"Please come with me!" When the man saw Hisoka, his indifferent expression finally changed.

Hisoka nodded: "Okay."

Ram followed Hisoka, and the two quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Chapter 761: They must be sent out safely

"Why did it take these two guys so long to come out?" Arcas muttered, looking into the distance.

"Demon King, the two of them are coming out." A guard said.

"Yeah." Arcas nodded and didn't say much, but continued to stare ahead, not knowing what he was thinking.

Hisoka and Ram got into the vehicle and quickly drove away from the castle.

"Are you wondering why the Demon King wants to save you?" Ram suddenly said in the carriage.

"Yes." Hisoka nodded and asked, "Do you have any doubts too?"

Ram said: "I also have some doubts, but it's probably because he sent us to the Soul Tower. If we die inside, it won't do him any good."

"Yeah." Hisoka nodded.

Ram continued: "Maybe the Demon King is not a good person in your eyes, but he is not entirely a bad person either."

Hisoka nodded: "Yes, I understand."

The car was moving forward quickly, and Hisoka and Ram were also discussing this journey.

"Hisoka, how is your recovery from your injury?" Ram asked.

"Most of it has recovered. It's almost healed. I just need to rest for a while and then it'll be fine." Hisoka said.

"Yeah." Ram said. As he spoke, the car suddenly stopped suddenly, and the two people's bodies rushed forward and hit the car window.

"What's going on?" Ram rubbed his head.

Hisoka frowned and asked, "Is the car broken down?"

"No, I feel like something is blocking us." Ram said, reaching out to knock on the glass.

Ram broke the glass, stuck his head out, and looked outside. He saw nothing but desolation outside.

"It's okay." Hisoka said, "It's just that we are trapped here, in the barrier set up by the tower owner."

"Arcas said, don't look back and just move forward when things happen. Now that I think about it, it probably means that we will encounter danger. Ram said.

Hisoka nodded: "That should be the case."

"Wait a little longer, wait for Arcas to come." Ram said.

【Outside the barrier】

"Arcas, you bastard, you lied to me." An angry voice sounded.

At this time, a group of black mist slowly condensed and formed from the air.

"Tower Master..." Arcas said again: "I have never lied to you."

The man in black robe said: "If you don't tell me, I will investigate it myself. I don't believe it. I can't find the person behind you."

"There is no need to investigate. I was sent to the Soul Tower by the Demon King at the critical moment of life and death. Since then, I have always obeyed your orders and never betrayed." Arcas said, "Only the matter of Hisoka and Ram is the Demon King's entrustment. , I must send them both out safely, and I hope the tower master will make it happen."

"That's all, in that case, let's take them out. If there is any situation, report it in time." The man in black robe said, waving his sleeves, and a black mist enveloped Hisoka and Ram.

"Yes, Tower Master!" Arcas nodded respectfully, and his figure gradually faded away.

The tower master looked at Arcas, then at Hisoka and Ram shrouded in black mist, shook his head slightly, turned and left.

"I'm afraid we can't wait for Arcas, Hisoka, let's break the barrier and go!" Ram urged.

Hisoka nodded and then followed Ram out of the car.

When the two were about to attack the barrier, the barrier dispersed on its own.

Chapter 762 Return to the place before entering the Soul Tower

"God is really helping me." Hisoka and Ram secretly rejoiced, and they immediately ran away into the distance.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from behind the two of them, and Hisoka and Ram stopped immediately.

"What happened?" Ram asked.

"I don't know." Hisoka shook his head: "I feel a strong sense of oppression, which seems to be coming from all directions."

Hisoka and Ram's eyes fell into the distance, and they saw a towering barrier appearing in front of them.

"What is that? Is it a wall?" Ram said.

Hisoka looked at the barrier and his face turned ugly: "I think we are in big trouble."

"What should I do?" Ram asked.

Hisoka shook his head: "I don't know, I can only force my way in."

"Don't do it!" A voice came from behind and shouted to the two of them.

Hisoka and Ram looked back and saw it was Arcas.

As soon as Arcas appeared, the monster in front of him stopped attacking and seemed to be waiting for orders.

"You two, let's go. Go through the door in front and you will see where you came from. If nothing else, there will be Psylocke to pick you up." Arcas said to Hisoka.

"What about you? Won't you come with us?" Hisoka asked.

Arcas shook his head and said: "My duties do not allow me to leave."

"But hasn't your identity been exposed? Will the Tower Master let you go easily?" La asked.

Arcas smiled: "The Demon King is kind to me. I will send you out. This is the last task I do for him. As for the tower master..." Arcas paused and then said: " I have followed the tower owner since I entered the soul tower, and the tower owner has been kind to me, so I can’t just leave."

Ram said: "But if you stay, the tower master will most likely kill you."

"No." Arcas said with a smile, "The tower master won't do it."

