"Got it." Hisoka said.

"So simple?" The masked man looked at Hisoka in surprise: "It shouldn't be, right?"

Hisoka smiled and said, "If you don't believe me, you can check it out." After saying that, Hisoka took out the Tianluo Umbrella from the space ring and said, "This is it."

The masked man stood up and took the Tianluo umbrella from Hisoka's hand.

"Very good." The masked man looked into Hisoka's eyes and asked seriously: "So the treasure that Bell has been hiding for so long is the Tianluo Umbrella."

"I got you what you asked for. The commission is completed. It's time for you to fulfill your promise." Hisoka said calmly.

"Are you sure this is true?" the masked man asked again.

"I picked it up in person, how can it be fake?" Hisoka said with certainty.

"Hahaha, very good, very good." The masked man said with a smile: "The information you want is here." After that, he threw a dozen information on the table.

Hisoka picked up the dozen documents and opened the first page, which was the contract between the masked person and the client. Hisoka turned back and his eyes suddenly widened.

"Is the information you gave me real?" Hisoka's tone was irritable.

Chapter 677: Hisoka activates the teleportation talisman and returns to Yaowang Valley

"Of course, this is a contract between you and me. It is of course true. It's just that you don't believe it." The masked man took a shallow sip of wine.

"Haha. You mean, my master is offering a reward for you to find someone to kill him? Are you crazy or am I crazy?" Hisoka said angrily.

"You're right, he placed a reward. And, as you saw, the price of the reward is six million gold coins." The masked man said.

"Are you crazy? He is my master!" Hisoka roared angrily.

"I am only responsible for collecting money and sending out commissions. As for who sent it and why, it has nothing to do with me." The masked man said calmly: "After we promise him, he will fulfill his promise and give me what I want. That’s enough.”

After hearing the masked man's words, Hisoka fell silent.

"Isn't he your master? If you really want to know, just ask him. Why bother embarrassing me here." The masked man mocked: "Besides, you are so smart, you should be able to guess the trick."

After the masked man finished speaking, he turned and left.

Hisoka was left standing at the door.

After a while, Hisoka's eyes slowly became determined.

Hisoka walked to the yard where he lived. He took out a piece of white paper and unfolded it. On the white paper, a bird with wings was drawn. Hisoka reached out and touched the feathers on the bird's back. Suddenly, the bird's body trembled and then disappeared into the white paper.

"This is..." Hisoka was stunned for a moment.

"This is a teleportation array. Only the owner can activate this teleportation talisman. Otherwise, once activated, he will be teleported out of this world."

A voice sounded in Hisoka's ear.

Hearing this voice, Hisoka's face showed a shocked expression, "Why do you want to help me?!"

"Hahahaha, I'm not helping you, but I also want to know the truth about this matter. Come back to your master Yao Lao."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hisoka crumpled the paper into pieces and prepared to activate the teleportation talisman to return to Yaowang Valley.

Suddenly, he remembered something. His hands were in his sleeves.

He held a crystal clear stone in his hand.

"The power of my soul is in this stone, and it can feel everything in that world."

Hisoka reached out his hand to his forehead and touched it gently.

For a moment, a piece of information appeared in his mind.

"Come back, Hisoka." It was Yao Lao's voice.

"Yes, Master." Hisoka activated the teleportation talisman.

Suddenly, a golden light appeared around Hisoka, covering Hisoka.

After the light dissipated, Hisoka returned to the garden of Yaowang Valley.

"Am I back?" Hisoka thought this teleportation talisman was incredible, that it was so convenient.

When Hisoka reacted, he went straight to Yao Lao's room. He didn't bother knocking and opened the door of Yao Lao's room.

"You kid, why are you so reckless?" Yao Lao said.

"Master, what are you..." Hisoka said in shock.

Yao Lao looked at Hisoka, smiled slightly and said, "My apprentice is better than others after all."

"Are you praising me?" Hisoka said excitedly.

"No. I just want to tell you that you have succeeded and you are my proudest disciple." A satisfied smile appeared on Yao Lao's face.

When Hisoka heard Yao Lao's words, he hugged Yao Lao excitedly.

"The apprentice is unfilial and has failed his master's teachings." Hisoka said.

Chapter 678: Hisoka soaks in the magic elixir water

"You did a good job. I'm very happy. My years of hard work have not been in vain. Finally, it has not been in vain." Yao Lao said with a smile.

"Master, do you really think so?" Hisoka asked.

"Of course that's what I thought. I didn't lie to you."

"Then, Master, why did you issue this commission? Why do you want others to hurt you?" Hisoka asked in confusion.

"Master, I just don't want anyone to deal with you again." Yao Lao said calmly: "You are the hope of my Yaowang Valley, the pillar of Yaowang Valley, and my pride. I don't want to see you die because of others. .”

"That's it." Hisoka suddenly realized, his eyes were moist, and his heart was filled with warmth. He knew Yao Lao's good intentions, but he still felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"Master, is it worth it?" Hisoka asked.

"This commission is not to help you, but to protect my Yao Wang Valley. If you die, my Yao Wang Valley will be in danger, you know? You silly boy." Yao Lao sighed.

"Master, I understand, I will be careful in the future." Hisoka said.

"Your current cultivation level is still too weak. I need to improve your strength. I have created a treasure land for you to practice." Yao Lao took out a black bead from the storage ring and handed it to Hisoka.

Hisoka took the black bead and looked at it carefully. The bead was dark red, with dense lines carved on its surface. The lines contained powerful power, and there was a strange wave passing through it. This strange wave was very strange. Softness makes people feel calm and have a sense of security.

