Hisoka responded and walked to the lottery box.

Hisoka fumbled with the lot, picked it up and looked at it. Hisoka got the No. 2 lot.

Chapter 771: Hisoka’s opponent, the fifth-grade green-winged eagle demon

"Okay, Hisoka, you can now enter the next competition. In the second room, your opponent is a fifth-grade green-winged hawk demon. If you decide to use force after discussion, remember to click until the end. One party's avatar will be the other's. Even if it’s a victory,” said the leader of the Qingming Clan.

"Understood." Hisoka has heard this rule many times, and he believes that he is sensible.

Hisoka walked into the competition corridor and followed the guide to room two.

Hisoka raised his hand to push the door in, but when he touched the door, his hand went directly through the door, which surprised Hisoka.

Unprepared, Hisoka's center of gravity was unstable and he fell forward.

"Hahaha, it's really ridiculous. A human race who can't even sense the spiritual lock on the door dares to participate in the demon gathering." A young man in black mocked, "Hisoka, I advise you to give up early! I can Give you a way to live, otherwise you will die without knowing how."

Hisoka did not speak, but slowly got up from the ground and took a clear look at the person in front of him.

"Isn't my opponent the Green-winged Eagle Demon? Who are you?" Hisoka asked.

"The demon clan doesn't appear in its true form all day long." said the young man in black.

"Oh, that's right." Hisoka remembered that Ram had never shown his true identity despite staying by his side for so long, and it made sense to think about the man in front of him.

"Tell me, what's the competition?" The green-winged eagle demon suddenly jumped back twice, and then asked.

"I can do it, it's up to you." Hisoka said.

"Okay." The green-winged harpy responded, then turned into a giant flying bird and rushed towards Hisoka. It paused for a moment in mid-air, and waved its claws several times, and thousands of sharp blades came from its claws. It flew out and swept toward Hisoka like an overwhelming force.

Hisoka narrowed his eyes slightly, formed seals with his hands, and a transparent barrier appeared in front of him. All the flying blades hit the transparent barrier, were bounced back, and reflected back a wave, and finally fell on Qing Qing. The winged eagle demon was smashed on its back until blood flowed from the green-winged eagle demon.

Not bad, it was able to block my attack. "The green-winged hawk demon said, fluttering its wings again, and a more powerful force came. This attack was not a pure force, but with a great sinister aura, causing Hisoka's body to instantly Corroded into nothingness.

The green-winged hawk demon opened his mouth and said: "As long as you can block three of my moves, you will win this competition.

"Three moves?" Hisoka sneered and said, "I will learn your brilliant moves as soon as possible."

After the green-winged hawk demon finished speaking, he flapped his wings and disappeared from the place in an instant. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Hisoka.

"go to hell!"

Hisoka stamped his feet on the ground violently, made fists with both hands and punched the chest of the green-winged hawk demon in front of him.

"Bang." A muffled sound came out, and Hisoka felt a huge force coming. He flew backwards and fell hard to the ground. He spat out a mouthful of blood and turned pale.

"You...you lost." The green-winged hawk demon looked down at Hisoka who was lying on the ground and said, "What else do you have to say?"

"I won't give up." Hisoka stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "I've already made the first move."

The green-winged hawk demon was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Hisoka to answer like this, but he quickly realized it, "Humph, in that case, let's move on to the second move!"

Chapter 772: Hisoka stopped evading and started to fight back

With that said, the green-winged harpy flapped its wings and flew above the competition venue.

"You are no match for me." The green-winged hawk demon said indifferently, "Admit defeat and I will spare your life.

Hisoka looked at the green-winged hawk demon without speaking or moving.

After waiting for a while, the green-winged hawk demon saw that Hisoka still didn't speak, so he said again: "If you insist on refusing to admit defeat, then I will have to use my martial arts to make you retreat. Are you ready? "

"Ready." Hisoka said calmly, "Let me see your martial arts skills!"

The green-winged hawk demon glanced around, and then said: "Okay."

After saying that, the green-winged hawk demon waved its claws, and hundreds of golden lights flew out, densely shooting towards Hisoka. Hisoka dodged and avoided the golden lights.

"You are quite smart! However, my speed is not slow. I can definitely catch up with you." After the green-winged eagle demon finished speaking, he slammed his claws to the ground. A bluestone slab on the ground was shattered and turned into a blue light all over the sky. , the green light formed a mountain about two feet high and moved towards Xisuo to suppress it.

