"Get ready, I won't bully you, just use your own strength to defeat me." Xia Tian looked at Hisoka and said.

"Then let's start!" Hisoka nodded.

The two people rushed forward at the same time, and then collided again.


The two people flew several hundred meters apart again before stopping. However, this time, Xia Tian's situation was slightly better. He was only hit and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Seeing Xia Tian's state, the people around were a little surprised.

Hisoka also frowned slightly. He didn't expect Xia Tian's strength to be so strong. His physical strength was not weaker than his own. He could actually block his own attacks. It seemed that his strength was also quite strong. If Hisoka was allowed to grow again, If you go on, the threat to yourself will become extremely great.

"The competition hasn't even started yet, who allows you to do it privately!" Robert shouted angrily.

Xia Tian turned around and looked at Robert: "Old guy, are you being too strict?"

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Robert snorted coldly, "Don't you dare not listen to what I said?"

"Huh!" Xia Tian also snorted coldly and ignored Robert.

Robert also knew that no one was willing to listen to what he was saying now, so he stopped talking and turned to look at the referee.

The referee walked up to Hisoka and said: "The game has begun, please take your positions."

"Hisoka, you are no match for me, just surrender and capture him!" Xia Tian looked at Hisoka and said.

"Haha, you are really arrogant. I am not your opponent, so who is my opponent? I want to find someone who can defeat you." Hisoka said lightly, "Since you have to humiliate yourself , then you can’t blame me.”

There was no fearful expression on Xia Tian's face, and he looked at Hisoka as if he were looking at an idiot.

When Hisoka saw Xia Tian's contemptuous look, he immediately became furious.

"I will let you know that your arrogance will only make you pay the price." Hisoka said coldly.

"Then I'll wait and see, I hope you can do it." Xia Tian sneered, "I would like to learn how powerful the legendary devil's body is!"

"Huh, devil's body? You really know how to speak!" Hisoka was stunned when he heard the name devil's body, and then said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's get started!" Xia Tian was too lazy to say a word to Sisudo, "Where did you learn the devil's body? Tell it, so that you don't die unjustly."

When Hisoka heard Xia Tian's provocation, a cold smile appeared on his lips, but he just thought in his heart, "Who knows what devil's body you are talking about."

Hisoka took a step forward and appeared in front of Xia Tian instantly. His right fist hit Xia Tian, ​​his fist carrying strong winds.

This punch was very fast, but it didn't give people any sense of danger. It even felt very comfortable. The power of this punch didn't seem to have much lethality.

Chapter 810: Despite mistakes, we still have the upper hand

However, Hisoka's move is not just a fist, but also has the power of his own soul attached to it. This power will make his fist have extremely high penetrating power. This destructive power will directly destroy the enemy's body. However, Hisoka's move was also extremely energy-consuming.

Looking at Hisoka's fist, Xia Tian frowned slightly. Although he didn't think Hisoka's punch could cause any damage, he still had to be careful.

Xia Tian also raised his arms to block Hisoka's punch.

There was a "pop" sound.

Hisoka's punch hit Xia Tian's chest. Hisoka's face changed slightly, but he did not give up the attack and continued to punch, one punch after another, each punch hit Xia Tian's chest. , summer clothes are gradually falling into pieces.

Seeing Xia Tian's tattered clothes, a victor's smile appeared on Hisoka's face.

Seeing Hisoka's expression, the referee also shook his head. He didn't expect Hisoka to make such a low-level mistake during the competition. This can be regarded as a mistake.

However, the mistake was not a surprise, so the referee could only turn a blind eye.

Hisoka's attacks were getting more and more crazy, and Xia Tian could only keep dodging.

Xia Tian keeps dodging, but there is no way. Hisoka's fists are always attacking him, and he can only keep dodging, which affects his defense. Although his defense is better than Generally, the peak of the Saint level is strong, but after all, he has not reached the peak of the Holy level. His defense is not enough to withstand Hisoka's level of serial attacks. Therefore, Xia Tian keeps dodging, and his attacks are slowly weakening. He also feels that He felt a little tired, but he still kept dodging.

There was a smile on Hisoka's face. Although he also consumed a lot of money, he still had the advantage because his soul power was far stronger than the average holy level peak, so he could gain the upper hand so easily, but if If he and Xia Tian fight for a long time, he won't be able to gain the advantage so easily.

"It's time to end." After Hisoka saw that Xia Tian no longer dodges, the corner of Hisoka's mouth also raised a cruel smile.

