Hisoka's body radiated scorching heat, causing the surrounding temperature to rise sharply. The windows in the room were burned out. However, the temperature in the room did not decrease at all. Instead, it became higher and higher. The air in the room was distorted, and it seemed that It will be evaporated at any time.

Sweat appeared on Hisoka's forehead, and large beads of sweat flowed down his cheeks and into his chest.

However, from Yaolao's fingertips, a faint green light shot out and directly entered Hisoka's body. Hisoka felt that there seemed to be something in his body that was ready to move, constantly absorbing the medicinal properties from the outside. .

After the medicine entered the body, Hisoka's skin turned lavender, and waves of itching spread throughout his body. After a while, the blood all over his body began to boil, constantly rushing against his body, making his skin become hot. stand up.

Not long after, Hisoka felt a warm energy welling up from the depths of his Dantian, and then flowing throughout his body, causing his skin to slowly return to its original color, but underneath his skin, there was a Small blood vessels, these small blood vessels are constantly beating, constantly absorbing the power of the medicine that Yao Lao instilled in him, making Hisoka's skin brighter and brighter, even the pores on his body have expanded, and his breathing has become more even. stand up.

A kind smile appeared on Yao Lao's face. His eyes when he looked at Xisuo were filled with relief. He whispered to himself: "This child has finally grown up."

Hisoka didn't know how much time had passed. When he opened his eyes, he felt extremely comfortable all over, as if he had eaten a delicious piece of barbecue, and his body was filled with abundant energy.

His mental strength also improved.

"It feels so comfortable!" Hisoka couldn't help but shout out. This feeling was very good and intoxicating.

It was so comfortable that Hisoka slept like that all night.

The next day, Yao Lao came and called Xisuo, "Why don't you get up?"

"Master, why are you here?" Xisuo looked at Yao Lao in surprise.

When Hisoka woke up, it was already sunny.

The sun shone on Hisoka's body, making him feel very comfortable. He stood up, moved his body and stretched his muscles.

Chapter 681: Hisoka enters the Forest of Sacred Beasts in the Western Regions

"Did you forget that you said last night that you were going to the Forest of Sacred Beasts in the Northern Territory to practice? The things have been prepared for you, and it's almost time to set off." Yao Lao handed the package in his hand to Xisuo.

"Well, okay!" Hisoka nodded.

"I'll take you there!" Yao Lao said with a smile.


Hisoka and Yaolao came to the edge of the Forest of Sacred Beasts in the Western Region. The two of them stayed in a small town for a while. Hisoka bought many things before embarking on the journey.

The Forest of Sacred Beasts in the Western Regions is the most dangerous forest of sacred beasts in the Western Regions. It is the most dangerous place on the Western Regions continent.

However, people in the Western Region are also accustomed to traveling to this place, because this place is the most dangerous and safest.

This is the most barren and desolate place in the entire Western Region, with no cities and even very few villages.

However, the holy beasts in the Western Region are also very powerful. They can prey on spiritual beasts. Moreover, their number is extremely large, tens of thousands of them. The strength of each of these spiritual beasts is not low, and some can even reach the five-star level. This This is one of the reasons why people in the Western Regions are full of fear of this place.

In the Forest of Sacred Beasts in the Western Region, the most terrifying existences are the three sacred beasts-the golden griffin. The strength of the golden griffin is not inferior to that of the dark giant bear and the red flame dragon, or even slightly better.

In addition to the golden griffon, the most terrifying existence here is a spiritual beast called the silver liger.

This silver liger is a huge wolf with a very strong physique. Moreover, it has a circle of silver stripes on its body, making it look powerful and domineering.

After Hisoka entered the Forest of Sacred Beasts in the Western Region, he walked cautiously, not daring to be careless. After all, this place was too dangerous, and no one knew what kind of spiritual beasts he would encounter.

Along the way, Hisoka saw many monsters. Although these monsters were not as powerful as the Golden Griffin, they all had the strength of seven stars or above.

But he is also very vigilant, because he knows that if he encounters these seven-star level monsters, as long as they are slightly negligent or make any mistakes, his life may be in danger.

Just when Hisoka walked not far from the entrance to the Forest of Sacred Beasts in the Western Region, Hisoka felt a terrifying wave coming from the front. This wave was very strange. Hisoka's pupils shrank and he immediately dodged. , but he was still too late. A huge monster appeared in front of him. This monster was brown all over, and its eyes were bloodthirsty. It opened its mouth and bit Xisuo with its sharp fangs. His teeth shone with an icy cold light.

"No!" Hisoka immediately used Shunbu to escape, but unfortunately, it was too late. He was bitten by the huge monster, and his clothes were torn off in one go, revealing the strong muscles inside.

