Hisoka smacked it with a palm, and the sword was knocked away, leaving a long mark on the ground.

When the man in black robe saw that Hisoka's palm actually knocked back his sword, the shock in his eyes became even more intense.

"You forced me to do this, I will kill you with this sword!"

The man in black robe's eyes became more and more fierce, and the black energy on his body became stronger and stronger.

"Kill me? Then let's see how good you are!" Hisoka said calmly.

Wisps of black energy also emerged from his body. This black energy completely surrounded his body. The black energy kept twisting and finally transformed into a figure. This figure was almost exactly the same as Hisoka, and even his expression was different. Pretty much, it looks very weird.

After the black figure appeared, it rushed towards the man in black robe, very fast, and rushed to the man in black robe almost in the blink of an eye.

The black-robed man's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly waved his sword to resist, but his movement was a step slower. The black shadow directly cut off his sword, and a deep wound appeared on his chest, and blood flowed along the wound. come out.

"You... how could you do this?" the man in black robe exclaimed, his eyes filled with disbelief. He did not expect Hisoka to possess such tyrannical strength.

"You should thank me. If I hadn't given you the sixth sense, you wouldn't have had the chance to hurt me." Hisoka snorted coldly.

"I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in!" The man in black robe looked up to the sky and howled. His eyes instantly turned red, and his whole person became violent.

The strength of the man in black robe has once again improved to a higher level, and he is even more powerful than before. He holds two long swords and keeps dancing in mid-air. Every time the sword falls, it will cut a deep pit in the surrounding ground, and the gravel will splash everywhere. The scene very impressive.

Hisoka frowned. Although the other party was already angered, he was still very strong. This guy was much more powerful than the two men in black just now.

A layer of purple electric light surged from his body, and arc after arc burst out from his body.

This is the law of thunder that Hisoka has comprehended. He has cultivated the law of thunder to a state of perfection, and is much more powerful than the two men in black robes just now.

Boom! Boom!

The man in black robe waved his swords and danced wildly. Black gas billowed out from his body. The black gas continued to gather together, forming a black cloud that submerged both Hisoka and the man in black robe. Fight within the dark clouds.

"I must kill you!" the man in black robe roared, with deep hatred in his voice.

Boom boom boom!

There were bursts of roaring sounds from the black clouds, thick bolts of lightning struck all around, and large craters were blown out of the surrounding ground. Pieces of gravel were evaporated by the high temperature, turned into powder and dissipated invisible, and In the black mist, Hisoka was nowhere to be seen.

"Hahaha, my attack is useless to you?" A gloomy look flashed in the eyes of the man in black robe.

"That's not okay."

The man in black robe moved his ears and suddenly heard a cold voice.

Chapter 818 Silver Armor Appears

This voice rang in his mind, and he froze. He looked around, and he was startled. He saw a person standing in the black mist. This person was wearing silver-gray armor. He There was a powerful aura on his body, which even suppressed the energy fluctuations in the black-robed man's body.

A sneer came from the silver armor: "Is this the only level of attack you can do?"

"Who are you? Why are you so powerful!" Hisoka asked in surprise.

"You don't need to know, I'm just helping you out!"

"Relief? Hahaha, are you kidding? You alone want to free me?" Hisoka laughed. In his opinion, the silver armor was just wishful thinking.

"It's not that I want to rescue you, but that you must die!" Silver Armor said.

"Do you think that if you kill me, no one will know your secret?" Hisoka said.

"In this square, you are the only one who can see my substitute. Who else can know my secret?"

"Do you think I have the ability to make me admit defeat?" Hisoka retorted.

The tone of the silver armor was a little impatient, "Shut up, this is not a bargaining chip for you, you must die, otherwise you will be punished!"

"Am I afraid of you trash?"

"I'll show you what true horror is!"

Hisoka's face changed slightly. He saw the bloodthirsty look in the silver armor's eyes, and his body trembled involuntarily. This silver armor was really too terrifying.

"Don't you dare kill me." Hisoka said.

"Why don't I dare?" Silver Armor asked.

Hisoka's heart sank. He knew that this man couldn't joke. He didn't seem to like joking with others. He might really be in trouble this time.

At this time, the silver armor suddenly appeared, his body turned into a white light, and he came to Hisoka's side in the blink of an eye. He punched Hisoka's heart at such an extreme speed that Hisoka couldn't avoid it.

Hisoka hurriedly reached out to grab it, but was thrown away by the right arm of the silver armor. Then, he punched Hisoka on the chest. This punch was so powerful that it knocked Hisoka away. .

