Chapter 790: Mental damage takes time to heal.

"Well, since you don't want to say it, I won't force you." The demon king said seriously, and then turned to look at Ram, "Ram, you go to Bai Yu's first, he said he has something to do with you. "

"Ah? Why did Chief Baiyu come to me suddenly? Did he say anything?" Ram asked.

"How do I know what he is going to say? Just go to Bai Yu if he comes to see you. You won't know if you go there!" The demon king became fierce to Ram again.

"Know! Got it! Why are you so fierce!" Ram responded, then turned and left the room.

"Okay, now that Ram is gone, you can talk." After seeing Ram leave, the demon king sat on the sofa and looked at Hisoka and said.

Hisoka was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "I seem to have made a wrong choice."

"Oh? Tell me." The Demon King said.

Following the Demon King's question, Xisuo told the Demon King everything that happened in the second competition today, including his promise to the watcher and other things. After talking about his own experience, Xisuo Suo's face became a little heavier.

"So that's it, you met that boy Brodrock." The Demon King held his chin with one hand, as if thinking about something.

"Does the Demon King also know Brodrock?" The Demon King's non-answer made Hisoka very confused, so he couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know." The demon king said calmly.

"I don't know..." Hisoka muttered to himself. He didn't know if the Demon King was joking.

To be precise, I really don't know him. "The Demon King continued, "He is the agent of the Watcher. He can control those dreams. He has lived for 470 years. Although I have not been in contact with him, there are many rumors about him. "

Hisoka was shocked when he heard this. At four hundred and seventy years old, he was already a god-level monster. It was incredible that such a being could control the Watcher.

"Your current reaction is exactly the same as the rumored reaction of the people who competed with him." The Demon King said with a smile.

"Although I know that some things are beyond my control, I have reached this point and I really don't know what to do." Hisoka said firmly. He had no way out, but he doubted himself.

"In reality, physical damage can be recovered, and wounds will bleed and heal. The scabbing process is the most painful." The demon glanced at Hisoka and said, "But the mental damage will take time to heal. "

"I don't seem to know if I should persist." Hisoka was a little confused.

"Xiao Hisoka, I know what you are worried about. As you said, you have made a decision and feel that you have hurt others. If you give up now, won't they be hurt in vain?"

Hisoka raised his head and glanced at the Demon King, then lowered his head: "I, I understand, thank you Demon King."

Ram stood outside the door and listened to the conversation in the room, but his brows furrowed together.

"It turns out that Hisoka has done so many things because of himself..." Ram felt mixed emotions.

But Ram still walked into the room pretending to be nonchalant, smiled at Hisoka, then walked to sit next to the Demon King, "When did you, old man, learn to lie to others? Where did the White Feather Patriarch look for me? " Ram said.

"Huh?" The demon king's tone was majestic, and Ram, who was originally arrogant, instantly lost his momentum.

Chapter 791: Fighting against the demon clan of the Bai Ming clan

"Okay, okay, it'll be fine after you finish looking for it. Let's break up. Hisoka has a competition tomorrow." Ram waved his hand and signaled the demon king to leave.

The Demon King glanced at Hisoka and Ram, then turned and walked out of the room.

After the Demon King left, Ram also left, while Hisoka stayed to rest.

Hisoka looked out the window. The moonlight shone through the window sill into Hisoka's room, making it look even more sad.

"I'm sorry, but thank you anyway."

【Trial Ground on the Second Day】

Hisoka arrived at the training ground early in the morning, waiting for the start of today's competition, but he was always in a bad mood, and he didn't know why.

Because of the knockout mechanism, there is no need to draw lots for today's competition, and the players can directly meet their opponents.

In the first competition, Hisoka fought against a demon from the Baiming tribe, his name was Kasar.

Casal looks young, about the same as Hisoka. He is wearing a black robe and carrying two swords on his back. He looks handsome, but the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes reveal his true age, which makes Hisoka dare not look down on him. Because he is one of the guardians of the Bai Ming clan.

As soon as Casal appeared, Hisoka felt the pressure. The opponent was a powerful master. He didn't know if he could beat him.

The two stood on the ring and looked at each other, neither of them took the lead, because they were observing each other and wanted to test it out first.

"Kasar, I heard that you are the guardian of the Bai Ming clan, so what should we decide on today's competition?" Hisoka said with a smile.

"Hmph!" Casal snorted coldly. He ignored Hisoka and rushed over directly.

"In that case, let's come directly!" Hisoka said with a smile.

Casal rushed towards Hisoka, but Hisoka was faster. Hisoka's right foot suddenly stepped forward and hit Casal's chest.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Hisoka's foot knocked Casar away.

"Bang!" Kasar fell to the ground hard, and a burst of pain struck him.

Cassar's chest had sunken in.

Kasar struggled to stand up, looked at his chest, and then wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand. His eyes flashed with anger. He glanced at Hisoka and then attacked Hisoka again, very fast. , but Hisoka was not panicked. He was looking for a flaw, but he didn't find it, because Casal was too strong, so powerful that he was no match for him.

"Boom!" There was another violent collision, and Hisoka was knocked out again, but Hisoka was not depressed. He knew that Casal was a very strong opponent, but he did not lose to him.

"Boom..." Muffled thunderous sounds exploded in the sky. The two people were fighting faster and faster. Their figures turned into a blur of shadows, but no one knew what they were fighting. What has become.

Suddenly, there was a "bang" and a black mist enveloped Hisoka's body.

Hisoka immediately stopped fighting. He felt that the surrounding environment had changed. Everywhere was filled with the aura of death. This aura made his heart tighten.

