"What's the bet?" Reilly asked.

"We bet on your ability to last for a few breaths. Whoever lasts longer will win. Do you dare to take it?" Hisoka said.

Reilly was stunned for a moment.

"Hahaha, this is the first time I heard about this kind of bet. You are really an interesting person." Reilly said.

Hisoka's heart tightened when he heard this.

Chapter 798 The black smoke penetrates the skin

If Rayleigh refused to bet with him, wouldn't he definitely lose?

"What's wrong, are you scared? Don't you dare to bet with me?" Hisoka decided to provoke Rayleigh.

"Why should I be afraid? I will do as you say, but I want to remind you first that my time is limited, so don't waste it." Reilly said, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

This time, Hisoka failed to catch Rayleigh's traces. His expression changed and he quickly used his mental power to explore the surroundings, but found nothing.

Hisoka's mental power was almost at its limit, and he could no longer find any traces.

Rayleigh's speed was too fast, and his body was beyond Hisoka's perception. This was his biggest support.

"Hisoka, I accept this bet, so be prepared for my revenge!" Rayleigh said sinisterly.

"Your revenge? Huh, I'll wait."

After Hisoka finished speaking, his body disappeared.


A ball of flame burst out from Hisoka's body.

Hisoka's figure disappeared from the spot.

Rayleigh's eyes narrowed slightly: "I want to see if there is any way you can avoid my Soul Locking Technique."

Rayleigh's figure disappeared again.


Hisoka appeared out of thin air again, holding a dagger in his hand, and stabbed Rayleigh.

Hisoka pushed Rayleigh back with one stabbing move, and his body immediately appeared on the spot again, with the dagger in his hand stabbing Rayleigh's throat.

With a "swish" sound, Rayleigh's figure disappeared again.


Rayleigh's figure appeared behind Hisoka, and his right fist struck Hisoka with violent energy.


Hisoka's body twitched violently twice, and his body lay straight on the ground, lifeless.

"Hahahaha, Hisoka, you lost this battle!"

Rayleigh laughed loudly, walked up to Hisoka, stretched out his foot and kicked Hisoka, but Hisoka didn't react at all.

"Hisoka, no matter how hard you try, you can't escape my grasp." A ferocious look appeared in Rayleigh's eyes, "Hisoka, don't you like to show off? Don't you think you are better than me? I will let you taste the feeling of being killed instantly, and I will make you regret it."

After saying that, Rayleigh raised his left arm and placed it on Hisoka's forehead.

"call out!"

A stream of black smoke came out of Rayleigh's body.

This time, the black smoke actually penetrated from Hisoka's head. After entering the head, the black smoke immediately merged into Hisoka's skin.

"Hisoka, just die like this!" Rayleigh looked at Hisoka and said with a mocking look on his face.

Hisoka's body moved and he slowly stood up.

"Rayleigh, you asked for this competition!" Hisoka looked at Rayleigh and said.

"Well, I admit that I was careless just now." Reilly said, flicking his fingers.

Hisoka's body suddenly trembled, a look of pain appeared on his face, and his lips began to turn purple.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Rayleigh's mouth, and he said: "Hisoka, I advise you to give up your struggle quickly to avoid suffering more pain."

"I will not give up."

"Since you are so stubborn, there is nothing I can do, so let me educate you!" After Lei Li finished speaking, his body teleported away.

Rayleigh appeared again and was behind Hisoka.

Rayleigh's fist went straight to Hisoka's chest. Hisoka quickly rolled over to dodge, but still couldn't avoid the blow.

Chapter 799: Don’t force me to use my last trump card


Rayleigh's fist hit Hisoka's body hard.


Rayleigh's body immediately flew backwards and hit the wall.

Rayleigh's body slid against the wall several times before he stopped and stood on the ground with a pale face.

Hisoka's body slowly got up, shaking and vomiting bright red blood.

"This time, you finally lost." Hisoka looked at Rayleigh and said.

A drop of blood flowed from the corner of Rayleigh's mouth, but a strange smile appeared on his face and he said, "Lost? I lost? Do you know what you are talking about?"

A black smoke emitted from Hisoka's body. Soon, the black smoke dissipated, and a skeleton appeared next to Hisoka.

"Hisoka, you can actually condense a humanoid skeleton? Your strength has improved a lot!" Rayleigh looked at the skeleton on Hisoka's body and said with some surprise. He didn't expect Hisoka's strength to improve so horribly.

"Yes, I successfully practiced the soul attack, and it is a third-level soul attack, so I win this time!"

Hisoka said calmly, his body twisted and turned into a ball of black smoke again.

"However, don't be too happy too soon." Rayleigh's body suddenly disappeared, "Hisoka, do you think you can be rampant in front of me because you have practiced soul attacks? Let me tell you, the energy I have is enough. Kill trash like you."

Hisoka's body was shaken. He didn't expect that someone would see through it just after he practiced the soul attack.

"Rayleigh, you are lucky this time, otherwise I will cut you into pieces."

"Hmph, Hisoka, you should worry about yourself!"

