"Don't worry, my endurance is the best. As long as you don't stop me, nothing will happen to me."

The young man in green shirt nodded and walked out of the room.

Hisoka waited quietly in the room. After a stick of incense, the door was pushed open again, and a man wearing a mask walked in.

This man was dressed in black, with a mask covering his face, and only his ice-blue eyes could be vaguely seen.

Hisoka stood up and looked at the other person, "Who are you?"

The other party didn't speak. He slowly took off his mask. It was a handsome face, but those eyes made Hisoka feel fear.

"Who are you?" Hisoka stared at the other person warily.

"You came to me." The other person said, his tone was calm, but there was a chill in it.

Hisoka looked into the other person's eyes and said, "Yes, I'm looking for you. I want to know who wants to put a reward on my master's life?!"

"Conditions," the other party said.

"What?" Hisoka

He was stunned for a moment, and then said, "What conditions?"

The other party said: "I have a commission here. If you complete it, you will get the answer you want."

"What commission?" Hisoka said, "Tell me first."

"I can provide you with a lot of information." The other party said.

"Tell me! What kind of commission?" Hisoka said.

The other party took out a piece of paper and said, "Let's take a look!"

Hisoka opened the paper in confusion, and it read: Kill Yao Lao, reward 500 million gold coins.

Hisoka's face instantly darkened.

"How about it? This condition is not difficult to achieve," the other party said.

"Are you looking for death?" Hisoka roared.

"It's just a joke, no need to get angry." The masked man said.

Hisoka threw the paper back and said, "What kind of commission is it?"

The masked man took out a document and handed it to Hisoka, "This is the content of our entrusted task. That's all I can tell you. I can't help you with the rest. You have to do it yourself."

Hisoka flipped through the information. The information made it clear that he must complete this commission, no matter what the cost. This was his commission and could not be violated.

Hisoka said: "Okay, I will finish it."

"When you're done, they will bring you to see me in front of our store." The masked man said.

"Yeah." Hisoka nodded.

Hisoka walked out of the room and took out the information again to confirm the content of the commission he accepted.

The document said that the person who accepted the request was asked to find a man named Bell and obtain Bell's most precious thing.

"Fetching something? Why would you leave such a simple request to me?" Hisoka frowned.

Hisoka thought for a long time and finally decided to complete the commission according to the other party's instructions.

You must know who is going to attack your master and yourself, so that you can be prepared.

Hisoka thought for a long time, but couldn't think of a reason, so in the end he could only make this arrangement temporarily.

Hisoka walked out of the tavern. Along the way, many passers-by cast curious glances.

Chapter 664 Heading to Bell Manor

Hisoka didn't care. No one in this world could see his cultivation. As long as he didn't reveal any flaws, he wouldn't be afraid of being noticed by others. His figure quickly blended into the crowd and disappeared.

Hisoka came to a manor in the south of the city, and he saw the door sign saying: Bell Manor.

He went inside.

"Who is this! How dare you break into Bell Manor? Don't you want to live?" A guard blocked Hisoka's way.

Hisoka ignored the guard and walked directly into the hall. Just as the guard was about to catch up, he suddenly felt dizzy and flew backwards.

A ray of sword light cut through the night sky, splitting the guard in half, and a tall middle-aged man stood at the door.

"Boy, you are so courageous. You dare to break into our Bell Manor without permission. Are you going to die?" The man looked at Hisoka with a very cold tone.

Hisoka looked at the man and said, "I don't care who you are, I'm here to find a man named Bell today."

The man said: "Who are you and why are you looking for me? I don't know you."

"I don't need to explain this to you. In short, if you dare to stop me, I will kill you." Hisoka said.

The man laughed and said, "What an arrogant boy!"

"Are you arrogant?" Hisoka looked at the man, "No one on this continent has ever dared to say this."

"Really?" The man snorted coldly, "Then let me see how arrogant you are! I will make your death very ugly!"

"I also want to learn a lesson." Hisoka sneered.

"Come on, I'll make your death even more ugly!" the man said.

After the words fell, a huge palm print was slapped towards Hisoka. The palm print was so strong that the surrounding airflow was blown away, and Hisoka quickly dodged.

But the man seemed to have expected it, and the palm print fell again, this time the force of the fall was several times stronger than before.

Hisoka was secretly shocked. This man's cultivation level was definitely above his own. It seemed that he had hit a brick wall this time.

Hisoka quickly took out the dagger, then swung it upward, and a sharp blade rushed out and slashed towards the man's arm.

But when the blade fell on the man's arm, it was like cutting on steel. It was unable to cut off the palm shadow, and instead knocked the blade away.

"Huh?" Hisoka was slightly surprised. Although he was quite strong, he was still at the early stage of the Intermediate Spiritual Order, while the opponent was obviously at the seventh level, third level, and third level. Their strength was not at the same level at all.

The man looked at Hisoka with a hint of joking on his face, "Yes, if I have some strength, I will defeat you, and then bring you to our client and let you suffer all kinds of torture."

After speaking, the man suddenly raised his right hand.

Hisoka's pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw a ray of metal light attacking him. This light was extremely fast, as if it could penetrate all obstacles and reach his throat.

