There was an explosion, and the two fought again, and the man in gray's attack fell on Hisoka.

A bloody wound appeared, but it quickly recovered as before.

The man in gray was stunned.

"This... how is this possible?" The man in gray shouted in shock. His death blade was able to cut into pieces a house, but his death blade did not cause fatal damage to the guy in front of him.

"Can you be any more despicable?" Hisoka looked at the man in gray and sneered.

"Despicable? My Death Blade is a top-quality magic weapon. How can your defense be able to block my attack?" The man in gray said in confusion.

"My defense is indeed not high. I haven't reached the realm of immortality yet, so my defense is not high. I can withstand the attack of the Death Blade because my defense is very strong and my attack power is also very strong. !" Hisoka said, he turned his wrist, and a golden ring appeared in his hand.

"What's in your hand?" the man in gray asked.

"I won't tell you!" Hisoka said, holding the ring in his hand.

"Haha!" The man in gray laughed several times, "Since you are looking for death, then I will help you."

The man in gray waved his sickle again and attacked Hisoka.

Hisoka raised his arm, and a ball of black mist flew out, covering the man in gray.

There was a golden sword hidden in the black mist. With a whistling sound, the golden sword stabbed the man in gray.

"Immortal Realm!" The man in gray suddenly changed his expression.

"Die!" Hisoka shouted.

"Death Scythe!" The man in gray roared, and the scythe swung again, with a cold breath, and stabbed the black mist fiercely. The black mist dissipated immediately, revealing a golden sword, which pierced through The heart of the man in gray.

The man in gray eyes widened, and he looked down at his chest unwillingly.

He knew that death was his only ending.

"Your defense is really poor." Hisoka shook his head, then he reached out and grabbed the man in gray's head and pulled it out suddenly.

A head flew up, with blood splattering everywhere. The head still kept its wide-open expression, looking very terrifying.

The body of the man in gray robe fell to the ground.

"Hahaha..." A burst of wild laughter floated in the air.

"Who?" Hisoka looked around warily.

Chapter 726: What is Hisoka’s weakness?

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you have something to lose."

"Ah!" Hisoka heard the voice. He turned around and saw a huge humanoid figure standing behind him, holding a long bow in his hand. The color of the arrows had completely turned red and looked like It's burning with fire.

The humanoid figure slowly turned its body, the arrow in its hand ready to go.

Hisoka felt a hint of danger.

He no longer hesitated, his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

The humanoid figure flicked his fingers slightly, and stretched the long bow into a full moon. An arrow flew out instantly, and the arrow shot towards the path that Xisuo came from.

When Hisoka appeared again, the human figure had disappeared, leaving Hisoka alone and wondering. "Who is that person? If he is one of the trialists on the fifth floor? No, then why doesn't he take action on me?" Hisoka was filled with confusion.

"Also, what did he just say, am I going to lose something? What can I lose?" Hisoka lowered his head and pondered.

Suddenly, Hisoka raised his head and said, "Oops, Ram is in danger."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hisoka ran towards the direction where the arrow flew.

【the other side】

Silk and Ram sat there waiting, but Hisoka didn't come back.

"Ram, Ram, do you think something will happen if Hisoka hasn't come back for so long?" Silk asked anxiously.

"Although I don't know, Hisoka is not easily defeated. Maybe he encountered some delay." Ram replied slowly.

"Aren't you worried at all? The trialists on the fifth floor are very scary!" Silk said again.

"It doesn't matter. As long as he doesn't know Hisoka's weakness, he won't pose a threat to Hisoka." Ram stretched out his hand to lift his injured foot and checked the injury. Although the poison in the wound had been removed, Ram's leg was still intact. In a state of unconsciousness. "Is Hisoka so powerful? What is Hisoka's weakness? Can you tell me about it?" Silk's eyes shone and he looked at Ram expectantly.

Ram decided to play a joke on Silk.

"I shouldn't have said it originally, but it doesn't hurt to tell you because of your strength." Ram gestured for Silk to come closer to him, and then said: "It's me."

"You? You said Hisoka's weakness is you? Are you two of the same body?" Silke asked doubtfully.

Seeing that Silke believed deeply in his words, Ram smiled, "Hahahaha, that's all I can say."

"Haha, that's it." Silke stood up and looked down at Ram.

"Why did you stand up suddenly? You scared me." Ram took Silk's right hand and wanted him to sit down.

Silk shook off Ram's hand and brushed his right hand with his left hand, as if he had just touched something dirty.

"Who allowed you to touch me, and who allowed you to speak to me in such a tone." Silk's voice was cold, as if Ram in front of him was a stranger.

"Why did you go crazy all of a sudden?" Ram thought Silke was playing some kind of pretending game with him, and his face was full of speechlessness.

"Didn't you say Hisoka's weakness was you? It would have been better if you had said it earlier." Silk glared at Ram.

"You didn't ask, how did I know you wanted to ask this?" Ram shrugged his shoulders, looking confident.

"In this case, then go to hell.".

Chapter 727 Silk attacks Ram

Silke conjured a sickle out of nowhere, raised it and slashed at Ram.

Silk's action startled Ram. Although his legs had not fully recovered, his talent for survival made Ram roll aside for a distance.

"You're crazy! What are you going to do?" Ram gasped.

"You have no useable value anymore, not to mention that you already know my identity, so you can only die."

"Silk, are you sick?" Ram shouted angrily.

Silk raised the sickle and slashed at Ram again.

Ram was unable to dodge and was slashed on the shoulder. The skin of the shoulder was immediately cut and blood spurted out.

"Hmph." Silk snorted coldly, and his scythe struck at Ram's head again. Ram quickly moved to the side, blocking the scythe with one hand, but Silk had no intention of stopping. , he continued to swing the sickle to chop Ram, but Ram couldn't dodge and kept retreating.

