"Let me introduce you." Ram pointed at Hisoka and said, "His name is Hisoka. He is here to participate in our demon gathering."

Xisuo looked at Bai Yu and saluted: "Hello, Chief Bai Yu."

"Yes." Bai Yu glanced at Xisuo, then turned his attention to Ram, and asked: "Ram, is he the person you want to guarantee to participate in the demon gathering?"

Ram nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

Bai Yu looked at Xisuo and asked, "Are you sure you want to join the demon gathering?"

Hisoka didn't speak, and neither did Ram.

"Unwilling?" Bai Yu looked at Xisuo again and asked.

Hisoka shook his head and said, "No, I am willing to participate. I am just curious. Chief Baiyu, don't you ask me why?"

Bai Yu frowned, Hisoka's question was beyond his expectation.

"Hahahaha, that's an answer that really shocked me." Bai Yu smiled, "Humans who want to join the demon gathering are either looking for a way out for themselves, or they have some agenda, so why should I ask so many questions?

Hisoka smiled and said: "Chief Baiyu, what will happen to the demons this time?"

"We, the Bai Ming Tribe and the Qing Ming Tribe, have reached an agreement. The champion of the Monster Association can make a request to our two tribes, as long as it does not harm the Monster Tribe and we can do it." Bai Yu said, "Under these conditions , let alone you humans, just us Monster Tribe people are much more enthusiastic about participating than before.

"Oh?" Hisoka looked at Bai Yu, a glint flashing in his eyes.

"What? Are you interested?" Bai Yu asked.

Hisoka smiled and said, "Yes."

"Hahahaha, you are ambitious." Bai Yu said, "Then, please come with me."

Hisoka nodded and followed Bai Yu, followed closely by Ram and the Demon King.

"Chief Bai Yu, can I ask you a question?" Hisoka whispered as he walked beside Bai Yu.

"But it doesn't matter." Bai Yu replied.

"Is it your official position or the Demon King's official position?" Hisoka said this.

"I am the leader of the Bai Ming Clan and manage the Bai Ming Clan. He is the Demon King and is in charge of the Demon Clan. What do you think?" Bai Yu asked.

"Then why do you treat the Demon King like air?" Hisoka said.

"If you were a member of the Qingming tribe and found out that the demon king of your own tribe was chatting happily with the leader of a foreign tribe, what would you think?" Bai Yu said as he walked.

"I see. So, clan leader, you don't hate the Qingming clan?" Hisoka asked.

Chapter 768: Does Xisuo get the support of the Bai Ming clan?

"That's not the case." Bai Yu said, "It's just different positions. There's no such thing as liking or hating."

Hisoka and Bai Yu walked into a room on the second floor, followed by Ram and the Demon King.

"Sit." Bai Yu pointed to the sofa and motioned for the three of them to sit down.

After Hisoka sat down, he looked at Bai Yu and waited for his answer.

"I am the leader of the Bai Ming clan. Naturally, I have to take the overall situation into consideration and cannot do anything that intensifies the conflict between the two clans. You can rest assured about this."

"Demon King." Bai Yu stood up and bowed to the Demon King.

"There is no need to be polite between you and me." The Demon King replied.

"In that case, let me get down to business." Bai Yu said, "Hisoka, what do you want me to help you with? As long as you ask, for Ram's sake, I will consider it."

"I..." Sisuo paused for a long time before finishing what he wanted to say.

"The patriarch is a good demon, you can trust him." Seeing Hisoka's delay in speaking, Ram came out to explain.

"Yeah." Hisoka said, "I want the Qing Ming and Bai Ming clans to have a good relationship. Even if it doesn't reach this level, at least they won't fight each other." Hisoka told Bai Yu truthfully what he thought.

"The conflict between the Qing Ming and Bai Ming clans has existed for a long time, and it cannot be solved by you alone." Bai Yu sighed, looked at Ram, and said, "Ram, do you really want to introduce him to the competition?"

"Yes, this is what I want to do too." Ram nodded.

"Okay, you can use my Bai Ming tribe's post to participate in the group demon meeting starting tomorrow. You will be linked to our Bai Ming tribe." Bai Yu conjured up a post and gave it to Xisuo.

