"I accepted a commission." Hisoka said.

"Oh, that's it. It seems that this commission is related to me." Bell said.

Hisoka nodded and said, "Yes, it has something to do with you."

Bell raised his eyebrows and asked, "Who commissioned you?"

"Can't say." Hisoka shook his head.

Bell frowned, "It can't be a commission like taking my life, right?"

"No." Hisoka denied Bell's words and added: "The client wants me to get your most precious thing. Please cooperate."

Bell's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face became gloomy. His fingers gently clasped the sword at his waist, as if he was thinking about something.

Hisoka didn't rush him, but waited quietly.

"I can cooperate with you, but let's go inside and sit and talk." Bell said.

"Okay." Hisoka said.

The two came to a remote courtyard and sat at a stone table. Bell took out the teapot, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it.

"I wonder what Mr. Bell is going to do next?" Hisoka asked.

Bell put down the tea cup and said with a smile: "I never like to use force. I have a lot of precious things, but I just don't know what you want."

"The commission didn't say what it was. Please think about it carefully, Mr. Bell." Hisoka replied.

"Everyone wants different things, so how do I know what you want." Bell blew the tea slowly and took a sip.

Chapter 667: The Ancient Artifact Tianluo Umbrella

Bell smiled and said, "Mr. Hisoka, you might as well tell me what you want."

"I heard that you have a treasure in your hand. It is called the 'Tianluo Umbrella'. It is an artifact handed down from ancient times and has infinite power. As long as you own the Tianluo Umbrella, you can become the owner of the Tianluo Umbrella." Hisoka said.

Hisoka was slightly stunned, "The Tianluo Umbrella is an ancient artifact? Do you know where it is?"

Bell said: "Of course I know where the Tianluo Umbrella is, but whether you can get it depends on your ability."

Hisoka nodded, "If you can help me, I will thank you."

"Do you think I will help you?" Bell asked.

"Maybe?" Hisoka said.

"I don't need anything, and my conditions are very simple. As long as you can take away the Tianluo Umbrella, it will be yours." Bell said.

Hisoka frowned and said, "Is it that simple?"

Bell nodded, "Of course."

"You will still help me?" Hisoka was a little surprised.

Bell laughed, "Maybe I just don't want to help you?"

Hisoka shook his head and said: "Then you can't let the Tianluo Umbrella fall into the hands of outsiders, otherwise, I will cut you into pieces."

When Bell heard this, his eyes shrank, and a flash of panic flashed across his face, but then he recovered as before. He laughed loudly and said, "You are joking, the Tianluo Umbrella is not something that people can take away if they want it."

Bell took another sip of tea and said: "The Tianluo Umbrella recognizes its owner. Unless you can accept its test and conquer it, you can take it away. Otherwise, you will not be able to move it."

"Is it really so magical?" Hisoka's eyes were full of disbelief.

"In the cave behind the manor, you will know the authenticity if you go and see it yourself." Bell said.

"Then aren't you afraid that I will take away the Tianluo Umbrella?" Hisoka said.

Bell smiled and said, "I said, if you can take it, it's yours."

Hisoka nodded, stood up, and said, "In that case, I'll take my leave."

"I'll take you out." Bell stood up and walked towards the door.

Bell led Hisoka out of the room, and then walked through a small forest to the back of the manor.

There is a platform on the mountain wall behind, and in front of the platform is a cave.

The door of the cave is closed, and you can't see what's inside.

Hisoka turned his head and glanced at Bell, then reached out and touched the black dragon gun on his waist. His eyes were full of determination, "I must get this artifact."

Hisoka pushed open the door of the cave and stepped inside.

It was pitch dark inside the cave, and Hisoka didn't light a torch. He stepped forward step by step, stepping on the gravel on the ground, making a "clicking" sound.

Inside the cave, it was empty with no decorations. Hisoka looked around and saw a brazier in the corner. He walked over, lit the brazier, and heated up the fire.

Waves of heat were emitted from the fire. Hisoka looked up and found two rows of lanterns hanging on the top of the mountain, lighting up the entire cave.

Bell said: "Okay, I won't go inside, you can go by yourself."

"Yeah." Hisoka nodded.

Go deeper into the cave.

It was pitch dark inside the cave and nothing could be seen clearly.

Hisoka walked cautiously in the darkness, not daring to get too close to the fire for fear of burning out the flames.

The longer we walked, the longer and wider the cave became, and the further we walked, the more lonely it became.

Chapter 668: Strange symbols on the altar

Hisoka stopped. Deep in the cave, he saw a circular altar with strange symbols carved on it.

Hisoka's eyes were fixed on the altar, and that wonderful feeling swept over him again.

In the center of the altar, there was a palm-sized white jade sign suspended, with some strange patterns engraved on it.

There are many patterns engraved on the bottom of this white jade sign. These patterns look a bit blurry and cannot be seen clearly at all. However, one of the patterns has three stars. This star and the other two stars are both purple-red and appear Extremely weird.

What star is this? Doubts arose in Hisoka's mind. He had never seen such a pattern before.

At this time, the three stars lit up, and then, the three stars were combined together to form a pattern.

