How could he be willing to do this?

"No, this is not true, I don't believe it!" Li Hao yelled loudly.

"The quality of your elixir is good, but the elixir pattern is average. To you, this elixir is a defective product!" The elder's tone was cold, "This is a fact!"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" Li Hao yelled, "I am a genius in the alchemy world, I am a genius in the weapon refining world, and I am also an formation master. How could I not be able to refine a sixth-grade elixir? Top grade, you are talking nonsense, my pill patterns cannot be defective, I don’t believe it!”

The elder looked at Li Hao with disgust in his eyes. Such an alchemy genius was not worth cultivating at all. However, this situation was not suitable for doing anything in public.

The elder's eyes fell on Xisuo, and then turned to Li Hao: "Li Hao, the remaining elixir was refined by Xisuo. Please evaluate it and see if there is any problem!"

"Yes! Elder!" Li Hao shouted, and then looked at Sisuo, "Brother Sisuo, come and see if you refined this elixir?"

Hisoka took the elixir and took a look at it, then said: "I refined it, two yellow and one green, a total of three marrow-cleansing elixirs."


Li Hao nodded and looked at Xisuo with a hint of gloom in his eyes: "Although the elixir you refined is of the sixth grade, it is not good enough."

Li Hao looked at Hisoka with a hint of conspiracy in his eyes.

Hisoka didn't speak, just looked at Li Hao quietly.

"The quality of your elixir is too poor, and it has no spirituality. If you don't strengthen the refining method, you will never reach the level of high-end elixirs."

"Brother Hisoka, are you unwilling to admit it?" Li Hao looked proud.

"Admit it?" Hisoka was slightly startled, "Why don't you admit it? Some of what you said is right."

"Haha, if you say that, I feel relieved." Li Hao showed a relaxed expression, "In that case, let's continue refining and try to refine five sixth-grade elixirs at once. This will be enough to prove that I The elixir is stronger than yours."

"Of course I have no objections!"

Li Hao smiled.

Hisoka's mind suddenly became more active.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

Hisoka was not stupid. How could he not understand the meaning of Li Hao's words? He just wanted to make him look embarrassed. How could he agree to such a result?

Hisoka's eyes swept over the elders, and he looked at the referee with a smile in his eyes.

"Li Hao, you said that Xisuo's elixir did not reach the level of high-level elixirs?" The elder suddenly looked at Li Hao and asked.

The elder's gaze fell on Li Hao's face, making Li Hao feel oppressed.

"Yes." Li Hao lowered his head.

"What are your criteria for judging?" the elder asked.

"Although the number of elixirs refined by Xisuo is large, this green elixir does not even have any elixir patterns on it. Besides, the marrow-cleansing elixirs refined by Zhao Yufan and I are both yellow, and the green elixir refined by Xisuo are all yellow. I don’t know what it is.”.

Chapter 654: So two yellow and one green are the result of the confrontation between toxins?

Li Hao told the elders one by one his judgment criteria.

The elder frowned slightly after hearing Li Hao's words. "What you said is half right."

Li Hao's face darkened.

"It is true that Li Hao said that the elixir does not have elixir patterns, but the marrow-cleansing elixir is not yellow. It can also be said that it has no fixed color." The elder snorted coldly.

Li Hao suddenly felt as if he had been hit into a cold valley, and a bone-chilling cold spread throughout his body.

"Hisoka, show everyone the medicinal materials you use." The elder looked at Hisoka with an expectant expression on his face.

"Yes, elder." Hisoka walked to the table and brought the Qingxincao, Muqing, and some low-grade medicinal materials in front of everyone.

"Aren't these just some low-level medicinal materials? These medicinal materials are all ordinary grass. Is there anything special about them?" Li Hao's tone became more speechless.

Hisoka ignored Li Hao's rudeness.

"Did you only use these medicinal materials? Hisoka." The elder asked Hisoka again.

Hisoka nodded: "No, there is another medicinal ingredient that I can't get out."

Li Hao was already dissatisfied with Hisoka, but he became even more angry after hearing Hisoka's words, "It's just a medicinal ingredient, why can't you wait so long to get it out?"

