"Okay, I believe you." Hisoka said.

Seeing that the two believed in him, Silk smiled happily, and then waved to them.

Chapter 740 Hisoka and Ram are about to arrive at the seventh floor

Hisoka and Ram walked up to Silk with blank expressions and looked at Silk.

"Okay, I have marked the road. You can pass the sixth floor smoothly." Silk looked at Hisoka and Ram with a smile on his face.

"You..." Hisoka and Ram were speechless for a while.

Hisoka cursed in his heart: This guy must be deliberately trying to mess with us. But why would he do this? Is it because I defeated him? This is impossible. I have obviously never hit him. Why would he do this?

Hisoka was puzzled. He could only guess that the Silk in front of him just looked similar to the one on the fifth floor.

Silk seemed to see through what Hisoka was thinking, so he said: "Don't think so much, if you insist on fighting me, I can also let you increase your temper."

"No, thank you, let's just say goodbye." Hisoka shook his head. "

The two walked away one after another. Silk stood there and watched the two leave.

Silk looked at the backs of Hisoka and Ram, his eyes darkening.

Hisoka and Ram left Silk's sight and continued to move forward.

"Do you believe what he said?" Ram asked, looking at Hisoka.

"I can't believe it all, but at least one less battle will not hurt us. Just be careful," Hisoka said.

"Well, is that Silke crazy? Why did he let us pass?" Ram asked in confusion. "Do you think he is cheating?"

"I don't know, but he shouldn't dare to cheat at this time." Hisoka said. "If he wanted to cheat, then we would have been killed long ago. I don't think he is a bad person."

"Well, I hope so," Ram said. "No matter who it is, it's not a good thing."

"Haha! You are not a good person either." Hisoka smiled.

Ram glared at Hisoka.

The two of them just talked and laughed all the way to the exit.

The steps appeared again in front of them, telling them that they were about to reach the seventh floor.

Hisoka and Ram stepped forward.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Hisoka felt his body getting lighter and lighter, as if floating in the air. His body slowly descended, and the scenery in front of him gradually became clearer. The trees on both sides began to fall back.

Hisoka's body stopped.

Ram stopped and turned around to look.

"Why did you stop?" Ram looked at Hisoka in confusion.

"It seems we are reaching the seventh floor." Hisoka said.

"Are you serious?" Ram was surprised.

"Don't believe it? Then let's walk over!" Hisoka laughed. "You go ahead and I'll follow you."

After hearing what Hisoka said, Ram walked in front.

Hisoka followed Ram silently. Although Ram didn't walk too fast, he walked out of the steps quickly. Hisoka also walked out.

After the two walked out of the steps, they found that there was no difference between this place and the sixth floor.

Ram turned around and asked, "Hisoka, do you think he won't lie to us?"

"There is no danger here. Even if he wants to harm us, it depends on whether he can survive until then." Hisoka said.

"Okay! Then let's keep walking!" Ram nodded.

The two of them walked up the steps.

There is still a flat grassland above the steps, with nothing else except a few protruding stone tablets. Moreover, these stone tablets are very old, and the stone slabs are already covered with dust and even have spider webs.

Chapter 741: Obtaining "The Art of Ten Thousand Swords"

Ram reached out and patted the spider web above, and found that the spiders on it had been soaked by the rain.

As soon as Ram's hand touched the spider web, a cold air instantly penetrated her body, and Ram couldn't help but shudder. Ram quickly withdrew his hand, rubbed his arms, and complained to Hisoka: "How come there is Yin Qi here!"

"I think it's ghosts causing trouble." Hisoka said, "Let's keep walking and see what kind of dangers we will encounter."

"There is no danger here, let's go directly up there!" Ram said.

"Okay, let's go!"

Ram took Hisoka and walked up.

There was flat soil along the way without any obstacles. There were no holes under their feet. It was like stepping on cotton without any resistance.

"How amazing!" Hisoka couldn't help but admire, "If this is really an illusion, then these illusions are so powerful. If we didn't have souls, we wouldn't dare to get close to this place."

"Of course." Ram said with his head held high proudly. "However, this illusion is also designed for people with weak strength. The stronger the strength, the easier it is to avoid these illusions."

"That's right." Hisoka nodded.

The two talked and laughed along the way, but this kind of chat did not last long. Because there is a big hall in front.

Directly above the main hall are written three golden characters "Sutra-Tiding Pavilion".

"Let's go in and see if we can find anything inside?" Hisoka said.

Ram glanced at the Sutra Pavilion and nodded.

The two of them stepped into the Sutra Pavilion in one step.

The moment the two of them stepped into the Sutra Pavilion, their eyes closed instantly, and they seemed to be in another space. The two people were surrounded by white corridors. As they walked, they came to the end. A huge circular square appeared in front of them, with rows of bookshelves placed in the center of the square.

"Is this the seventh floor?" Ram said excitedly.

Hisoka also nodded excitedly. "yes!"

"It's amazing." Ram said with emotion. "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that this is the seventh floor and it's so high."

"Let's go and have a look!" Hisoka said.

