The two men's attacks all fell into the air, Hisoka frowned, and Ram's face looked ugly.

"Are we going to be trapped and die here?"

"There is something weird here. We must find out the mystery here. Otherwise, even if we leave here, it will be useless."

Ram looked at the surrounding environment, sighed, and said: "Our strength is too low. These things don't even need us to fight, and they have already left us helpless."

"You're right, I think so too." Hisoka nodded and continued walking forward.

"Hisoka, I think we can use another way to solve our current predicament!" Ram said. "I have an idea. As long as we come up with a suitable formation, we can easily break this illusory formation."

"Formation?" Hisoka looked at Ram doubtfully.

"Yes." Ram said, "I know some ways to crack the formation. It just requires some materials, but I think you must have it!"

"I didn't." Hisoka shook his head.

"I know, you must have." Ram laughed. "Actually, the method I just mentioned is a simple and practical formation. I know you must have it!"

"How do you know so well?" Hisoka asked in surprise.

"Because I saw your image within this formation." Ram explained. "I know that my strength is not as good as yours, so I just observed from the side and didn't dare to look directly at you. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to control myself and attack you."

"There are actually humans here!" While the two were talking, Hisoka suddenly felt a familiar aura, "The image you see should be my image. Yes, I do know this formation. I have studied it before, and I think that if your formation level is higher, you will be able to see my image, and even be able to control my every move through the image, but now! There is still a long way to go. "

"Then let's give it a try!" Ram showed an excited expression on his face.

"You mean to let me help you set up the formation?" Hisoka frowned.

"Yes." Ram said. "I think the two of us should be able to break this formation if we work together."

"Okay, I'll help you." Hisoka said.

"Then, let's set up the formation first!" Ram said. "After the layout is completed, we will find a way to rush out!"

"No problem!" Hisoka nodded.

The two discussed it, and Ram was responsible for setting up the formation, while Hisoka was responsible for controlling the formation.

Chapter 734: Focus on igniting the blue flame

Ram's mental power is very high. He can use his mental power to control the operation of the formation. However, although Hisoka is a weapon refiner, his mental power is not that advanced. He can only rely on instinct. Control, but he can still communicate with Ram through his mental power, and he can feel every word and sentence Ram says.

Hisoka took what Ram said to heart and began to arrange it.

"Hisoka, what do we need to do?"

"You first concentrate your mental power, and then gather all the charm in your Dantian."

"Yes!" Ram nodded and began to do what Hisoka said.

Ram's mental power is very strong, and his mental power reaches about 100,000.


Hisoka shouted, and Ram closed his eyes.

"Let's start!" Hisoka said.

"Yes." Ram agreed, and then he gathered all his charm into his dantian, and a light blue flame burned in his body.

As Ram poured into the Dantian, the light blue flame became brighter, and Ram's spiritual power was continuously poured into the flame.

The light blue flame gradually formed a fireball, which grew larger and larger, and finally turned into a huge disk.

Hisoka's eyes opened, he looked at the disk in front of him, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ram's spiritual power continued to pour into the disc, and the color of the disc gradually turned blue, and the blue flame became brighter.

At this time, Hisoka spoke again.

"Ram, your mental power is too weak, so I need your help now!" Hisoka said, he stretched out his hand and placed it on the disk.

Ram's pupils shrank, "This..."

Hisoka's fingers moved slowly, and finally stopped at the center of the disk. He used his mental power to control the blue flame. The flame slowly floated up. Then, the flame slowly floated up. The ground floated up, and finally floated into the air, suspended in mid-air.

"This blue flame is condensed from soul power. As long as this blue flame is ignited, this illusion array will dissipate!" Hisoka said.

"Okay!" Ram nodded, then closed his eyes, and slowly poured his spiritual power into the blue flames in front of him.

Hisoka's spiritual power slowly penetrated into the center of the blue flame. Under the injection of Ram's spiritual power, the blue flame gradually spread to the surroundings.

At this time, Hisoka was able to control the entire formation. The range he controlled was not large, only three meters. The blue flame he controlled expanded in all directions little by little.

Beads of sweat had appeared on Ram's forehead, and he was staring intently at the blue flames in front of him.

Soon, blue flames enveloped the formation, and at this moment, Ram couldn't feel the existence of any formation at all, because his mental power had been completely absorbed.

"Hahaha!" At this moment, Hisoka suddenly let out a series of hearty laughs. "The arrangement is complete."

"Did you make it?"


Hisoka said as he withdrew the formation.

Ram opened his eyes and looked at the formation in front of him.

The center of the formation has been covered by blue flames, and the blue flames have been completely swallowed up.

Chapter 735: The villain arranges the glass formation


Ram was so excited that he couldn't help but hugged Hisoka's arm and shouted.