Hisoka screamed in pain, the skin on his body cracked, and blood flowed out along the cracks.

"Roar!" Hisoka roared angrily.

Hisoka's right hand clenched a fist and hit the brown monster's head hard. His fist contained a strong elemental aura.

This time, Hisoka's attack did not miss, but hit the brown giant ape's head.

The head of the giant ape was shattered, scarlet brains sprayed out, and a thick smell of blood filled the air.

Chapter 682: The silver liger cannot resist its attack

Hisoka picked up a few beast cores that fell on the ground and left quickly. Not long after he left, several more giant apes fell to the ground.

These giant apes are all dead.

"These giant apes are all monsters below the four-star realm, and they have not yet reached the seven-star level. They should not cause much commotion. It seems that these giant apes are really lazy." Hisoka shook his head. I ignored him and continued on my way.

On the way, he encountered some spiritual beasts. Although these spiritual beasts were not as ferocious as the golden griffins and dark giant bears, they were also very difficult to deal with, and some of them had reached the five-star realm.

One day later, Hisoka reached the deepest part of the Forest of Sacred Beasts in the Western Region, where there was a dense jungle. This jungle was the most mysterious place in the Western Region.

Legend has it that there is a holy spirit in this jungle. This holy spirit can last forever and even become a holy beast.

However, this Holy Spirit is a silver liger. It is said that the silver liger is a heaven-level monster. Once promoted to the realm of the Holy Spirit, it can have its own territory. There are thousands of silver ligers living in the territory. These silver ligers do not eat humans, they only like to eat prey, and their claws are very sharp and can easily grab broken stones.

Hisoka carefully walked through the jungle. Finally, when he was about to walk out of the jungle, he heard waves of deafening roars. His face suddenly became solemn. He knew that this must be a holy beast named Baiyin. Where ligers roam, now, this silver liger is hiding in this forest, waiting for his arrival. Once he gets close to the silver liger, he will definitely be attacked by the silver liger, and he can't To kill the silver liger, the silver liger must be tamed, otherwise, he will be eaten back by the silver liger and turn into a corpse.

Hisoka's heart was extremely heavy. He just hoped that the silver liger would not attack him.

However, it turns out that Hisoka still underestimated this silver liger. This silver liger had been waiting in this jungle for a long time, and it could no longer hold back. When Hisoka approached it, After that, the silver liger immediately launched an offensive, and a sharp claw struck. Hisoka quickly dodged, but the tree where he was standing was directly broken by the silver liger.

This monster is so strong! "Hisoka's expression became even more gloomy. This silver liger was the most powerful monster he had ever seen.

Hisoka quickly used Shunpo to avoid the Silver Liger's attack. He kept dodging, avoiding while observing the surrounding situation.

During his observation, there were many monsters around, all of which were watching him.

He knew that if he wanted to defeat the Silver Liger, he could only lure the Silver Liger out and then defeat the Silver Liger in one fell swoop.

It is not easy to do this. The strength of the silver liger is really too strong. This silver liger is an eight-star realm monster, and ordinary people cannot defeat it at all.

The Silver Liger has three heads, and each head has a powerful attack power. No matter how strong Hisoka's defense is, without the protection of a protective shield, he cannot withstand the Silver Liger's attack. He must get rid of the Silver Liger as soon as possible. Liger.

Thinking of this, Hisoka quickened his pace.

Chapter 683 The red ball is the spiritual core of the silver liger

Hisoka kept dodging the Silver Liger's attacks.

"Roar!" Suddenly, the silver liger roared.

Hisoka's face became extremely solemn. He saw a huge shadow rushing towards him. Moreover, the speed of this shadow was extremely terrifying. In the blink of an eye, the silver liger crashed into Hisoka's body, launching a violent attack bombardment. On Hisoka's chest.

This silver liger was so powerful that Hisoka felt like he had been run over by a train.


Hisoka flew out and fell onto an ancient tree, which broke.

Hisoka climbed up with difficulty. He looked at the silver liger in front of him, his face was extremely pale. He knew that the silver liger was going to eat him alive.

The silver liger moved slowly, slowly approaching Hisoka. Hisoka kept retreating. He saw that the monsters were retreating backwards, as if they were afraid of the silver liger.

"Roar!" The silver liger roared, scaring the monsters to flee one after another. The eyes of the monsters were full of fear. They were afraid of the silver liger. This thought came out of the monster's heart. , becomes more and more determined.

"No! You can't kill me." Hisoka suddenly stopped because he found himself surrounded by a group of monsters.

All these monster beasts were lying on the ground, their eyes full of fear.

Hisoka's expression became even uglier. The strength of these monsters was not weak, and there were so many of them that he had no way to break through.

