As soon as he finished speaking, the man in black robe rushed towards Hisoka again.

"Blue Ice Sword!"

This time, the man in black robe held a long sword, and the tip of the sword was pointed at Hisoka's heart. There was a layer of light blue light on the tip of the sword, which was a group of blue water elements condensed on the long sword. This group of blue The water element is like a sapphire, emitting a hazy blue light.

Hisoka shouted, and the muscles on his body bulged instantly. His body became many times larger, his bones became thicker and stronger, his skin became dark, and his figure became burly. A powerful aura came from his body. It exploded, and a deep pit opened in the ground around him.


There was a violent tremor on the ground, and Hisoka's aura became even more fierce.

Chapter 822 The last glowing petal

A giant long bow was pulled open by him. A cold light emitted from the long bow. The arrowheads of the long arrows were wrapped with thunder and lightning. Purple-red arcs of electricity jumped on the long arrows, which looked particularly terrifying.


Hisoka stared at the man in black robe indifferently, and then pulled the trigger.


A purple-red arrow shot out instantly, drawing a beautiful arc in the air and stabbing the chest of the man in black robe.

The man in black robe snorted coldly, held the sword with both hands, and raised it with all his strength. The sword directly knocked the arrow away, and Hisoka took this opportunity to escape.

"Huh, what a trick." The man in black robe snorted coldly, with a look of contempt on his face.

He raised his feet and quickly chased in the direction Hisoka left.

The man in black robe quickly chased Hisoka.

Hisoka looked back while running. He could feel that his speed was far inferior to the man in black robes in front of him. This guy was obviously a high-level warrior and very powerful. If he competed with him in speed, he would definitely win. He was at a disadvantage, so Hisoka didn't dare to stay where he was. He wanted to get rid of the pursuers behind him as much as possible.

Hisoka kept changing his position, but the man in black robe behind him seemed to know Hisoka's thoughts and kept following Hisoka, constantly using various means to force Hisoka back.

When Hisoka saw this situation, he gritted his teeth and accelerated to run again, his body turning into a phantom, constantly changing his position.

"Haha, kid, you'd better just surrender and be captured." The voice of the man in black robe floated from the front.

"Don't even think about it!"

Hisoka gritted his teeth and kept changing his position. White mist emerged from his body. Hisoka's speed became faster and faster.

"You're too slow!" The man in black robe sneered.

Hisoka ignored the man in black robe and continued running forward. Once the man in black robe caught up with him, it would be a dead end. At that time, he would have to use his thunderous killing move, otherwise, he would have to die here today.

At this moment, a dangerous aura hit him. Hisoka hurriedly turned around and saw a huge rock hitting him. His pupils shrank and he hurriedly dodged, but the huge rock still hit him. On the back of Hisoka's head, Hisoka only felt an excruciating pain in the back of his head, his eyes were filled with stars, a sense of dizziness surged out of his mind, his whole body shook unsteadily, and he fell to the ground.


A huge rock directly smashed a deep pit into the ground, causing dust to fly.

"Boy, you finally couldn't bear such a violent blow and fainted?" The figure of the man in black robe was slowly revealed. He was wearing a black robe with a lotus printed on the cuffs. Glowing.

Although there is only one petal left of this light.

"Could it be that?" Hisoka thought when he saw the shimmering petals.

Hisoka's head felt dizzy. He climbed up with difficulty and saw the man in black robe standing not far away, looking at him with interest. There was a sneer of disdain on the corner of his mouth. He looked as if he was laughing at Hisoka's helplessness.

"In my eyes, you are just a dog that can be slaughtered!" The man in black robe sneered again and again.

Chapter 823: A punch filled with fighting spirit

"Hmph, you arrogant guy, you won't end well!" Hisoka's face was filled with anger. He kept mobilizing the fighting spirit in his body. Thunder and lightning flashed on his arms, and the surface of his body was covered with anger. Full of purple-red current, it looks like a tyrannosaurus.

"I'll make you pay!"

Hisoka's eyes suddenly widened, his pupils dilated in an instant, and he started to move quickly in the square.

Hisoka's speed was very fast, reaching an extreme. His speed was twice as fast as before.

The man in black robe frowned slightly, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't expect Hisoka to be so fast, faster than he expected, but even so, he was not afraid.


Hisoka's fist hit the ground hard, and he kicked his right leg violently, and a huge footprint immediately appeared on the ground.


Hisoka's body passed by the black-robed man like a hurricane, and his figure was as fast as the wind.

"Die to me!"

Hisoka shouted loudly, clenched his right fist and punched the man in black robe.

The black-robed man's fist collided with Hisoka's.

Hisoka's fist hit the man in black robe hard. The man in black robe took a few steps back, and his face suddenly turned pale.


The man in black robe looked at Hisoka in disbelief. The scene just now completely overturned his understanding. He was obviously much faster than Hisoka, how could he lose!

Hisoka's face was pale, but there was a joyful smile on his face.

"This is the joy of fighting." Hisoka murmured to himself: "This punch has exhausted all my fighting energy. Next, it's my turn to attack!"

There was a solemn look in the eyes of the man in black robe. He glanced at Hisoka, slowly closed his eyes, and waited for Hisoka to attack.

The corners of Hisoka's mouth formed a cruel arc, and he suddenly stretched out his right fist. The fist traced a wonderful trajectory in the air and went straight to the chest of the man in black robe.

Just when Hisoka was less than half a meter away from the man in black robe, the man in black robe suddenly opened his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes, his right palm turned into a claw, grabbing Hisoka's arm, and his left palm turned into a claw, grabbing Xisuo's arm. Suo's shoulder suddenly swung back, throwing Hisoka dozens of feet away.


