After Robert finished speaking, Hisoka also laughed.

"Then, the competition will begin soon. Friends who are not contestants, please move to the top floor to watch the competition." After Robert finished speaking, the monsters who were originally standing in the square watching the show dispersed and walked to the auditorium above.

"Hisoka, be careful, your safety is important." Ram had already walked some distance away, but he still chose to come back and explain to Hisoka.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention to safety, and I will do what I promised you." Hisoka said with a smile.

After that, Ram followed the group of monsters and flew towards the high-level viewing seats. He was very fast and reached the edge of the viewing seats in the blink of an eye.

Robert looked at Hisoka and snorted coldly.

Chapter 805 Changes to the Rules of the Third Round of Competition

A trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, "Hisoka, I will make you pay a heavy price."

Ram came to the high-level viewing seats and sat down, while Robert led the remaining four demon kings to the viewing seats and sat down. At this time, a huge light curtain appeared on the big screen in the square, covering the square.

Two figures appeared on the light screen, one was the Demon King, and the other was wearing black clothes. His appearance could not be clearly seen, but judging from his body shape and aura, he should be an old man.

The Demon King walked towards Robert, lowered his head and said a few words, but Robert just nodded.

After finishing speaking, the demon king and the old man left the square and walked to the independent viewing battlefield on the second floor.

Robert clapped his hands and motioned for the players to look at him.

"In view of the fact that there are human beings participating in the third round of this demon meeting, the demon king means to use a friendly duel method to determine the outcome. It will not be a casual competition like in the past, and it will be conducted in the form of group confrontation." Rob said .

Hearing these words, Hisoka raised his eyebrows twice and said to himself: "The Demon King also silently helped me."

"We are now entering the third round of duels. In the first round, Hisoka versus Yifeng." Robert shouted. After he finished shouting, thunderous applause erupted in the square. When he shouted, Hisoka's popularity skyrocketed. rise.

Ram was looking at Hisoka from the spectator seats below, with worry on his face.

Yifeng is a well-known fighter of the Qingming tribe. Although Ram does not think that Hisoka will lose, he is still worried that Hisoka will be injured in the battle.

"Hisoka, be careful, that Yifeng is very strong, don't underestimate him." Ram quietly said to Hisoka through a voice transmission.

"I know, don't worry!" Hisoka smiled. He was looking forward to that Yifeng now, because Hisoka felt threatened by that person. He hadn't encountered this feeling of threat in a long time.

The audience present was extremely excited, because they had never seen a battle of this level before, and it was the first time in the history of their demon clan, so they were very excited.

Xisuo and Yifeng stood in the middle of the field.

"My name is Hisoka." Hisoka said with a smile. His smile looked very warm, but it was so cold in everyone's eyes.

"Yifeng." Yifeng's voice was hoarse, but it wasn't the sharp, harsh sound like metal friction. It sounded a little comfortable.

"Since it's a competition, of course you have to show your true skills." Yifeng's tone was also very relaxed, as if he didn't take Hisoka seriously at all.

"You strike first." Hisoka's mouth revealed an evil arc.

"Then you're welcome!" After Yifeng said that, he rushed towards Xisuo.

"Bang..." The two collided in the air, their fists and feet intertwined, making a muffled sound. Their attacks seemed ordinary, but they concealed terrifying power.

This competition is between Xisuo and Yifeng. In fact, even if they fight one-on-one, Xisuo is confident that he can win. After all, in this realm, Xisuo's fighting level is not low, although there is still a gap between him and Yifeng. It's big, but it's comparable to Robert.

The attacks between the two became more and more fierce, and the demon clan watching the battle became more and more excited. After all, this kind of fight is a real battle between strong men.

Chapter 806 The battle officially begins

No matter how they fight, there is a hearty pleasure. This is the feeling brought by strength, and this feeling makes them enjoy it very much.

"Bang..." Yifeng kicked Xisuo, and Xisuo quickly dodged.

But Yifeng's leg was so powerful that Xisuo couldn't dodge it at all.

This kick hit Hisoka firmly in the abdomen, and Hisoka was kicked back several steps before he regained his balance.

"You lose!" Hisoka said without much expression on his face.