"Thank you, Chief Baiyu." Hisoka took the post and said, "Then I'll take my leave first."

"Walk slowly." Bai Yu said politely.

As soon as Xisuo and Ram left, Bai Yu sat down with a gloomy expression on his face. He looked at the Demon King and said: "I, the Bai Ming Clan, have been vassals of the Qing Ming Clan for so many years, and you would actually help him to this extent. .”

"I said that the demon clan is all one family, and there shouldn't be such barriers. But don't worry, I believe Hisoka will give you a satisfactory answer." The demon king crossed his hands on his chest, seeming to be full of confidence.

"Is he just a human? Huh, if it weren't for Ram's sake, I wouldn't be able to do this." Bai Yu changed his peaceful expression, and his eyes became fierce.

"It's your face that makes me feel comfortable, Bai Yu." The Demon King stretched out his right hand and touched Bai Yu's cheek.

"Hmph, don't touch me." Bai Yu slapped away the demon king's claws.

Bai Yu snorted coldly and said, "If this can happen, that would be the best. If not, Hisoka will be my first target."

When Hisoka and Ram were on their way to hand in a post, Hisoka suddenly sneezed, startling Ram.

"Who is scolding me!" Hisoka rubbed his nose and looked at Ram.

"Look what I'm doing, how could it be me if I keep following you?" Ram explained.

"Hehe, that's right, you are my good friend who has shared adversities with me." Hisoka looked at Ram and smiled happily.

The two got along very well and at the same time let their guard down.

They had no idea that someone was watching their every move in a dark place at this time.

"I won't let you succeed." The man left after leaving these words.

Chapter 769: The first time to experience the gathering of demons

[One day later, the demon gathering will take place. 】

Hisoka and Ram arrived at the scene early in the morning with the post. The Demon King could not show up directly due to his special status and could only accompany him wearing a mask.

When the leader of the Baiyu tribe arrived with many strong men from the clan, there were already many strong men standing in the field. The leader of the Baiyu tribe looked at Bai Yu and asked, "Where are the people?"

"Here." Chief Baiyu pointed downward.

Hisoka looked at the Baiyu clan leader, and the Baiyu clan leader looked at Xisuo, their eyes facing each other.

When Chief Baiyu looked at Hisoka, there was a hint of indifference in his eyes, as if he didn't even recognize the person in front of him.

Not long after, the leader of the Qingming Clan came to the scene with the strong men of the Qingming Clan.

As soon as members of the two tribes met, the atmosphere became tense.

The leader of the Qingming Clan is a middle-aged man, wearing a dark green robe and a pair of red gloves on his hands. The overall suit is a bit funny.

Hisoka felt someone was staring at him, turned his head and took a look, only to see a man from the Qingming Tribe secretly observing him.

Hisoka sneered in his heart: You look at me like this, how could I not notice you.

"Chief Qingming, I have admired you for a long time." Chief Baiyu said.

"I have admired you for a long time." A smile appeared on the lips of the Qingming tribe leader.

"This gathering of monsters, the Qingming Clan must be sending out elites." Chief Baiyu said.

"Hahaha..." Chief Qingming laughed and said, "Our clan will send the best people to this gathering of demons."

"Oh? Really?" Chief Baiyu asked.

"I told them that this time the group of monsters will only win, not lose. If our clan loses, won't this opportunity to make demands to the two clans be given to you, the Bai Ming clan?" Qing Ming clan? The leader of the Ming clan looked at the leader of the Bai Yu clan and said, with some provocation in his tone.

"That's not necessarily true. After all, there are humans participating in the demon gathering this time." Chief Baiyu glanced at Hisoka and said.

The leader of the Qingming clan was stunned, then glanced at Xisuo, shook his head with a smile, and said: "How can a mere human be qualified to participate in the group of monsters?"

"Of course..." Bai Yu was interrupted by Ram mid-sentence.

Ram saluted the leader of the Qingming Tribe, "Uncle, I recommended Hisoka to participate."

"Ram! Do you know..."