Hisoka fell heavily to the ground, with blood hanging from the corner of his mouth. There was a trace of pain on his face. A huge fist mark appeared on his left shoulder. The bones were cracked and blood flowed out. The man in black had The power of the fist was really too strong, much more terrifying than his full blow.

"Is this your last struggle?"

The silver armor snorted, and his body suddenly disappeared.

A sharp force came from behind Hisoka, and he quickly turned around to look. His body was knocked out by a strong force, and the wall behind him collapsed with his body, leaving a big hole in the wall. .

"You can't escape, I'm going to kill you!" The black armor laughed. He kicked his feet and chased after Hisoka. As he chased, he waved his long sword, and each sword stabbed out. , will leave a long and slender trajectory in the void.

Hisoka was forced to retreat. He knew that he was in danger today. He did not expect that he would fall into the hands of a stranger.

Suddenly, Hisoka felt his waist being clamped by a pair of iron-like hands, and his body flew into the air, flying towards the sky.

Chapter 819 The energy fluctuations emitted by strange runes


His body fell heavily to the ground. Hisoka raised his head and saw a ferocious and ugly face.

"Ah!" Hisoka screamed.

"I told you, don't be arrogant in front of me!" The man in black robe shouted coldly.

"I'm not arrogant, I'm just telling the truth. Do you think it's you who defeated me? No! It was the evil power you used without authorization!" Hisoka said through gritted teeth.

"You are looking for death!"

After the man in black robe finished speaking, he flashed and came behind Hisoka in an instant. With a flip of his wrist, a black dagger appeared in his hand. The blade of the dagger shone with a cold light. The blade of this dagger was made of black metal. It is made of very hard and sharp black metal with various weird runes carved on it. These weird runes exude a strange energy fluctuation. Although this energy fluctuation is strange, it is clearly detected by Hisoka. The black runes are exactly magic spells. Once they are contaminated, it is equivalent to poisoning.

The black runes were like a big net, wrapping Hisoka up. A faint red light glowed on the black runes. The red light gradually spread. Hisoka felt the energy in his body drain away crazily. He His head was dizzy, and his entire consciousness was in a fuzzy state.


As soon as Hisoka opened his mouth, he fainted. This dizziness was not fainting, but the body's self-repair. This was Hisoka's secret method.

"You won't be frightened and faint so easily. This has just begun. In any case, you are also my last prey. Just wait for me!" After the man in black robe said, there was another strange sound. When the sound wave came, Hisoka felt that his soul was suddenly pulled out of his body. His body seemed to have lost control, slowly falling, falling...

When Hisoka woke up again, he felt that his injuries were mostly healed.

When the man in silver armor and black robe saw Hisoka waking up, his eyes widened with a look of shock.

Hisoka opened his eyes and saw two people. The silver armor had a shocked expression, while the black-robed man had a somewhat complicated expression.

"You actually survived?" Silver Armor's voice was full of surprise.

"Why can't I survive? I'm very lucky. Even though I was seriously injured by you, I didn't die." Hisoka couldn't help laughing when he saw the look of the man in black robe. He's not dead yet!

"You...how could you do this!?" The man in black robe's voice was hoarse.

"You two want to rob me, you should pay the price!" Hisoka said coldly.

"That's it." The man in black robe nodded, then he raised his head, stared at Hisoka, and said, "If that's the case, then I will help you!"

"Oh? What do you mean?" Hisoka frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart.

"I said, I will not let you go. Your strength is far beyond my expectation. However, even if you have any powerful moves, you must die today!"

The man in black robe exuded a strong fighting spirit. He held a long black sword in his hand, swayed, and rushed towards Hisoka. With a wave of the black long sword, the blade cut through the void.

The sense of crisis in Hisoka's heart became even stronger.

"Give me more power!" The man in black robe roared toward the sky, and the space around him became distorted.

Chapter 820 The silver armor and the man in black robe merge together

A terrifying wave of power gathered from all directions, and the silver armor suddenly rushed towards the man in black robes. In an instant, it merged into one body. The armor was mixed with the outside and had silver-gray lines attached, making it look extremely majestic.

The black turban covered his face. He was tall and tall, with piercing eyes. An endless domineering force spread in all directions. This domineering force made the surrounding vegetation tremble and made the rocks shatter. This domineering force was too much. Terrible.

"Holy crap! What is this!" When Hisoka saw the giant black sword in the hands of the man in black robes, his pupils shrank to the size of needlepoints. The giant sword looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it.