Rayleigh said as his body appeared from the other side and rushed towards Hisoka again.

Hisoka used space travel again and left the place, leaving only a black smoke.

A trace of anger appeared on Rayleigh's face. He didn't expect that he could not catch up with Hisoka at such a fast speed, which made him very annoyed.

Rayleigh's body swayed and disappeared.

Hisoka's body reappeared from where it was, and he looked around, but found no trace of Rayleigh.

"I don't believe you won't come out." Hisoka murmured.

After Hisoka finished speaking, a gloomy cold wind came from all around, making his clothes rustle.

Rayleigh's body emerged from the void and appeared behind Hisoka. His right hand turned into a claw and grabbed Hisoka's neck.

Hisoka felt the danger behind him, turned his head and looked at a black ghost claw, with strong fear in his heart. Without hesitation, Hisoka immediately waved his fist with all his strength.

Hisoka's fist collided with the ghost claw, making a loud "bang" sound.

Hisoka was knocked back a few steps, his face a little pale, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"I said, this level of attack is not enough to hurt me, so you'd better give up!" Hisoka said calmly.

"Hahaha, is that right? Let's continue playing." After Lei Li finished speaking, his figure flickered and was behind Hisoka again.

"Rayleigh, don't force me to use my last trump card!" Hisoka's voice was full of threatening tone.

"Oh? The last trump card? This makes me more curious about what your trump card is." Rayleigh said with some curiosity after hearing Hisoka's words.

Chapter 800: This blow is my trump card

Hisoka did not answer Rayleigh's words, but instead clasped his hands together and muttered a spell.


The clouds in the sky began to shake violently, and clouds began to gather together, forming a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.


The dark clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, and finally formed thick thunder and lightning. The thunder and lightning struck crazily on the space around Hisoka, forming a huge crack.

"I said, you can't defeat me. Now, you should be awake!" Rayleigh looked at Hisoka and said.

As soon as Rayleigh finished speaking, another huge thunder and lightning appeared in the sky. This time, the power of the thunder and lightning was many times greater.

Hisoka's expression changed. This kind of thunder and lightning has reached the level of thunder and lightning. Although he has already practiced the soul attack, this is just the beginning of his practice after all. His soul defense is far less powerful than the thunder and lightning.

Hisoka glanced at Rayleigh, turned around and ran away.

There was a cold glint in Rayleigh's eyes, and his body followed suit.

The two people's bodies flashed through the afterimages in mid-air, and in the blink of an eye, they caught up behind Hisoka.

Hisoka stopped suddenly and turned his head, anger written on his face.

"You are so stubborn!" Hisoka said through gritted teeth, his body's momentum rising continuously.

Hisoka's momentum continued to rise, and soon he surpassed Rayleigh.

Rayleigh had an expression of disbelief on his face, and his body teleported and appeared next to Hisoka.

"I admit that your physical body has become much stronger, but your level is still a little low. You are still far from it!" Rayleigh grinned, revealing a cold smile, "Hisoka, today I I will completely destroy you!"

After Rayleigh finished speaking, he made a move with his right hand, and a black sword appeared behind him. This black sword emitted powerful power fluctuations.


Following Leili's violent shout, the sword slashed towards Hisoka's chest with an extremely sharp blade.

"Huh, what a small skill."

Hisoka snorted coldly, turned around, and slapped Rayleigh's sword with his palm, "Bang!"

Hisoka's body was rushed away by the black sword light.


Hisoka spit out a mouthful of blood. His body rolled around in mid-air and landed firmly on the ground. There was a look of pain on his face, but Hisoka's eyes showed a firm light, "With this sword, I remember."

After Hisoka finished speaking, his figure flashed and rushed towards Rayleigh again.

Hisoka's body kept spinning in mid-air, and a silver spear appeared in his hand. The silver spear kept spinning in his hand, making a harsh sound.

The silver gun tip emits a light blue light, as if it is absorbing oxygen in the air. The silver light keeps getting brighter, and gradually, a light blue light beam bursts out from the gun tip.

A blush appeared on Hisoka's face, "This blow is my trump card!"

The light blue beam of light, with a terrifying aura, bombarded directly towards Rayleigh. With a loud "Bang!", Rayleigh was knocked several meters away and smashed into a tall tower, making a muffled sound. The sound made the whole tower tremble.

"Crack! Click!"

Cracks appeared on the walls of the tower, and the entire tower was crumbling.

Chapter 801 Heavenly Punishment! Thunder and lightning fall!

"What... is this?" Rayleigh stood up from the ground, looked at the broken buildings around him, and shouted in surprise.


There was another loud noise, and the tower could no longer hold up and collapsed.

Rayleigh looked up at the golden figure in the air, with a trace of fear in his eyes. The attack just now was definitely not an ordinary attack. As for what kind of attack it was, Rayleigh didn't know. He didn't know what the attack was. What.

"Your strength has improved a lot! However, wanting to kill me is still a wishful thinking. Lei Li, I want to drive you into reincarnation." Hisoka's voice spread all around, shaking the sky, "Now, in the Reincarnation Hall, You have no chance!"


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