"Yes, he has finished repaying my kindness. It's time for the next one." The demon king fell into deep thought. Suddenly, the demon king noticed Ram beside him, changed his deep expression again, and pulled Ram's ear, " You kid, you remember other people’s things clearly, but you don’t remember anything about what I told you, right?”

"It hurts, it hurts, please be gentle!" Ram shouted.

"How can you have a long memory if you don't teach me a lesson?"

"You really dare to take action!"

"Who told you not to remember my words? This is punishment!"

"Okay, I remember, it hurts! I know I was wrong."

"Hmph, just remember."

"Demon King, Hisoka is back, can we start preparations?" At this time, Ram said quickly.

"Prepare? Prepare for what?" Hisoka looked at the two of them doubtfully.

"Let me explain. Our demon clan's four-year demon gathering is about to begin. The demon king sent us to the soul tower to test your strength, and I am the witness of your journey." Ram looked at Hisoka seriously.

"Witness?" Hisoka looked at Ram suspiciously, and then at the Demon King.

"Well, as a witness, you can also understand that I am your teacher for this experience." Ram nodded.

"You are still my teacher, and I don't know who keeps getting caught and holding me back." Hisoka breathed a sigh of relief.

"You!" Ram was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"It's nothing, you're welcome, I forgive you." Hisoka said again: "Demon King, can I not participate in this gathering of demons?"

Ram looked at Hisoka and said nothing.

"Our demon clan is a world where the strong eat the weak. The strong survive and the weak are eliminated. This is an eternal law. If you want to be strong, you have to bear this cruel competitive environment. I am not kidding. If you are not qualified for me Don’t follow me any more because of the assigned tasks,” the Demon King said.

"If they are not mine, I won't believe it." The Demon King added.

"Okay, I promise you." Hisoka said.

"In that case, just follow me!" The Demon King nodded.

"Okay!" Hisoka responded.

The demon king turned and left, and Ram followed him.

As soon as the Demon King and Ram left, the Demon King stopped and Ram almost bumped into the Demon King's back.

"What's wrong?" Ram was a little dissatisfied.

The Demon King didn't answer and continued walking forward.

"Demon King, what do you want to do?" Ram asked helplessly.

"You know what I'm thinking." The Demon King responded.

"How do I know?" Ram said.

The demon king glanced at Ram and said, "I hope Hisoka can pass this demon meeting."

"Huh?" Ram was stunned.

"But he won't stay in the demon clan for long."


The Demon King took Ram and Hisoka to a huge space, which was a forest. In the forest was a huge palace towering into the clouds.

"This is the Demon Palace." The Demon King said.

Ram looked around. The trees here were all green, and some were covered with crystal clear dew, which shimmered slightly under the sunlight.

"It's so beautiful here." Ram sighed with emotion.

The demon king glanced at Ram and said nothing.

The demon king led Hisoka and Ram through a patch of grass and arrived in front of the palace.

Chapter 765: The Demon King has the aura of the Qingming Clan on his body

"Go in!" the Demon King said.

Ram and Hisoka looked at each other and walked towards the palace.

This is a palace, but it is much larger than ordinary palaces. It is magnificently decorated inside. The walls of the palace are covered with strange symbols. Some of these symbols are incomprehensible, and even if they can understand some, they do not understand the meaning of these symbols. , always feel like they are some kind of totem.

Hisoka looked around. The things here were very strange. Some things looked similar to human buildings, but some things were not like them. He always felt that the things here had special purposes.

"This, what is this?" Hisoka asked Ram, pointing to a blue stone.

Ram followed Hisoka's gaze and saw the blue stone. Ram was stunned for a moment. Then, his eyes lit up and he reached out and took the blue stone in his hand.

"Hisoka, let me tell you, this stone is a treasure." Ram said with a smile.

Hisoka looked at the blue stone in Ram's hand and said doubtfully, "This stone looks no different from an ordinary stone."

"You're right." Ram shook his head and said, "This blue stone is just a stone. It's just a little mysterious. No matter what it is, it's a treasure."

Ram handed the blue stone to Hisoka.

Hisoka took the blue stone and put it in his palm and looked at it carefully several times. This stone did not emit any spiritual energy, nor did it have any special symbols. It was just an ordinary stone.

"Hisoka, let me introduce you to other things."

"Okay!" Hisoka said.

Ram took a chair from the side and sat down.

Hisoka also sat down with Ram, and he looked at the Demon King next to him.

"That's the name I gave myself."

Ram glanced at the Demon King and said nothing.

The Demon King continued: "Hisoka, you may not know that this blue stone is called Qingming Stone. It is said that this is a stone originating from the Nine Nether Abyss."

"This stone can summon the Green Underworld Beast, which is one of the most powerful monsters in the Monster Clan. It also has some other uses."

"What are the uses you mentioned?" Hisoka asked eagerly.

Ram looked at Hisoka and said, "I don't know about this, but I heard that the most powerful monster in the monster clan is the Green Underworld Beast. As for how many there are, I don't know very well."

