"Whoosh whoosh..." Silke's figure kept flashing in the air. Every time he flashed, he would disappear in front of Hisoka's eyes. His strength was much stronger than Silke's, Silke thought. It would be extremely difficult to catch up with him.

"Whoosh..." Silk's body spun in the air, and he appeared next to Hisoka again.

"Death Realm!"

"Dance of Death!"

"Boom, boom, boom..." Silke waved the sickle with both hands. Every time the sickle struck Hisoka's body, it would leave a deep mark, but Hisoka was still alive and kicking.

Silk's eyes turned red. He didn't dare to confront Hisoka head-on. He didn't dare to joke with his own life.

"Whoosh whoosh..." Silke drew seven circles in the air in succession.

Seven circles quickly rotated around Hisoka, and the black scythe in Silk's hand also rotated. Dark energy burst out from the scythe's blade and shot out in all directions.

"Bang bang bang..." Balls of dark energy hit the defensive cover around Hisoka's body, making a series of explosions.


Suddenly a loud noise came out, and the defensive shield outside Hisoka's body suddenly collapsed, and Hisoka was knocked out by Silke's dark energy.

"Silk, you are so mean."

"Hahahaha!" Silke laughed. "I'm despicable. You forced me to do this, Hisoka." Silk's eyes were full of resentment and madness. "You made me look like this, I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

Silke shouted wildly. "I'm going to chop your head off and use it as a ball."

Silk rushed over again, and the scythe cut through the void, making a sharp cry.

Silk rushed to Hisoka's side and slashed Hisoka's neck with the sickle in his hand. Hisoka's reaction was also very fast. He quickly dodged and avoided the fatal blow, but his shoulder and His waist was cut twice and he was bleeding.

"Poof!" Silk spat out another mouthful of blood.

"How did you escape?" Silk asked Hisoka in disbelief.

"Because I am powerful!" Hisoka sneered. "You are so naive!"

Silk pounced on Hisoka again, and the sickle drew a cold light and stabbed Hisoka's chest. "Pfft!"

Hisoka dodged and Silk attacked again, striking once more with his scythe.

Hisoka did not escape this time, and his body was cut with two long bloody cuts by Silk's sickle.

Chapter 730: Silk’s inhumanly swollen body

"Silk, you are crazy!" Hisoka yelled in pain.

"Yes, I am crazy, Silk!" Silk roared, his eyes red.

"I will make you regret it. Do you think I will give you such a chance?" Hisoka sneered, and his body suddenly disappeared.

"Huh!" Silk felt his body go cold. He looked down and saw that his sickle had been inserted into his body. Silke looked at the scythe on his body in horror. It was his favorite scythe, a scythe that could instantly cut the enemy's body. He had always treated it like a treasure, but now, this scythe actually pierced He grabbed his body and pinned him to the ground.

His body was shaking violently, and black smoke continued to emit from his body.

"Silk, you shouldn't provoke me. You should know the price of provoking me. Do you know who I am?" Hisoka sneered.

"Who are you? You are obviously so powerful, but you act like a fool!" Silk roared.

"I'm not a fool! My strength is something you can't understand! I'm not an ordinary person!" Hisoka yelled. "My strength is unlimited, and I am confident enough to kill you."

"That's right!" Silke laughed: "Then why are you still avoiding me?"

"I'm waiting for the perfect time."

"The best time? You are stalling for time! You have no confidence in defeating me!" Silke shouted.

"Silk, I advise you not to talk nonsense. You won't have any hope. Even if it is me, I am not completely sure of defeating you. You will not be my opponent."

"Really? I'd like to give it a try!"

"Then just try it!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" The sickle in Silke's hand danced crazily, and his body suddenly burned with flames, and the flames grew stronger and stronger.

Silk shouted "Brahma Palm", and scorching flames struck in all directions. The flames burning on his body became more and more intense. Silk's entire body was wrapped in flames, forming a huge fireball. .

Silke's body kept swelling, swelling, swelling!

Silke's body has reached several meters high, with a ferocious and twisted expression on his face.

His face was covered with veins and his hands became much thicker.

"Hahaha! Silk, I'm going to kill you."

Layers of scales also appeared on Hisoka's face, his eyes became deeper, and veins protruded from between his eyebrows, looking weird and strange, like venomous snakes.

"Silk, go to hell!" Silke yelled crazily.

"Bang!" A powerful force burst out from Silk's body, and a terrifying force suppressed Hisoka. Silk's body expanded again.

Silke's body has exceeded the scope of a normal person. His muscles are thicker than a normal person's arms, and his feet are several times thicker than an ordinary person's legs.

Silk's eyes emitted a faint blue light, and streaks of faint blue electric light shot out from his eyes. "Ah!" Silke yelled. "I am going to kill you!"

Silk rushed toward Hisoka, his body drew a graceful arc in the air, and he slashed hard with the sickle in his hand.

Chapter 731: Defeat Silk, Hisoka and Ram move on

"Pa!" The sickle struck Hisoka's chest, and a huge wound appeared instantly.

"Poof!" A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Hisoka's mouth, and his body was cut open by Silke.


Silke's body fell to the ground, and he lay on the ground breathing heavily.

"Silk, you finally lost!" Hisoka walked over leisurely. "From today on, you Silk will no longer exist in this world!"

Silk glared at Hisoka angrily, with a look of resentment in his eyes.

"Silk, you should know that my power is far more than what it is now. If my power grows a little more, I will let you know how powerful I am. Silk, remember, my name is Hisoka!"