"This is……"

"This is the magic pill of the Shura clan." Yao Lao said.

Hisoka was stunned: "Magic Pill?"

"Yes, this is the Shura tribe's strongest warrior, a demon king-level magic elixir. It has great power. After you soak it, it can change your body and make your body stronger." Yao Lao explained.

Hisoka said in surprise: "Really? My body can become so strong?"

Yao Lao nodded: "It's true. I once took the Shura clan's magic pill. If you don't believe it, you can test it by soaking your body in a water tank for a few hours. I guarantee that your body will A hundred times stronger than ordinary people.”

After listening to Yao Lao's words, Hisoka put the magic pill in the bathtub.


Suddenly, Hisoka screamed.

His face was red, he was sweating, his body was twitching, and his eyes were wide.

Yao Lao hurriedly poured the potion into Hisoka's mouth.

As soon as the medicine entered the throat, it immediately turned into countless medicinal power and entered Hisoka's body.

Hisoka's pain gradually diminished, but he was still twitching and his body was shaking.

After a long time, Hisoka's twitching gradually subsided, but his face became increasingly pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.


Hisoka gasped.

Yao Lao said worriedly: "Hisoka, how are you feeling?"

"I feel like I'm almost exhausted." Hisoka said with a wry smile.

"I will input some spiritual power into you." After Yao Lao said that, he used the power in his body to continuously input it into Hisoka's body.

"Thank you, master. I'm much better." Hisoka felt that his energy was much better. Although he was still a little tired, he was back to normal.

Chapter 679: Xisuo asked Yao Lao to do two things

"Hisoka, this credit of mine is yours, not your own hard work." Yao Lao said looking at Hisoka.

"Master, I know that I will work harder to practice and strive to surpass master." Hisoka said seriously.

"Well, you still have a long way to go now, so you can't slack off. Remember, no matter where you are, your heart will always miss me, the master. Do you understand?" Yao Lao said earnestly.

"Well, the disciple will definitely remember it and will not forget the master." Hisoka said.

"Okay, good disciple." Yao Lao smiled and touched the top of Xisuo's head.

"My disciple has something to ask the master."

"You tell me, as long as I can do it, I will try my best to do it." Yao Lao said.

"Master, can you send me to the Northern Territory and let me experience it in the Forest of Sacred Beasts in the Northern Territory?" Hisoka said earnestly.

"The Forest of Holy Beasts?" Yao Lao thought for a while and said, "That is an extremely dangerous area. There are many monsters and even spiritual beasts in it. Are you sure you want to go?"

"Yes, sure." Hisoka said: "I have already thought about it clearly. If I can get good things from this experience, maybe my strength will be stronger, so that I can take better care of my junior wife and junior sisters. "

Yao Lao thought for a moment and said, "In that case, I will agree to your request. The area you are going to is called the Forest of Holy Beasts in the Northern Territory. There are many high-level magical beasts and spiritual beasts in that area. If you encounter any danger there, Don't fight hard, just avoid them, they can't do anything to you, as long as you can survive. Do you know? In the Northern Territory, the most terrifying thing is not the monsters and spiritual beasts, but the higher spiritual beasts. Its strength is even more powerful than ordinary spiritual beasts and monster beasts. Therefore, you must be careful not to let yourself suffer any harm. If anything happens to you, there is nothing I can do as a teacher."

Hisoka nodded solemnly: "Disciple understands."

"Do you have any other requests?" Yao Lao asked.

"One more thing, I would like to ask Yao Lao to help me find some precious medicinal materials." Hisoka said.

"Huh?" Yao Lao was a little surprised. He didn't expect Hisoka to make such a request: "What is the medicinal material you are looking for?"

"It's just some medicinal materials for healing and body protection. Although I need these, I promise that I won't die, so please help me find them, master." Hisoka said.

"Okay, I will help you. However, you can't rush this matter. After all, you are still a warrior now. It is not easy to obtain rare herbs. You have to break through the martial arts first." Yao Lao said.

"Okay, Master." Hisoka said respectfully.

Xisuo and Yao Lao chatted for a few more words, Xisuo left, and Yao Lao continued to study the herbs in his hands.

"Hisoka, you kid really makes me worry!" Yao Lao shook his head and sighed. His eyes fell on the medicinal materials again. His eyes shone with wisdom. For a long time, He raised his right hand and swung it towards the wall next to him, only to see a crack appear on the wall.

Yao Lao stretched out his hand to tear open the crack.

Immediately, a green plant appeared in Yaolao's field of vision.

Yaolao observed carefully. These green plants were as big as a thumb, and each one looked like an emerald.

He put away the medicinal materials.

Chapter 680: Hisoka’s cultivation of the Medicine King Vine

"Medicine King Vine!"

Hisoka's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw these green plants. Yao Lao had just said that those herbs were used to treat injuries.

This herb is very rare and cannot be picked by ordinary people.

Not only can this herb heal injuries, but it also has therapeutic properties. It can not only treat external injuries, but also enhance the spiritual energy of the practitioner.

"Haha, I didn't expect to get it so easily." Hisoka said ecstatically. He immediately sat down cross-legged and started practicing.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Hisoka began to activate the flames in his Dantian.

The temperature of the flame became higher and higher, and soon a layer of pale golden light rose up in the room.

Then, golden-red flames enveloped the entire room, and the room was filled with scorching heat, making the air in the room extremely sticky, as if it was about to explode at any time.

All of Hisoka's clothes burned, revealing his strong and muscular muscles, and his skin also turned pale gold, looking full of strength.

Hisoka circulated the flame in his body, growing bigger, bigger, and hotter.

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