"I know, please ask uncle to do it," Ram insisted.

"Forget it, your temperament is really the same as your mother's." After the Qingming clan leader finished speaking, he looked at Xisuo and said, "You'd better be capable, otherwise I will never let you go."

Hisoka felt a chill in his heart, and felt as if he had heard these words somewhere before, but in the end he calmed down and replied, "I will do my best."

The leader of the Qingming Clan turned around and left without looking at Xisuo again. The other members of the Qingming Clan also followed the leader back to their rooms.

"Ram, why do you always say that you recommended me to participate?" Hisoka felt a little strange, but chose to ask Ram for clarification.

"Ah, this...you are from the human race. You need to be recommended by the demon race." Ram scratched his head and said.

"So that's it." Hisoka didn't ask any more questions, but instead said, "You never told me what the Demon Society was going to do.

Ram looked at Hisoka and said: "The reason why humans can participate in the Demon Club is because the rules clearly state that the demon inner elixir cannot be used. It depends purely on one's own strength. Anyway, as long as the opponent is convinced and chooses to surrender."

Chapter 770: A tense meeting between the two races

"I see……"

"Well, also, if you have to use force, you are not allowed to kill. Please be careful." Ram continued.

Hisoka nodded, indicating that he remembered.

The people from the Baiyu tribe have arrived, and the people from the Qingming tribe have also arrived. The heads of the two tribes are standing on the steps, looking at each other from a distance, and the atmosphere has become tense.

"Ahem, okay." The demon king left Hisoka and Ram at some point and walked out of the corridor, interrupting the hostile atmosphere between the two clans.

"Demon King." Everyone in the demon clan saluted the demon king one after another.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the grouping drawing for the demon association." The demon king said, "Clan Chief Baiyu and Clan Qingming, you two will help the juniors draw groups."

"Yes." Clan Chief Qingming and Clan Baiyu responded, each walking up the steps.

"There will be humans participating in the group of demons this time. To be fair, Xisuo does not belong to any clan and got a bye in the first round of competition. What do you think?" said the leader of the Qingming clan.

"This is naturally the best." Chief Baiyu nodded.

Hisoka stood there without saying a word, his face still looking tepid. How could the two hostile people in front of him smile and lower the surrounding temperature to such a degree.

"Thank you two clan leaders for your concern. It's better for Hisoka to be respectful than to obey." Hisoka said with his fists clasped.

Because Hisoka had a bye in the first round, Ram took Hisoka to the location of the second round to wait.

"Don't I need to see what they are competing against?" Although Hisoka was pulled away by Ram, he was still thinking about the competition.

"No need." Ram shook his head and said, "Just let them compete by themselves. Watching too much will have an impact on you."

Hisoka nodded, he didn't want to worry about anything.

The people from the Bai Ming clan didn't target anyone in particular, so Hisoka just needed to observe quietly.

However, Hisoka always felt that something big was going to happen in this gathering of demons.

Hisoka sat and waited for a while. For some reason, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and then he fell down on the table and fell asleep.

Although Hisoka fell down, he vaguely heard someone talking to Ram, but he couldn't hear the details clearly.

I don't know how long it took, Hisoka woke up in a daze, opened his eyes and saw that there was no one around him.

Hisoka hurriedly got up, looked around, and finally saw Ram in front of a corner window.

Hisoka stepped forward, but Ram ignored Hisoka and looked down at the window in a daze. Hisoka walked over and patted Ram on the shoulder and shouted.

Ram raised his head, and when he saw Hisoka, he was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses.

"You're awake." La said with a smile.

"Well, I fell asleep just now. I fell asleep before I knew it." Hisoka said.

Ram stretched out his hand, patted Hisoka on the shoulder, and said: "It's okay, the second round of competition has just begun.

After saying that, Ram took Hisoka and walked back.

Back at the competition site, the teams of the two races were still discussing, but Xi couldn't hear clearly.

“The second round will be hosted by the Qingming Clan’s Clan Chief and the White Feather Clan Clan Chief.

"Hisoka, you had a bye in the last round. Let's start with you in this round." The leader of the Qingming Clan said.

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