After hearing the tower master's words, Hisoka immediately ran the Soul Technique to release all his power. Then, this huge spiritual power was integrated into the soul tower's spiritual core.

After the spiritual power entered the soul tower's soul core, changes immediately occurred in the soul core.

Chapter 757: Hisoka’s spiritual body is about to dissipate

The black spiritual power in the spiritual core began to rotate crazily. This black spiritual power slowly integrated into every inch of the spiritual core, and finally merged into the core of the spiritual core.

"Okay, it's okay now." The tower master said, and then looked at Hisoka.

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

Hisoka said, then he closed his eyes and released his mental power. Then, he felt that his soul was slowly leaving his body and flying towards the soul core. Soon, he felt that His soul left his body and flew towards a black mist.

This black mist is the power of the Soul Tower.

This was a black spherical object that looked like an egg. It was filled with endless black mist. Hisoka flew into this black sphere.

The energy in the black sphere began to impact Hisoka's soul, and Hisoka's soul began to suffer violently. He endured the tremendous pain and desperately ran the Soul Art to block the severe pain, but the black mist It seems that it is not affected by anything and is still flowing into Hisoka's soul.

"Don't resist, otherwise you will be wiped out." The tower master said.

"I am not a member of the Soul Tower, and I will not disappear into ashes." Hisoka's soul said stubbornly.

"Don't be brave, the Soul Palace is not something you can contend with." The tower master said indifferently.

Hisoka did not speak, but continued to control his body and resist the severe pain. He knew that his soul might be destroyed.

"I said, you won't turn into ashes." The tower master said, then, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed Hisoka's soul. With a sudden squeeze, Hisoka's soul instantly shattered and turned into countless tiny things. of fragments.

Hisoka's soul turned into countless fragments and then merged into the black sphere. The black sphere began to turn red and emit a burning aura.

"Okay, you start practicing, don't waste my time." The tower master said.

Hisoka nodded, then closed his eyes and began to practice the Soul Art.

His soul began to slowly condense together, his soul beads were growing bit by bit, and his body was growing bit by bit. His body was getting stronger, and his body was changing. Small……

Time passes minute by minute.

Hisoka's soul bead is also gradually getting bigger, and the soul bead is getting bigger and bigger. Finally, the outside of the soul bead turns golden yellow.


Suddenly, the soul orb trembled, and then let out a roar. The sound was so loud, it was like a cannonball exploding.


Hisoka's soul screamed in pain.

The Tower Master frowned at Hisoka and said, "I've already given you a chance. This time, it's your bad luck that you can't blame others for."

Hisoka opened his eyes, his face was pale, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, his lips were purple, and his body was shaking slightly. It was obvious that the roar just now caused great damage to his soul. .

Hisoka's body slowly became illusory, which was a sign that the spiritual body was about to dissipate.

"It's not completely finished yet, please hold on for a while." The tower master snorted coldly when he saw Hisoka's condition.

After hearing what the tower master said, Hisoka gritted his teeth and insisted again. He didn't want to back down at this time, because he didn't know how he would die, and he had to fight for a way to survive.

Chapter 758 The wandering soul

As he persisted, the spiritual body had become completely transparent, and the symbols on the spiritual body had also become thinner.

When the tower master saw this situation, he frowned slightly, and there was a look of hesitation in his eyes. If he didn't continue to increase his efforts, this guy would probably die. After all, there is a difference between the endurance of the soul and the strength of the body. The big difference is that if the soul cannot bear it, the only way left is death.

"No, I can't die." The tower master said, his eyes flashing with determination.

He increased his intensity again, but the effect was not ideal. His soul's endurance had reached its limit.

"Damn it, what's going on?" the tower owner roared angrily.

"I have tried my best." Hisoka said helplessly, his soul could no longer bear the oppression of the tower master.

"You'd better give up!" The tower master sighed and said

"I can still work harder."

As Hisoka said, he mobilized his soul power again and continued to activate the energy inside the soul tower. He felt that his soul was getting heavier and heavier, almost bursting his body, and his soul was leaving the body bit by bit. .


In the end, Hisoka's soul body finally exploded, and the soul became invisible under the energy package in the spiritual tower, and the soul orb was also shattered.

"Successful, the Soul Tower was successfully repaired, hahahahahaha..." The tower owner laughed unabashedly, completely ignoring Hisoka beside him.

At this moment, Hisoka's soul became extremely clear. Spiritual power, spiritual consciousness, everything was displayed in his mind. He felt as if his soul was in an endless desert, boundless.

In this vast expanse of land, there are many souls floating in the air. They seem to be waiting for something. Some of them have sadness on their faces, while others look like they are gloating about their misfortune. They see someone in the sky. They would laugh at each other when they were wandering near him.

There are two kinds of souls in this world.

One is a good soul, and the other is an evil soul.

Good souls and well-intentioned souls will not deceive people. No matter who they are, they will tell others the truth honestly. Good souls will protect the weak, while evil souls will continue to use various resources in this world to Improve yourself.

At this time, someone needs to stand up and stop the erosion of evil souls, but can it be stopped?

Kind souls will not do any bad things, they have kind thoughts in their hearts.

As for evil souls, they have no distinction between good and evil. They are just looking for a living environment that suits them, and the living environment they choose is to devour the weak and the powerful.

Their souls are evil and they are cruel.

Hisoka's soul was slowly floating in the void, and he felt many souls calling him.

At this moment, a voice came from Hisoka's ear.

"Hisoka, come on, you can do it, you can definitely do it." This is the voice of a young man, this voice is his companion.