The black giant sword suddenly slashed towards Hisoka. This blow contained extremely terrifying power, and the sword seemed to tear apart the void.

"Is this your true strength?" Hisoka looked at the sword and murmured.

"Your strength is enough for me to take you seriously, but you are still far from it!" The man in black robe roared, bent his legs, and rotated 360 degrees in the air, with the black long sword in the air. Dozens of long swords were transformed into it, and all of these long swords were attacking Hisoka. The densely packed long swords were like raindrops, falling towards Hisoka.

The man in black robe suddenly became stronger, so Hisoka had to be more vigilant. Although Hisoka didn't know the source of this increase in strength, he knew that the man in black robe had definitely not used all his strength in those few moves just now.

"I don't believe I can't kill you!" Hisoka roared.

Not to be outdone, he flew up suddenly, and struck the man in black with his right fist. Golden light burst out, and golden flames burst out from Hisoka's palm. Golden brilliance and The black swords collided together, and the man in black robe's expression changed slightly, and he took three steps back.

When Hisoka saw this, he immediately took advantage of the victory, stepped on the ground, and pounced directly on the man in black robe.

The man in black robe held the black giant sword with both hands, rose into the air, spun several times in the air, and slashed at Hisoka with the giant sword.

The golden flames burned, and a golden dragon formed behind Hisoka. The dragon rushed towards the black sword, and the sword pierced the golden dragon claws fiercely.

Hisoka was stunned. The golden dragon claws could not grasp the hilt of the black giant sword, and his heart tightened.

At this moment, the man in black robe suddenly swung his sword, and the golden sword slashed towards Hisoka.

Hisoka didn't dare to neglect, he jumped up suddenly and avoided the fatal blow.


The giant sword struck the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust. After the dust settled, Hisoka's figure had disappeared.

"I want to leave, can you run away?"

The man in black robe sneered, his body suddenly flashed, and he disappeared from the spot.

"You can't catch me, can you!" Hisoka's voice rang.

With a smile on his face, the man in black robe slowly appeared beside Hisoka. He stretched out a palm, patted Hisoka's shoulder, and then pushed hard.

Hisoka felt like a kite with its string broken, and he fell hard to the ground. The moment he fell, Hisoka spit out a mouthful of blood, and then he struggled to stand up, but his body was shaky.

"Your current strength is too weak and you can't compete with me at all." The man in black robe said with a sneer.

Chapter 821: Face-to-face confrontation with the Blue Ice Sword

Hisoka didn't speak, just took a deep breath and stood up again.

"Haha, no matter what you do, it can't change your fate of death. Your death is destined to be in my hands!" The man in black robe laughed heartily, with a cruel luster in his eyes, as if he was looking forward to Xi Jinping's death. Suo dies quickly.

"you are wrong."

Hisoka looked at the man in black robe and said with a sneer. After saying this, his figure suddenly disappeared. The next second, Hisoka had appeared in front of the man in black robe, and the black sword struck straight at him. Down.

"Humph, what a trick!" The man in black robe glanced at Hisoka, snorted coldly, swung his right arm, and a huge sword appeared in his hand. He raised the sword and struck Hisoka fiercely. The blow came at a very fast speed, giving Hisoka almost no time to dodge, and Hisoka's figure disappeared out of thin air again.

"Impossible!" The man in black robe exclaimed, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Hisoka's speed was too fast, too fast for him to catch, too fast for him to resist, like a ghost. He had never encountered such weird speed.

"This speed...could it be..." The man in black robe's heart beat violently. He thought of a legendary figure, a being that people called a freak.

"You shouldn't know who I am!" Hisoka suddenly appeared behind the man in black robe and slashed hard with his sword. The man in black robe reacted quickly. He immediately turned around and brandished his giant sword to resist Hisoka's attack, but Hisoka's speed was so fast that as soon as the black-robed man raised his sword, Hisoka's sword had already struck the black-robed man's sword.

A huge collision sounded in the cave, and the black-robed man's body flew back again.

"As expected of a freak, he is indeed amazing." The man in black robe wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Hisoka and said with a smile.

Hisoka's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect that the defensive power of the man in black robe in front of him was so amazing. The knife he just struck failed to hurt him, and from the looks of it, he didn't seem to have used much strength.

"Who are you?" Hisoka asked with a frown.

"You don't need to know who I am, because soon you will become an unjust ghost on the road to hell!" The man in black robe said with a sneer. His eyes looked at Hisoka again, his eyes full of contempt.

Hisoka took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes.

"Since you want to die, I will help you!"

The man in black robe sneered: "You are the one seeking death!"

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