On top of the mountain, the green light condensed into a sharp thorn, and the green light thorn went straight to Hisoka's forehead and pierced it at a speed that was astonishing.

This green awn spike can directly pierce Hisoka's forehead and pierce his head.

But Hisoka didn't panic at all. With a move of his right hand, a black dagger appeared out of thin air. The black dagger slashed against the green awn spikes. There was a loud "dang" sound, and the green awn spikes were cut by the sword. The sword intercepted, and then Hisoka jumped up and rushed towards the green-winged hawk demon.

The green-winged hawk demon was furious when he saw this, and disappeared from the place in a flash.

Hisoka frowned slightly, and then moved his body quickly to avoid being caught by the opponent.

With a "puff" sound, the green-winged hawk demon slashed across Hisoka's back, creating a deep wound.

The figure of the green-winged hawk demon appeared on the left side of Hisoka, grabbing Hisoka's shoulder with one claw. This claw contained extremely powerful power and could tear Hisoka's shoulder apart with just a single press.

But at this critical moment, Hisoka's figure suddenly disappeared.

"Where did this kid go?" the green-winged eagle demon asked in confusion.

"I'm here." Hisoka's voice suddenly appeared on the left side of the Green-winged Eagle Demon, and then, Hisoka's fist appeared on the Green-winged Eagle Demon's neck.

There was a muffled sound of "bang", and a blood mark appeared on the neck of the green-winged hawk. Hisoka punched the green-winged hawk on the neck, sending the green-winged hawk flying away.

"You, how can you hide your aura?" The green-winged hawk demon shouted in surprise. He never expected that he would be attacked by Hisoka.

Hisoka smiled and shook his head, and then said: "This is my ability. You only said that I would block three of your moves, but you didn't say that I can't fight back."

After hearing this, the green-winged hawk demon suddenly said angrily: "You are looking for death!"

With that said, the green-winged harpy rushed toward Hisoka again.

This time, Hisoka didn't dare to be careless. He knew that this was his strongest blow. If he couldn't kill the green-winged hawk demon in one fell swoop, he would lose this game.

"Whoosh." Hisoka dodged to the right to avoid the green-winged hawk demon's attack. He flipped his right hand and a sword energy flew out.

The green-winged eagle demon grabbed the sword energy with one claw, but at this time, the green-winged eagle demon found that he had missed it, and Hisoka had already left the place.

Chapter 773 Hisoka defeats the green-winged hawk demon

The green-winged hawk demon's heart sank, and he secretly screamed that something was wrong.

He knew that Hisoka was a very powerful opponent, and if he continued to struggle, he might suffer a loss, so he did not want to continue fighting, but wanted to end the battle as soon as possible.

Then, the figure of the green-winged hawk demon moved and turned into a meteor and disappeared into the sky.

Hisoka became even more vigilant when he saw the green-winged hawk disappearing into the air. As long as it was fast enough, the attack it gave when it disappeared and reappeared was the most deadly.

At this moment, the green-winged eagle demon appeared in front of Hisoka again. At this time, the green-winged eagle demon had changed into a human form, staring at Hisoka with a pair of blue eyes full of evil eyes.

Hisoka felt relieved when he saw the change in the opponent's body, because it was possible to dodge attacks that could be seen.

The green-winged hawk demon looked at Hisoka with a sneer and said, "I really underestimated you for being able to stay so calm, but you underestimate me too much!"

After saying that, the blue-winged hawk demon's claws condensed green light. This time, its target was Hisoka's neck. Once Hisoka was hit, he would definitely die.

Seeing the green-winged hawk demon's attack, Hisoka couldn't help but be shocked.

In this attack, the green-winged hawk demon used all its strength, and Hisoka was definitely no match.

Just when Hisoka secretly screamed something bad, the green-winged hawk demon's attack fell on Hisoka's body, and an invisible force instantly enveloped Hisoka's body.

A burst of golden light emitted, forming a protective shield around Hisoka, protecting Hisoka inside.

The green-winged hawk demon's attack hit the golden light, and there was a crisp "click" sound. The green-winged hawk demon felt as if his sharp claws had hit something extremely hard. The soreness in his arm made Qingyi The harpy became angry, flapped its wings, and disappeared in front of Hisoka again.

When the green-winged hawk demon appeared again, it was already in front of Hisoka.

