The two walked into the room. Ram looked at the surrounding environment. The walls of this room were covered with skeletons. Each skeleton was about one and a half meters tall. Green flames were burning in their eye sockets, and their hands were clasped tightly. He clenched his fists, wore shabby clothes, looked dirty, and the bones in his body had a withered feeling.

Chapter 718 Entering the room on the fifth floor

Hisoka looked at these skeletons and said: "These skeletons should be trapped here. Their bodies have decayed and are about to become a pile of rotten flesh."

"Hisoka, can we still leave here?" Ram asked.

Hisoka shook his head: "Not yet. We have no way to break the restrictions in this room. We can only stay here. But this should be the tomb of a strong man. Many people must be buried in this tomb. Here It should be the entrance to the tomb, and I guess there should be treasures in this tomb."

"It's really a mausoleum full of legends." Ram said with emotion.

Hisoka nodded and said, "Ram, you stay here and I'll go take a look."

When Ram heard Hisoka say to go take a look, he quickly grabbed the corner of Hisoka's clothes.

"Hisoka, don't go. It's very dangerous there and I don't worry about it." Ram said.

Hisoka smiled and said: "Ram, don't worry, I won't be in any danger. Just watch and wait for my good news."

"Yeah." Ram nodded.

"Ram, I'll go in and take a look first. If anything happens, send me a signal immediately." After Hisoka finished speaking, he jumped in directly.

As soon as Hisoka entered the mausoleum, he felt a cold breath coming towards his face, and he couldn't help but shiver.

"No, why is it so cold?"

"Hey, there is no life here. There are dead people's bones everywhere! Isn't this place just a tomb?" Hisoka muttered.

As Hisoka walked forward, he found that the road ahead was getting narrower and narrower, which surprised him. He couldn't figure out why this was happening.

At this time, Hisoka saw a large river flowing in front of him, with many skeletons floating in the water, all of which had recently died.

"How did these skeletons die? Were they killed by the water in these lakes?"

"No, why is the water in these lakes so cold? There is definitely something wrong here."

"There must be something strange about this tomb."

As Hisoka walked, he carefully observed the surrounding scene.

Suddenly, Hisoka saw a figure in front of him. Hisoka took a closer look and saw that the figure was actually a young man. This young man was wearing a black robe. His face was extremely pale, his body was thin, and he looked very weak.

"There is actually a living person here?" Hisoka exclaimed.

When he approached the young man and took a look, he realized that the young man was actually a human being. "This human looks very weak. Who is he? Why is he here?"

Hisoka followed the young man all the way to an open place. He stood there and looked at the human in front of him. The young man's skin was blue-grey, his cheeks were sunken, his eyes were uneven, and his eye sockets were deep. He was wearing A tattered dress, stained with bright red blood and some dried stains. The man's body was also covered with scars, and he looked very embarrassed.

The man was sitting on the ground, with his legs curled up and his feet on the ground, motionless. His mouth was closed tightly and his eyes were rolled over, looking like he was asleep.

Hisoka walked up to the young man and looked at him.

The young man's skin was very fair, as delicate as a baby's, and there was a black mole on his forehead. He was very handsome, and he looked like a painting, but Hisoka was not in the mood to appreciate it.

Chapter 719: Move the unconscious young man out of the room

Hisoka looked at the young man, and he found that there were waves of black mist emanating from his body, his skin was blue-gray, his body was covered with scars, and there was a large black hole on the young man's chest. , looks like a huge black hole, and there is bright red blood flowing out of the hole.

This young man had a strong smell of corpse, which made Hisoka frown.

"Let me go, what the hell is this place? Is the corpse smell so strong? And there is such a strong corpse poison!"

"It seems that the wound on his chest was caused by being hit by the sword energy. The sword energy should be the sword energy he emitted himself."

Hisoka looked at the young man lying on the ground. He was motionless. If it weren't for the fact that he was still breathing, Hisoka would have even suspected that he was dead.

"What on earth is this place? Why is there such a terrifying sword energy? Is this place also the domain of sword cultivators?"

"Whoever he is, he can't stay in this place."

Hisoka plans to take him to a safe place, this place is really evil.

Thinking of this, Hisoka was ready to take this young man away.

However, the weight of this young man was a bit more than Hisoka expected. As soon as Hisoka lifted him up, he fell to the ground due to his unstable center of gravity.

Hearing Hisoka's cry, Ram ran in. His eyes were fixed on the young man on the ground. He looked at the young man for a long time and said: "Hisoka, he is not dead, he just fainted. Don't worry, his life is not in danger. "

"It's really not life-threatening?"

"Yes." Ram said.

"I know, help me quickly." Hisoka said.

"Help? Do you want to take him out of here?" Ram asked Hisoka in confusion.

"Then we can't leave people in here, there is an inexplicable corpse energy here." Xi said.

"Oh." Ram agreed, then helped Hisoka pick up the young man, set him up and dragged him outside.

Hisoka carried the unconscious young man out of the tomb.

At this time, Hisoka noticed where the exit of the tomb was. It was a curved passage. This passage led to no one knows where. It looked like a tunnel, but this tunnel was very narrow. Once someone If you get in, you will definitely die.