Hisoka's body suddenly accelerated and his right leg kicked out suddenly.

Xia Tian's expression also changed when he saw this kick. He dodges this fatal kick in a flash. Hisoka's kick directly hit the ring. A huge boulder was directly smashed into pieces by Hisoka's kick.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. This was the first time such an outrageous scene had occurred.

Hisoka's kick seems simple, but it contains a hint of terrifying soul power. His soul power can make everything he attacks change position instantly.

Seeing Hisoka being so tyrannical, Xia Tian's face became slightly solemn. Hisoka's kick was definitely a very powerful attack.

When Hisoka saw that Xia Tian did not dodge, a proud smile suddenly appeared on his face. He knew that Xia Tian could not dodge, and his speed was too fast.

However, Hisoka's pride only lasted for three seconds. His expression changed instantly, because he felt as if his leg had been kicked by something soft, and he felt that his leg seemed to be bounced away, and It was bounced away by an invisible invisible barrier. Hisoka felt as if the force of this kick hit the air.

Chapter 811 Do you have any last words?

Seeing this scene, Hisoka's face became even more ugly. He didn't expect that his attack was actually blocked by a barrier. What's going on?

Is it some kind of shield? It shouldn’t be! He just used the power of his soul to detect it, and it was not a shield at all.

Hisoka was unwilling to give in and attacked again, but still to no avail.

Seeing that Hisoka continued to attack, Xia Tian's face showed a hint of ridicule, "Hisoka, do you only know these fancy attack methods?"

Xia Suo's words completely angered Hisoka. Hisoka's face was ashen and he rushed over quickly. His fists were like lightning and went straight to Xia Tian's head. This move was what Hisoka was best at and what he liked to use the most. With one move, he wanted to blow Xia Tian's head off.

Seeing Hisoka's crazy move, Xia Tian didn't dare to be too bold. He also punched quickly and faced off with Hisoka head-on.

The two fists collided together, making a muffled sound, and Hisoka's body was severely knocked away by the force of the counterattack.

With a "bang" sound, Hisoka fell to the edge of the ring, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, while Xia Tian's figure also stood firmly on the ring.

There was also a smile on the corner of Xia Tian's mouth: "Hisoka, you lose."

Hearing Xia Tian's words, Hisoka's face turned pale. He didn't expect that his attack was blocked and he was also injured.

"Hisoka, you lost, now it's my turn to challenge, right?" Xia Tian said with a cold snort.

Seeing this scene, the spectators in the auditorium also sighed. They did not expect that Xia Tian could win the game. Moreover, Xia Tian's winning rate actually exceeded Hisoka. They couldn't help but admire Xia Tian. This move, what move did Xia Tian use? They couldn't even see through it.

Hisoka also stood up with an ugly expression.

"Hisoka, do you have any last words?" Xia Tian looked at Hisoka and asked.

Hisoka looked at Xia Tian and narrowed his eyes: "Xia Tian, ​​you are very powerful, but I still don't accept it, let's continue!"

"Okay! Let's continue."

"I will definitely win." A gloomy smile appeared on Hisoka's face.

Immediately, Hisoka and Xia Tian entered the fighting state again. Every move of Xia Tian was very strange, but Hisoka's movements were even more strange.

"Hisoka, your speed is too slow, you are not worthy of being my opponent." Xia Tian sneered.

"Really? But, I still have a trump card, I hope you can catch it." Hisoka also had a sinister smile on his face.

"What's the trump card?" Xia Tian asked curiously.

"This move is called, covering one's eyes with a leaf." Hisoka said slowly, his voice was calm, without a trace of ripples, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

"What! A leaf covering the eyes!" Upon seeing the name of this move, there was a burst of noise and excitement in the audience. Once this move is released, it will pose a fatal threat to the opponent.

"It's amazing! Hisoka actually used such a powerful move."

"We are also aware of the power of Blinding the Eyes. This is Hisoka's most powerful move. This time, Xia Tian will definitely lose the game."

"That's right, Hisoka's speed is really too fast, and Xia Tian's defense is not strong. He is not suitable for a head-on confrontation with Hisoka at all. The gap between them is too big."

Chapter 812: Forced Attack: Blinded by a Leaf

Hearing the discussions around him, Wang Luodan's face became extremely pale. Even if Xisuo used this kind of trick, he wouldn't be able to resist it for long, let alone Xia Tian?