Hisoka moved quickly to avoid this metallic light.

The man sneered: "You don't overestimate your own capabilities. You can't even hurt me!"

Hisoka did not speak, but continued to run forward, but the man followed closely behind him. Hisoka was very fast, and his cultivation level was lower than Hisoka's, so he could not slow down.

Hisoka's pace became faster and faster, and the man's movement was faster, but within a moment, Hisoka was left behind.

There was a trace of disdain on the corner of the man's mouth, "At this level of speed, there is no way you can catch up with my speed."

Chapter 665: Hisoka vs. Bell Manor Guards

Hisoka suddenly stopped running and turned to look at the man chasing him.

When the man saw Hisoka who had stopped running away, his face suddenly darkened, "You ran, why didn't you run away?"

Hisoka said: "I don't like wasting time, so I'm not going to run away."

"Aren't you ready to run away?" The man narrowed his eyes slightly, "Then let me show you who is wasting your time!"

As the man spoke, he clenched his fists, and a terrifying power erupted from his body. His clothes swelled and made a hunting sound.

Hisoka looked at the man and said, "Do you want to solve the problem with your fists? Then you should look at my fists first!"

As Hisoka spoke, he assumed a signature Tai Chi posture, then took a step forward with both feet, and immediately stepped back.

Seeing this scene, the man's mouth showed sarcasm, "Your method may be useful against ordinary people, but it is far from effective against me. Even I can easily avoid it."

"Oh?" Hisoka smiled, "Then it depends on how you avoid it, come on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man felt a strong sense of danger coming, and his body retreated backwards.

"Whoosh!" A sharp cold light flashed past.

The man quickly dodged, but his movements were still a little slow. His shoulder was cut open by a silver-white sword, and blood spurted out.

"Ah!" the man screamed.

"Do you still know the pain?" Hisoka sneered.

"You bastard! I won't let you go!" the man said through gritted teeth.

Hisoka smiled faintly, "I'll wait, but I want to say that if you don't want to suffer any physical pain, it's best to tell me the location of your master Bell."

"Dream! I would rather suffer a million tortures than succumb to your power!" The man roared and attacked again.

Hisoka sneered: "In that case, don't blame me for not missing our old relationship!"

When the man heard this, there was a hint of sarcasm on his face. This boy is really crazy. He is an eighth-level spiritual being!

Hisoka looked at the man charging towards him with a playful smile on his lips.

When the man saw this scene, a look of surprise appeared on his face. Instead of running away, Hisoka rushed towards him. Is this kid really crazy?

There was a "bang" sound.

The man's body was whipped away by Hisoka's whip and fell to the ground. The man struggled to stand up, a mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth.

The man looked at Hisoka with disbelief in his eyes. He never thought that Hisoka had such power!

"Stop blocking me, you will die." Hisoka said.

The man snorted coldly and said, "You think I'm afraid of death and you want to kill me, so go ahead!"

"Are you sure?" Hisoka asked.

"Of course." The man said without hesitation.

"In this case, let me let you know how I killed you!" Hisoka said, and his body suddenly jumped out.

When the man saw Hisoka coming, he immediately raised his arms, trying to block Hisoka's attack.

However, Hisoka's speed was too fast. Before the opponent's body could block his attack, Hisoka's fist hit the man's chest.

With a muffled sound of "Bang...", Hisoka knocked the man to the ground.

The man was lying on the ground with deep shock in his eyes.

"Now you know how powerful I am, right?" Hisoka said with a smile.

Chapter 666 Hisoka and Bell meet for the first time

The man stood up slowly and looked at Hisoka, with a hint of fear in his eyes, "I...I admit defeat, you win."

"That's good. I won't be cruel to you. After all, I don't want others to misunderstand me as a murderer." Hisoka said.

When the man heard Hisoka say this, a trace of anger flashed across his face. His body trembled slightly and he looked extremely excited. However, he did not say anything in the end because he knew that he would never be able to defeat Hisoka. Even if he spoke out, he would eventually be defeated. The ending is the same.

"Pah, pah, pah." A burst of applause came from behind Hisoka.

Hisoka looked back and found that at some point, a man who looked to be in his forties or fifties was walking in front of him. The man was wearing black clothes and had a simple sword hanging from his waist, giving him a chilling look. This means that this man's strength should be around the level of a great fighter. Such a strength is nothing to worry about in Hisoka's eyes, but he doesn't want to cause more killings, so he chooses to let this man go.

The man looked at Hisoka for a few times, then looked at the man's wounds and said, "Are you Hisoka?"

Hisoka nodded and said, "I am Hisoka, who are you?"

The man smiled, and his smile was very bright, "Don't you already know who I am? Why ask knowingly?"

When Hisoka heard this, his heart skipped a beat. Is the man in front of him the one he was looking for?

"Are you Mr. Bell?" Hisoka asked doubtfully.

The man laughed and said, "As expected of Hisoka, he is indeed smart."

"You are indeed Mr. Bell, that's right." Hisoka said.

The man nodded and said, "Yes, I am Bell."

Hisoka narrowed his eyes, looked at Bell, and said, "Then do you know why I came to you?"

Bell shook his head, "I don't know."

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