Shortly after Ram retreated, his ankle was attacked again. He felt that his entire leg was numb, as if he was bitten by something.

" hurts..." Ram had a painful expression on his face.

"What's wrong with you?" Hisoka asked with concern.

"My legs...legs..." Ram said brokenly.

"Don't be nervous, your legs will be fine." Hisoka comforted him.

"But...I...I seem to be entangled by a poisonous snake...ah..."

Before Ram could finish speaking, he felt that his whole legs were numb, and his body fell to the ground uncontrollably, falling to the ground.

"Ram, Ram..." Hisoka quickly held him in his arms.

"My legs, my legs are numb," Ram said in panic.

"Don't worry, I'll help you remove it." Hisoka said.

"Really?" Ram asked doubtfully.


Hisoka stretched out his right hand, palm upward, and drew a circular pattern in the air.




With three screams, Ram's legs returned to normal.

"How did I become like this?"

Ram looked at Hisoka in disbelief. His body had fully recovered, but it was so fragile just now. If Hisoka hadn't stopped him in time, his body would have turned into a pile of rotten meat.

Hisoka shook his head.

"What's going on? What was that just now? It's so scary!" Ram asked in shock.

"I don't know." Hisoka shook his head. "What were those just now?"

"It doesn't matter what it is. What's important is that we must find that entrance, otherwise we will all be buried here. I wonder if there will be something more ferocious waiting for us there!" Hisoka said silently.

Chapter 722 Hisoka heads to the exit alone

"There is a strong smell of rotting corpses here, which should be left behind by the rotting corpses. And the rotting corpses are not scary. What is really scary is the poisonous mist. As long as you inhale a little bit, you will be poisoned, and the poisoning will be very fast, and you will probably be poisoned. Deadly because the toxicity is so strong!”

Hearing Hisoka's words, a chill ran down Ram's back.

"Where is this place that is so weird?" Ram couldn't help but ask.

"Is there an exit here?" Hisoka looked at Silk and asked.

"Um... there seems to be a door, that should be the exit." Silke replied.

"About which direction? Do you remember?" Hisoka asked again.

"Hmm... yes, over there." Silk said, pointing to the north.

"The door is still locked, and you may have to find a key to open it," Silk added.

"I understand. Leave the task of finding the exit and the key to me. You stay here and look after Ram. I will come back to find you when I find the exit." Hisoka explained.

"Well, Hisoka, be careful along the way and don't show off." Ram said with concern.

"I know." Hisoka nodded and walked towards the north.

Hisoka came to the door. He carefully observed the surrounding environment and found a huge stone on the wall. There was a strange symbol on the stone. The symbol was in the shape of a six-pointed star. Hisoka took a closer look and understood.

"This stone is the door. If you smash this stone, the door will definitely be revealed." Hisoka said, then picked up a long sword next to him and slashed at the stone with all his strength.

When Hisoka's palm struck the stone, his wrist shook. His sword was unable to harm the boulder.

This stone turned out to be an extremely hard rock.

"The owner of this tombstone is an alchemist. He must have set up a barrier here." Hisoka guessed. "

I want to destroy the barrier here. "

Just when Hisoka was thinking about how to destroy the barrier, a dark wind blew.

"Who is it?" Hisoka shouted coldly, stomped his right foot to the ground, and leaped into the air. Looking around, he saw a gray-robed man standing on a tree not far away. He is about 1.7 meters tall and has a thin build. He is wearing a black cloak and a black hat. His face cannot be seen clearly, but from that thin body, he exudes a gloomy aura of death.

"Who are you?" Hisoka asked with a frown.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that you are going to die soon." After saying that, the man moved, and the figure quickly rushed towards Hisoka.

"Hmph." Hisoka snorted, his body turned into a shadow and flickered, avoiding the opponent's attack.

"Hmm... It's amazing. You can easily dodge my attack. No wonder you are so arrogant." The other party's voice became hoarse and deep. Hearing this voice, Hisoka couldn't help but shudder, and he felt a coldness The murderous intent was transmitted from that voice to his mind. This murderous intent was not only bone-chilling, but also extremely cold, making his soul tremble.

Is this the pressure of the dead? !

Hisoka's pupils suddenly opened wide, his eyes filled with shock.

Although he knew that the souls of the dead were very terrifying, he did not expect that the other party would have such a strong death threat.

Chapter 723: The tester on the fifth floor appears

"What's going on? Why do I have such emotional fluctuations in my mind." Hisoka thought in confusion.

"I'm here to take your life." The man in gray smiled sinisterly.

"Are you...a trial person on the fifth level?" Hisoka said.

"Humph!" The man nodded.

"Why did you come to take my life?"

"No one can leave here alive!" The man in gray sneered, with deep resentment in his voice, and then he showed his scythe.

"Really? Then let's give it a try!" Hisoka snorted, his eyes narrowed slightly, his right hand slowly raised, and then he punched hard, his fist flashed purple. Black thunder and lightning, a violent and domineering force burst out instantly.

The man in gray felt the powerful energy emanating from Hisoka's fist, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then stepped back. Hisoka's punch did not hit the opponent, but fell directly to the ground.

"What a domineering power, what a tyrannical power!" The man in gray said in shock. He felt a destructive force from Hisoka's fist.

"Ha!" Hisoka snorted coldly, and rushed towards the opponent again. The purple-black lightning ball in his right hand once again gathered on the palm of his hand.

Seeing Hisoka attack again, the man in gray could no longer keep his composure. He quickly turned around and ran away quickly to avoid Hisoka's attack.