"Are you a trial person on the fifth level?" Ram asked. "You woke up too late." Silke raised the sickle again, preparing to chop at Ram. Ram's legs and feet were already inconvenient, and the frequent movements had aggravated his injuries. He had no way out. "Hisoka! Hisoka!" Ram shouted.

"No need to call, he can't come." Silke looked confident and let Ram call.

"Why?" Ram asked puzzledly, his heart full of doubts.

"If you guessed it right, Hisoka is already a corpse now!" Silke sneered.

"You said Hisoka is already a corpse now? How can you be so sure." Ram still couldn't believe it.

Silk did not answer Ram because he knew that there was no need to say such words.

"You don't need to know, but if you want to see him so much, I will send you to reunite with him." Silke raised the scythe again, and there was black mist floating on the scythe, which looked extremely terrifying. "

"Hisoka, why don't you come?"

Ram could no longer hold on, and he could no longer escape, so he closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

But Silk's scythe never fell, and Ram opened his eyes. The person in front of him was Hisoka, whom he had been talking about for a long time, and he really appeared. "You finally open your eyes. If you don't move away quickly, I won't be able to stop you!" Hisoka said impatiently.

After being prompted by Hisoka, Ram discovered that Hisoka was blocking Silk's scythe for him, and then he slowly stood up and hid aside. "You are still alive, Hisoka." Silke increased the strength of the scythe and pressed Hisoka's body down.

"Of course he's alive, it's not obvious." After Hisoka finished speaking, he whipped his leg hard and hit Silk in the abdomen. Silke was in pain and loosened his hand, and was pushed back several steps by Hisoka.

"I won't let you go." Silke threw away the sickle and took out a scroll with a few lines written on it.

"Silk, your strength is still not enough. If you had strength, we would be a draw now." Hisoka shook his head and said.

"Then, let's compete again." Silk said as he summoned his magic pet, a huge bat, and a foul smell filled the air.

"Although I don't know how you discovered my identity, since the matter has reached this point, I can only kill you all!".

Chapter 728 The Showdown between Hisoka and Silk

Silk sneered, and two wings instantly sprouted from his shoulders.

"Hisoka, take the move!" Silk jumped up and rushed towards Hisoka.

Hisoka looked at Silk who was charging towards him. He was not afraid at all. He also flew up and faced him.

"Bang!" Silk's fist hit Hisoka's chest, and Hisoka spat out a mouthful of blood.

"So weak, it's a good thing that I still hide myself to find your weakness." Silke mocked.

"I admit that you are indeed very strong, stronger than I expected, but don't be too happy too soon." Hisoka wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Next, I will use my strongest stunt, and you will not show mercy. You and I both know that now is your chance!"

Silk raised his eyebrows after hearing Hisoka's words.

Silke's wings suddenly became transparent, and then quickly expanded, becoming a huge white bat with wings that were more than three meters long.

"What kind of stunt is this?" Silke was very surprised when he saw this strange thing. "Is it the legendary devil's wings?

"Hahaha, it's good that you know, then, suffer death!" Silke held the sickle in both hands and rushed towards Hisoka.

"Boom!" A gust of wind blew by, Silk had disappeared from the spot, and he appeared behind Hisoka.


With a muffled sound, Silk was punched in the face by Hisoka, and his whole body flew out and fell to the ground.

Silke got up and covered his cheek. He raised his head, his eyes fierce and sinister.

"Your strength has improved again." Silke said in a cold voice. "I am going to kill you."

"Silk, you will not succeed."

Hisoka didn't panic at all. "You should be lucky that I didn't make myself stronger. Otherwise, you would have died in my hands by now, Silke."

Silk gritted his teeth. "You are looking for death, and you will not get good results!"

"Really?" Hisoka smiled slightly, "Do you think you can defeat me now?

"No!" Silke looked at Hisoka coldly. "But I will kill you and make you die miserably!"

"I'm waiting for you." Hisoka said coldly.

"You will pay for your contempt." Silk's figure flashed and appeared in front of Hisoka again, hitting Hisoka with a heavy punch. "Your speed is too slow." Silk looked at Hisoka coldly.

Hisoka kicked him with a sweeping kick, hitting Silk in the middle. Silke quickly ducked aside, and a red beam hit his left arm, and a piece of flesh was cut off in half. Silk became angry, and his body turned into a huge bat again, flying into the air. He held a sickle in his hand and stabbed towards Hisoka. "Go to hell!"

Hisoka rolled and dodged the blow. Silk returned to his human form again, and stabbed Hisoka with the sickle in his hand again. "Go to hell."


Silk flew out again, his face pale.

Hisoka took advantage of the victory to pursue, and slapped Silke on the back, knocking him away.

Silk fell to the ground and spurted out another mouthful of blood, but he still stood up and picked up the sickle. His sickle was still burning with flames.

"Silk, give up, you can't beat me, just accept your death!" Hisoka shouted and rushed towards Silke.

Chapter 729: The oppressive feeling of Silk wielding the sickle

Silke's speed was much faster than before, and he disappeared in a flash.

Hisoka stopped and looked into the distance. Silk's figure was looming in the distance, and Hisoka frowned.

"Silk, you are no match for me." Hisoka shouted. "You have a quarter of an hour to think about it, if you don't want to get hurt."

"No need to think about it, you can't escape." Silke's voice appeared in the distance again.

"I will kill you, I will kill all of you, including you." Silke said coldly.

"Your strength is still far away. I will tell you why I won't die in your hands, because you don't know what power is at all, and you will never know." Hisoka sneered.

"Now, I will use my own power to defeat you!"

Silk disappeared again.

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