Xisuo ignored Li Hao and said, "When I refined it for the first time, the medicine cauldron was so powerful that it almost exploded. I tried hard to control the heat, but found that the medicine cauldron was still not under my control." He picked up Mu Qing and continued: "I thought about it and added Mu Qing to neutralize the heat during the second refining. The effect was indeed there, but the medicine cauldron still moved abnormally."

After finishing speaking, Hisoka picked up the Qingxincao again.

"While I was refining, the flames of the medicine cauldron kept changing. I tried to fuse the Qingxin grass into it, but found that the fusion was very difficult. I tried several times, but the medicine cauldron still showed no sign of calming down. Finally, I thought of medicinal herbs."

"What kind of medicinal material is it?" the elder asked.

"Seven Star Grass." Hisoka said the name.

"Seven-star grass? You added seven-star grass to the Marrow Cleansing Pill? Don't you know this thing is highly poisonous?" Li Hao became more and more excited as he spoke. He even wanted to attack Hisoka, but was stopped by the referee.

"Of course I know that Seven Star Grass is highly poisonous, but have you never noticed that there is no medicinal material like Seven Star Grass in the medicinal materials provided in the competition?" Hisoka asked Li Hao.

Li Hao was stunned when Hisoka asked him this. He thought about it carefully and found that there seemed to be no seven-star grass in the medicinal materials provided for the competition.

After a while, Li Hao came to his senses and asked again: "How did you use medicinal materials without Seven Star Grass?"

"Although there is no Seven Star Grass in the medicinal materials provided, there is refined Seven Star Grass toxin. The refined toxin is lower than the original Seven Star Grass and can be neutralized by Mu Qing."

"You..." Li Hao looked at Hisoka, his eyes widened and he didn't know what to say.

"When refining the Marrow Cleansing Pill this time, you know that the toxins extracted from Seven Star Grass are added, but do you know why your pill is two yellow and one green?" the elder said lightly.

"I don't know." Hisoka shook his head.

"Although the extracted seven-star grass toxin is less toxic than the medicinal material, if you feel it with your heart, you will find that it is not as stable as it appears. The toxins in it will fight against themselves and finally separate during refining. Come out." The elder explained slowly.

"So two yellow and one green are the result of the confrontation between toxins?".

Chapter 655: Hisoka becomes the champion of the alchemy competition

Hisoka still didn't understand, so he asked the elder a question.

"Not bad." The elder nodded.

Li Hao had a surprised expression on his face, and he looked at Hisoka with a hint of admiration.

"Li Hao. Do you know where you lost now?" the elder said to Li Hao.

Li Hao didn't answer.

"On the way to refining medicine, your qualifications are very strong, but your way of practice is too impetuous. This impetuousness makes it difficult for you to achieve results in refining medicine, because in refining medicine, you have to use your spirit You can only succeed by manipulating potions with strength, and your attainments in mental power are not high, so you can only be a pharmacist, not an alchemist. Looking at the entire continent, there are only a handful of alchemists of this level." The elder said.

After hearing the elder's words, Li Hao fell silent. He knew where he had failed.

"Li Hao, do you have anything else to say?" The elder continued to ask Li Hao.

Li Hao pondered for a moment, then slowly raised his head.

"I surrender."

After hearing Li Hao's words, the elder showed a satisfied smile.

"Zhao Yufan, what are you doing hiding in the corner? You are also a participant in this competition." The elder noticed Zhao Yufan hiding aside.

Zhao Yufan stood up. "Elder, my practice is too shallow. I haven't even refined the elixir completely."

"The fifth-grade elixir is different from the low-grade elixir, and the energy and effort required are also different. Failure to refine it once is nothing." The elder said calmly.

"Yes, elder." Zhao Yufan said respectfully.

"Hisoka, you did a good job in the alchemy competition this time. You dared to add toxins into the refining. This is something that most alchemists dare not do." The elder looked at Hisoka approvingly, "No matter how good your alchemy skills are. No matter how strong you are, you still need to learn too little, your alchemy skills are too basic, and you have no practical experience. I hope you can change this problem."

"Yes, elder." Hisoka said respectfully.