"You can't fight head-on, otherwise we will both lose!" The man in gray thought secretly, "But don't think that I am afraid of you. Since you want to die so much, then I will help you."

After saying that, he flashed and disappeared again. When he reappeared, he had already come to the side of Hisoka. With a sweep of the sickle in his hand, a sharp cold light cut through the air and slashed towards Hisoka's back. Come.

Hisoka's expression suddenly changed. He felt a chill on his back, and the dangerous feeling was getting closer and closer, as if a poisonous snake was staring at the back of his neck.


Hisoka quickly dodged and moved his body quickly to avoid the attack of the scythe, but where the scythe scratched, it left a deep mark, and a drop of bright red blood spattered out and scattered on the grass.

Seeing that his attack failed, the man in gray was also stunned. He said in disbelief: "As expected of Hisoka, he actually dodged my attack."

"Hehe..." Hisoka sneered, "I just didn't want to fight with you."

"Then you go die!" The man in gray roared, and his body suddenly erupted with terrifying energy. A ghastly breath of death filled the air, and that energy formed a huge giant in the air. The ghost claw clawed hard at Hisoka.

That is the power of the law of death.

That man is the Death Mage! Hisoka's face changed slightly when he saw the huge ghost claw. The Death Mage's attack was the most bizarre and deadly. His body quickly moved to the right, avoiding the opponent's attack. At the same time, he formed seals with his hands and chanted. After a few spells, a dazzling white light suddenly rose up, and then it condensed a ball of energy, and then smashed it towards the man in gray.

The man in gray didn't expect that Hisoka still had a trump card, so he was frightened and hurriedly dodged to the side.

boom! .

Chapter 724 Hisoka faces the Blade of Death head-on

The white light exploded, and a huge cloud of smoke rose up.

The man was blown away in a panic, and he avoided the attack of the white light.

The man's body flashed again and appeared behind Hisoka.

Hisoka's pupils shrank again. He knew he was in serious trouble this time. He quickly used spatial teleportation and moved to the side.

The man chased after him and kept attacking Hisoka at an extremely fast speed.

"Damn it, I don't believe I can't kill you!" Hisoka shouted angrily.

In this way, Hisoka escaped all the way, and the man in gray chased him all the way, constantly attacking Hisoka. Hisoka continued to use space teleportation, but the opponent could always catch up.

"No way... If you continue to escape like this, you will definitely get hurt." Hisoka thought in his heart.

Suddenly, Hisoka stopped teleporting, and his face became extremely pale, because he felt a terrifying sense of oppression. This was the power of the law of death. Hisoka's surroundings were already filled with dense black gas. Every gas is extremely corrosive. If it comes into contact with the skin, it will corrode the body immediately.

"Damn it, I was forced to do this." Hisoka cursed secretly.

When the man in gray saw Hisoka finally stopped teleporting, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

With a wave of the scythe in his hand, the black gas flew towards Hisoka.

"Get out of here!" Hisoka shouted, quickly making marks with his hands, and a white rune appeared in his hands.

These black gases were bounced back by the runes, and then disappeared into the distance.

"How is that possible!" The man in gray's expression changed again.

"Nothing is impossible." Hisoka said calmly.

"You can actually use the talisman!" The man in gray asked in shock, "Then why didn't you use the talisman earlier?"

"You think talismans are just cabbage! Just use them as you say, do you still need your permission?" Hisoka said disdainfully.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and let's see real moves on the battlefield!" Hisoka said.

"Okay! I want to see how strong you are!" The man in gray said, shaking his scythe and stabbing Hisoka again.

Hisoka was also unambiguous. He quickly typed out pieces of yellow talisman paper, and then threw the talisman paper at the man in gray.

Upon seeing this, the man in gray suddenly retreated hundreds of meters, and his face became extremely pale again.

"These things of yours are okay against ordinary necromancers, but they have no effect at all when encountering really powerful necromancers." The man in gray said, "My scythe is a magic weapon!"

After speaking, he raised the scythe above his head, and the gray shadow behind him slowly became transparent, and then turned into a gray skull.

The man in gray shouted: "Death Blade!"

The sickle in the hand of the gray-robed man slashed directly. The gray-robed man's attack power was very strong, and the power and power were even more violent than the previous attack.

Hisoka quickly used the law of space and avoided it.

The man in gray robe's attack did not end there. He kept waving the sickle in his hand, and the black gas, under his control, kept attacking Hisoka. Hisoka struggled to dodge, and there were more and more wounds on his body.

Hisoka's body was covered with a thick layer of black armor, which was his greatest protection measure.

This kind of black armor was something he snatched from the death mage. Although it could not block necromancy spells, it could withstand many ordinary magic attacks.

Chapter 725 Hisoka kills the man in gray

"This human's defense is so strong that he can resist the attack of necromancy. No wonder he dares to break into the necromancer's lair alone." A man in gray robe muttered to himself, "My blade of death He is not an ordinary person, and this blow will definitely kill him instantly."

The man in gray robe continued to attack Hisoka with the Death Blade.

Hisoka quickly used various techniques to dodge the opponent's attacks. Although he suffered a bit, it did not hurt him.

The two fought for half an hour.

During this period, the two had fought thousands of times, and every time they fought, blood was sprayed out.

"Your defense is too strong and your speed is good, but your attack and defense are too weak. As long as you die, I don't think even that guy can do anything to us." The man in gray He said, a ferocious expression appeared on his face, it was obvious that he was completely angry.

Hisoka ignored him.

The man in gray slashed with another death blade.

This time, the blade of death went straight to Hisoka's chest, and the sharp blade cut through the sky, as if it was cutting through the void.


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