Hisoka opened his mouth in surprise. The pattern he saw was like a picture, but this picture was completely different from what he saw in his mind.

"I understand." Hisoka muttered.

Hisoka stretched out his hand to touch the white jade sign and felt a cold touch from the sign. Hisoka felt happy. It seemed that he had really found a treasure. So, is this the artifact Tianluo Umbrella?

Hisoka wanted to open the sign, but he found that he couldn't open the sign at all.

This discovery surprised Hisoka.

He wanted to try and use his soul power to detect the structure of the brand, but he failed. He found that the power inside the brand actually blocked his soul power.

Hisoka's heart trembled and he quickly gave up trying.

He reluctantly took back his power.

Hisoka looked at the sign. The pattern on the sign was the shape of a palace, and the stars and patterns were the outline of the palace.

"What exactly is a Tianluo Umbrella?" Hisoka thought to himself. He carefully observed the stars and found that there were strange symbols on them.

Hisoka kept guessing, but he couldn't figure it out at all.

At this moment, the Tianluo Umbrella suddenly shook violently, and then a few drops of blood fell from the sky.

These drops of blood fell to the ground, instantly melted and turned into water.

Hisoka was shocked, what is going on? Tianluo Umbrella actually vomits blood, what's going on?

All this happened so fast that Hisoka didn't react yet.

The Tianluo Umbrella fell, and so did the blood. Is it really a divine weapon?

Hisoka was unwilling to give up this opportunity. He immediately picked up the Tianluo umbrella that fell on the ground. Then, he touched the Tianluo umbrella with his hand. He found that this Tianluo umbrella had no special power and was just an ordinary iron tool. .

However, Hisoka still refused to give up and continued to touch the Tianluo Umbrella. However, the result was the same as before, there was still no reaction from the Tianluo Umbrella.

Hisoka sighed and put the Tianluo Umbrella into his arms.

He looked up at the dark night, feeling depressed.

"I wonder how the old guy is doing now?" Hisoka muttered to himself, "How is your body recovering?"

Thinking of this, Hisoka felt a little sad in his heart.

This is his mentor!

Although they had known each other for a short time, Hisoka had a special respect for Yao Lao. Every word and thing Yao Lao said was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Under this special mood, Hisoka thought about Yao Lao voluntarily.

Chapter 669 Hisoka enters the star magic array

"We must take back the Tianluo Umbrella to find out who wants to harm the master."

"Such an artifact is rare. I don't know who will get it."

"Think of a way to make this Tianluo Umbrella recognize you as the master." Hisoka decided to try a new method.

Hisoka's eyes focused on the three stars again.

"Are these three stars also symbols of artifacts?"

A ball of hope arose in Hisoka's heart. He took out the long gun again, held the handle of the gun, and tried to pull out the gun barrel with force.

But he found that his strength was completely useless. The spear did not move at all, as if it was nailed to the ground and could not be pulled out at all.

Hisoka frowned and thought, "Where is this place? Moreover, I just felt the existence of Tianluo Umbrella?"

Hisoka didn't know that just now he was sleeping on the ground and suddenly felt the presence of Tianluo Umbrella. So he woke up and opened his eyes and saw the sign.

This sign is a mysterious thing. Hisoka keeps studying it, but even he can't crack the secret of this sign.

In the end, Hisoka gave up studying the sign and diverted his attention to see if there was anything special about this cave.

At this moment, those stars lit up for a moment, and then all the stars on the stars disappeared and turned into white stones.

Hisoka's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at the sign in his hand.

He looked at his right palm and then at the surrounding environment. He knew that he had entered a formation.

This formation is very similar to the misty forest outside. It is an illusion formation. Hisoka still can't tell what level of illusion formation it is because, in front of him, there is only a vast expanse of white and nothing. can not see.

However, Hisoka's mood was agitated, and he felt that he seemed to have found a way to break through.

Just when Hisoka was about to try to break through the foggy forest, his heart beat suddenly, and then those stars appeared again.

The stars twinkled again.

While the stars were twinkling, Hisoka saw a blood-red bead appear in his hand.

The blood-red beads emitted a strong wave of energy, and Hisoka felt that his body was full of energy, as if it would explode at any time.

"Is this?" Hisoka was overjoyed. Could it be that he had found a way?

Thinking of this, Hisoka couldn't wait to swallow the blood-red beads.

In Hisoka's body, the blood was flowing crazily, and the energy continued to pour into his body, making his cultivation level continue to increase, and his cultivation level became stronger and stronger.

"Are these stars also treasures?"

"What kind of treasure is this?"

"I want to become stronger, powerful enough to destroy the entire world." A ferocious smile appeared on Hisoka's face, "Destroy it!"

As he spoke, Hisoka suddenly waved his arm.

A circle of flames appeared around him.

These flames enveloped the entire cave entrance, and the flames continued to burn, turning the cave entrance into a large furnace, and the temperature continued to rise.

Hisoka stood inside the madly burning flames and took out the Tianluo Umbrella.

Hisoka held one side of the umbrella with his left hand and the other side with his right hand. He grabbed the two ends of the umbrella with both hands and pulled hard.

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