Ram was about to say something, but Hisoka interrupted Ram, clasped his fists at Arcas and said, "Thank you." After that, he turned around and left.

"Hisoka, wait!" Ram shouted, "What did you just say?"

"Nothing." Hisoka waved his hand and said, "The tower master will not kill Arcas."

"Why?" Ram asked.

Hisoka looked at Arcas, who was also looking at Hisoka. Hisoka looked at Arcas and smiled slightly: "If the tower wanted to kill him, he wouldn't have opened the barrier and let him send us out. "

"Oh, that's it." Ram nodded in realization, "I understand."

"I'm leaving." Arcas said, turned around and disappeared.

"Let's go." Hisoka patted Ram on the shoulder and said, "The tower master will not hurt Arcas, let's go!"

Hisoka and Ram walked in the direction pointed by Arcas, and sure enough they saw a door.

The two walked into the door, and the scene in front of them changed, and they were back to the original place.

The two of them returned to the entrance where they were first brought by Psylocke.

"Is this, back?" Ram asked doubtfully.

"Well, I'm back." Hisoka smiled and looked around, "But why can't I see the spiritual butterfly?"

Just as Hisoka was speaking, Psylocke flew out and stopped in front of the two of them.

"Now, isn't this coming?" Ram said with a smile, "Little guy, I thought you ran away?"

Psylocke fluttered twice, as if responding to Ram's words.

Chapter 763 Follow Spirit Butterfly to meet the Demon King

Then, it carried out its work and flew south.

This was not the first time Hisoka and Ram saw Psylocke, and they chased after it when it took off.

The spirit butterfly flew for a certain distance and then stopped at a place, then flew down.

Hisoka and Ram followed.

"Why, will our little Psylocke also get lost?" Ram joked to Psylocke.

Spirit Butterfly was very fast and fell to the ground in a few breaths.

Hisoka looked at Lingdie and asked, "Why don't you leave?"

Psylocke understood Hisoka's words, but it ignored them and continued to fly forward.

"Hey, I'm talking about Little Psylocke!" Ram chased after him, reached out and grabbed Psylocke, and Psylocke flapped its wings and flew into the distance.

"Hey, why are you leaving in such a hurry? You want to catch up with me!" Hisoka looked at Lingdie and said helplessly.

After hearing Hisoka's words, Psylocke fluttered its wings, turned its head to look at Hisoka, and then flapped its wings and flew up again.

"Follow us, the Demon King is waiting for us." Ram looked at Hisoka and urged.

"Okay, now that we've come, it's time for us to go." Hisoka nodded.

Ram flew up with Hisoka.

Soon the two of them flew to the castle where the Demon King was.

Psylocke flew into the castle first, and the castle door opened automatically, followed by Hisoka and Ram.

As soon as they entered the castle, Hisoka and Ram saw the Demon King.

The Demon King sat in his chair with his eyes closed, not knowing whether he was thinking about something or resting.

"This demon king is lazy again." Ram complained.

"Little Ram, if you say a few more words, I will send you back to the Soul Tower." The Demon King suddenly responded coldly.

"Why did you suddenly speak and startle me?" Ram didn't expect that the Demon King would hear it, and was startled by the Demon King's response.

"You are back." The demon king said lightly.

"Yes." Hisoka responded.

"You two actually came back together. I thought someone was going to come back alone and be killed by me." The demon king suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Hisoka and Ram with a smile.

"If you want to kill us, how can we escape from the tower master's murderous hands?" Hisoka said with a smile.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." The Demon King looked at Hisoka, stood up, and walked towards Hisoka.

The Demon King raised his hand and placed it above Xisuo's head, and suddenly used his spiritual power to check the spiritual power state in Xisuo's body.

After the spiritual power check was completed, the Demon King's face became solemn.

Hisoka's spiritual power fluctuates extremely strongly. Although it is much more stable than when he absorbed the soul beads before, it is still much stronger than ordinary people.

"This experience is quite helpful for you to control your spiritual power, although it has not cured the root cause." Demon King said, then looked at Hisoka and said: "However, you must remember not to overuse your spiritual power. You are just The soul has been injured and has not fully recovered. If you use your spiritual power too much, your soul will be counterattacked, and then you will be in danger."

"Understood." Hisoka nodded.

The Demon King looked at Hisoka and asked, "I remember that you and Arcas had a fight, right?"

"Yes, there was a fight." Hisoka nodded.

"What's the result?" asked the Demon King.

"Lost." Hisoka said.

The Demon King's eyebrows furrowed into a line and he looked at Hisoka: "This is normal. When I met that kid, he was already quite strong..."

The demon king suddenly realized that something was wrong with his words, and said again: "Isn't he unwilling to come back?".

Chapter 764 The four-year gathering of demons

"No, he said that the tower owner was kind to him and he must stay there." Ram explained.

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