The young man in black didn't speak, and still looked at Hisoka with an indifferent expression.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking my way?" Hisoka became a little impatient.

"If you don't want to die, just hand it over obediently!" The young man in black said still coldly.

"What?" Hisoka asked in confusion as he didn't know what the young man in black wanted.

The young man in black snorted coldly: "Pretending to be confused? I will not play charades with fools. Hand over the spiritual core of the silver liger, and I will let you live."

"Why should I give you something I got myself?" Hisoka snorted coldly.

"I don't know whether to live or die, I will let you understand how to write the word "death." The young man in black's face darkened, and the long sword in his hand waved out a dazzling sword light.

The power of this sword is enough to destroy a hill.

The speed of this sword light was extremely fast, and it came to Hisoka's side in an instant. Wherever the sword light went, the air was split, and the air seemed to turn into water, leaving a long trace behind Hisoka. , the power of this sword is really frightening. If this sword strikes Hisoka's body, Hisoka's body will definitely be split into two halves. Even if he doesn't die, he will probably be seriously injured or even die.

This move was indeed powerful, and Hisoka couldn't help but feel fear in his heart. What level of master was this young man in black? He actually has such terrifying strength.

"Whoosh..." Hisoka's right leg kicked out hard, and his toe touched the sword light. Hisoka took advantage of the force and took two steps back to avoid the attack.

The face of the young man in black changed slightly. He didn't expect Hisoka's reaction to be so quick. It seemed that he couldn't hold back his hand anymore. He stretched out his right hand and held the long sword.

"Buzz..." Under his control, the long sword suddenly burst out with a sharp sword energy. The speed of the sword energy was too fast, faster than Hisoka expected.

Hisoka hurriedly dodged, but his reaction was a little slow after all. The sword energy passed by his arm, and a bloody mouth immediately appeared on his arm.

Hisoka's body couldn't help shaking, and blood flowed down his arm.

"Hiss..." Hisoka took a breath of pain.

"Your reaction is really quick!" The young man in black admired, and with a wave of his long sword, a huge sword energy struck again.

Hisoka's pupils suddenly narrowed, and his body dodged to the side. However, the speed of this move was too fast, and it still cut Hisoka's arm, and a stream of blood spurted out, making the flesh and blood blurred.

Hisoka felt a heartbreaking pain in his right arm. At this moment, Hisoka finally knew that the strength of this young man in black had definitely reached the peak of the heaven level.

You must know that Hisoka's strength has just broken through to the earth level, but the young man in black has already reached the heaven level. This means that the opponent's strength far exceeds Hisoka. Even in his heyday, Hisoka can only It's a tie with him, let alone Hisoka's current cultivation level is not high.

Not to be outdone, Hisoka rushed over again.

The young man in black had a calm expression. He flipped his wrist and the long sword pierced out again, heading straight for Hisoka.

Chapter 686: The persistent young man in black

This time, Hisoka did not dodge, but took the move forcefully.

The power of the sword of the young man in black was too great. Hisoka simply couldn't dodge it and had no choice but to resist. Hisoka had no other choice.

Hisoka's body flew backwards, hit a rock, slid down to another rock, and then rolled down again. At this time, the attack of the young man in black followed closely. The young man in black was very strong. Hisoka was no match for him.

Just when the young man in black caught up with Hisoka, Hisoka suddenly stood up, bent his legs, and with a sudden bounce, his body turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared from the place.

"Swish, swish, swish..." Several sharp sword lights shot towards Hisoka from all sides. This was Hisoka's trump card. Hisoka once used this move to deal with the powerful King of Heaven.

However, the power of this move is too small. It may be useful against ordinary people, but it is basically useless against heaven-level masters.

Hisoka's figure dodged the sword rays, and at the same time, he appeared behind the young man in black.

The young man in black reacted very quickly. As soon as Hisoka flashed behind him, he sensed it. He swung his long sword back and a strong wind blew over. Hisoka quickly moved five meters to the right. He barely managed to avoid the blow, but the long sword of the young man in black had already struck the spot where Hisoka was standing, and there was a deep sword mark on the ground.

This time, Hisoka did not choose to force the attack, because he did not want to have his right arm cut off. Although his current combat power has forcibly broken through to the elementary level of heaven, Hisoka still cannot control himself stably.

Therefore, Hisoka did not dare to collide head-on with a heaven-level master easily. Once Hisoka encountered a heaven-level master, he would have no choice but to wait for death.

Hisoka kept retreating to the right and back, while running to the left and forward, while avoiding the sword light of the young man in black. Although doing so was time-consuming, Hisoka didn't dare to take the risk.