"Hahaha..." Yifeng laughed wildly, "You are indeed very strong, but you are far from my opponent. There is still a game next. Do you want to continue? If you don't want to continue, then Just leave it to others."

"I said, I will continue." Hisoka said calmly.

"Okay! The next game is a battle between you and me. Are you ready?" Yifeng looked at Xisuo with a ferocious look in his eyes.

"Your challenge is always welcome." A ferocious expression appeared on Hisoka's face. Hisoka never had any fear of an opponent.

"Hahaha... Okay then! Let's get started!" After Yifeng finished speaking, he rushed towards Hisoka.

Seeing Yifeng rushing over, Xisuo didn't hesitate at all. He rushed towards Yifeng and fought with Yifeng.

When the two of them were fighting in mid-air, the demon clan around them also became excited, and everyone was extremely excited.

Hisoka's every move was full of killing energy, while Yifeng's every move seemed much softer.

"Boom..." Suddenly a huge bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit the ground hard, splattering dust several meters high.

"Boom..." Another thunder sounded, and the entire arena was shaken. The figures of the two people also disappeared at this moment, and reappeared in everyone's field of vision.

Both of them went all out, so this time, their bodies were damaged, and their bodies flew more than ten meters away, and then fell back to the ring.

Hisoka spit out a mouthful of blood and turned pale, while Yifeng stood up swaying.

Yifeng stood up and looked at Xisuo with eyes full of contempt. This was contempt for strength and respect for the strong.

"Come again!" Yifeng's voice was still so dry, as if there was a lump of phlegm stuck in his throat, and his voice trembled every time he spoke.

Hisoka wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. His body was somewhat tattered and his clothes were messy. It was obvious that he had suffered a loss in the battle just now.

"Okay, come again." Hisoka didn't flinch and stood up to fight again.

"Boom..." There was another thunderous explosion, and the bodies of Xisuo and Yifeng floated backward again. Xisuo's face became paler, and his lips were also a little blue.

This competition is a continuous competition, and it is very energy and physical competition, but Hisoka's willpower is very firm. He grits his teeth and tries to hold on. His head is already a little dizzy, but his face But with a crazy smile.

"Come!" Xisuo shouted angrily and rushed towards Yifeng again.

The strength shown by Hisoka at this moment shocked all the monsters watching around him. Ordinary cultivators would shrink away from this kind of competition, because it consumes too much and their physical strength is naturally not enough to last for such a long time.

Chapter 807: Hisoka’s tenacity to maintain

He couldn't even hold on for even a quarter of an hour, but Hisoka actually kept holding on and did not choose to admit defeat. Instead, he continued to fight with Yifeng.

"Okay!" Everyone couldn't help but cheer. Hisoka's strength was indeed admirable.

Although this fighting method is a bit like a head-on confrontation, Hisoka has won dignity with his own strength.

"Come again..." Hisoka's fists clenched and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"If you come again, you will die!" Yifeng roared angrily.

"Okay..." Yifeng's words made Xisuode's eyes light up, "I like this sentence. You are an out-and-out strong man. I hope you will become my opponent!"

Xisuo roared and rushed towards Yifeng again. The two of them fought fiercely in mid-air. A punch, a palm, a kick... Every confrontation would cause the surrounding space to shake violently. The terrifying energy kept colliding together, making a "bang bang" explosion.

Both of them have used all their strength, and the fighting scene is very terrifying. Every confrontation will produce a violent wave, shocking the people watching the game around them.

Yifeng is very fast, his attacks are very intensive, and his moves are very domineering.

And Hisoka's body skills are weird, he can always easily avoid the opponent's attacks, and then find an opportunity to give the opponent a fatal blow.

Both of them tried their best, and no one was willing to give in.

In the end, the two of them struck each other again. This time, their bodies separated again. However, in this collision, they both took more than ten steps back before standing still.

This time, they all had some scars on their bodies, but none of them were fatal.

Hisoka wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Yifeng.

Yifeng also wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, with a look of appreciation in his eyes, "Not bad, he is indeed the favorite to win this time."

"I'm not bad either. I don't know if you can take my three moves." Yifeng looked at Hisoka and said.

Hearing this, Hisoka's eyes narrowed, "Your strength is not weak. I can take one of your moves. If you still have strength left, you can take the second move."

Hisoka didn't brag, but said it very plainly.

