When Ram saw this scene, he couldn't help but gasped. He yelled "Be careful" and rushed over.

When Hisoka heard Ram's cry, he quickly raised his head, and then he saw that a thick thunderbolt fell on Ram's body.

Ram let out a muffled groan, and the clothes on his body were immediately burned to ashes, and his whole body was burned and turned black.

Ram's mouth opened. He wanted to speak but couldn't. His legs became weak and he fell to his knees. The bones in his body made a clicking sound, as if the bones were broken. Ram rolled on the ground in pain. stand up.

Hisoka's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

His lips moved, wanting to say something.

Chapter 737 Ram was struck by lightning

However, there was no sound, only a hoarse sound coming from his throat.

"Ram, how are you?"

Ram's voice was a little hoarse: "I, I'm fine, Hisoka, I didn't expect that I would encounter a thunder disaster this time. I knew I couldn't last much longer. My soul power has been exhausted during this period. , I can't do it anymore, I'm going to die..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Hisoka was anxious. His hands were groping around on the ground, hoping to catch something, but unfortunately he didn't touch anything.

Hisoka looked at the thunder and lightning on the ground and had an idea in his mind. He immediately took out a rope from his arms, and then wrapped the rope around Ram. Then, Ram slid down little by little along the rope. Hisoka also slid down. He hugged Ram and dragged Ram until he reached the edge of the window.

Hisoka's eyes suddenly lit up, there was a window here.

Hisoka placed Ram by the window, waved his right hand, and a blue flame flew out.


When the flame hit the window, it made a hissing sound and flames appeared, but it did not light the window.

"Hisoka, this window is a defensive formation, I can't light it." Ram's voice was a little weak, "What should I do? You should think of a way quickly!"

"Be patient."

Hisoka looked around, and suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Hisoka saw a box.

Hisoka quickly climbed onto the box, then took out a bottle of elixir from his arms and crushed it.

A fresh fragrance hits your nostrils.

"It's a healing medicine that replenishes vitality. It can restore about half of a person's vitality." Hisoka said to Ram, "Here, drink it first."

After listening to Hisoka's words, Ram quickly swallowed the elixir into his stomach, and his body quickly recovered.

A flash of surprise flashed in Ram's eyes. At this time, he also felt that his energy was much better.

"Hisoka, your elixir is so powerful. I almost fainted just now. Fortunately, you gave me a pill." Ram said with a smile.

Hisoka's eyes narrowed slightly and he said, "Although I don't know why you were struck by lightning, you didn't suffer a lightning disaster. Don't worry."

"You will take a rest while I find the mechanism in the room." Hisoka said.


Hisoka turned his head and looked around, then looked at the window. A sneer appeared on his face, and then he reached out and patted the window.


The window shook, then slowly rose.

Hisoka looked at the sky outside with a smile on his face.


A thick thunder pillar struck Xisuo.

Hisoka rolled to avoid the lightning, then stretched out his right hand and patted the window.

This time, the thunder pillar was bounced away and no longer fell down.

This scene, in Ram's eyes, made Ram a little surprised.

"What is this? It can actually deflect thunder pillars!"

At this time, Hisoka patted it a few more times, and the thunder pillar finally stopped.

"Look!" Hisoka said, pointing to the window.

Ram watched carefully for a few seconds, and then he saw a crack in the window.

"This window should be a trap. How to crack it?" Hisoka said with a frown.

Ram thought for a while and said, "Could the lightning strike be the key?"

"Is it thundering?" Hisoka looked up at the window.

Chapter 738: The glass formation stops operating

Hisoka lowered his head again and thought about the pattern of thunder just now, "I understand!"

Hisoka stretched out his hand and touched the window. A burst of thunder suddenly fell, and Hisoka quickly retracted his hand.

Hisoka tried to touch the window a second time, and once again withdrew his hand before the thunder fell.

The third time, just as Hisoka's hand touched the window, he was struck by lightning again.

After repeating this several times, Hisoka finally mastered the rules of thunder, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"I see, I finally mastered the rules of thunder, haha, I can open this window!" Hisoka said excitedly.

Hisoka's hand reached into the window again, and this time, he easily penetrated the glass.

This window was very thin. Hisoka's palm easily passed through the glass and came inside. Hisoka stretched out his hand and pushed the window. As expected, the window could be pushed open.

"Haha, it's done, great."

Hisoka opened the window, and the room began to disintegrate, the walls began to fall off, and only the floor remained motionless.

Finally, the room disappeared, and Hisoka and Ram returned to the original glass formation.

Ram's eyes widened in surprise: "Hisoka, this..."


Hisoka made a silent movement towards Ram, and then he had a few more small ropes in his hands. He tied several villains together with the ropes, and then put them back to their original positions.