As soon as Hisoka finished speaking, Silk's body gradually disappeared.

"Hisoka...Hisoka...I hate you..." Silk muttered in Silk's mind.

The corners of Hisoka's mouth raised slightly, revealing a cold smile. "Hmph, Silke, you shouldn't touch him."

Immediately, Hisoka turned and walked towards Ram.

"Are you okay?" Hisoka asked.

Ram shook his head. "I'm fine! Just a minor injury."

"You are really not prepared at all." Hisoka's tone was a little more reproachful. "You also said that you saved this person, and you asked him to stay with me. How did I know that he was the trial subject on the fifth level!" Ram said aggrievedly. "I'm not a god. He looks harmless. How do I know he is a bad person?"

"Okay, let's just pretend this didn't happen!" Hisoka smiled and patted Ram on the shoulder. "I'll take you out of here first. After you leave here, find a place to heal."

Ram nodded and stood up, "Let's go."

Ram just stood up and took a few steps, but his foot sprained again.

"Come on, let me help you walk." Hisoka put his hand on Ram's arm and helped him walk out. "Your feet are swollen like pig's trotters."

"We have passed the fifth floor. I don't know how many more floors this tower has to take to get to the top." Ram asked. "Hisoka, do you know how tall this tower is?"

"If I guess correctly, we still have four floors to pass." Hisoka said.

"There are four more floors?" Ram's face became a little ugly, and his foot was swollen to the size of a carrot.

"Yes, the difficulty of the fifth level is already very high, but it is still within the tolerance range." Hisoka said with a smile, "The difficulty of the sixth level should be even greater."

Ram sighed: "Well, I hope my luck is not so bad, otherwise, my strength will be limited to the original level."

"No." Hisoka smiled and shook his head. "We can definitely get through it."

"I hope so!" Ram smiled bitterly, and now he could only comfort himself in this way.

"Ram!" Silke suddenly stopped. "Let's get out of here quickly, this tower is too dangerous."

Ram raised his head, "I know."

After Ram finished speaking, he shook off Hisoka's hand, "My feet are fine. Let's go to the next floor quickly."

Hisoka nodded, and the two of them continued walking forward, with Hisoka walking in front and Ram walking behind.

After a while, the two figures merged into the night.

Chapter 732 The steps of self-operation

As Hisoka and Ram walked, another step appeared in front of them.

But this time the steps are different from the previous ones. This time the steps are automatic. As long as people stand on the steps, they will operate by themselves.

Hisoka and Ram walked into the steps. Waves of cold hit them, and they both felt trembling all over. Hisoka and Ram shivered, tightened their collars, and then slowly walked toward them. Go ahead.

Walking on the steps, the two of them felt deeper and deeper.

I don't know how long it took, but a man appeared in front of Hisoka and Ram.

"Ha!" Hisoka shouted, and the giant ax in his hand hit the man hard. The man couldn't dodge and was directly smashed into pieces.

Hisoka and Ram continued to walk forward. When they reached the sixth floor, Hisoka stopped. He looked at the steps in front and frowned. "There's something wrong with the steps here."

"what is the problem?"

"This step should not be a simple step, it should be an illusion. This illusion is very real. If you don't have enough strength and mind, you won't be able to resist it! We must break this illusion."

"What should we do?" Ram frowned. "We can't even get past the first floor, let alone the seventh or eighth floor. Moreover, we don't even have a way to break this illusion!"

"This illusion is very complicated, and I can't think of any solution." Hisoka scratched his hair in distress. "It seems we can only rely on luck. As long as we reach the last level, this illusion will disappear automatically."

"Yeah." Ram nodded.

"Let's go, Ram, let's keep moving forward. I want to see how difficult this illusion is." After Hisoka finished speaking, he took a step forward. "Ram, come with me."


So, the two people continued to walk forward.

"Huh..." The two people continued to walk forward. At this time, the two people heard gusts of wind, and the speed of the wind was very fast, blowing their eardrums and stinging their ears.

"Something is attacking us?" Ram asked.

"I don't know." Hisoka shook his head, "Who would sneak attack on us at this time!"

While the two were talking, they encountered another step. This time, Hisoka did not step forward in a hurry. He stood there and thought for a while. Suddenly, Hisoka's eyes narrowed, "Something is approaching!" Hisoka said After that, he punched the wall next to him.

There was a muffled sound of "Bang..." and a big hole appeared in the wall.

"What a danger!" Cold sweat broke out on Ram's forehead.

"Where is this?"

"I don't know." Hisoka shook his head. "But I can feel that the atmosphere here is very strange."

"Let's try again!" After Ram finished speaking, he punched the wall again. This time, both people were ejected at the same time.

"What the hell is this? Why is it so powerful!"

"The air here is spiritual. We are not the owners here and have no right to violate this rule." Hisoka frowned. "There is something in the air here that will interfere with our thinking. I think this is what that person said, illusion!"

"Whether it's an illusion or not, we have to give it a try." Ram gritted his teeth and said. "If you have the slightest chance, try it!".

Chapter 733: Working together can break this formation

"Then let's try again."

The two people walked forward and launched another fierce offensive.

This time, Hisoka's strength was stronger. He punched through the wall, but the wall did not break. It was still intact, but there was a white light on the wall.

"We're over it," Ram said. "But things don't seem to be improving here."

"Let's continue!" Hisoka clenched his fists, "One day, I will find out the secret of this place and completely destroy it so that it will never exist!"

"Well, not bad." Ram nodded.

The two people took steps again and continued to move forward, but this time, the two people were blocked again.

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