temperature of the medicine liquid higher, and then speed up the fire. This kind of medicine liquid can make the temperature of the medicine cauldron become higher. It goes lower and lower, and eventually it will completely melt in the medicine cauldron!"

Hisoka patted his head and had an idea in his mind.

"By the way, there is also a herb called Seven Star Grass! This is a medicinal material that can assist in refining!"

"However, I don't have Seven-Star Grass now." Hisoka murmured. "What should I do? Is there any medicinal material that can replace Seven Star Grass?!" He thought carefully.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the pile of discarded medicinal materials next to the medicinal cauldron. "If we can find that pile of medicinal materials, and add this pile of medicinal materials, maybe the temperature of the medicinal cauldron can be restored to normal, or even become warmer." high."

Hisoka immediately walked towards the medicine cauldron.

"Hey, I have it!"

When Hisoka approached the pile of medicinal materials, he suddenly discovered that the pile of medicinal materials was actually wrapped in a black shadow, and the black shadow was still squirming, as if something alive was swimming inside.

Hisoka immediately used his mental power to explore the black shadow.

"What...what is this?"

When Hisoka's mental power touched the black shadow, it felt like an electric shock, and his whole body became paralyzed. He quickly used his consciousness to block his sea of ​​consciousness, which prevented his mental power from continuing to explore, but his mental power remained the same. Unable to penetrate the black shadow's defense.

Black Shadow's defense is very powerful, not an ordinary thing!

But Hisoka has clearly seen the appearance of this black shadow. This black shadow is a small snake. It is twisting and struggling, trying to escape from the medicine cauldron.

"So this is the toxin of Seven Star Grass." Hisoka suddenly realized.

The toxin of this seven-star grass is a rare and highly poisonous one. Without the detoxification pill, it would be difficult for any alchemist to resist this highly toxic poison. Therefore, its value is very precious.

However, Seven Star Grass also has a fatal flaw, that is, unrefined toxins are difficult to control, so the medicinal materials will become pulpy.

But the toxins of Seven Star Grass are different. Once extracted, it is a good medicinal material that can be used stably, but most people don't know it.

"It seems that I am very lucky."

An expression of joy appeared on Hisoka's face.

"The poison of this seven-star grass is very powerful. If my soul power were not strong enough, I would not be able to easily detoxify it."

"Let me try it first!"

Hisoka threw the poison from the seven-star grass into the medicine cauldron.

Chapter 652 The game is over and the referee’s comment period has begun.

Hisoka did not immediately refine the elixir, but used his mental power to control the toxins in the seven-star grass to continuously rotate, allowing it to continuously absorb the medicinal aroma in the medicine cauldron.

As time went by, the toxins in the Seven Star Grass slowly melted away, and the strong aura inside the medicine cauldron became thicker and hotter.

Hisoka also held his breath, feeling the changes in the medicine cauldron.

Finally, this time, the medicinal aroma of the medicinal cauldron completely exploded, and the air in the entire room was filled with a strong medicinal aroma. Even through the medicinal cauldron, Hisoka could feel the strong medicinal aroma.

"It's done!"

"Haha! It's done!"

Hisoka laughed, his face flushed with excitement, his eyes radiating with ecstasy.

"Haha! I've refined it!" Hisoka shouted, "The elixir refined this time should be the Marrow Cleansing Pill!"

Hisoka took out the medicine cauldron and looked at the elixirs in the medicine cauldron, feeling very excited.

"What is the success rate of this marrow cleansing pill?" Hisoka's eyes were bright.

"I don't know, but I am certain that the elixir refined this time is definitely a marrow-cleansing elixir!"

Hisoka took out several marrow-cleansing pills, each of which exuded a strong fragrance.

There are three pills in the Marrow Cleansing Pill, two yellow and one green.

Hisoka took out three marrow-cleansing pills and poured them into three boxes.

"Time's up! Stop refining alchemy!" the referee announced.

Xisuo, Zhao Yufan and Li Hao all stopped what they were doing, but their reactions were different.

Li Hao stopped refining alchemy early in the morning and was clearing the table.

Hisoka was stuck and stopped refining elixir.

Only Zhao Yufan seemed a little busy, and he finally put the elixir into the box.

The three people's boxes were collected by the referee and handed over to the elders of the Alchemist Guild for review. Xisuo, Zhao Yufan and Li Hao could only wait on the stage.

Li Hao looked confident, Zhao Yufan looked expectant, and Hisoka looked extremely calm.

An hour has passed...

The referee took back the elixirs of the three people and placed them on the table in the competition venue. The elders of the Alchemist Guild also came down from upstairs.

Their eyes have been fixed on the elixirs of Li Hao and Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan's elixir is the most common. It is only used to replenish physical strength and mental strength. However, Li Hao's elixir is different. This elixir is made from a combination of marrow-cleansing elixirs. Although it is not of high quality, it contains an extremely huge amount of power. of medicinal efficacy.

The referees were surprised.

In this way, Hisoka's probability of winning will be even smaller.

"This elixir." An elder paused, "However, this marrow-cleansing elixir is only of the fifth grade, and it is only passing grade." The elder said, pointing to the box containing the elixir refined by Zhao Yufan.

Upon hearing these words, Zhao Yufan's expression froze instantly.

Li Hao also had a sneer on his lips.

His goal was to refine level six elixirs, while Zhao Yufan's goal was to refine level seven elixirs, but now, the gap between them had turned into a huge gap.

"Not bad." The referee commented again.

"Hmph!" Zhao Yufan refused to be outdone.

"Zhao Yufan, don't you want to refine seventh-level elixirs?" Li Hao had a mocking smile on his face.

Zhao Yufan looked at Li Hao with anger in his eyes, but he did not dare to speak.

"Next is this elixir. Although it is a sixth-grade marrow-cleansing elixir, the elixir pattern is not particularly outstanding."

Chapter 653 Li Hao evaluates the elixir refined by Xisuo

After speaking, the referee picked up Li Hao's elixir and looked at it carefully.

"My pill patterns are okay!" Li Hao was a little confused.

"This elixir pattern is too shallow. If the refining fails, your elixir will be useless!" The referee handed Li Hao's elixir back to Li Hao.

"What?" Li Hao was shocked and his face turned pale.

Li Hao never thought that the marrow cleansing pill he refined would be called waste!

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