If Hisoka is accidentally struck by the long sword of the young man in black, his life may be in danger.

Hisoka must get rid of the other party's entanglement as soon as possible, otherwise, Hisoka will die in the hands of this guy.

The young man in black saw a look of surprise in his eyes when he saw Hisoka no longer fighting him head-on, but running away. However, his speed was not slow, and his body turned into a black light and followed closely behind Hisoka. , black sword light shot towards Xisuo.

The speed of the sword light was very fast, almost pushing Hisoka to the edge of the cliff in the blink of an eye.

Just one step away, Hisoka fell into the cliff.

Hisoka's face became extremely solemn. This time, Hisoka was really in trouble. If he didn't get rid of the young man in black, he would really be doomed.

Hisoka kept moving forward, but the young man in black was chasing after him. Hisoka knew that if he let the young man in black catch up, it would be really hopeless, and he would definitely be killed by this guy's sword.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Hisoka's lips.

It seems that today is not destined to be my luck, but my destiny. No wonder the guard was hostile to me when I came in. It turned out to be for this reason.

However, Hisoka was not the kind of person who would accept his fate. Since he couldn't hide, he simply stopped hiding. Hisoka's body stopped moving and he turned around to face the young man in black.

The young man in black also stopped chasing. He didn't expect Hisoka to be so bold and stopped the pursuit.

Chapter 687 The body of the young man in black disappeared into the void

The young man in black asked indifferently: "Why didn't you run away? You are very brave. Aren't you afraid that I will catch up and chop off your head?"

Hisoka snorted coldly and said lightly: "Afraid, of course I'm afraid! But, so what, I'm just an ant-like existence. Your strength and terror are all due to your ability. I I can only look up, so what if you kill me?"

"Haha... You are quite sensible. I like your personality. It's a pity that my sword can only be used against ants like you. I will cut you into pieces with a thousand knives."

"What is your sword?" Hisoka asked.

"You are not qualified to know!" The young man in black sneered. With a move of the sword in his hand, Hisoka's clothes shattered into powder, and Hisoka stood naked.

At this time, the young man in black had already arrived in front of Hisoka, swung his long sword in his hand, and a black sword light flew out.

Hisoka's body shook slightly and he avoided the sword light. Then, the young man in black drew his sword again, but Hisoka dodged it again. The young man in black made three consecutive sword strikes, but Hisoka easily dodged them. Finally, the young man in black swung his sword. The young man in clothes stopped moving.

The young man in black looked at Hisoka and said, "Your body is amazing. You should have some kind of secret. I'm curious, what secret is hidden in your body?"

"You don't need to know that my secret lies within me." Hisoka said calmly.

"Really? Then I have to let you taste my power!" The young man in black said with a sneer, raising his palm upward, and a ball of white mist appeared in his hand. Then, the white mist gathered bigger and bigger, and soon it was It turned into a water ball. The water ball spun in the air, and then smashed towards Hisoka.

When Hisoka saw this scene, he cursed in his heart. How could this guy be so powerful? He had already understood the power of space. However, Hisoka was not a vegetarian. With a sway, Hisoka came to the young man in black. In front of him, he pushed out his palms.


There was a loud noise, the space split open, and the momentum of the young man in black stagnated. Hisoka took the opportunity to kick out, directly hitting the young man in black in the abdomen. Immediately, the young man in black's body flew backwards. He went out, fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and a look of horror appeared in the eyes of the young man in black.

Hisoka didn't give the other party any time to breathe. He rushed over again, his figure flickered, and in the blink of an eye he came to the back of the young man in black and punched him hard.

The face of the young man in black changed, and he wanted to dodge, but he was too seriously injured and could not dodge at all. Only a click was heard, and one of the young man's ribs was directly broken by Hisoka. The young man in black's body suddenly changed. became a piece of paper.

Hisoka looked at the paper the young man in black had turned into and sneered. Then he reached out and grabbed the young man in black's wrist and pulled it forward. Suddenly, the young man in black's body was pulled in half.

After the body of the young man in black turned into two halves, his body disappeared into the void.

"Is it over like this?" Hisoka was stunned for a moment, and then he felt a dangerous breath coming from above his head. He looked up and saw a young man in black floating in the air.

"Hahaha, did you think it was over like this?" The young man in black said with a smile, and then he came to Hisoka in a flash.

Chapter 688: In this case, then I will let you become a corpse!

Hisoka looked at the young man in black and said, "This time, I don't know whether you will die or I will die!"

