"Pfft!" Ram felt like he was stabbed in the back of the head, and then he fainted and fell to the ground.

"Humph!" Arcas laughed contemptuously.

"If you resist again, he will die even worse!" Arcas glanced at Ram and said coldly.

"You!" Hisoka gritted his teeth hard, "Looking for death."

"You can try it and see which one is faster, you or me." Arcas said calmly.

Hisoka took a deep look at Ram, the hatred in his eyes getting stronger and stronger. He stared at Arcas fiercely and said word by word: "If you dare to touch him, I will definitely kill you." Shattered into thousands of pieces!"

Arcas ignored Hisoka. He looked at Hisoka indifferently and said, "Don't worry, as long as you obey, nothing will happen. As long as you come with me, our tower master has been waiting for you for a long time."

Hisoka gritted his teeth and looked at Arcas with hateful eyes. Arcas was slightly stunned when he saw the killing intent in Hisoka's eyes, and then said: "I advise you not to resist."

"You'd better keep your promise!" Hisoka said through gritted teeth.

"Haha." Arcas smiled faintly, "Don't worry, of course."

Two men in black walked up to Hisoka, one of them grabbed one of Hisoka's hands and prepared to press Hisoka away.

Hisoka swung his hands and threw the two of them some distance away. "I will leave on my own without you having to do anything." Hisoka said coldly. Arcas showed a meaningful smile, "That is naturally the best."

"You two, stand down." Arcas said, looking at his two men.

Two men in black knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Yes!"

"Let's go!" Arcas looked at Hisoka and said.

Hisoka glared at Arcas fiercely, turned around and walked towards Ram.

Hisoka looked at Ram and reached out to wipe away the blood from the corner of Ram's mouth.

"Ram, wait until I come back to pick you up." Hisoka said softly. After saying that, he put Ram down again and walked towards the direction where Arcas was standing.

Hisoka and Arcas walked side by side and walked out of the castle.

Hisoka and Arcas came outside. There was a carriage parked outside. There were three tall, burly men in black standing beside the carriage.

"Let's go!" Arcas said.

Three men in black immediately walked over, helped Xisuo up, and then got into the carriage. The carriage started and walked slowly south.

"Can I still enjoy this treatment?" Hisoka asked.

"You are the guest of our tower master." Arcas glanced at Hisoka and said, "However, you still have to pay attention to your speech and behavior, otherwise, you will regret it."

"Ha!" Hisoka laughed bitterly.

Chapter 748 Hisoka meets the tower master

"How could I regret it? The thing I regret most now is getting Ram involved. He is my friend and I don't want to see anything happen to him."

Arcas said nothing.

"By the way, I want to ask, who is your tower master? Why do you want us to go to see him together?" Hisoka asked, this question bothered Hisoka.

Arcas glanced at Hisoka and said, "You will know after you go see her. This is also our secret!"

"Oh!" Hisoka responded without asking any more questions.

Arcas didn't speak, just closed his eyes, he was resting.

The carriage soon drove into a forest.

After walking through the forest for a while, they finally came to a building. Arcas opened the curtain and walked inside with Hisoka and Ram.

The carriage stopped in front of a palace, and Arcas and Hisoka got off.

Hisoka raised his head and glanced at the building, doubts flashing in his eyes, "What... is this place?"

"Let's go!" Arcas didn't explain anything, just threw a sentence coldly.

Hisoka didn't ask any more questions and followed Arcas into the palace.

Hisoka followed Arcas to the central hall of the palace.

This is a huge house. In the middle of the hall sits an old man who is about sixty or seventy years old and wearing gray clothes. There is a kind of majesty about this old man, which gives people a strong sense of oppression.

When Hisoka saw this old man, he was shocked, because this old man was the old man in his dream.

"This is the person you came to see. You can go in now." Arcas said calmly, without any emotion in his tone.

"Got it!" Hisoka nodded respectfully and walked into the hall.

"Tower Master, Hisoka is here." Arcas walked up to the old man and said.

"Yes!" The old man nodded, and then his eyes fell on Hisoka. He looked at Hisoka up and down for a long time before speaking, "Are you Hisoka?"

Hisoka nodded, "Yes, please enlighten me."

"I'm not talking about teaching, I just want to ask you a few questions." The old man looked at Hisoka and asked, "Let me ask you, do you know your sin?"

"What crime have I committed?" Hisoka couldn't help but ask, somewhat confused about the situation.

"Do you know how many of my tower guards you injured and killed along the way?" The old man looked at Hisoka and asked.

Hisoka shook his head, sighed, and said, "I don't understand what you mean. I only know that you hurt my friends first and provoked me last, so I killed them. Is this wrong?"

"How brave!" the old man roared after hearing Hisoka's words. "Then, you will have to bear the wrath of my tower master again!"

The old man stood up suddenly and slapped Hisoka with a palm.

Hisoka quickly backed away.

"Hmph!" The old man snorted coldly and attacked Hisoka again.