The two of them walked to the front, and Hisoka picked up a volume of ancient books and started reading. These books have names on them, and these names are all written in seal script. Hisoka flipped through it, and the things recorded on it were very detailed, such as some practitioners' cultivation experiences, secret cultivation methods, and even some descriptions of spiritual energy.

After reading it, Hisoka closed the book again.

The two of them continued walking forward.

Ram looked around and found that there was still no crisis around him, and the two of them gradually calmed down.

There doesn't really seem to be any danger here.

"Hisoka, is there no danger here?" Ram asked.

Hisoka shook his head slightly, "There is no danger, but no one has touched these books. I guess someone must have hidden them."

"Oh! So that's it." Ram smiled. "I thought there would be something here? I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Did you know? The name of this book is "The Art of Ten Thousand Swords". This sword manual has been passed down for thousands of years." Hisoka said.

Chapter 742: The exquisite martial arts in the sword manual

"Inherited for thousands of years?" Ram looked at Hisoka in surprise.

"Yes! I don't want to believe it, but it is the truth. This book is really a sword manual that has been passed down for thousands of years. Each sword technique in it has its own special characteristics and extraordinary power. If it weren't for this book, The owner of the book is dead, so this sword manual must be a top-quality treasure." Hisoka explained.

After hearing Hisoka's words, Ram was a little confused, "Hisoka, since this sword manual has been missing for such a long time, why does it appear here? Could it be that someone brought these sword moves out of here?"

"I don't know either." Hisoka shook his head and then said, "Let's go! No matter what, we have to find the owner of this place eventually. It would be best if he could answer these questions for us. .”

"Yeah." Ram nodded.

Hisoka and Ram walked towards the Sutra Pavilion. The two of them didn't encounter any difficulties along the way, and reached the eighth floor unimpeded.

The walls on the eighth floor were painted with various patterns, some of which Hisoka didn't recognize, but they looked familiar to Ram.

"What are those patterns?" Hisoka asked curiously.

"These are all sword manuals, the sword manuals of our world of immortality." Ram said. "These sword manuals have been handed down since the last Shenzhou Grand Ceremony. I don't know how many people have seen it. Maybe everyone who has been here has seen it before!"

Hisoka nodded and then looked at it carefully.

Although these patterns are all basic martial arts or moves, these basic martial arts are very subtle and powerful. Moreover, Hisoka could see that there were more than just one move recorded on these patterns.

However, both Hisoka and Ram were a little regretful. There was nothing good here. There were only a few sets of martial arts, and they were all the lowest martial arts. These martial arts were very simple, with only the most common attack moves and defensive skills. If you changed Normally, they would have seen all these martial arts skills, but now, their attention is not on these moves at all. Their current target is those weird symbols.

Hisoka and Ram looked at the symbols. Suddenly, Hisoka stopped and stared at one of the symbols for a while, and then Hisoka frowned.

"What's wrong?" Ram asked strangely.

Hisoka shook his head.

The two continued to watch.

"This symbol... I seem to have seen it somewhere." Hisoka said.

"Where have you seen it?" Ram asked.

"I think I saw it on a broken book." Hisoka said. "That broken book has such a symbol in it."

After hearing this, Ram had a thoughtful look in his eyes. "Hisoka, are you sure that book is broken?"

"It shouldn't be wrong." Hisoka said.

"Okay! In that case, let's continue watching." Ram said.

Ram and Hisoka continued to read.

This time, the two of them flipped through it faster and faster, because these things were so valuable. Both of them were smart people and quickly understood the purpose of these things.

"Hisoka, can we learn this swordsmanship?" Ram asked.

"Yes, of course, I think practicing this kind of martial arts will be very helpful to us." Hisoka nodded.

Chapter 743: Being attacked by a man in black while browsing books

"That's great," Ram said with a smile.

The two continued to flip through the books in their hands.

Suddenly, Hisoka raised his head and stared directly at the pattern. Then, he stood up suddenly and shouted at Ram: "Ram, run quickly, run quickly!"

Ram was stunned, turned around and saw that Hisoka was gone.

Ram immediately turned around and prepared to run out of the Sutra Pavilion.

At this moment, a long sword fell from the sky and stabbed Ram fiercely.

Ram was shocked and quickly dodged to avoid this fatal blow.

"Who are you?" Ram glared at the man in black in front of him. "Why did you attack me?"

"I didn't attack you, you disturbed me first." The man in black said calmly, his voice seemed very cold.

"Huh! Even so, you can't sneak attack others like this!" Ram said.

"You can choose not to escape," the man in black said.

"You...good! Today I will show you how powerful you are." With that said, Ram took out his sword and prepared to fight the man in black.

The man in black looked at Ram, and then he waved his hand. Suddenly, Ram felt that he could not move.

"What do you want to do?" Ram looked at the man in black.

"Didn't you want to fight me just now?" the man in black said.

"Let me go and I'll get out immediately," Ram said hurriedly.

"No, you have to die." The man in black said. "You must die."

Ram's expression changed greatly, "You want to kill me? No, absolutely not!"

The man in black looked at Ram, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, "Then I can only make you a corpse!"

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