Ram's eyes were full of fear, but he knew that since the other party dared to say such things, he must have someone to rely on. He was no match at all. His only hope now was the martial arts. If that martial skill cannot deal with the person in front of him, then he will have no choice but to die.

The man in black held a sharp sword and walked towards Ram step by step. Every step he took made Ram's body tremble.

"What do you want to do?" Ram asked nervously.

"I only need to kill you, other people and things have nothing to do with me." The man in black said calmly.

"Are you sure you have such strength?" Hisoka said coldly. "If you really have such strength, you should know that if you piss us off, you will end up dead. You'd better not mess around."

"Hehehe, you little brat, you really think you are a person!" The man in black said coldly, "Who do you think you are? You two are really arrogant."

"You don't need to provoke us, you don't deserve it!" Hisoka said. "However, I want to see how strong you are, and I want to see who is better."

"Hahaha! Okay, okay! Let me see how powerful you are!" The man in black laughed wildly, raised the sword in his hand, and rushed towards Ram.

"Bang!" There was a sound, and the swords of the two collided. Ram felt severe pain in his right arm holding the sword, and his expression suddenly changed.

Ram looked at the man in front of him with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

He didn't expect that the opponent's sword was so powerful that it actually blocked his sword!

Not only did it block his sword, but the opponent's sword continued to bounce back at him.

Chapter 744: Acas, the Keeper of the Sutra Pavilion

"Who...are you?" Ram said.

"My name is Arcas." Arcas said as he continued to increase his strength.

"Arcas?" Ram frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "Oh~ it turns out to be the legendary palace guard!"

"You know me?" Arcas said.

"Yeah." Ram nodded.

"I think you guessed wrong. The master you mentioned is me, not my master." Arcas shook his head. "I am his apprentice, not his disciple."

Ram was speechless for a moment, "So that's it."

"What? Are you scared?" Arcas said looking at Ram. "If you are scared, you can kneel down in front of me now and kowtow three times, and I will spare your life."

"What a joke, just you? I'm not afraid of you yet." Ram said coldly. Although Arcas's sword was very powerful, he was not afraid. Because his swordsmanship is also very powerful, even more powerful than his master!

"In that case, let's do it!" After saying that, Arcas' sword rushed towards Ram again.

Ram also stabbed out with a sword, and the two swords collided together again.

"Bang! Bang!"

The two long swords collided together again, making two more loud noises.

The corner of Ram's mouth twitched slightly, and he sighed inwardly. Sure enough, the sword skills of a high-level warrior were indeed terrifying. If his martial arts skills were the lowest, then his sword could only withstand a few moves. Now, his sword has resisted seven or eight moves from Arcas, but the opponent was only slightly injured and not affected at all.

"Are you mocking me in your heart?" Arcas said. "Are you mocking me for being a loser in your heart?"

Ram said nothing.

"Yes, you are right. My swordsmanship is indeed not very good, but that does not mean that I am not good at it!" Arcas said coldly, "I am the master here. I will let you die however you want." How do you die!"

"Really? I just don't want to do this? I want to see if you have what it takes to kill me." Ram said.

"Okay, okay, then let me see what qualifications you have to be arrogant!" Arcas roared, and the sword in his hand quickly spun.

Ram looked at the long sword in the opponent's hand, and suddenly felt palpitations in his heart. This guy actually had such a powerful weapon.

Ram quickly took several steps back.

"What? Are you scared?" Arcas snorted coldly. "Now you know you are afraid?"

Ram ignored the other party. He quickly used his internal energy, and the sword in his hand spun again, and waves of sword energy spread around.

"Aren't you still going to admit defeat?" Ram shouted coldly. "Then come on!"

"Humph!" Arcas snorted coldly, and his long sword suddenly turned into a sword light that filled the sky and flew towards Ram.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Ram quickly dodged the sword energy.

"Hmph, it seems that if I don't give you some clues, you won't be obedient!" After Arcas finished speaking, he kicked the ground hard, and he flew out, and the sword in his hand began to dance quickly. A rain of swords fell again, covering Ram.

Ram dodged one rain of swords and was about to dodge another one when suddenly he felt a chill on his back.

"No!" Ram immediately turned around and saw a long sword appearing where he had been standing just now.

"Whoosh!" A black light flashed and blood splashed out.

Chapter 745: Because, he still has me by his side

Several wounds instantly appeared on Ram's body, concentrated on his shoulders.

"Damn it!" Ram cursed secretly and flew backwards quickly.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!" Arcas shouted and quickly pursued him.

"Hey!" Ram quickly swung his sword, and the sword energy roared out, cutting the air, and Arcas was forced to stop.

"Haha, you kid, you're pretty good!" Arcas said as he quickly backed away, "Your swordsmanship is pretty good!"

"Hmph!" Ram snorted coldly, "I don't care who you are! Now, let's test our swordsmanship!"

"No problem!" Arcas said.

Immediately, the two people began to fight together crazily. The two of them attacked and defended each other. The sword energy swept everywhere. For a moment, the world was filled with sword energy.

The two of them are not only fast, but their strength is astonishing. If an ordinary warrior encounters this kind of sword energy, they will probably be killed in an instant! However, Ram's martial arts are far superior to Arcas. Therefore, Ram has always had an absolute advantage, and he kept attacking Arcas. Arcas kept dodging Ram's attacks. The two men kept fighting like this.

The swordsmanship of the two men was very superb, and they were inseparable for a moment.

However, just when Ram stabbed Arcas with his sword, Arcas suddenly punched the sword Ram stabbed him with.