Hisoka did not dodge, but forcefully withstood the old man's palm.


Hisoka flew backwards.


Hisoka spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, his face as pale as paper and his body shaking.

"So strong!" Hisoka sighed inwardly. This was the first time he had been hurt so much since he came to the tower master's world.

The old man walked over, grabbed Hisoka in his hand, squeezed his neck, and asked coldly: "Do you know what you did wrong?".

Chapter 749: The tower master asked Xisuo about the details

"Didn't you just kill those people? What's wrong?" Hisoka asked.

The tower master looked at Hisoka, and an invisible force surged into Hisoka's body. Suddenly, Hisoka groaned in pain.

"Do you know your sin?" the old man asked again.

"I don't know." Hisoka insisted through gritted teeth, knowing that he would never give in.

"Humph!" The tower master snorted coldly, and an even more powerful force surged into Hisoka's body.


Hisoka screamed and knelt on his knees, beads of sweat the size of peas appeared on his forehead, and his whole face was twisted in extreme pain.

The tower master withdrew his hand, and Hisoka fell to the ground paralyzed.

Hisoka felt like his body had been hollowed out, as if his soul had been pulled out, and his whole body was weak.

"Forget it, I don't want your life." The tower master said calmly. He turned to look at Arcas and ordered, "Take him down and treat him."

Arcas nodded.

Hisoka was dragged out of the house by two men in black robes. He was unable to struggle or even have the strength to speak.

"Tower Master, I have made arrangements, what should we do now?" Arcas asked in a low voice.

"I want you to send thirty people to the southern border to help me find a group of people. The higher their strength, the better."

"Yes! I'll do it right away." Arcas turned and left after saying that.

"By the way, take him away too." The old man looked at Hisoka and ordered, "Remember, I only want people who can repair their souls."

"I know." Arcas turned and walked out, slipped Xisoti up, and took away the house.

When Hisoka was being lifted away, his head felt dizzy, his body swayed uncontrollably, and he almost fainted on the ground.

"Tower Master, don't worry! My subordinates will try their best to do it." Arcas replied respectfully.

The old man ignored Arcas, but turned to look at the old woman beside him, who was the steward of the castle.

"What do you think?" the old man asked.

"My subordinates believe that Hisoka's identity is not simple." The old woman looked at the old man and said slowly.

"Oh? Is there anything special about him?" the old man asked.

"According to the inference of my subordinates, this young man named Hisoka should have been trained by a big force. Otherwise, he would not have been able to defeat the guards on all our floors so quickly, let alone reach our ninth floor." the woman said.

"Cultivation by a big force?" The old man frowned when he heard the old woman's words, "How come, as far as I know, he was sent to us by the Demon King?"

"We don't know much about the demon king. He has been living here since he came here and has never shown up. We have no way to inquire about his origins. He is very powerful and cannot be matched by people on our level." the woman said.

When the old man heard this, he fell into silence. He was thinking about the old woman's words. The old woman's words made sense. They really did not know the true identity of the Demon King, nor did they know the specific strength of the Demon King.

"Then, let him continue to stay here first, and then we will slowly investigate his background after we have dealt with the other forces." The old man said.


The old woman nodded after hearing the old man's words, and then exited the room.


Hisoka lay on the ground, completely powerless. He couldn't move at all, as if all his strength had been drained from his body.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

Chapter 750: The Tower Master hopes that Hisoka will surrender to the Soul Tower


The ground shook, and immediately, a huge stone pillar rose from the ground, trapping Hisoka under the stone pillar.

"What are you doing?" Hisoka raised his head and asked angrily at the guards.

"You don't have to pretend to be strong." The old man looked at Hisoka and sneered, "With your body, you are not worthy of letting me take action. Today I want to let you see what real strength is." , let you completely surrender to me!"

"Surrender?" Hisoka heard the old man's words and dismissed them, "Old man, you overestimate your strength. Do you think it is so easy for you to defeat me?"

"Then you have a taste of my power!" The old man was furious when he heard Hisoka's words.

He kicked off the ground with his right foot and flew into the air. He flipped his body in mid-air and slapped Hisoka with one palm. He landed on Hisoka's chest with his palm and directly knocked Hisoka away and hit the wall hard.

"With a bang, Hisoka was sent flying to the wall and fell to the ground.


Hisoka spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes widened, and he looked at the old man in front of him in disbelief.

Hisoka never thought that there would be such a powerful being in this world, able to fly in the air and fight with people in the air!

"Aren't you very arrogant? Didn't you say that as long as you are willing to join our tower master, everything is possible!"

The old man said, flying into the air again and rushing towards Xisuo.

Hisoka felt a strong pressure hanging over his head, and that threatening feeling made him feel suffocated.


The old man punched again, and Hisoka was punched into the wall.


Hisoka spat out a mouthful of blood again.

He felt that his internal organs had shifted.

The old man rushed towards Hisoka again.

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