"Who are you?" Hisoka said slowly.

"Hisoka! Hisoka!" The boy did not answer Hisoka's question, but just kept calling Hisoka's name.

Hisoka's eyes became confused.

Chapter 759 Ram wakes up Hisoka

His head was a little dizzy. He seemed to hear the boy's shout, but he had no memory. He was not sure whether his friend was included in this memory, but deep in his heart, there was an impulse controlling him. Facing him, he wanted to retrieve that memory. He wanted to know what he had experienced, what had happened, and what he had gone through to make him what he was today.

His soul floated in the void for a while, and then completely disappeared from this world, as if he had never appeared.

A gray light spot appeared in Hisoka's soul sea.

This gray light group is Hisoka's soul.

In the gray light group, there is a black sphere. This sphere is Hisoka's soul, which can also be called Hisoka's soul crystal core.

There was light blue mist surrounding Hisoka's soul crystal core.

The gray soul crystal core is like a huge meteorite, which is suspended next to Hisoka's soul crystal core.

At this time, there was a small Hisoka in the soul crystal core.

Hisoka's soul is black, and the black soul crystal core is black. There is a red light spot next to the black soul crystal core. Hisoka's soul crystal core is red, just like Hisoka's eyes, but , Hisoka’s red light spot was jumping more like a flame.

Hisoka's body was floating in the void, as if he were a piece of sand floating in the air.

Hisoka looked around.

Behind Hisoka is the endless sea. Hisoka's body is floating in the ocean, as if he is in an endless world.

In this world, apart from the vast ocean, nothing else can be seen.

The scene in this world is very strange, a piece of white clouds and mist, and a huge castle can be vaguely seen in the clouds and mist. The height of the castle is at least more than a few hundred meters.

Where is this?

Hisoka was a little confused. This world gave him an extremely strange feeling.

"Where is this place?" Hisoka murmured to himself: "How did my soul return to this world?"

Hisoka wanted to leave this world. He felt that his soul was slowly integrating into his body. Hisoka's soul was him, so he was also Hisoka, and his soul was slowly integrating into this world. , integrate into this world.

The moment his soul merged into this world, he felt some pain in his head. This pain was as if a needle had penetrated his scalp, stimulating every inch of his skin.

"This is..." Hisoka woke up suddenly, opened his eyes, and found that he had returned to his physical body, which was still lying on the bed.

"Hisoka, you finally woke up!" Ram suddenly rushed towards Xisuo, hugged Hisoka tightly, and said with tears of joy: "You finally woke up, Hisoka, I thought you would never wake up again."

Hisoka gently pushed Ram away and said with a smile, "Ram, how can I die so easily? Besides, if I die, will the Demon King let you go?"

"You'd better die." Ram said and punched Hisoka.

"Oh, I'm a patient, why are you treating a patient like this!" Suit said with a pitiful look.

Chapter 760: Arcas is a member of the Demon King?

"It's a shame that I'm so worried about you and you still laugh." Ram said.

"Hehe." Hisoka laughed twice and said, "Ram, by the way, where are you now?"

"It's the room I asked Yi Lao to arrange. It's safe, don't worry." Ram said.

"Yes." Hisoka nodded and said, "Ram, I want to know, has the Soul Tower been successfully repaired?

"The repair has been successful." Ram said: "Now, because the soul tower is fine, the tower owner has no intention of making things difficult for us."

"That's the best." Hisoka paused for a while and then said, "He didn't make things difficult for you when I was unconscious, right?"

"No, although they have been saying that you are dead, I don't believe it." La shook his head and said: "By the way, do you still remember the name of the person next to the tower master, Arcas?

"Arcas?" Hisoka mused, "I remember."

Ram said with a smile: "Arcas is the guard of the tower master."

"I know." Hisoka nodded.

"But." Ram looked around, leaned close and said in Hisoka's ear, "He told me that the Demon King will take us back tomorrow, just when you fainted."

"Demon King? Is Arcas a member of the Demon King?" Hisoka asked.

"Well, he said that it was the Demon King who asked him to protect your safety," Ram said.

"Oh?" Hisoka was slightly startled and said, "Then he was so cruel to me!"

"Maybe he wants to act!" Ram shrugged.

"I haven't done anything yet, why am I so cruel?" Arcas opened the door and came in with a plate of food.

Hisoka and Ram both looked at Arcas.

Arcas still had a cold face and said: "You don't need to worry about my identity. In short, if the Demon King wants me to take you back."

"Hmph, this person is really unpredictable." Ram snorted coldly.

"From today to tomorrow, I will be guarding the door. Call me if you need anything." After Aka said that, he turned and walked out of the room, slamming the door.

Perhaps because of the protection of Arcas, no one disturbed Hisoka and Ram again that night.

Early the next morning.

Arcas stood at the door early, waiting for Hisoka and Ram.

"I will escort you all the way out, but this is the tower master's order, so don't let it slip." Arcas instructed

"Okay." Ram and Hisoka responded in unison.

Without saying anything, Arcas turned and walked towards the distance. When he was halfway there, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at Hisoka and Ram.

"If something happens later, don't look back. Keep walking out and someone will pick you up." Arcas warned.

Hisoka nodded slightly and looked at Arcas walking away. Hisoka asked: "Ram, why did the demon king want to save me?"

Ram shook his head: "I don't know, maybe he sent us in."

"We have finished breaking through this tower, and it's time to go back." Hisoka said, "I will ask the reason when I see the Demon King later."

"Okay." Ram nodded.

Ram and Hisoka walked out after a while of discussion. Hisoka saw a man in black armor waiting at the door.

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