Hisoka put the unconscious young man on the ground and let him sleep against the wall, and then he sat in the corner to rest.

The two of them just sat at the corner of the passage, motionless like sculptures.

"I asked, why is this young man in a coma all the time? He won't just lie here waiting to die, right?"

"Maybe he will wake up, let's just wait!"


The two of them stayed like this.

Hisoka looked at the scenery in the distance while waiting for the young man to wake up.

But after waiting for a while, he still didn't see the young man waking up. Hisoka couldn't help but become a little impatient. He looked at the young man, and his heart was full of dissatisfaction. A living person was lying here quietly and motionless. This People are simply wasting their time!

"Hey, wake up!" Hisoka looked at the young man on the ground.

After several minutes, there was still no response. Hisoka couldn't help but become anxious. Could this guy really sleep here forever?

"If you don't wake up, I'll throw you here and I won't care about your life or death!".

Chapter 720: After discussing with Ram, Hisoka decided to return to the room

After Hisoka finished threatening, he continued to wait.

"This young man is really strange. He doesn't feel anything at all. This can't go on like this!"

Hisoka thought for a moment, then stretched out his left hand to grab the young man's right wrist, and shook it vigorously.

The young man did not wake up, but his wrist trembled slightly. This young man was not dead.

Hisoka saw the young man's right hand move, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then helped him up.

Hisoka's move made the young man open his eyes. He rubbed his hazy eyes. His vision was a little blurry, but his eyesight was very good. He saw Hisoka clearly, and he saw the expression on Hisoka's face. There was some surprise, then an expression of impatience.

The young man slowly sat up, looked at Hisoka and said, "Who are you?" After saying that, he turned to look at Ram, "Who are you?"

"You tell me who you are first, and then I'll tell you what I know." Ram said.

"My name is Silk, what's yours?" Silk asked.

Ram looked at the young man and said, "My name is Ram, and that kid's name is Hisoka."

"Oh." Silk responded.

"Why are you in that room?" Hisoka remembered the scene in the room just now and decided to ask about the situation.

"that room……"

Silk looked at Hisoka, "There are monsters in there! Monsters that can eat people! Ahh..." Before he could finish his words, Silk started to cover his head and scream, as if he saw something terrifying there. .

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, wuwu..."

After shouting, Silke began to beg for mercy again.

Hisoka and Ram were stunned by this series of actions, but they still reacted and tried their best to control Silk from hurting themselves.

"No one can hurt you, don't be afraid!"

Only then did Silke stop crying.

"What happened in that room? Why are there monsters in it?" Hisoka asked.

"I don't know!" Silk replied.

"Then how did you get inside?" Hisoka continued to ask.

"I only remember that I was drinking tea, and suddenly I felt the air around me was thick, and a fishy smell filled the tip of my nose, and then I didn't know anything else," Silk said.

Hisoka and Ram looked at each other. They thought this young man was a little weird.

"It seems we still have to go into that room." Hisoka said after thinking for a moment.

"I agree. Our journey has been too easy. There are no trials at all." Ram nodded and agreed with Hisoka's suggestion.

"Don't go, you don't go, you will die!" Silk shouted at the top of his lungs. "

"We are already here. Now that we are here, there is no reason to retreat. If you still want your life, then you can follow, but I will lead the way." Hisoka replied coldly.

Hearing Hisoka's words, Silke hesitated for a moment, but finally gritted his teeth and stood up.

"I'll go in with you."

Hisoka and Ram looked at each other.

Ram said to Hisoka: "Hisoka, that room is very dangerous, don't mess around!"

"I know, we are together." Hisoka said firmly.

Ram nodded.

Then the three of them walked towards the room together.

At this time, there was an extra staircase in the room. It was a dark black staircase that led to the depths of the ground.

Chapter 721 Ram’s leg is injured

There is also a layer of white smoke lingering among the black stairs.

"Is there this staircase just now? No?" Hisoka couldn't help but ask.

"No." Ram replied.

The three of them walked step by step. The further they walked, the narrower the stairs became, and finally they couldn't go any further.

"What's going on?" Hisoka asked.

Ram shook his head. He didn't know why there were stairs in this place.

At this moment, their bodies suddenly shook violently, as if they were about to fall.

"Oops!" Hisoka cursed in his mind, "What's going on?"

At this time, a huge voice came from all directions. This voice seemed to be summoning something, or like a group of people shouting something. In short, it made Hisoka feel very strange.

"Ah..." Hisoka groaned in pain from deep in his throat.

"Hisoka, what's wrong with you?" Ram saw Hisoka's painful look and immediately ran to him and asked.

"I'm feet hurt..." Hisoka said with difficulty.

Ram lowered his head and saw that Hisoka's shoes were pierced by a thick branch, his ankle was pierced by a thick branch, and bright red blood flowed down the sole of his foot to the ground.

"Hisoka, what's going on?" Ram asked.

"I don't know." Hisoka groaned in pain.

"What should we do?" Ram looked at Hisoka anxiously and said.

"Don't touch me!"

Just when Ram was about to put his hand on Hisoka's ankle, he heard Hisoka's warning, quickly retracted his arm, and then took a few steps away.

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