"Ouch!" The silver liger opened its mouth and let out a roar. The roaring sound of the silver liger seemed to have a strange magic power. The monsters lying on the ground stood up one after another. They are all adult monsters, and their strength is one level higher than ordinary monsters.

"What do you want to do?" Hisoka asked warily.

"Kill you!" The silver liger opened its mouth, revealing its sharp teeth, which emitted a faint blue light.

"I am a medicine apprentice from Yaowang Valley, and my master is a medicine master from Yaowang Valley. If you dare to kill me, my master will settle the score with you. When the time comes, your end will be very miserable." Hisoka threatened. road.

"Hahaha, I don't care about any bullshit Yao Wang Gu, I just want to kill you!" The silver liger opened its bloody mouth, revealing a row of neat white teeth.

"If you dare to hurt me, aren't you afraid that someone will cause trouble for you?" Hisoka threatened again. It had to be said that Hisoka's words were very useful, and the Silver Liger was stunned for a moment.

"Ouch!" The silver liger roared again.

At this moment, a red light burst out from the Silver Liger's belly, and this red light enveloped the Silver Liger in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the silver liger howled in pain.

Hisoka's face also turned ugly. A red ball actually emerged from the belly of this silver liger.

"What's going on? This silver liger actually has a red ball coming out of its belly?" Hisoka wondered.

This red ball exudes a strong fragrance, which is very pungent.

Hisoka took a closer look and realized that the red ball was the spiritual core of the silver liger.

The spiritual core is the inner elixir of the monster beast. The energy of this spiritual core is relatively pure and contains rich flesh and blood essence.

Chapter 684: Trespassing into the Forest of Sacred Beasts is the only way to die

Hisoka once heard that there was a secret place far away, where there were all kinds of rare materials.

The treasures in that place are very precious, and many practitioners want to go there to explore and hunt for treasures.

However, after entering the secret realm, few people can come out alive.

This silver liger actually put his inner elixir in his spiritual core. Is this silver liger crazy?

"Roar!" The silver liger roared again.

Hisoka's brows furrowed slightly. The Silver Liger's spiritual core contained huge amounts of energy. The effect of these energies on him was very obvious. If he wanted to break through, he would have to rely on these energies.

Thinking of this, Hisoka directly activated the elemental power in his body, and then gathered the elemental power in the palms of his hands. Hisoka wanted to punch out the elemental power in his hands.

"Roar!" The Silver Liger roared again. Hisoka knew that if he knocked out this energy, the energy would be integrated into the Silver Liger's belly, and he would lose this energy forever.

By then, this silver liger will definitely be promoted to the fourth level, or even the fifth level. At that time, it will be even more ferocious, and he will definitely not be the opponent of this silver liger.


At this moment, the ground shook, and the whole land seemed to be shaking.

This scene scared Hisoka out of his wits. Because he clearly felt that the ground was shaking, as if it would collapse at any time, he couldn't help but guess, was there an earthquake?

Hisoka kept running forward, trying to escape from here.

The body of the silver liger suddenly transformed into hundreds of small silver ligers. These small silver ligers opened their big mouths and rushed toward Hisoka. Each of these small silver ligers had the strength of a first-order monster. There are more than three thousand of these little silver ligers in total, and there are also many fourth-order little silver ligers. Each of these fourth-order little silver ligers has strong combat power.

More than three thousand little silver ligers, how powerful is this?

Hisoka couldn't help but swallowed. He knew that today would probably be a bad day, but if he gave up the resistance and was eaten by this silver liger, wouldn't it be too unfair?

"Ouch!" The silver liger let out a huge roar again. This time, the sound wave swept dozens of meters, and Hisoka was knocked away again.

At this time, the silver liger had already caught up, opening its mouth, revealing two big mouths full of fangs. This was a pair of fangs, and these fangs shone with an icy cold light.

Hisoka couldn't help but close his eyes, preparing to welcome death.

At this moment, a burst of laughter came.

Hisoka opened his eyes and was stunned.

I saw, at some point, a young man dressed in black stood in front of him. The man in black was holding a long black sword, and the blade was shining with a cold light.

Hisoka knew that he had met a master.

"Who are you?" Hisoka's tone also softened. This young man in black gave Hisoka a sense of danger. This was Hisoka's feeling.

"You don't need to know who I am!" The young man in black said calmly, "Trespassing into the Forest of Sacred Beasts will only lead to death!"

Hisoka ignored him and ran directly out of the valley.

Without knowing the strength of the young man in black, what Hisoka should do at this time is to leave here first.

Chapter 685: The young man in black is far more powerful than Hisoka

Just a few steps after Hisoka ran out, the young man in black followed him.

The young man in black was extremely fast and caught up with Hisoka in the blink of an eye.

Hisoka felt the wind blowing behind him and couldn't help but stop, turned his head and looked at the young man in black.

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