At this time, Hisoka also noticed everyone in the hall, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

"Hisoka, I brought you here, and the rest is your business. After Yi Lao finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Hisoka's brows furrowed. He felt that this matter was a bit strange. Why did Yi Lao suddenly start to help him and bring him out?

For some reason, Hisoka had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Hisoka looked around and saw that everyone was looking at him strangely.

Hisoka's heart trembled, he stood up and ran outside.

"Stop him!" An elder shouted immediately when he saw Hisoka running away.

"No need to chase him, he was brought out by Yi Lao!" Another elder said.

After hearing the words of the two elders, everyone was stunned. Hisoka was actually the person brought out by Mr. Yi. Why did they want to arrest him again?

"He is not a criminal!".

Chapter 754: Ram was caught by the tower owner

"But he's the one the Tower Lord left behind."

"The tower master's words are more authoritative than Yi Lao's."

When everyone heard the words of the two elders, they immediately reacted. Xisuo was the person brought back by the tower master, and now he was brought out by Yi Lao.

The guards didn't know whose orders they should listen to, but they had to listen to the orders given by the elders.

"What should I do?" one elder looked at another elder and asked.

"I think it's better to follow Yi Lao's orders."

"It's okay, but what about the tower owner?" Another elder said.

"No matter, Yi Lao brought people here, we are just following Yi Lao's orders." Another elder said.

Seeing that no one was stopping him, Hisoka quickened his pace and ran towards the door.

Just as Hisoka was about to reach the door, the door was suddenly closed.

Hisoka turned around suddenly and saw the tower master and Arcas.

The tower master applauded as he walked and said, "My good elders, I heard that you all listen to Yi Lao's words, is that true?"

After the tower master finished speaking, he stopped applauding and showed a terrifying smile. The smile was so cold that it seemed to freeze people into ice cubes in the scorching sun.

"Tower Master, we..." The two elders quickly lowered their heads.

"Hmph! Yi Lao, I won't let you go this time!" The tower master's face became even more gloomy and he said coldly.

After finishing speaking, the Tower Master turned around and walked towards Hisoka.

"Tower Master..." the two elders exclaimed.

"Hisoka, we meet again!" The tower master looked at Hisoka and said coldly.

"Tower Master, I heard that you want me to die?" Hisoka looked at the Tower Master and said calmly.

"Oh?" The tower master looked at Sisuo and laughed. His eyes turned colder when he looked at Sisuo, "It seems that you listened to Yi Lao's lies. How could I kill you?"

The tower master looked at Hisoka, smiled, and continued: "It doesn't matter, I won't force you."

"You better be," Hisoka said.

"Haha..." The tower master laughed, "You can leave now."

The tower owner waved his hand, and the closed door opened again.

Hisoka looked confused and thought in his mind: "What's wrong with this guy and just let me go?"

"You don't have to wonder whether I will kill you, because I don't need you at all!" The tower master smiled, "Just go."

Hisoka walked towards the door. After getting the tower owner's permission, no one stopped him, and soon he walked to the door.

A few steps away from the door, Hisoka suddenly stopped, as if he remembered something.

"Where's Ram?" Hisoka felt a little unsure. Ram had promised to wait for him at the door, but he never saw him.

"Something's wrong. Could it be that he was caught by the tower master?" Hisoka turned around and saw the tower master with a smile on his face. Arcas was standing next to him, and Ram was lying next to Arcas.

"You!" Xi looked at the tower master and narrowed his eyes. He did not expect that the tower master would dare to be so arrogant!

"Hisoka!" Ram opened his eyes, looked at Hisoka and said, "Don't worry about me, get out of here quickly, they won't hurt me."

"Ram!" Hearing Ram's words, Hisoka had the urge to rush over and give them a beating.

"Let's go! I'll be back soon." Ram smiled.

"I will never leave you alone!" Hisoka punched the door and the whole tower shook.

"I'm not afraid of them." Ram looked at the people watching around him and said.

Chapter 755: Hisoka trades himself for Ram Zhouquan

The tower master looked at Hisoka and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Hisoka looked at the tower master and secretly hated him.

This old bastard!

"Ram, I will not abandon you!" Hisoka said looking at Ram.

"Let's go!"

Hisoka took a deep look at Ram, pondered for a moment, then turned around and walked out.

Just as Hisoka walked out, the door behind him suddenly closed again.

Hisoka turned his head and glanced, then shouted: "I will come back to save you."

After finishing speaking, Hisoka flew out.

Sisoka was running, he was constantly weaving in and out, looking for opportunities to escape.

Hisoka's head was in chaos and he didn't know where to go.

Ram has been with him since he was sent to the Soul Tower by the Demon King. He has gone through many hardships. Ram is a friend worth relying on. Hisoka never wants to give up on him, but Hisoka doesn't want to see Ram either. There was no danger, so he always listened to the tower master.