Hisoka's expression suddenly changed, he kicked off his legs, and his body disappeared instantly, but the green-winged hawk demon reappeared shortly after, blocking Hisoka's retreat again.

At this moment, a ball of flames flew over, and the green-winged hawk demon's body was scorched by the fireball, and Hisoka was forced to take a few steps back again.

The green-winged hawk's wings flapped again, and its body instantly transformed into a huge green-winged hawk.

At this time, a spear appeared on the green-winged hawk demon's claws. The spear shook, and green light flashed, pointing directly at Hisoka's chest. The green aura on the spear turned into a sharp blade, exuding a forest... Cold murderous intent.

"It's really not easy for you to have such a powerful body-protecting artifact." Green Winged Eagle said with a sinister smile.

"Of course, otherwise, why would I stand still!" Although Hisoka didn't know which one he was carrying was the source of the shield, he still pretended to be calm and said.

"Hmph, I underestimated you this time. You have blocked three attacks. I lost this competition. I surrender." Green Winged Eagle said with a cold snort.

As soon as the words fell, the green-winged eagle demon disappeared.

"Huh..." Hisoka breathed a long sigh of relief. He finally won the first competition. "Fortunately, it was not as intense as expected."

Hisoka walked out of the room. This time he behaved well and did not push the door open, but walked out normally.

After walking out of the room, Hisoka returned to the place where the lottery was originally drawn through the corridor, and his name appeared on the big screen.

Chapter 774 The second round of competition begins

"Hisoka!" He ran over happily, "Congratulations, you finally won this round."

"Thank you." Hisoka said with a smile.

"Then I'll wish you a good start first. You can go and have a rest. The second round will start after the other players have finished." Ram said with a laugh.

Hisoka nodded: "Yes."

Hisoka and Ram walked to their seats and kept explaining their competition to Hisoka. They hesitated when they mentioned that they were protected by golden light, and finally explained to Ram.

"Ram, something incredible happened to me during the competition just now." Hisoka said slowly.

"What's the matter?" Ram responded.

"The competition between me and the Green-Winged Eagle Demon was that I took three of his moves. The first two were okay. I was unprepared for the last move, but a golden shield appeared to block it for me. The Green-Winged Eagle The demon also said that I have some kind of body protection artifact, but I don't know about it." He told me about the situation of the competition just now.

"Body protection artifact? I didn't feel it on you." La asked doubtfully.

"I'm useless. I don't know how this artifact appeared." Hisoka said with a wry smile.

"Perhaps the green-winged hawk demon lost to you just to save his respect. Don't worry about it," Ram said.

"That's possible." Hisoka nodded.

Hisoka and Ram chatted for a while, and then it was time for the second round of competition. The rules of the competition were very simple, and the draws were still based on the order just now.

Hisoka was still the first to draw. When Hisoka drew his number, he couldn't help but look at the number plate. When he saw the number nine, his expression suddenly changed.

"How did I win number nine?" Hisoka murmured.

"This is really unlucky. I met a powerful monster for the first time." Ram shook his head and said.

"That's it, accept the challenge!" Hisoka took a deep breath, turned and walked towards the corridor of the competition venue.

Hisoka walked to the door of Room 9, took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and walked through the door of Room 9.

Room No. 9 was empty, not a soul in sight.

Hisoka walked into Room No. 9. There were no tables or chairs, only a bed and a table, and nothing else.


"There's a window there!"

"That's a piece of transparent crystal. Is it a glass window?"

"Holy crap, such a beautiful window is actually hiding someone? Are you doing something shameful?"

Hisoka carefully observed the surrounding environment. He found that there was no mechanism here, it was just an empty room that could be seen at a glance.

However, this room gave Hisoka a sense of danger. Hisoka even suspected that this was not a place where humans lived at all, but rather seemed like a place where some kind of monster lived.

"The owner of this room must not be a simple person," Xisuo thought to himself.

Thinking of this, Hisoka turned his attention to the transparent crystal glass, and there was indeed a humanoid outline there.

Hisoka walked to the glass, reached out and tapped the glass gently, making a "ding-dong" "ding-dong" sound.

Hisoka hammered for five or six seconds before a ripple appeared on the humanoid outline inside.

A light blue light enveloped the entire room, and Hisoka could clearly see what was behind the glass. It was a man.

Hisoka saw a man in white clothes with long hair shawl, looking like a handsome young man.

Chapter 775: Venom extracted from the Poison Swamp

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