Because the number of villains has not decreased, there are no new villains to fill the vacancies. As a result, the glass formation stops moving.

"Can you leave?" Hisoka looked at Ram.

"I'm fine, let's go." Ram stood up from the ground. Hisoka and Ram followed the path of the glass formation, twisting and turning for a long time.

"Are we going in circles?" Ram said looking at Hisoka.

"It seems like this." Hisoka stopped and touched the piece of glass closest to him.

"How about? Just break it?" After Ram said that, he stretched out his fist and punched the glass.

"Wait!" Hisoka stopped Ram.

"Are you afraid?" Ram said looking at Hisoka.

"No." Hisoka shook his head.

"If it's not, then what are you afraid of?" Ram asked.

"What will happen if I smash all the windows here?" A smile appeared on the corner of Hisoka's lips.

"I don't know, but it's better than going around in circles." Ram thought for a while and said.

"This is a formation after all. Have you forgotten that you just touched something and was struck by lightning? Do you still want to try it again?" Hisoka reminded.

"I know." After Ram finished speaking, he added: "Then what should we do? We can't walk back in reverse."

"Walk backwards?" Hisoka lowered his head in thought, then suddenly raised his head, "Yes! Just walk backwards!" "You're crazy, let me tell you..." Ram looked at Hisoka in disbelief, and next Within seconds he realized what it meant.

"Okay, then let's walk backwards." Ram nodded and said.

"That's OK!"

The two of them walked back along the same route.

The two walked along the route for half an hour before arriving at the passage they entered before.

There were many writings on the wall of the passage. Hisoka knocked on the wall hard, but the wall remained motionless.

This time, Ram also knocked on the wall with all his strength, and a rattling sound came from the wall.

"It seems that what we did is right." Ram said.

Chapter 739 Silke looks exactly the same?

After Ram finished speaking, he punched and the wall in front of him disappeared, as if it didn't exist.

"Sure enough, the glass is just an illusion that traps and confuses us, and the exit will only be in places we don't expect."

Ram said.

"That's right!"

Hisoka nodded.

The two walked out of this passage.

"Are we out?" Hisoka looked around, a little confused.

"No, we just came out." Ram said.

"Oh, yes, we are out and can go." Hisoka said.

"Wait, don't leave in a hurry, first check to see if there are any sixth-level trial people around."

"Sixth level trial person?" Hisoka was stunned. "That's right. On the fifth floor, we were too careless and were deceived by Silke." Ram said.

After hearing Ram's words, Hisoka fell into deep thought. After a moment, Hisoka looked at Ram: "You are right."

The two of them explored for a while and found that there didn't seem to be any danger around them. "Is it possible that we are too cautious?" Ram asked.

"It's right to be cautious. This is the sixth floor after all." Hisoka said. "Whether it's caution or not, we have to be careful."

"Well, yes!" Hisoka nodded.

"Go!" Ram shouted. The two flew upwards and headed straight to the fourth floor.

The two flew to the fourth floor in one breath and came to a cave. Outside the cave was a huge square. There were many people training in the square. Hisoka and Ram flew down.

"Huh? That person looks familiar?"

"Where does it look familiar?"

Hisoka looked at that person as if he was Silke who had just been defeated by him on the fifth floor.

"Isn't that Silk?" Ram looked at Hisoka and said.

"Didn't I beat him to death?" Hisoka asked.

"I don't know, otherwise, go and ask?" Ram was seeking Hisoka's opinion.

"Let's go. Anyway, if I can defeat him once, I can defeat him a second time, but I still have to be careful." After Sisu Sisuo finished speaking, he followed Ram towards Silk.

"You're here!" Silke greeted warmly as soon as the two approached.

Silk's abnormal enthusiasm startled both Hisoka and Ram.

"What? Don't you like me?" Silk said aggrievedly.

"Stop acting!" Hisoka shouted loudly.

"Acting? What acting? I'm not an actor." Silk looked at the two of them stupidly, at a loss. "Oh, I know, you have met Silke from the fifth floor, right? He is really not easy to get along with. I am a trial person from the sixth floor, and my name is Silke, but I am different from them. I’m not going to stop you from going up,” Silk explained.

Hisoka and Ram looked at each other.

"You're not stopping us?" Hisoka asked in disbelief.

"Of course, I won't stop you. You will come in sooner or later anyway. I am just passing by on this floor." Silke said.

"I don't believe it. If you were so easy to talk to, you would have destroyed this place long ago." Hisoka said.

"I'm really not that bad. I just want to create more opportunities for you. I can help you, and I can also tell you where to pay attention and let you pass quickly. It's just a simple task for me." Silke Said seriously.

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