"Pfft!" Ram's sword pierced Arcas's chest. Arkas's sword also penetrated Ram's chest.

"You... how is that possible!" Ram said in disbelief.

Arcas' body quickly shrunk and turned into the appearance of a child, but his face was still pale and his lips were bruised. Obviously, he had used all his strength just now, so his body was extremely weak.

"You lose." Arcas said and drew his sword.

Ram fell to the ground after breaking away from the sword.

"He didn't lose." Hisoka came out from the side, helped Ram up on the ground, and briefly treated Ram's wounds. "Because, he still has me by his side."

"Haha, really?" Arcas laughed, "So what?"

"Nothing!" Hisoka said, "But you must die today!"

"Okay!" Arcas snorted coldly, "I have been looking forward to this sentence for a long time."

"Since you want to die, I will help you!" Hisoka's face showed a ferocious look.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Arcas slapped more than ten huge fireballs with his palms. The fireballs exploded in mid-air and rushed towards Hisoka and Ram.

"Hmph!" Lasiso snorted coldly, turned his right hand over, and a slender wooden stick appeared in his hand.

Arcas' fireball hit the wooden stick and exploded instantly.

"Hey!" Hisoka's figure turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Arcas, and the wooden stick in his hand hit Arcas's body hard.

"Bang!" Arcas' body shot up in the air like a ball and fell to the ground.

"Plop!" Arcas fell to the ground.

Hisoka rushed over quickly.

Arcas quickly climbed up, holding a short knife to block Hisoka's blow.

"Clang!" Arcas gripped the handle of the knife and slashed hard at Hisoka's waist. A strong force hit Hisoka's waist, and Hisoka's body flew to the side involuntarily.

Chapter 746 I can’t let you die!

"Hey!" Hisoka's body rushed towards Arcas again.

"Boom!" Arcas bent his legs and quickly kicked out a whip, kicking Ram backwards. "Bang!" Ram fell to the ground.

Hisoka's expression changed. Arcas' kick just now actually caused him slight internal injuries! This is really an unexpected result!

"Hehe, you are not very strong. As long as I train a little bit, you will die in my hands sooner or later!" Arcas smiled proudly.

"Then it depends on whether you have that strength!" Hisoka said coldly, "Your strength is too weak. If you have enough pills, you may be able to compete with me! But, you But not!"

"Haha!" Arcas raised his head and laughed, "Don't think that I have few elixirs, but I also have a lot of elixirs! Although my strength is not as good as yours, I have many precious treasures, and, I’m not short of money either, so even if it’s a waste, I’ll use it up on you!”

"You are really looking for death!" Hisoka sneered, "I don't know if you are looking for death or I am looking for death!"

Hisoka rushed towards Arcas again, and he kept attacking Arcas with waves of sharp swordsmanship. Every move and every move made Arcas feel a little depressed.

Arcas kept retreating while dealing with Hisoka's attack.

The two people kept retreating.

"Boom! Boom!" Suddenly, the whole ground shook violently, as if something big had happened.

Both people stopped moving and turned to look at the trembling place.

"No!" Hisoka yelled, "There's an ambush! Escape quickly!"

"Want to run away? Where to run?" A gloomy voice came from behind the two people.

Hisoka turned around and saw several men in black surrounding them.

"Hisoka!" Ram shouted, "Be careful!"

"call out!"

At this moment, two red rays of light flashed past Hisoka, and two fireballs headed straight for Ram.

Ram reacted very quickly and dodged immediately.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Two sounds, the fireball continued to chase Ram.

Ram quickly dodged the fireballs.

Seeing Ram's danger, Hisoka immediately rushed towards Ram with all his strength, trying to save Ram.

The bodies of Hisoka and Ram were intertwined. Hisoka used all his strength to rush towards Ram. However, Hisoka's speed was too slow. He was only a few meters away from Ram, but he Ram is getting closer.

Ram looked at Hisoka with an anxious expression in his eyes. Hisoka could no longer get close to Ram. There were two men in black beside Ram who were constantly surrounding Hisoka. Hisoka had already fallen into Dilemma.

"Bang!" At this moment, Hisoka received a slap on his right shoulder, and blood flowed down Hisoka's right hand.

Seeing that Hisoka was injured, Ram felt extremely distressed and had tears in his eyes.

Hisoka raised his head and looked at Ram, his face was pale, and his right arm could no longer move, which made Hisoka feel extremely bad.

"I can't let you die!" Hisoka's heart was filled with determination, he couldn't let Ram die.

Not only because of the Demon King's request for them to leave together, but also because Ram, his only friend in this place, is his companion who walks side by side with him!

"Ah!" Hisoka roared angrily, using up his last bit of strength to rush towards Ram.

Chapter 747 Our tower master has been waiting for you for a long time

"Pfft!" Hisoka was intercepted by a man in black.

"Ah!" Hisoka cried out in pain, and his right hand was pierced by the man in black.

"Poof!" Hisoka was punched in the chest again, and blood continued to flow from Hisoka's chest.

Hisoka roared angrily and pushed the man in black away.

"Boom!" Hisoka was kicked out by a man in black again.

"Pfft!" Blood spilled from the corner of Hisoka's mouth again.

"Pfft!" Hisoka spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ram saw that Hisoka was injured, and his tears couldn't stop flowing down. He tried with all his strength to rush towards Hisoka, but there was no way he could get close to Hisoka.

"Whoosh!" Another ray of red light flew over from behind Ram. Ram's face suddenly turned pale, and his body stood stiffly on the spot.

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