Now, he actually left Ram and ran away, and Xi felt guilty.

His heart was filled with infinite guilt.

"Hisoka!" Ram shouted, "Go quickly!"

Hisoka stopped and ran back to the original place.

He slowly turned around, then looked at the tower master and said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Of course, but I won't kill you, I just want you to do something." The tower master smiled, "I hope you can help me do something. As long as you agree, I promise not to hurt you."

"On condition that you don't hurt Ram, I promise you." Hisoka asked.

"Of course, I will not hurt your friends." The tower master nodded and said.

Hisoka looked at Ram, and then shook his head at Ram. He would not betray his friends.

"Then forget it, you go." The tower master said, "I still won't kill you, but your friends will suffer."

After finishing speaking, the tower master glanced at Ram, then turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait!" Hisoka said suddenly, "I'll go with you."

"Okay." The tower master turned around and looked at Hisoka.

"Lead the way." Hisoka said.


After the tower master finished speaking, he took the lead and walked out, followed closely by Hisoka.

The tower master walked in front, walked out of the room, and came to the tower master's study. In the study, the tower master was sitting on a chair.

Seeing this scene, Hisoka couldn't help but frown. This old guy hid Ram here. Is this going too far?

The tower master sat on the chair and looked at Hisoka and said, "I have arranged the exchange between you. You can go see him now."

Hearing the tower master's words, Hisoka felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

At this time, the tower master suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the bed where Ram was lying.

The tower master stretched out his right hand and flicked it. A red bead shot out and hit Ram on the forehead. In an instant, the bead turned into powder and dissipated in the air, and the red bead also turned into powder. It fell on Ram's face.


Seeing this scene, Hisoka yelled, then quickly rushed to the bed, hugged the unconscious Ram, looked at Ram's pale cheek, he touched Ram distressedly, and then looked up Tower master.

"What on earth do you want to do?!" Hisoka looked at the tower master angrily.

"I didn't want to do anything." The tower master said calmly.

"How dare you touch him!" Hisoka glared at the tower master.

Chapter 756: Repairing the Soul Tower with the Spiritual Power Body

"I said before that you are the only candidate to repair the Soul Tower, but I just discovered today that he is a better candidate than you." The tower master snorted coldly, looking at Hisoka with a murderous look in his eyes.


"I don't like to talk nonsense. I just want the truth. Do you choose to die or let him die?" the tower master snorted coldly.

"I choose to go with you." Hisoka said through gritted teeth, "But I hope you can keep your promise and don't hurt him!"

"Don't worry!" The Tower Master looked at Hisoka, "No matter who you are, as long as you complete the matter, I will send him away."

Hisoka glanced at the tower master, then turned to look at the unconscious Ram, struggling in his heart.

"Let's go!" the tower master said.

Hisoka gritted his teeth, then stood up and followed the tower owner out. The two of them arrived at the tower owner's office.

The tower master glanced at Hisoka, then waved his hand to the subordinate next to him, and the subordinate immediately retreated.

"Do you know how to repair the Soul Tower?" the tower owner said.

"I don't know." Hisoka shook his head.

"You are so honest. In this case, I won't beat around the bush. I want to borrow the spiritual power in your body and rebuild the soul tower." The tower master said

"Borrow my spiritual power?" Hisoka was stunned for a moment, then looked at the tower master.

"Yes, let me borrow your spiritual power." The tower master said affirmatively.

Hisoka did not speak, but stood there thinking. He was thinking that if he gave all his spiritual power to the tower master, he would completely die.

"That's why you said I might die, right?" Xi asked.

"I said I won't hurt you, so you don't have to be afraid." The tower owner smiled, "But I can't guarantee what will happen during the repair process.

"Okay." Hisoka nodded, and then said, "I'm willing to help you, but please promise me not to hurt him, how about that?"

"Of course, I won't hurt him." The tower master said.

"Then, please tell me what to do?" Hisoka asked.

The tower master nodded and said: "First release your own power, and then seal your own power in the dantian. Then, I will use another power to integrate the power of the soul tower into your body."

"Okay." Hisoka nodded, and then released his spiritual power. Black mist immediately emerged from his body and enveloped Hisoka's body.

Hisoka closed his eyes and slowly injected spiritual power into Ram's body. Then, Hisoka's body began to change. This change became more and more intense. Finally, a transparent spiritual body appeared in Xisuo's body. Suo's body surface.

This is a group of black spirits. Wrapped in the black mist, it slowly condenses and soon forms a complete body.

And this body is the shell transformed by Hisoka's spiritual power.

As soon as the spirit body took shape, Hisoka opened his eyes. He looked at the tower master and said, "Do you want to start now?"

"Yes." The tower master nodded.

"What do I need to do?" Hisoka asked.

"Integrate the power of the soul tower into your soul. Only in this way can you repair the soul tower." The tower master said.

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