"you sure?"

"Of course, I will never lie to you." Ram said.

"Okay!" Hisoka sighed, "I just have to believe what you say!"

"That's about the same." Ram nodded and said, "I still remember when I first came here, I met a level three Green Underworld Beast. It was very fast and its attack power was very powerful. I almost missed it. I died under its claws. Fortunately, the Demon King helped me, otherwise I would have died long ago."

"Level 3 Green Underworld Beast?"

"Yes! It is the guardian of this area here. It is a very powerful green beast. It is said that it is three meters high and more than one foot thick."

"Three meters high?"


"Were you not injured when you saw it?" Hisoka asked in disbelief.

"No, it is very fast and very agile. Most people can't catch up with it. Moreover, it exudes a faint aura of Qingming. I have seen this aura on the Demon King."

Chapter 766 The dispute between the Qing Ming and Bai Ming clans

"You said the Demon King also has it?" Hisoka looked at the Demon King in surprise.

"That's right." Ram nodded.

"Demon King, why don't you restrain the Qing Ming aura on your body? If you don't restrain the aura, your pressure will make other demon clans fear you."

The Demon King smiled and said: "I also want to control my breath, but I can't."

"Why?" Hisoka asked.

"How can you give up something you are born with?" The Demon King slowly raised his head, and then looked at Hisoka.

The Demon King looked at Hisoka and said, "Do you know where this place is?"

Hisoka shook his head.

"Fighting is forbidden within the demon clan, but sometimes you have to fight."

"The conflicts within the demon clan are very serious. The battles among the demon clan have never stopped for so many years. This is why I established the demon palace." After saying that, the demon king sighed.

"The fight within the demon clan?" Hisoka always believed that the demon clan was very harmonious, and it was a bit unbelievable to hear what the demon king said.

"Yes, many people in our demon clan are from the Qingming clan." The demon king looked at Xisuo and said: "But a long time ago, our clan had another race, the Baiming clan. As a result, the Baiming clan was Too many people were sacrificed in the battle between the two clans, and now the Demon clan is ruled by the Qingming clan."

Hisoka was silent.

Ram said: "Hisoka, as an outsider, if you have the ability to convince people, you are the best person to mediate the dispute between the two clans."

Hisoka thought for a while and nodded.

"Okay, I understand." Hisoka said.

Ram smiled with satisfaction and said, "Thank you for being willing to help me, oh no, us."

"If the Demon King is from the Qingming Clan, is Ram the same?" Hisoka looked at Ram and asked.

Ram shook his head.

"That means... Ram is from the Bai Ming clan?" he asked.

Ram shook his head again.

Hisoka looked at Ram suspiciously.

"Hisoka, don't look at me like that." Ram avoided looking into Hisoka's eyes.

"Could it be that Ram..." Hisoka said in an uncertain tone, but he didn't finish his sentence.

"No need to guess, Ram is a descendant of the Qing Ming and Bai Ming clans." The Demon King took over Xisuo's words.

Hisoka looked at Ram and said, "Is this... true?"

Ram nodded slightly.

"My family all died in the last war. If the Demon King hadn't saved me, you might not have seen me anymore." Ram finally withdrew his eyes and looked at Hisoka and said.

"I don't blame anyone, I just don't want anyone to lose their loved ones in the war between the two races." Ram said with tears in his eyes.

This is the first time Hisoka has seen Ram like this. Normally Ram is either happy or unreasonable, but Ram's current appearance makes people feel very distressed.

"I promised you, I will be the middleman, trust me." Hisoka put his hand on Ram's shoulder and said, "Don't cry."

Ram looked at Hisoka and suddenly his expression changed, "I'm crying, stop spreading rumors!" After that, he walked towards the door.

Hisoka's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Ram could change his face at the speed of light in front of him.

"Ram, he is a very good child, right." The demon king standing aside finally spoke.

"Speaking of which, Ram lost his relatives because of me. Even if I keep him with me, there is no way to make up for my fault." The Demon King continued.

Chapter 767: Xisuo meets the leader of the Bai Ming clan

"Demon King..." Hisoka shouted, trying to persuade the Demon King not to blame himself like this.

"There is no need to comfort me. Resolving the conflict between the two clans is the only way I can atone for my sins." The Demon King looked at Ram with a trace of sadness in his eyes, "But you don't have to be too stressed. If you can't successfully mediate, So I can only take action to suppress the radicals, and I can definitely control the situation."

"But if you do this, Demon King, you will lose the trust of the demon clan." Hisoka said. Although he is a human race, he does not want the demon clan to have civil strife after hearing so many words.

The Demon King chuckled a few times and said nothing.

"Go in, Ram has been waiting for a long time." The demon king said.

The Demon King and Hisoka walked into the Demon Palace and saw Ram talking and laughing with the old man.

Hisoka glanced at the old man, and after just one glance, his brows furrowed.

"This is the current leader of the Baiming Clan." The Demon King introduced Xisuo.

Xisuo knows Bai Yu, the current leader of the Baiming clan.

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