Hisoka's body rolled several times in the air, and then hit the tree trunk in the distance hard. Hisoka felt as if all the bones in his body were falling apart.

He struggled to sit up, and then looked at his hands. His palms were all filled with blood.

"So strong!"

Hisoka's eyes widened, his pupils suddenly dilated dozens of times, and he looked at the man in black robe in front of him, his eyes full of disbelief.

He never expected that the other party would be so strong. In front of the other party, he was like a baby, completely vulnerable.

"Do you still want to run away?" the man in black robe asked coldly.

"Who is trying to escape..." Hisoka's lips parted slightly, his voice full of sarcasm.

"Do you think you can evade my pursuit with your own speed?"

As the man in black robe spoke, he kicked out his right leg again, towards Hisoka's waist and abdomen.

The man in black robe kicked Hisoka in the stomach, and immediately kicked Hisoka away.

Chapter 824 This is my last trump card

"Cough..." Hisoka coughed a few times, feeling a little out of breath.

"Is my guess wrong? It would be tragic if so." Hisoka glanced around, and when his eyes fell on the man in black robe, his pupils dilated again.

"This is..." Hisoka smiled, "It seems that I made the right bet."

The corner of the black-robed man's mouth outlined a cold arc. He looked at Hisoka on the ground and asked lightly: "What? Do you still want to resist now? Although you are fast, I am faster. You The speed can’t keep up with me at all.”

"Haha..." Hisoka smiled contemptuously: "No, I'm not running away, I'm just looking for an opportunity."

"Really?" The man in black robe sneered.

Hisoka's expression changed, he stood up suddenly, his figure turned into a bolt of lightning, and rushed towards the man in black robe.

"Huh, what a trick." The man in black robe said disdainfully. His body took another three or five steps back, and his feet sank deeply into the soil, leaving traces on the soil.


Hisoka rushed in front of the man in black robe, raised his fist again, and hit the man in black robe fiercely.


Hisoka's fist hit the black-robed man's chest hard, and the black-robed man's body was knocked away.

"How long can you hold on?" Hisoka's body once again turned into a meteor and flew towards the man in black robe. His fist fell on the man in black robe again, knocking him away again.


A mouthful of blood spat out from the mouth of the man in black robe. His face became extremely pale, and he staggered to the ground. His eyes were fixed on Hisoka, full of horror.

"How long can you continue to be arrogant?" Hisoka shook his head, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

"I admit that you are very powerful." The man in black robe climbed up with difficulty and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He looked at Hisoka with a ferocious look on his face: "But now, it's your turn to get hurt. Bar?"

"You are the one who is injured. Your fighting spirit is exhausted, but you still have enough energy left to fight me. You are really strong, but you can't beat me!" There was a smile on Hisoka's lips.

"Do you really think I can't do anything to you?" The man in black robe sneered twice: "I can tell you, I still have a lot of fighting spirit."

Hisoka didn't speak. He looked at the man in black robes, his eyes flashing with excitement and anticipation.

"No matter what you can do, the winner of this competition will definitely be me!" The black-robed man's hands formed seals again, and a terrifying power poured into his arms, and the skin on his arms They all burst open, blood flowed out along the skin, and his arms became darker, more ferocious, and more weird.

"This is my last trump card. Prepare to die." The man in black robe laughed ferociously, and then a crazy expression appeared on his face, "I will tear you apart!"

"Oh? Really?" Hisoka's face remained calm, and wisps of light flashed in his eyes.

The man in black robe sneered. His figure flickered and appeared in front of Hisoka again. His fists fell on Hisoka's body like raindrops. Each punch contained extremely terrifying fighting spirit pressure. Hisoka simply couldn't There is no way to fight back.

Chapter 825 Are you sure you can kill me?

"Boom boom boom..."

Hisoka was hit continuously, and blood kept spitting out from his mouth.

"You lost." The man in black robe retracted his palm and said calmly.

Hisoka's body flew out again, but this time it flew out just in time with Hisoka's intention. His body flashed and disappeared instantly.

"Huh?" The man in black robe was startled, with a surprised expression on his face: "He actually escaped?"

The man in black robe raised his head and looked at the sky. There was nothing in the sky except the black night.

"No wonder you are so arrogant, your concealment skills are good!" The man in black robe snorted coldly.

Hisoka's figure appeared behind the black-robed man again, and kicked the black-robed man's back hard with his right leg.

The man in black robe disappeared again, and Hisoka attacked again.




Hisoka's speed was so fast that the man in black robe could not dodge, and Hisoka's attacks were very intensive. Once he was hit, his body would definitely be damaged.

The man in black robe could only hold on. There were many scars on his body, and his body began to gradually weaken.

"No! It must end as soon as possible, otherwise, my body will collapse." The man in black robe screamed in his heart, he knew that he could not delay the time now, and could not wait any longer, otherwise, he would perish in the world. Here it is.

The man in black robe turned his head and looked at Hisoka, with an indifferent look on his face. His right hand was raised slightly, condensing into a long sword in his hand. This sword exuded a cold aura.

"go to hell!"

The body of the man in black robe kept flashing, and he kept making moves. Every move was so fast, so cunning and cunning.

Hisoka's face darkened slightly. The man in black robe actually used this method to stop himself. Although this method was effective, it was very slow because he was not fast enough, whether in speed or in other aspects. Quite a few.


A flash of sword light flashed, and the man in black robe frowned, because his sword light just hit Hisoka, but Hisoka did not suffer any damage.

"You are actually able to dodge my attack. You are really not that simple! However, you can no longer keep up with my speed. You will have no choice but to suffer from this tonight." The man in black robe sneered.

"Are you sure you can kill me?" Hisoka asked with a smile, his tone full of ridicule.

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