"Okay, I'll take your second move." Yifeng looked at Hisoka and said, "Don't let me down, otherwise I don't mind letting you suffer one more injury."

"Don't worry!" Hisoka looked at Yifeng and smiled slightly. He had already seen that although Yifeng was at the early stage of nine-star strength, his physical body was very strong. He had only used his seventh-level strength now. That’s all.

"Come on!" Yifeng said.

"Okay!" Hisoka also nodded, and then he flashed and turned into a golden stream of light and rushed towards Yifeng.


The golden stream of light formed by Hisoka drew a perfect arc in the sky and flew towards Yifeng.

Yifeng's eyes narrowed, and then he transformed into a golden light and rushed forward. The two figures collided in the air. The palms of the two people collided in the air. There was a loud noise, and the people around him felt that they My eardrums are a little sore.

The two people's forces collided and an explosion occurred. Yifeng's toes tapped lightly on the ground and retreated with the help of this force.

In the air, Hisoka also retreated violently. He turned around in the air and looked at Yifeng.

Chapter 808: Hisoka wins over Yifeng

"So fast!" Yifeng was also shocked. Hisoka's body speed was really fast, and he could hardly keep up. He didn't dare to be careless, so he accelerated his body again and rushed towards Hisoka.


The two figures collided together again, and the terrifying power spread to all sides. The surrounding walls were broken and rubble flew. The strength of the two people was very strong. Everyone watching the battle dodged and did not dare to approach them.

"Come again!" Yifeng yelled and chased after Sisuo. He wanted to kill Sisuo before he regained his strength.

The two people collided together again in the air, and this time, their palms collided again.


This time, the two men flew backwards again. Blood overflowed from the corner of Yifeng's mouth, and a sword mark half a meter deep appeared on his chest. Blood was slowly seeping out from the wound.

Wahaha... so cool! Yifeng covered his chest and laughed arrogantly, "I have never been defeated before, and today I finally met an opponent worth fighting for!" "

"Come again!" Hisoka shouted, turning into a golden lightning again and rushing towards Yifeng.

"Okay, come again."

The two people rushed over again. This time, Hisoka didn't use any special moves. His speed was too fast and he couldn't control his body perfectly, so he could only rely on deft steps and dexterous movements to avoid Xisuo. Suo's attack.

Continuously fighting, constantly fighting, and constantly attacking, the people around them were stunned. This battle was too fierce. Neither of them used their full strength, but every attack brought up strong winds. Everyone's cheeks hurt.

"Okay, that's it for today, you win." At this point, Yifeng stopped attacking and said.

"Are you sure?" Xisuo Yifeng asked doubtfully.

"OK, let's admit defeat!" Yifeng nodded and said.

"You are indeed very powerful, and you are worthy of being the favorite to win this year's championship." After Yifeng finished speaking, he jumped directly under the ring next to him and walked down.

"Thank you for the compliment." Hisoka smiled and walked away.

After the two people left the field, someone in the audience immediately shouted out.

"Wow! I couldn't believe my eyes just now. They were actually tied, and Hisoka actually won. And he still relied on his physical body. It was really amazing."

"Too strong, too powerful. Now I understand why he has become the favorite to win this year's championship. His strength is indeed too powerful."

"His performance this time surprised me. I also saw his strength. His physical body is stronger than his own strength. I think he should have used some secret method to improve his strength, or he His mental strength and physique are far beyond those of ordinary people.”

Hearing the comments from the people around him, a smile appeared on Hisoka's face.

Xia Tian, ​​who was on the side, frowned slightly. Hisoka's strength was too terrifying. The move he just showed had completely overturned his impression.

How did Hisoka do it? How could he have such terrifying strength? Is it because of the methods of cultivation? But how is this possible? He is just an ordinary person, how can he practice exercises? How many secrets does he hide? .

Chapter 809: What is the legendary body of a devil?

Not only Xia Tian, ​​everyone present was puzzled, but Xia Tian had to care because Hisoka's next opponent was him.

Xia Tian looked at the people around him, and finally, his eyes fell on Hisoka.

At this time, Hisoka also noticed Xia Tian, ​​their eyes collided in the air, and then Hisoka withdrew his gaze.

"Xia Tian, ​​are you ready?" Hisoka looked at Xia Tian and said.

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