"That's not necessarily true. If I were you, I would obediently hand over the silver liger's spiritual core, and I promise not to kill you." The young man in black said with a smile.

Hisoka frowned and said: You have a good idea, why should I give you my things! "

"Hehe, whether you like it or not, you have no right to choose. Now, obediently hand over the silver liger's spiritual core to me!" The young man in black said with a sneer.

Hisoka shook his head, "Dream."

The young man in black was startled, and then said: "If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with a drink, so don't blame me for being cruel!"

As he spoke, the young man in black took action, and the long sword in his hand brought a rain of swords from the sky directly towards Hisoka.

Hisoka snorted coldly, and then, with a flicker of his figure, he left the place in an instant, avoiding the attack.

The young man in black jumped into the air again, his face darkened, and then, with a shake of the long sword in his hand, a huge blade appeared and slashed at Hisoka.

Hisoka sneered, swayed again, and dodged this move again.

The young man in black drew his sword again, but he was dodged again.

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the young man in black. He didn't expect Hisoka to be so fast.

Hisoka's body exuded a light blue light, and the light enveloped his whole body, making him become even more ethereal.

The young man in black sneered and said: "No matter how fast you hide, it's useless, it's all in vain!"

Hisoka sneered and said: "There is so much nonsense, let's do it!"

After saying that, Hisoka's body disappeared instantly, and the next moment, he came behind the young man in black.

Hisoka raised his right leg and kicked the young man in black directly on the butt.


The young man in black screamed, and his butt suddenly swelled up. He felt that his butt no longer belonged to him.

Hisoka kicked the young man in black away, then performed another spatial movement and disappeared into the air.

The young man in black lay on the ground, his body trembling, his butt no longer belonged to him, he felt that his lower body no longer belonged to him, and he clearly felt the pain coming from that place.

The face of the young man in black was full of fear, and his eyes also showed a look of despair.

Hisoka looked at the young man in black on the ground and said calmly: "Don't try to resist, because it is useless for you to resist. No matter who is interested in me, he will pay the price! However, even if I If I let you go today, if you meet someone stronger than me in the future, won't you still have to die?"

The young man in black gritted his teeth and did not dare to speak.

Hisoka said: "In this case, then I will let you become a corpse!"

As Hisoka said, he waved his right hand and a beam of light shot into the body of the young man in black.

The body of the young man in black instantly turned into a wisp of smoke and slowly dissipated.

Seeing the young man in black completely disappearing into the air, Hisoka sighed and said, "I don't want to kill you. It was you who had to mess with me. Otherwise, I really wouldn't fight you, let alone kill you." .”

"As long as I can control myself, killing someone is not difficult for me. If someone bothers me again, my next death will not be that simple!"

Chapter 689 Hisoka meets the snakehead

As soon as Hisoka finished speaking, he discovered that the silver liger's spiritual core was missing.

"I guess I dropped it somewhere during the chase. It should be a good thing that can make the guards chase me all the way. I'd better go back and look for it." Hisoka turned around and walked back to the forest, walking very slowly.

Back in the forest, Hisoka walked slowly, looking for the spiritual core of the silver liger he had lost.

Although the silver liger's spiritual core is not large. But it emits a very strong red light, so it shouldn't be difficult to find it.

Soon, Hisoka found the lost silver liger's spiritual core.

Hisoka collected the silver liger's spiritual core, and then continued walking deeper.

"Hey, there's a snake here!" Suddenly, Hisoka heard a slight noise.

"Snake?" Hisoka was stunned for a moment. Then, he quickly walked to the edge of the bush and saw a snake head sticking out from a big tree. The snake hesitated.

"Why are there snakes here?" Hisoka asked strangely.

The snake's head was swimming in the grass, and its tail was waving, as if to warn Hisoka not to get close.

Hisoka smiled, and then walked over.

"Don't come here!" the snakehead shouted.

"Haha, don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. I just want to ask you a few words. If you don't say it, I might disturb your rest." Hisoka said with a smile.

The snake head wandered around in the grass for several times, and finally gave in reluctantly. It slowly swam to Hisoka.

Hisoka stretched out his hand and grabbed the snake's head. The snake's head struggled a few times and finally succumbed.

"Do you want to know the situation in that place?" Hisoka asked with a smile.

Snakehead nodded.

Hisoka continued to ask: "Do you know where it is?"

The snakehead nodded again.

Hisoka said: "You tell me and I will take you there. However, I cannot guarantee that you can reach your destination safely, so you must give me some hints so that I can judge."

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