And Hisoka's last words gave him a creepy feeling.

Hisoka's last words seemed to tell everyone that he, Hisoka, would win this competition.

"Xia Tian, ​​you are dead!" Seeing Xisuo's expression, Wang Luodan was filled with worry. He knew that Xia Tian was hopeless. He also secretly prayed that Xia Suo would never die in the hands of Xi Suo. .

The battle on the ring has entered a fierce stage.

"A leaf covers your eyes." Hisoka suddenly shouted, then waved his right arm, and a black long sword flew out.

The black long sword passed through the air, and a strong murderous aura spread, making people's hearts feel tightened and suffocated.

"Boom!" A huge sword shadow instantly struck the ring, a stone tablet was instantly shattered, and a stone slab was cut in half.

"Crack!" The stone slab shattered, and a crack spread instantly.

"Boom!" Several more stone slabs were chopped into pieces, and a strong wind blew in all directions, blowing everyone's robes and hair.

Seeing such a scene, those people in the audience who did not believe that Xia Tian could win against Hisoka were stunned at this time. They did not believe that Xia Tian could really win, but seeing such a scene in front of them, they had to admit, Xia Tian can indeed win.

On the ring, Hisoka's body also took a slight step back. There was also a cut on his chest, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth and dripped on the ground.

Xia Tian also took a few steps back, and his expression became extremely serious. He knew that he had to deal with Hisoka seriously today, otherwise he would really be eliminated. Moreover, Hisoka did not fully show his full strength.

Xia Tian was also secretly surprised. It seemed that he had underestimated Hisoka before. This move of his was definitely not simple.

"Xia Tian, ​​let's compete again!" Seeing Xia Tian retreat, Hisoka said with a sneer.

"Okay." Xia Tian nodded.

"A leaf covering your eyes!" Following Hisoka's loud shout, Xia Tian and Hisoka started a new round of collision.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Both of them were as fast as lightning, and a huge boulder would explode every moment.

"Bang!" The two of them collided with each other fiercely, and a terrifying vibration resounded throughout the studio. The figures of Xia Tian and Hisoka also disappeared at this moment.

"So fast!"

"What a terrifying collision!"

"This is the final showdown!"

"As expected of Hisoka, the power of this attack has surpassed the three-star peak!"

The people in the audience cheered excitedly. The strength shown by Hisoka has shocked them. They are all looking forward to the next round of confrontation.

"You lost!" Hisoka said indifferently looking at Xia Tian.

"Lost? Who said I lost! I didn't lose!" Xia Tian was furious. Hisoka's words were obviously mocking him.

"Okay, let's continue." Hisoka sneered and said, "Xia Tian, ​​you just used your special skills, do you think you can defeat me again like this?"

"Didn't I say that I just borrowed one of your tricks, and I didn't fully use it!" Xia Tian snorted coldly.

Chapter 813 Hisoka defeated Xia Tian

"Learn from! Is it useful to learn from it?" Hisoka shook his head, then flicked his sleeves and directly threw Xia Tian's figure away, hitting the wall heavily, causing a wall to collapse.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spurted out, Xia Tian's body twitched violently, rolled, stood up from the wall, and then rushed towards Hisoka again.

"I don't believe it." Hisoka faced Xia Tian again.

The figures of the two people flickered and disappeared. In the blink of an eye, the two people collided together. Xia Tian's body was shot backwards again, and Hisoka was also forced to take a few steps back.

"Come again!" Xia Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and pounced on Hisoka again.

"Let's see how you can beat me!" Hisoka sneered and rushed forward, and the two started a fierce fight again.

Hisoka's attacks were extremely fierce, and with every palm strike, violent air currents swept away. Although Xia Tian's reaction was also very fast, it had no effect at all.

"Bang!" Xia Tian's chest was hit hard, and his body flew backwards. He fell heavily to the ground and could not get up again.

"Hmph, with your little ability, you still dare to yell at me?" Hisoka walked over and looked at Xia Tian condescendingly and said.

"I lost." Xia Tian slowly sat on the ground and said softly.

As soon as Xia Tian said what he said, everyone around him was stunned. No one expected that Xia Tian actually lost. Just now he had said it so grandly, but he lost in the blink of an eye. This is the gap, this is the gap in strength. This is the crushing of strength!

"Hisoka is too strong."

"Yeah, I thought he would win!"

"It seems that we still blamed Xia Tian wrongly."

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