" this place?"

Hisoka looked at his hands, then carefully checked his whole body, and found nothing unusual.

"Am I trapped in some illusion?" Hisoka thought of this possibility.

Chapter 792: Cassar’s Illusion

"Whether it is or not, I must go out anyway." Hisoka said silently in his heart.

Hisoka tried to use his soul power to search for illusions around him, but it had no effect. There was nothing but thick black mist around him, and there was nothing around his body.

"Isn't it possible? If there really was illusion in this world, the world would have been in chaos a long time ago!" Hisoka muttered in confusion.

Suddenly, he noticed what seemed to be a line on the wall not far away.

"What is this line for?" Hisoka walked to the wall.

There are many subtle lines in it. These lines look like charms, but they don't have the mystery of charms.

Hisoka picked out all the lines and put them on the table. After putting them down, he was surprised to find that the lines could move.

"What is going on? What are these things?"

Hisoka frowned and observed the lines carefully.

A common feature of these lines is that they are all red, which reminds Hisoka of the stone pillar he saw before. That stone pillar was also red. Could it be said that the stone pillars in this place are also red?

"I'd better give it a try!"

Hisoka walked to the stone pillar and gently touched the red lines with his hand, but there was no reaction. The red lines slowly disappeared.

"Hey, why is there no response?" Hisoka asked confused.

"No way! Is this a test of me? No wonder nothing I said just now works, it turns out to be like this."

"Forget it, I'm just guessing."

At this moment, Cassar rushed up again, and Hisoka dodged in a flash.

Hisoka's eyes were fixed on Casal's every move, and he wanted to find a way to crack Casal.

Although Kasar's attacks are powerful, there is nothing special about him. Although his body is strong, it lacks flexibility, so errors will occur every time he attacks, and after each error, his attacks will weaken.

"No, I have to find a way to crack these lines as soon as possible. I can't just be passively beaten all the time. I have to take the initiative!"

"Boom!" Hisoka's figure rushed towards Casal again, and slapped Casal with his palm. Casal was much slower than Hisoka, and his figure could not be avoided at all, so he chose to resist. .


With a crisp sound, Cassar's chest collapsed and he took a few steps back.

Cassar clutched his chest and looked up at Hisoka angrily, "Damn it, why do you always make sneak attacks insidiously and despicably!"

"Haha, you are not a vegetarian either!" Hisoka said lightly, and then he rushed towards Cassar again.

Casar did not dare to be careless and stood in front of Hisoka again. At the same time, he used his most powerful stunt: "The Finger of Death!"

A powerful force condensed on Cassar's fist, and then a golden light shot towards Hisoka.


The power of this move is indeed very powerful, but the person he met was Hisoka. In Hisoka's eyes, this move was just a bluff, because in Hisoka's eyes, the power of this move was too small. It's not enough to hurt his body at all.


The golden light rubbed across Hisoka's face, leaving a trace of blood on Hisoka's left ear.

Chapter 797: Rayleigh, let’s make a bet

Hisoka's body suddenly shook.

"My body is failing and I need to rest."

"Sorry, you have already lost. You have no right to say no."

Rayleigh's body suddenly disappeared from the spot and appeared behind Hisoka, hitting Hisoka's waist with a whip.

Hisoka's body was knocked away by Rayleigh again and hit a wall heavily.

Rayleigh's figure disappeared in an instant, and came behind Hisoka. His right palm turned into a claw, swept across, and slapped Hisoka hard on the back.


Hisoka spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

"Not bad! If you can still hold on, then, just stay here obediently for the next period of time! I hope you don't die during this period, otherwise, your parents will pay the price for your stupidity."

Hisoka struggled to stand up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Rayleigh, you are indeed stronger than me, but I will never admit defeat. I will make you pay the price."

Hisoka said, making fists with both hands and punching them in all directions.

"Boom boom boom..."

There were muffled sounds all around, and the tables, chairs, and benches were all shattered into powder and scattered all over the floor.

Hisoka's fist became bigger and thicker.

Hisoka's fist had become as big as a calf.

"Hisoka, you didn't hide this time!" Reilly sneered. The figure disappeared again and reappeared. He had already come to Hisoka's side and punched Hisoka in the cheek.

Rayleigh's punch contained extremely powerful energy, and the air seemed to become hot because of Rayleigh's punch. Hisoka could even feel the burning sensation on his face.

Hisoka used his movement technique again, and his figure kept flickering on the spot.

Every time Rayleigh's fist was an inch away from Hisoka's face, Hisoka would be dodged by Hisoka's body. Repeatedly, Hisoka managed to avoid more than 300 attacks in a row.

"Rayleigh, you are too weak. Your fists cannot break through my defense. You are destined to lose to me." Hisoka said with a arrogant expression.

"Hmph, it's impossible. I can feel that you don't have much energy left in your body now."

"Yes, I am indeed injured, but this does not affect my ability to kill you." Hisoka said, pushing towards Rayleigh with both palms.

Rayleigh's body spun in mid-air, avoiding Hisoka's palms.

Just when Hisoka was about to catch up and continue the attack, Rayleigh struck out with a palm, hitting Hisoka's body.

Hisoka's body immediately flew out

This time, Hisoka failed to escape again, but fell heavily to the ground.

Hisoka's body slid five or six meters away on the ground.

"Hisoka, my strength is not something you can understand. Next, it depends on your fate!"

Hisoka struggled to sit up from the ground. His face looked very pale, with a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"Rayleigh, how about we make a bet?"

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