"Okay, let's announce the result." The elder motioned to the referee to announce the result of the game.

The referee stood up and walked to Hisoka. "I announce that the winner of this alchemy competition is Xisuo. The second place is Li Hao, and the third place is Zhao Yufan."

Hisoka was relieved when he heard the referee declare him the winner. He was really afraid of being defeated by Li Hao just now.

"Congratulations to Hisoka for winning the championship. The reward for this competition will be a bottle of fourth-level healing elixir and a piece of spiritual-level equipment. The best alchemist in this competition will be awarded three fifth-level elixirs as rewards. . The other two people also have rewards, please go to the pharmacy together to receive the prizes."

"Thank you." Hisoka bowed in thanks.

"Hisoka, let's go to the pharmacy to get the reward." Zhao Yufan said.

"Okay." Hisoka nodded, and then followed Li Hao and Zhao Yufan to the pharmacy.

On the way, Zhao Yufan said: "Congratulations on becoming the champion, Hisoka."

"Thank you, Zhao Yufan, you're not bad either." Hisoka responded.

"Xisuo, you refine the sixth-grade elixir, and I refine the fifth-grade elixir, what's the difference?" Zhao Yufan asked.

"Not bad."

"No way, are you trying to deal with me?" Zhao Yufan asked with a frown.

"of course not."

"But I can only refine fifth-grade elixirs." Zhao Yufan lowered his head.

"We have different starting points. Isn't it too much to ask us to be in the same position? The elder also said that you have a lot of room for improvement." Hisoka responded.

Chapter 656: We can be friends, right?

Hisoka has always admired Zhao Yufan.

Because Zhao Yufan's personality and behavior are very similar to mine. He has a sense of pride in his body. Although he is not very strong, he is very stubborn and refuses to admit defeat. Such people are easy to get along with. It is precisely because of this that Hisoka He is willing to teach him, but he is also very busy, and Hisoka is not always free to teach him.

"Hey, hey, you two were having a great time chatting. Did you forget that I was also traveling with you?" Li Hao suddenly jumped out and said something.

Li Hao's appearance embarrassed Li Hao and Hisoka.

"So you're here." Zhao Yufan complained silently.

Li Hao smiled and then walked up to the two of them.

"Zhao Yufan, if you want to learn, I can help you?" Li Hao said.

Li Hao turned to look at Xisuo and said, "I can help you if you need it."

"Come on, you win first and then talk about it." Zhao Yufan criticized Li Hao again.

Hisoka smiled. "Li Hao, I'm not that stingy."

"Hisoka, I know that although I lost to you, I can't afford to lose." Li Hao's eyes became firmer.

"Well, as an alchemist, you must have such an idea." Hisoka replied.

"We can be friends." Li Hao said quietly.

Li Hao's words stunned Xisuo and Zhao Yufan. Li Hao, who was usually arrogant, now took the initiative to invite Xisuo to be friends with him, which made them both a little flattered.

Hisoka didn't speak, but Zhao Yufan laughed. "Li Hao, do you really think so?"

Li Hao ignored Zhao Yufan and looked at Xisuo.

"If you want to make friends, you can give it a try." Hisoka said.

Li Hao's face instantly darkened, but he recovered quickly.

"Okay." Li Hao said.

"Haha." Zhao Yufan laughed, "Since Xisuo has said so, I will reluctantly agree."

"Shut up." Li Hao glared at Zhao Yufan.

Hisoka didn't say anything, just smiled.

The three people walked into the pharmacy, and after taking the elixir, Li Hao and Zhao Yufan left the pharmacy.

Hisoka stayed in the pharmacy, waiting for the people from the Alchemist Guild to distribute rewards to him.

After about half an hour, a staff member from the Alchemist Guild finally came over.

"Congratulations to Hisoka, you became the first place in this Medicine House Competition." The man handed out the reward to Hisoka. "Here's your reward, and here's your bonus." The man placed the reward on the table.

"This is your badge."

Hisoka took out his badge, then took the reward and looked at the rewards above. There were seven million gold coins in total, as well as a fifth-grade elixir, an eighth-grade elixir, and two auxiliary elixirs.

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