"Hisoka, you are amazing, amazing." Ram shouted.

"Hey, can we leave here?" Hisoka said.

"Yeah!" Ram nodded, "Okay, let's leave here, and then we can find other ways out."

"Okay!" Hisoka said.

"Just wait a minute!"

Ram said and walked out. With a wave of his hand, the room in front of him disappeared instantly and was replaced by darkness.

"What are you going to do after the formation is broken?" Hisoka said warily.

"I don't know, maybe there will be another fight." Ram thought for a while and then said.

"Okay, we're going to fight anyway."

The two were chatting when they suddenly heard a rush of footsteps in the distance.

A group of little people carrying glass ran in an orderly manner from a distance, and then put down the glass they were carrying, one after another, very regularly.

"What's going on?" Ram looked at the villain in front of him and looked at Hisoka in confusion.

"These glasses, they can not only block attacks, but also block the line of sight, making it difficult to see the direction of travel."

After hearing this, Ram suddenly understood. He looked at the glass in front of him, "With so much glass, no wonder those people have been looking for this place. It turns out that they had already guessed that we would hide here."

"Then do you know how to get out of here?"

"I don't know, but I think we should be able to leave. I think we should find a chance to try."

"Well, I think so too." Hisoka said.

"Now, what should we do?" Ram asked.

"Let's wait until the formation of these villains is over and let's see." Hisoka said.

While the two were talking, the glass in front of them began to rotate.

In less than ten seconds, fifteen small pillars were neatly arranged. Each small pillar was filled with a little person, and each little person held a different tool in his hand.

At this time, Ram's eyes widened with a shocked expression on his face.

"This is?" Ram's voice trembled.

"This is the tool you're looking for."

As soon as Hisoka finished speaking, Ram rushed over and grabbed the little man on a small pillar. The little man instantly disappeared in Ram's palm. After a while, Ram grabbed another little man again. His other hand also grabbed the villain.

Whenever a villain is pulled away, another villain will take his place, so the formation has not changed much.

"So many villains!"

"Yes, this formation is still a bit difficult to crack." Hisoka said.

"We have to find an opportunity to break through the blockade of these villains in one fell swoop." Ram said.

"Yeah! Let's go!"

The two of them walked towards the room on the side.

"There are many mechanisms in this room, probably related to the glass formation."

"Then let's go take a look first."

"All right!"

Hisoka and Ram came to a door.

Ram stretched out his right hand and held the doorknob. He turned it slightly, and then the door opened.

"This room has two passages, let's find them separately."


Ram nodded and walked in first, followed closely by Hisoka.

This room is very large, about three hundred square meters, and there are many things in the room.

Chapter 736 Hisoka threw the box and triggered the mechanism

Ram first walked to the bed. He looked around and didn't find anything. He couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Huh? Why can't you see anything?"

Hisoka looked at the corner of the wall, and then he found a red stone tablet.

This stone tablet was very strange, with many complex symbols engraved on it. When Hisoka took a closer look, he was shocked, because all of these symbols were talisman seals, and they were high-level talisman seals. Hisoka had seen them in books. There are records about this formation.

This formation is called "phantom formation" and is the highest level of formation.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Hisoka's mind, and he immediately squatted down and picked up the stone tablet with both hands.

"It is indeed a high-level talisman. This formation is worth a lot of money!"

Ram also walked over, with an excited look on his face, and said: "This formation is expensive. I think it should be the key to our ability to crack this formation. There must be some materials we need here." .”

"Well, you are right." Hisoka nodded, "Although this formation is very powerful, it is not too powerful, so it should be a good cutter for us. At the entrance, I think we should find the flaw in this formation, then find the mechanism here, and then escape from here."

After hearing Hisoka's words, Ram also laughed.

The two discussed it and began to look for the key to breaking the formation.

Soon, Hisoka discovered a secret mechanism. This mechanism was actually hidden under the bed. Hisoka carefully dug it out, and then he discovered that there was a small box under the bed.

There is a piece of paper under the box with the words "Heaven's Secret Map" written in large characters on it.

Hisoka looked at the box, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "There is something weird about this box. It shouldn't be a simple box."

"Then how to open it?"

"Throw it out first!" Hisoka said.

Hisoka threw the box, drawing an arc in the air, and then fell to the ground.

The moment the box fell to the ground, suddenly, a loud noise came from above the box, the whole house shook violently, and the soil on the ground flew up.


Hisoka hurriedly dodged, and the ground beneath his feet collapsed.

The inside of this room was in a mess, with cracks on the walls and floor, and gravel falling down from it. Both Hisoka and Ram were startled and took a few steps back.


Just after Hisoka and Ram took a few steps back, a thick bolt of lightning shot out from the ground.

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